PortSystem 1.0

name             pipebench
version          0.40
categories       benchmarks sysutils
license          GPL-2+
maintainers      nomaintainer
description      benchmark the throughput of a pipe
long_description \
	Pipebench shows the current throughput and amount of data \
	going through a pipe. It can be used to show the progress \
	of a large md5 process: cat bigfile | pipebench | md5
homepage         http://www.habets.pp.se/synscan/programs.php?prog=pipebench
master_sites     ftp://ftp.habets.pp.se/pub/synscan/
checksums        md5 eb1b888ec6c413c2cb096ac052174a78 \
                 rmd160 9aa9a4a9ef8c641ca25207707cffaefd91f58d85 \
                 sha256 ca764003446222ad9dbd33bbc7d94cdb96fa72608705299b6cc8734cd3562211

patchfiles       implicit.patch \

use_configure    no

build.env        CC=${configure.cc} \
                 "CFLAGS=${configure.cflags} [get_canonical_archflags cc]"
destroot.env     prefix=${prefix}