# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           cmake 1.1
PortGroup           xcodeversion 1.0
PortGroup           active_variants 1.1
PortGroup           boost 1.0

name                blender
version             2.93.17
revision            1
categories          graphics multimedia
platforms           darwin
license             GPL-2+
maintainers         @jasonliu--

homepage            https://www.blender.org
description         3-D computer graphics creation suite
long_description    Blender is a ${description}. It contains a set of \
                    tools that can be used for all phases of the 3-D \
                    computer graphics pipeline, including modeling, \
                    sculpting, texturing, rigging, animation, \
                    simulation, rendering, compositing, motion \
                    tracking, and video editing. It can be used for \
                    creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3-D \
                    printing, motion graphics, interactive 3-D \
                    applications, and computer games.

master_sites        https://download.blender.org/source/
use_xz              yes
checksums           rmd160  7c7ddbe88702b3d7836e5a59374f3d7eaeeeec03 \
                    sha256  040e1381c8a37bb22e684b15ba4fecb78817fd13f1e4709d6d8c20800ac7cbfb \
                    size    43033860

minimum_xcodeversions-append {15 8.2 16 8.2}
if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 15} {
    known_fail      yes
    pre-fetch {
        ui_error "${name} @${version} requires macOS 10.11 or later."
        return -code error "incompatible macOS version"

compiler.cxx_standard 2017
# We need to blacklist Xcode Clang/LLVM, because Blender needs to
# use tools such as llvm-config, which are not included in Xcode.
# (llvm-config is needed because Blender links to libLLVM. libLLVM is
# also not included in Xcode.)
# (Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32959627/where-is-the-system-llvm-config-on-macos)
compiler.blacklist-append clang {macports-clang-[5-8].0}

# Blacklist macports-clang-16+ to prevent
#  error: no template named 'unary_function' in namespace 'std'
compiler.blacklist-append {macports-clang-1[6-9]}

# Even though we need to blacklist Xcode Clang/LLVM, we still need to
# make the rest of Xcode available to the build system. If we don't set
# use_xcode to yes, then the build will fail, because Blender's CMake
# scripts still need to use other parts of Xcode (e.g., the xcodebuild
# command) besides just Xcode Clang.
use_xcode yes
cmake.install_prefix ${applications_dir}

# error: TARGET_OS_xxx not defined, evaluates to 0
configure.cppflags-append \

set py_ver          3.11
set py_ver_nodot    [string map {. {}} ${py_ver}]
require_active_variants [boost::depends_portname] python${py_ver_nodot}

depends_lib-append  port:python${py_ver_nodot} \
                    port:openal-soft \
                    port:alembic \
                    port:usd \
                    port:opensubdiv \
                    port:jack \
                    port:libsndfile \
                    port:fftw-3 \
                    port:zlib \
                    port:freetype \
                    port:openexr2 \
                    path:lib/libavcodec.dylib:ffmpeg \
                    port:opencollada \
                    port:pcre \
                    port:libsdl2 \
                    port:libpng \
                    port:openjpeg \
                    port:tiff \
                    port:openimageio \
                    port:opencolorio \
                    port:openvdb \
                    port:osl \
                    port:embree \
                    port:oidn \
                    port:tbb \
                    port:potrace \
                    port:libomp \
                    port:gmp \
                    port:glew \
                    path:share/pkgconfig/eigen3.pc:eigen3 \
                    port:lzo2 \

set llvm_version ""
# Get the version number of Clang that the MacPorts build system is
# using. We will be telling CMake to use the same version of LLVM.
regexp {clang-mp-([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*)} \
    ${configure.cc} result llvm_version
if { ${llvm_version} eq "" } {
    ui_error "Unable to deduce MP Clang version from ${configure.cc}"
} else {
    # Blender links to libLLVM, so we need to add port:llvm as a dependency
    depends_lib-append  port:llvm-$llvm_version

configure.env-append    OPENEXR_ROOT_DIR=${prefix}/libexec/openexr2

patchfiles          patch-macports-libs-creator.diff \
                    patch-macports-libs-platform_apple.diff \
                    patch-unix-or-apple.diff \
                    patch-openvdb10.diff \
                    patch-openimageio24.diff \

platform darwin {
    if {${os.major} < 16} {
        # NSWindow.allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing is introduced at macOS 10.12
        patchfiles-append \

    if {${os.major} < 20} {
        # Fix of locations at 11.4 introduced a crash before, revert it
        patchfiles-append \

post-patch {
    set platform_apple.cmake \
    set platform_apple_xcode.cmake \

    if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} <= 17} {
        reinplace -E {s/(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) 10.13/\1 10.11/} \
        reinplace {/VERSION_LESS 10.0/,/FATAL_ERROR/s/10.0/8.2/g} \
        reinplace -E {s/(OSX_MIN_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) 10.13/\1 10.11/} \

