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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           luarocks_org 1.0

name                lua-metalua-parser
version             0.7.3
revision            0
epoch               1
luarocks.rock       metalua-parser-${version}-2.src.rock
license             {EPL MIT}
maintainers         nomaintainer

description         Define and generate an AST format for Lua programs
long_description    This is a subset of the full Metalua compiler. It defines and \
                    generates an AST format for Lua programs, which offers a nice \
                    level of abstraction to reason about and manipulate Lua programs.

checksums           rmd160  d1f65c989b1fa18b3b757548c1ce37a1ace68f43 \
                    sha256  3a2556a999c215641bc6e443a6a3d3a61238ee67b5abd9f706737b125a3a2ef6 \
                    size    91340

luarocks.pure_lua   yes

luarocks.worksrcdir org.eclipse.koneki.metalua-v${version}

luarocks.uploader   luarocks