# Compiling Time: 1.16 SBU # Maintainer: Miklos Vajna pkgname=netpbm pkgver=10.83.01 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="A toolkit for manipulation of graphic images" groups=('xapps-extra') archs=('x86_64' ) url="http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/" depends=('libxml2' 'libtiff' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'libpng' 'libx11') makedepends+=('x11-protos' 'jbigkit>=2.1') up2date="Flasttarbz2 http://www.snaggledworks.com/fink/src/" source=(http://www.snaggledworks.com/fink/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2 config.x64) sha1sums=('c897ec718b3c18ba0422d9f3f2fd13f0a01bf7cd' \ '6acdd80a73d4211731b35f21ca3874c914c8eca7') options+=('static') build() { Fcd ## generate the config Fexec cp ../config.x64 ./config.mk ## NOTE: do not use F for make and don't use Fdie and such ## that build system is a POS .. ## fix stuff Fexec sed -i 's|misc|share/netpbm|' common.mk Fexec sed -i 's|/link|/lib|' lib/Makefile Fexec sed -i 's|install.manwebmain install.manweb install.man|install.man|' GNUmakefile Fexec make -j1 || Fdie Fexec make package pkgdir=$Fdestdir/usr PKGMANDIR=share/man || Fdie Frm usr/{README,pkginfo,VERSION,config_template,pkgconfig_template} Frm usr/share/man/man5/{pgm.5,pbm.5} } # optimization OK