        # Starting in Blender 2.90, the devs moved to using C++17 to
        # compile Cycles. However, on older versions of macOS, this
        # causes the build to fail with the error 'Undefined
        # symbols for architecture x86_64: "operator delete(void*,
        # std::align_val_t)", referenced from:
        # ccl::OSLRenderServices::~OSLRenderServices() in
        # libcycles_kernel_osl.a(osl_services.cpp.o)'. The first few
        # references below seemed to point towards something related to
        # needing to disable -falign-new by using
        # -DCOMPILER_HAS_F_ALIGNED_NEW=OFF, but it turns out that the
        # error is actually being caused by the fact that the devs are
        # adding -faligned-allocation in the file
        # 'intern/cycles/kernel/osl/CMakeLists.txt'. It seems that the
        # real problem is that Clang on older macOSes do not have
        # aligned allocation when compiling using C++17. Thus, we need
        # use -fno-aligned-allocation. However, we also cannot simply
        # remove the section of code from 'CMakeLists.txt' that adds
        # -faligned-allocation, because if we do, the build will fail
        # with the warning/error: "aligned deallocation function of type
        # 'void (void *, std::align_val_t) noexcept' is only available
        # on macOS 10.14 or newer"; "note: if you supply your own
        # aligned allocation functions, use -faligned-allocation to
        # silence this diagnostic". Thus, in order to build
        # successfully, we need to explicitly use
        # -fno-aligned-allocation on older macOSes, and explicitly use
        # -faligned-allocation on newer macOSes.
        # References:
        # * https://github.com/facebook/folly/issues/864
        # * https://www.veripool.org/issues/1231
        # * https://trac.macports.org/ticket/47191
        # * https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22951
        # * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31686508/why-is-delete-operator-required-for-virtual-destructors
        # * https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54948
        # * https://github.com/pybind/python_example/issues/48
        # * https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang/blob/master/test/SemaCXX/unavailable_aligned_allocation.cpp
        # * See also the Portfile for port:folly.
        reinplace -E {s/(-f)(aligned-allocation)/\1no-\2/} \

    # Make it so that Blender is able to build Ceres Solver using the
    # MacPorts eigen3 library.
    # Note: Even though Ceres Solver is available through MacPorts, we
    # probably can't use it when building Blender. Unlike the other
    # third-party libraries that Blender uses, where Blender provides a
    # relatively convenient way in its various CMake files to specify a
    # path pointing to where those libraries live (thus making them
    # re-targetable), one very noticeable absence is Ceres Solver.
    # Examining the compilation options specified by the
    # add_definitions() in the file 'extern/ceres/CMakeLists.txt', it's
    # possible that Blender's own libmv library requires a Ceres Solver
    # that has been compiled using a very specific set of options.
    fs-traverse f ${worksrcpath}/extern/ceres {
        if {[file isfile $f]} {
            reinplace -q -E {s|(#include )"(Eigen/.*)"|\1<\2>|} $f

    # Use dynamic linking instead of static linking
    foreach f [list \
        ${worksrcpath}/intern/cycles/CMakeLists.txt \
        ${worksrcpath}/source/blender/compositor/CMakeLists.txt \
    ] {
        reinplace "/_STATIC_/s/^/#/g" $f

    # Inexplicably, BOOST_LIBPATH is being set in the
    # platform_unix.cmake script, but not in the
    # platform_apple.cmake script. So we need to add it ourselves.
    reinplace "/set.BOOST_DEFINITIONS/i\\
\\  set(BOOST_LIBPATH \\$\\{Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS\\})\\
" \

