# Compiling Time: 0.70 SBU # Maintainer: Marius Cirsta pkgname=xfsprogs pkgver=5.12.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="XFS filesystem-specific static libraries and headers." url="http://xfs.org" depends=('glibc>=2.29-5' 'libuuid>=2.31.1-3' 'readline>=8.0' 'icu4c>=69.1' 'inih') makedepends=('xfsprogs-attr>=2.4.48' 'e2fsprogs>=1.43.3-2' 'util-linux>=2.31.1-3' 'gettext') ## TMP here because sparse inodes fuckup and grub2 >=2.02-18 has the fix rodepends=('grub2>=2.02-18') groups=('base') archs=('x86_64') replaces=('xfsprogs-base') up2date="Flasttar https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/fs/xfs/xfsprogs/" source=(https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/fs/xfs/xfsprogs/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.xz) sha1sums=('d6dab1dacfd379795b94ed7540e50f315b2c5dbb') build() { unset MAKEFLAGS export DEBUG="-DNDEBUG" export OPTIMIZER="-O1" Fcd Fpatchall ## F* stuff seem to not work Fexec ./configure \ --bindir=/bin \ --sbindir=/sbin \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib \ --enable-lib64=no \ --libdir=/lib \ --includedir=/usr/include \ --datadir=/usr/share \ --enable-shared=yes \ --enable-readline=yes \ --enable-blkid=yes || Fdie Fexec make V=1 -j1 || Fdie Fexec make V=1 -j1 DIST_ROOT=$Fdestdir install install-dev || Fdie ## FIXME ## this is strange .. we cannot build without static off ## so lets TMP fix here.. Fremove_static_libs Ffix_la_files } # optimization OK