# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           github 1.0
PortGroup           python 1.0

github.setup        onnx keras-onnx 1.7.0 v
# Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update
github.tarball_from tarball
revision            0
name                py-[string map {- 2} ${github.project}]
categories-append   devel

license             Apache-2
maintainers         nomaintainer
platforms           {darwin any}
supported_archs     noarch

description         Converts Machine Learning models to ONNX for use in Windows ML

long_description    The keras2onnx model converter enables users to \
                    convert Keras models into the ONNX model \
                    format. Initially, the Keras converter was \
                    developed in the project onnxmltools. keras2onnx \
                    converter development was moved into an \
                    independent repository to support more kinds of \
                    Keras models and reduce the complexity of mixing \
                    multiple converters.

checksums           rmd160  532fb15f6d1c2693c340d6845e8dce844e7ce75b \
                    sha256  930f2cef55baf840eb701e51b2cfc4d1471dc17b7162673f743813bd69c47735 \
                    size    778453

python.versions     39 310

if {${name} ne ${subport}} {
    depends_run-append \
                    port:py${python.version}-fire \
                    port:py${python.version}-numpy \
                    port:py${python.version}-onnx \
                    port:py${python.version}-onnxconverter-common \

    test.run        yes