    # Make it so that CMake is able to find the MacPorts USD library
    if {![catch {set result [active_variants usd monolithic]}] && \
        !$result} \
        # When Blender is configured to build USD as an internal
        # dependency, Blender sets USD's compile options so that it
        # builds as a single monolithic library. However, the default
        # variant of the MacPorts USD port builds the USD libraries as
        # modular individual libraries, so in that case we make it so
        # that Blender is able to see the individual USD modules.
        reinplace -E {s/(usd_m usd_ms)/usd \1/} \
        reinplace "/blender_add_lib/i\\
\\  gf plug sdf tf vt\\
\\  usdGeom usdLux usdShade usdUtils\\
" \
    reinplace {/add_definitions.*DPXR_STATIC/s/^/#/g} \
    reinplace "/BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR/a\\
\\  \\$\\{PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS\\}\\
" \

    if {![catch {set result [active_variants embree static]}] && \
        !$result} \
        # Remove these items from the list of Embree components that
        # Blender's FindEmbree.cmake script will try to find. The
        # default variant of the MacPorts Embree port does not generate
        # individual libraries with these names, because Embree's
        # default compile options build it as a dynamic library. The
        # individual libraries only get generated when building Embree
        # as a static library.
        foreach re [list \
            {/^[[:space:]]*embree_(avx|sse4)2?[[:space:]]*$/d} \
            {/^[[:space:]]*lexers|math|simd|sys|tasking[[:space:]]*$/d} \
        ] {
            reinplace -E $re \

        reinplace {/set._embree_libraries_force_load/,/set.EMBREE_LIBRARIES .*_embree_libraries_force_load/s/^/#/} \

    # Fix hard-coded paths in the Find*.cmake scripts
    foreach f [glob -directory \
        ${worksrcpath}/build_files/cmake/Modules *.cmake \
    ] {
        foreach re [list \
            "s|/usr/local|${prefix}|" \
            "s|/usr/lib|${prefix}/lib|" \
            "s|/usr/include|${prefix}/include|" \
            "s|/usr/share|${prefix}/share|" \
            "s|/opt/lib/\[0-9A-Za-z\]+|${prefix}/lib|" \
            "s|/opt/include|${prefix}/include|" \
            "s|/opt/share|${prefix}/share|" \
        ] {
            reinplace -q -E $re $f
    reinplace -E "s|(${prefix}/lib)|\\1/opencollada|" \
    reinplace -E "s|(${prefix}/lib)|\\1/usd|" \

    foreach re [list \
        "s/@@py_ver@@/$py_ver/g" \
        "s/@@py_ver_nodot@@/$py_ver_nodot/g" \
    ] {
        reinplace $re ${platform_apple.cmake}

    reinplace "s/@@llvm_version@@/$llvm_version/g" \
    reinplace -E {s/(llvm-config-)/\1mp-/} \
    reinplace -E {s|(llvm-config HINTS.*)bin|\1libexec/llvm-$\{LLVM_VERSION\}/bin|} \
    reinplace -E "/find_program.LLVM_CONFIG llvm-config.$/s|(llvm-config)|\\1 HINTS ${prefix}/libexec/llvm-\${LLVM_VERSION}/bin|" \
    reinplace -E "s|/opt/local/lib|${prefix}/libexec/llvm-\${LLVM_VERSION}|" \

    # Prevent Blender's CMake scripts from attempting to set the
    # MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET. MacPorts base already sets this.
    reinplace {/set.CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET/,$s/^/#/g} \

    if {${os.major} >= 18} {
        # Prevent Blender's CMake scripts from setting a value for
        # CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT. The MacPorts build system already sets a
        # value for CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT based on the value of
        # ${configure.sdkroot}. Prior to macOS 10.14, MacPorts base
        # leaves the value of ${configure.sdkroot} empty, which results
        # in MacPorts setting CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT to have a value of '/'.
        # Starting in macOS 10.14, Apple removed many headers from '/'.
        # This meant that MacPorts base had to generate a non-empty
        # value for ${configure.sdkroot}, because a CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT
        # pointing to '/' would now be an error.
        # Because MacPorts already sets a value for CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT
        # based on the value of ${configure.sdkroot}, and Blender's
        # CMake scripts are also setting a value for CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT,
        # this is causing the build phase to have compile commands with
        # two '-isysroot' flags. Even worse, the paths for the SDKs will
        # likely be different; e.g., MacPorts uses a path pointing to
        # the Command Line Tools with an SDK version of 10.14, while
        # Blender's CMake scripts use a path pointing to Xcode.app with
        # an SDK version of 10.15. This will cause the build to fail,
        # because it's quite common to have a situation where the SDK
        # version of the Command Line Tools is different than the SDK
        # version in Xcode.app. Using one set of tools or the other for
        # the entirety of a build is fine, but trying to use pieces from
        # both will virtually guarantee a build to fail.
        reinplace {/set.CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT /s/^/#/} \

if {${os.major} < 16} {
    # Add AppKit wrapper header to compiler library paths
    configure.cflags-prepend        -isystem ${filespath}/old_appkit_compat
    configure.cxxflags-prepend      -isystem ${filespath}/old_appkit_compat
    configure.objcflags-prepend     -isystem ${filespath}/old_appkit_compat
    configure.objcxxflags-prepend   -isystem ${filespath}/old_appkit_compat

# modern compiler and legacy CoreAudio.framework leads to
# error: non-defining declaration of enumeration with a fixed underlying type
configure.cxxflags-append           -Wno-elaborated-enum-base

# Use of the name LIBDIR in the Blender source is not a very good one,
# since it doesn't actually point to the lib directory.
#                         vvvvvv
configure.args-append   -DLIBDIR=${prefix} \
                        -DFRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS=${frameworks_dir} \
                        -DXCODE_VERSION=${xcodeversion} \

# Tell CMake to generate more verbose output during the build
configure.args-append   -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON

# Don't copy system Python into the blender install folder
configure.args-append   -DWITH_PYTHON_INSTALL=OFF

# Build Blender using the "system" (or in our case,
# MacPorts) Python framework
configure.args-append   -DWITH_PYTHON_FRAMEWORK=ON

# Build Blender with support for runtime dynamic JACK libraries loading
# (Note: We currently can't use this, because the port:jack port doesn't
# generate a framework bundle, and in order to use runtime loading,
# Blender needs to be compiled using -weak_framework or -weak_library.)
#configure.args-append  -DWITH_JACK_DYNLOAD=ON

# Build Blender with support for runtime dynamic SDL libraries loading
# (Note: This option apparently has a different meaning than the
# JACK_DYNLOAD option above, and has nothing to do with framework
# bundles. Instead, it appears to enable an internal piece of Blender
# that's referred to as the SDL extension wrangler (sdlew).)
configure.args-append   -DWITH_SDL_DYNLOAD=ON

# Tell Blender to use these "system" (in our case, MacPorts) libraries
configure.args-append   -DWITH_SYSTEM_GLEW=ON \
                        -DWITH_SYSTEM_EIGEN3=ON \
                        -DWITH_SYSTEM_LZO=ON \

# By default, Blender prefers static llvm build on Apple, but they state
# that dynamic builds are also possible
configure.args-append   -DLLVM_STATIC=OFF

# MacPorts hasn't got NanoVDB from Nvidia, disable it
configure.args-append   -DWITH_NANOVDB=OFF

configure.args-append   -DTBB_ROOT_DIR=${prefix}/libexec/tbb

post-destroot {
    # Make sure that an addons_contrib folder makes it into the final
    # distribution, even if it is empty.
    set version.major [lindex [split ${version} .] 0]
    regexp {[0-9]+} [lindex [split ${version} .] 1] version.minor
    set addons_contrib_dir \
    if {![file exists $addons_contrib_dir]} {
        xinstall -d $addons_contrib_dir
    destroot.keepdirs-append $addons_contrib_dir

    # Create a symlink for command line use
    set blender_cli ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/blender
    if {![file exists $blender_cli]} {
        ln -s ${applications_dir}/Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/Blender \

livecheck.regex     ${name}-(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)${extract.suffix}

variant manpage description {Build manpage} {
    patchfiles-append       patch-manpage-for-apple.diff

    post-patch {
        reinplace "s|@@prefix@@|${prefix}|" \
        reinplace -E "s/\(env python\)3/\\1${py_ver}/" \

    configure.args-append   -DWITH_DOC_MANPAGE=ON

default_variants    +manpage