# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name arm-elf-gcc version 4.7.3 revision 1 set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .] conflicts arm-elf-gcc3 # Parameters for this port. set newlibversion 1.20.0 set crossgcc-target arm-elf set default-languages --enable-languages="c,c++,objc" description gcc cross-compilers for arm-elf, with newlib runtime library. long_description gnu compilers collection (including c++ and objc) for \ arm-elf, with newlib runtime library. homepage https://gcc.gnu.org/ platforms darwin categories cross devel maintainers nomaintainer # an exception in the license allows dependents to not be GPL license {GPL-3+ Permissive} master_sites gnu:gcc/gcc-${version}/:gcc \ ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/newlib/:newlib \ https://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/sourceware.org/pub/newlib/:newlib distfiles gcc-${version}.tar.bz2:gcc newlib-${newlibversion}.tar.gz:newlib worksrcdir gcc-${version} checksums gcc-${version}.tar.bz2 \ rmd160 b4ba153b098cad726ecd28195ee445aa542d37ae \ sha256 2f7c37eb4fc14422ff2358a9ef59c974a75ab41204ef0e49fc34ab1d8981a9c3 \ newlib-${newlibversion}.tar.gz \ rmd160 e36c5337a74633456b47d09594974c7dd7a9cc3e \ sha256 c644b2847244278c57bec2ddda69d8fab5a7c767f3b9af69aa7aa3da823ff692 patchfiles patch-gcc-config-arm-t-arm-elf.diff # All cross ports violate the mtree layout. destroot.violate_mtree yes # Download everything to gcc/ dist_subdir gcc depends_lib port:${crossgcc-target}-binutils \ port:gmp \ port:mpfr \ port:gettext \ port:libmpc # arm-elf-binutils is not universal universal_variant no # gcc is .bz2, newlib is .gz. # let's extract only gcc with MacPorts infrastructure, we'll do newlib manually. use_bzip2 yes extract.only gcc-${version}.tar.bz2 # Extract newlib and create a symlink of newlib/newlib in gcc directory. post-extract { system "cd ${workpath} && gzip -dc ${distpath}/newlib-${newlibversion}.tar.gz | tar -xf -" system "ln -s ${workpath}/newlib-${newlibversion}/newlib ${workpath}/gcc-${version}/" } # Since we don't build gcc and binutils at the same time, gcc's Makefile will try to transform # program names as gcc's name (add -${version} with ${version} being the version of gcc). # But it won't work because binutils binaries don't have the ${version} suffix, and even if they # had, they would actually have the binutils' version suffix (and not gcc's version). # So let's tell gcc's Makefile not to do that mistake. set environment [list AR_FOR_TARGET=${crossgcc-target}-ar \ AS_FOR_TARGET=${crossgcc-target}-as \ LD_FOR_TARGET=${crossgcc-target}-ld \ NM_FOR_TARGET=${crossgcc-target}-nm \ RANLIB_FOR_TARGET=${crossgcc-target}-ranlib] proc multilibpatch_enable { options dirnames exceptions matches } { global worksrcpath system "echo 'MULTILIB_OPTIONS += ${options}' >> ${worksrcpath}/gcc/config/arm/t-arm-elf" system "echo 'MULTILIB_DIRNAMES += ${dirnames}' >> ${worksrcpath}/gcc/config/arm/t-arm-elf" system "echo 'MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += ${exceptions}' >> ${worksrcpath}/gcc/config/arm/t-arm-elf" system "echo 'MULTILIB_MATCHES += ${matches}' >> ${worksrcpath}/gcc/config/arm/t-arm-elf" } variant be description {big endian multilib support} { post-patch { multilibpatch_enable \ "mlittle-endian/mbig-endian" \ "le be" \ "" \ "mbig-endian=mbe mlittle-endian=mle" } } variant ep9312 description {ep9312 multilib support} { post-patch { multilibpatch_enable \ "mcpu=ep9312" \ "ep9312" \ "*mthumb/*mcpu=ep9312* *mcpu=ep9312*/*mhard-float*" \ "" } } variant fpu description {fpu multilib support} { post-patch { multilibpatch_enable \ "mhard-float/msoft-float" \ "fpu soft" \ "*mthumb/*mhard-float*" \ "" } configure.args-append --enable-fpu } variant interwork description {thumb interwork multilib support} { post-patch { multilibpatch_enable \ "mno-thumb-interwork/mthumb-interwork" \ "normal interwork" \ "" \ "" } configure.args-append --enable-interwork } variant under description {leading underscore multilib