/mnt/tmp/riscv64/tmp/nodejs-amdefine.rkvLly ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild
/mnt/tmp/riscv64 ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild
/mnt/tmp/riscv64/RPMS /mnt/tmp/riscv64 ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild
Worker 3: Error: Could not open local rpm file: /mnt/tmp/riscv64/RPMS/./noarch/nodejs-argparse-1.0.7-2.fc25.noarch.rpm: RPM Error opening Package
Failed to process 1 package(s).
Spawning worker 0 with 859 pkgs
Spawning worker 1 with 859 pkgs
Spawning worker 2 with 859 pkgs
Spawning worker 3 with 859 pkgs
Spawning worker 4 with 859 pkgs
Spawning worker 5 with 859 pkgs
Spawning worker 6 with 859 pkgs
Spawning worker 7 with 859 pkgs
Spawning worker 8 with 859 pkgs
Spawning worker 9 with 859 pkgs
Spawning worker 10 with 859 pkgs
Spawning worker 11 with 858 pkgs
Spawning worker 12 with 858 pkgs
Spawning worker 13 with 858 pkgs
Spawning worker 14 with 858 pkgs
Spawning worker 15 with 858 pkgs
Workers Finished
/mnt/tmp/riscv64 ~/d/fedora-riscv-autobuild
sending incremental file list

sent 734,437 bytes  received 90 bytes  489,684.67 bytes/sec
total size is 10,027,283,390  speedup is 13,651.35