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PortSystem              1.0

name                    vsd2svg
version                 0.1.0
revision                1
license                 GPL-2+
categories              graphics
maintainers             {devans @dbevans} openmaintainer
platforms               darwin
homepage                http://dia-installer.de/vsd2svg/
master_sites            sourceforge:project/vsd2svg/vsd2svg/${version}
use_xz                  yes

description             A commandline tool to convert files in VSD (Visio) format to SVG.

long_description        ${description} VSD is the format used by Visio.

checksums               sha256  15d113e7aabeed58a708f0a3209b9b590ac51284738440124e58198997a10f65 \
                        rmd160  ce07daa11886a6acdedaaee935978ff5a8483614 \
                        size    123952

depends_build           port:pkgconfig

depends_lib             port:libvisio-0.1 \

patchfiles              patch-support-libvisio-0.1.diff

use_autoreconf          yes
autoreconf.args         -fvi

livecheck.regex         /${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}