support} { post-patch { multilibpatch_enable \ "fno-leading-underscore/fleading-underscore" \ "elf under" \ "" \ "" } configure.args-append --enable-underscore } variant nofmult description {no fpu multiplication multilib support} { post-patch { multilibpatch_enable \ "mcpu=arm7" \ "nofmult" \ "*mthumb*/*mcpu=arm7*" \ "" } configure.args-append --enable-nofmult } # Fails to build with llvm-gcc, at least in Xcode 4.1; use clang (#29551) compiler.blacklist-append *llvm-gcc-4.2 # Build in a different directory, as advised in the README file. pre-configure { file mkdir "${workpath}/build" } configure.dir ${workpath}/build configure.cmd ${workpath}/gcc-${version}/configure configure.cc-append -I${prefix}/include configure.env ${environment} configure.args --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' \ --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' \ --target=${crossgcc-target} \ --program-prefix=${crossgcc-target}- \ --program-suffix=-${branch} \ --without-included-gettext \ --enable-obsolete \ --with-newlib \ --disable-__cxa_atexit \ --enable-multilib \ --enable-biendian \ --disable-libgfortran \ --with-gxx-include-dir=${prefix}/${crossgcc-target}/include/c++/${version}/ \ ${default-languages} configure.cc_archflags configure.cxx_archflags configure.objc_archflags configure.ld_archflags if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && (${build_arch} eq "x86_64" || ${build_arch} eq "ppc64")} { configure.args-append --build=${build_arch}-apple-darwin${os.major} } # the bootstrap compiler doesn't accept -stdlib configure.cxx_stdlib build.dir ${workpath}/build build.args ${environment} destroot.args ${environment} post-patch { namespace eval crossgcc {} # Fix the info pages and related stuff. # # path: path to the doc directory (e.g. gas/doc/) # makefile: path to Makefile.in (e.g. gas/doc/Makefile.in) # name: name of the info page (e.g. as) # suffix: suffix of the souce page (texinfo or texi) proc crossgcc::fixinfo { path makefile name suffix } { global crossgcc-target worksrcpath # Fix the source reinplace "s|setfilename ${name}.info|setfilename ${crossgcc-target}-${name}.info|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix} reinplace "s|(${name})|(${crossgcc-target}-${name})|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix} reinplace "s|@file{${name}}|@file{${crossgcc-target}-${name}}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix} # Fix the Makefile reinplace "s| ${name}.info| ${crossgcc-target}-${name}.info|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${makefile} reinplace "s|/${name}.info|/${crossgcc-target}-${name}.info|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${makefile} reinplace "s|^${name}.info|${crossgcc-target}-${name}.info|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${makefile} reinplace "s| ${name}.pod| ${crossgcc-target}-${name}.pod|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${makefile} reinplace "s|/${name}.pod|/${crossgcc-target}-${name}.pod|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${makefile} reinplace "s|^${name}.pod|${crossgcc-target}-${name}.pod|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${makefile} reinplace "s| ${name}.${suffix}| ${crossgcc-target}-${name}.${suffix}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${makefile} reinplace "s|/${name}.${suffix}|/${crossgcc-target}-${name}.${suffix}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${makefile} reinplace "s|^${name}.${suffix}|${crossgcc-target}-${name}.${suffix}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${makefile} # Rename the source file rename ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix} \ ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${crossgcc-target}-${name}.