+ dnf clean all
0 files removed
+ useradd -d /builddir mockbuild
+ su -c 'mkdir /builddir/build' mockbuild
+ echo '%_topdir /builddir/build'
+ su -c 'rpm -i /var/tmp/pangox-compat-0.0.2-7.fc25.src.rpm' mockbuild
+ dnf -y builddep /builddir/build/SPECS/pangox-compat.spec
Local RPMS                                      2.5 MB/s |  15 MB     00:06    
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:58 ago on Fri Feb 23 16:09:47 2018.
No matching package to install: 'pango-devel'
Not all dependencies satisfied
Error: Some packages could not be found.
++ cleanup
++ set +e
++ sync
++ sleep 5
++ sync
++ poweroff
+++ cleanup
+++ set +e
+++ sync
+++ sleep 5
++++ cleanup
++++ set +e
++++ sync
++++ sleep 5
++++ sync
++++ poweroff