# Compiling Time: 0.01 SBU # Maintainer: James Buren # Contributor: Miklos Vajna pkgname=ppp pkgver=2.4.9 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="The PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon" url="http://www.samba.org/ppp/" groups=('base') archs=('x86_64') depends=('glibc>=2.29-5' 'openssl>=1.1.1-2' 'libpcap') backup=('etc/ppp/chap-secrets' 'etc/ppp/pap-secrets' 'etc/ppp/options' 'etc/ppp/ip-up' 'etc/ppp/ip-down') up2date="curl -s https://www.samba.org/ftp/ppp/ | grep -o '\(.*\)-\(.*\).tar.gz' | sed 's/.*>//g' | tail -n1 | sed 's/.*-\(.*\).tar.*/\1/'" source=(http://www.samba.org/ftp/ppp/ppp-$pkgver.tar.gz ip-up ip-down) sha1sums=('56ba143f331f6436efa3a1d41c75691c828833ba' \ '52b2e62a47050498846aa769495628da2a00fb31' \ '09472529dfcf1f47d7e7f65067291f651c7ac476') build() { Fpatchall CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D_GNU_SOURCE" # begin patching - CFLAGS and the last one for enabling active filter Fsed "-O2 -pipe -Wall -g" "${CFLAGS}" pppd/Makefile.linux Fsed "-g -O2" "${CFLAGS}" pppd/plugins/Makefile.linux Fsed "-g" "${CFLAGS}" pppd/plugins/rp-pppoe/Makefile.linux Fsed "-O2" "${CFLAGS}" pppstats/Makefile.linux Fsed "-O2 -g -pipe" "${CFLAGS}" chat/Makefile.linux Fsed "-O" "${CFLAGS}" pppdump/Makefile.linux Fsed "^#FILTER=y" "FILTER=y" pppd/Makefile.linux Fsed "^#HAVE_INET6=y" "HAVE_INET6=y" pppd/Makefile.linux Fexec rm -f include/linux/if_pppol2tp.h || Fdie # end of patching Fmake --prefix=$Fprefix make DESTDIR=$Fdestdir/usr install || Fdie Frm /usr/lib/pppd/$pkgver/rp-pppoe.so Fmkdir /etc/ppp/peers Fexe ip-{up,down} /etc/ppp/ Finstallrel 600 etc.ppp/* /etc/ppp/ cd scripts Fexerel /usr/sbin/pon Fexerel /usr/sbin/poff Fmanrel pon.1 } # optimization OK