${suffix} # Fix install-info's dir. # (note: this may be effectless if there was no info dir to be fixed) reinplace "s|--info-dir=\$(DESTDIR)\$(infodir)|--dir-file=\$(DESTDIR)\$(infodir)/${crossgcc-target}-gcc-dir|g" \ "${worksrcpath}/${makefile}" } # Fix the gettext files and related stuff. # # module: name of the module (e.g. gas) proc crossgcc::fixgettext { module } { global crossgcc-target worksrcpath if { [ file exists "${worksrcpath}/${module}/Makefile.in" ] } { reinplace "s|@PACKAGE@|${crossgcc-target}-@PACKAGE@|g" \ "${worksrcpath}/${module}/Makefile.in" reinplace "s|${module}\.mo|${crossgcc-target}-${module}.mo|g" \ "${worksrcpath}/${module}/Makefile.in" } if { [ file exists "${worksrcpath}/${module}/doc/Makefile.in" ] } { reinplace "s|@PACKAGE@|${crossgcc-target}-@PACKAGE@|g" \ "${worksrcpath}/${module}/doc/Makefile.in" } } # gcc/doc/cpp.texi crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/doc/ gcc/Makefile.in cpp texi # gcc/doc/cppinternals.texi crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/doc/ gcc/Makefile.in cppinternals texi # gcc/doc/gcc.texi crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/doc/ gcc/Makefile.in gcc texi # gcc/doc/gccint.texi crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/doc/ gcc/Makefile.in gccint texi # gcc/fortran/gfortran.texi crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/fortran/ gcc/fortran/Make-lang.in gfortran texi # gcc/java/gcj.texi crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/java/ gcc/java/Make-lang.in gcj texi # gcc/doc/gccinstall.info crossgcc::fixinfo gcc/doc/ gcc/Makefile.in gccinstall info # gettext stuff. crossgcc::fixgettext gcc crossgcc::fixgettext libcpp } pre-destroot { # gcc needs the cross directory structure to be present # in order to fill it during installation. file mkdir "${destroot}${prefix}/${crossgcc-target}/bin" file mkdir "${destroot}${prefix}/${crossgcc-target}/lib" } post-destroot { namespace eval crossgcc {} # Rename a man page if it exists. # # section: section of the man page (e.g. 1) # manpage: name of the man page (e.g. cpp) proc crossgcc::rename_man_page { section manpage } { global crossgcc-target destroot prefix set manpage_path "${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man${section}/${manpage}.${section}" if { [ file exists ${manpage_path} ] } { file rename ${manpage_path} \ "${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man${section}/${crossgcc-target}-${manpage}.${section}" } } # Stuff I don't want (either because they're in the system # or because they would conflict with other FSF ports) # (it's easier for maintainability purposes to fix things here) # aliases for locales (should be on the system) file delete "${destroot}${prefix}/share/locale/locale.alias" # FSF propaganda (should already be there or would conflict) file delete -force "${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man7" # (host) libiberty foreach f [glob -directory "${destroot}${prefix}/lib" libiberty.a */libiberty.a] { file delete $f } # aliases for charsets (should already be there) file delete "${destroot}${prefix}/lib/charset.alias" # Remove man pages for tools that are not built as part of cross-gcc file delete "${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/rmic.1" file delete "${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/rmiregistry.1" file delete "${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/jv-convert.1" file delete "${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/gij.1" # For some reason, some man pages are not prefixed while they should have been # (to avoid conflicting). crossgcc::rename_man_page 1 cpp crossgcc::rename_man_page 1 gcjh crossgcc::rename_man_page 1 gcov crossgcc::rename_man_page 1 jcf-dump crossgcc::rename_man_page 1 jv-scan # There is a bug in gcc/Makefile::install-driver # For cross compilers, $(GCC_INSTALL_NAME) is equal to # $(target_noncanonical)-gcc-$(version) # and hence the driver isn't installed. xinstall -c "${workpath}/build/gcc/xgcc" \ "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${crossgcc-target}-gcc-${version}" } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url https://gcc.gnu.org/releases.html livecheck.regex {<tr><td><a href="gcc-.*/">GCC (.*)</a></td> <td>.*</td></tr>}