# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           python 1.0

name                py-setuptools
version             77.0.3
categories-append   devel
# License status is murky. The current maintainer decided to relicense as
# MIT, but he doesn't appear to have obtained the permission of previous
# contributors to do so. Thus it has to be assumed that portions are still
# under the previous license. The vendored copy of the 'packaging' module is
# dual licensed under Apache-2 or BSD.
license             MIT {PSF ZPL} {Apache-2 BSD}
maintainers         {jmr @jmroot} openmaintainer
description         distutils enhancement for build and distribution
long_description \
    setuptools is a collection of enhancements to the Python distutils that \
    allow you to more easily build and distribute Python packages, \
    especially ones that have dependencies on other packages.

supported_archs     noarch
platforms           {darwin any}

homepage            https://pypi.org/project/setuptools/

checksums           md5 bbaf3a9d3d9c38ee8c878d8d1bd788b4 \
                    rmd160 b86989bd80f6dbe82fea4500ee00618e1b8f616b \
                    sha256 583b361c8da8de57403743e756609670de6fb2345920e36dc5c2d914c319c945

python.versions     26 27 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 311 312 313
python.link_binaries no

if {$subport ne $name} {

    set pythonpath [list ${worksrcpath}]
     if {${python.version} in {37 38 39}} {
        # break circular dependencies
        python.add_dependencies no
        depends_build   port:py-bootstrap-modules \
        depends_lib     port:python${python.version}
        lappend pythonpath ${worksrcpath}/setuptools/_vendor \
        build.args      --skip-dependency-check
    build.env-append    PYTHONPATH=[join $pythonpath :]
    if {${python.version} <= 35} {
        use_zip     yes
        post-destroot {
            ln -s ${python.prefix}/bin/easy_install-${python.branch} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
    switch ${python.version} {
        38 {
            version     75.3.0
            revision    0
            checksums   md5 ca5ea2d5e9622d6a7b9f6c6664821853 \
                        rmd160 2eeeb9c94187f7dd65e1f7589acdea85716bd41d \
                        sha256 fba5dd4d766e97be1b1681d98712680ae8f2f26d7881245f2ce9e40714f1a686
            patchfiles-append   4666.diff
        37 {
            version     67.7.2
            revision    0
            checksums   md5 aa8e2bc19324d0127e6726d7ee8ed0ed \
                        rmd160 6afb68cca7cbec82406e6156bc7d98d803c97db0 \
                        sha256 f104fa03692a2602fa0fec6c6a9e63b6c8a968de13e17c026957dd1f53d80990
        36 {
            version     59.6.0
            revision    0
            checksums   md5 7d9cdfb85e905390a1d820fa5e9b01a2 \
                        rmd160 0604aed7827ac8631a07cf5ed8b12d7c7a4b5f3d \
                        sha256 22c7348c6d2976a52632c67f7ab0cdf40147db7789f9aed18734643fe9cf3373
        35 {
            version     50.3.1
            revision    0
            checksums   md5 6a323319a1d3b7d1939ddc0f6bc7dbe9 \
                        rmd160 7f42ab7c6305d5c01180fe8d3946bc0d57b6c718 \
                        sha256 0e9772768fa6e9d3cf818a3e6e24dd2236f319d2c478312995edcb30ddeb8343
        34 {
            version     43.0.0
            revision    0
            checksums   md5 792983f474cd2bd314fa3af28813cdb6 \
                        rmd160 b0c380d5789a76b43c409d35f3250efd8577fd91 \
                        sha256 db45ebb4a4b3b95ff0aca3ce5fe1e820ce17be393caf8902c78aa36240e8c378
        33 {
            version     39.2.0
            revision    0
            checksums   md5 dd4e3fa83a21bf7bf9c51026dc8a4e59 \
                        rmd160 6070de164cf74412fe7c9a9d04031112b06cfc2a \
                        sha256 f7cddbb5f5c640311eb00eab6e849f7701fa70bf6a183fc8a2c33dd1d1672fb2
        32 {
            version     29.0.1
            revision    0
            checksums   md5 ab145ab25ebb85ffed5dc1db9d03a099 \
                        rmd160 ac5afca835f4caed809a1166826783c64ab90923 \
                        sha256 c9c24ebdfe7b83fe90c4fe503b4152d721ef17e13714200c8e9ddfeed27fefd8
        27 {
            version     44.1.1
            revision    0
            checksums   md5 2c41f19cfd1f16a7d7bb23689921ac1b \
                        rmd160 f8af333dabae2df9fba6f02dc2d22249b15d83e8 \
                        sha256 c67aa55db532a0dadc4d2e20ba9961cbd3ccc84d544e9029699822542b5a476b
        26 {
            version     36.8.0
            revision    0
            checksums   md5    3ecaa938a4c95a74dfbcd6340a47c7c5 \
                        rmd160 457c838b9fb09cf0bf9ba519a098e1c009710aa3 \
                        sha256 b2aa5a00e9e4fd20f3c3dd412d490921746efe14bda34d53973c4a59ab05b35d

    set docfiles [list README.rst]
    if {${python.version} >= 38} {
        lappend docfiles NEWS.rst
    } else {
        lappend docfiles CHANGES.rst
    post-destroot {
       xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${subport}
       xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} {*}${docfiles} \
    livecheck.type      none