Welcome to the RELION sub-tomogram averaging tutorial. # The input data is in ./Tomograms/ . # Two scripts relion_prepare_subtomograms.py and relion_2Dto3D_star.py are needed for this tutorial. Please get these scripts from the RELION wiki. # For your convenience, we have placed the pre-calculated results in the directory ./AnticipatedResults/ # Particles were extracted in the ./AnticipatedResults/Particles/ directory. 2D classification was conducted in ./AnticipatedResults/Class2D/run1 3D auto-refine was done in ./AnticipatedResults/Refine3D/run2. Please note that different runs lead to slightly differing final resolution. 3D classification was done in ./AnticipatedResults/Class3D/run2 # Please report problems to tbharat@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk or scheres@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk