# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem         1.0

name               ttfautohint
version            1.8.4
description        A library to autohint TrueType fonts
long_description   ttfautohint provides a 99% automated hinting process and a platform for \
                   finely hand-hinting the last 1%. It is ideal for web fonts and supports \
                   many scripts: Latin, Greek, Arabic, Devanagari, Hebrew, Khmer, Myanmar, \
                   Thai, and many more.

homepage           https://www.freetype.org/ttfautohint/
categories         graphics fonts
platforms          darwin
maintainers        @tuffnatty openmaintainer
license            {freetype GPL-2}
master_sites       sourceforge:project/freetype/ttfautohint/${version}

checksums          rmd160 afa55ddda0f55c0ec91d0268d4e275568ef54706 \
                   sha256 8a876117fa6ebfd2ffe1b3682a9a98c802c0f47189f57d3db4b99774206832e1 \
                   size 3539332

depends_build      port:pkgconfig

depends_lib        port:freetype \

configure.args     --with-qt=no \

variant qt4 conflicts qt5 description {Enable GUI based on QT 4} {
    PortGroup  qt4 1.0
    configure.args-replace --with-qt=no \

variant qt5 conflicts qt4 description {Enable GUI based on QT 5} {
    PortGroup  qt5 1.0
    configure.args-replace --with-qt=no \
    configure.env-append   QMAKESPEC=[option qt_qmake_spec]
    qt5.depends_component  qtbase

# Ensure the livecheck looks at ttfautohint specifically, not the freetype
# project. URL gets overwritten with project RSS if it's identical to
# ${homepage}.
livecheck.regex   ${name} (\[0-9.\]+)
livecheck.url     ${homepage}/index.html