+ dnf clean all
0 files removed
+ useradd -d /builddir mockbuild
+ su -c 'mkdir /builddir/build' mockbuild
+ echo '%_topdir /builddir/build'
+ su -c 'rpm -i /var/tmp/libSM-1.2.2-8.fc27.src.rpm' mockbuild
+ dnf -y builddep /builddir/build/SPECS/libSM.spec
Local RPMS                                      2.5 MB/s |  14 MB     00:05    
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:51 ago on Sun Jan 28 15:59:48 2018.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                 Arch     Version                          Repository
 autoconf                noarch   2.69-26.fc28                     local  709 k
 automake                noarch   1.15.1-3.fc28                    local  706 k
 libICE-devel            riscv64  1.0.9-5.fc28                     local   53 k
 libtool                 riscv64  2.4.6-21.fc27                    local  707 k
 libuuid-devel           riscv64  2.32-0.1.0.riscv64.fc28          local   90 k
 pkgconf-pkg-config      riscv64  1.4.1-1.fc27                     local   14 k
 xmlto                   riscv64  0.0.28-5.fc27                    local   56 k
 xorg-x11-proto-devel    noarch   7.7-20.fc25                      local  287 k
 xorg-x11-util-macros    noarch   1.19.0-5.fc24                    local   54 k
 xorg-x11-xtrans-devel   noarch   1.3.5-3.fc24                     local   86 k
Installing dependencies:
 docbook-dtds            noarch   1.0-68.fc28                      local  376 k
 docbook-style-xsl       noarch   1.79.2-6.fc28                    local  1.6 M
 emacs-filesystem        noarch   1:25.3-5.fc28                    local   67 k
 flex                    riscv64  2.6.1-5.fc27                     local  301 k
 libICE                  riscv64  1.0.9-5.fc28                     local  151 k
 libpkgconf              riscv64  1.4.1-1.fc27                     local   74 k
 libxslt                 riscv64  1.1.28-13.fc28                   local  506 k
 m4                      riscv64  1.4.18-5.fc28                    local  369 k
 perl-Carp               noarch   1.42-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local   84 k
 perl-Data-Dumper        riscv64  2.167-408.fc27.0.riscv64         local  149 k
 perl-Encode             riscv64  4:2.94-16.fc27                   local  1.4 M
 perl-Errno              riscv64  1.28-408.fc28.1.riscv64          local   73 k
 perl-Exporter           noarch   5.72-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local   87 k
 perl-File-Path          noarch   2.15-1.fc27                      local   37 k
 perl-File-Temp          noarch   0.230.400-408.fc27.0.riscv64     local  103 k
 perl-Getopt-Long        noarch   1:2.50-3.fc27                    local   61 k
 perl-HTTP-Tiny          noarch   0.070-408.fc27.0.riscv64         local   97 k
 perl-IO                 riscv64  1.38-408.fc28.1.riscv64          local  176 k
 perl-MIME-Base64        riscv64  3.15-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local  111 k
 perl-PathTools          riscv64  3.67-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local  166 k
 perl-Pod-Escapes        noarch   1:1.07-408.fc27.0.riscv64        local   77 k
 perl-Pod-Perldoc        noarch   3.28-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local  139 k
 perl-Pod-Simple         noarch   1:3.35-408.fc27.0.riscv64        local  271 k
 perl-Pod-Usage          noarch   4:1.69-408.fc27.0.riscv64        local   89 k
 perl-Scalar-List-Utils  riscv64  3:1.48-1.fc27                    local  119 k
 perl-Socket             riscv64  4:2.027-1.fc27                   local   95 k
 perl-Storable           riscv64  1:2.62-408.fc27.0.riscv64        local  205 k
 perl-Term-ANSIColor     noarch   4.06-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local   94 k
 perl-Term-Cap           noarch   1.17-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local   78 k
 perl-Text-ParseWords    noarch   3.30-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local   73 k
 perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap     noarch   2013.0523-408.fc27.0.riscv64     local   80 k
 perl-Thread-Queue       noarch   3.12-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local   77 k
 perl-Time-Local         noarch   1:1.250-394.fc27                 local   30 k
 perl-Unicode-Normalize  riscv64  1.25-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local  164 k
 perl-constant           noarch   1.33-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local   79 k
 perl-interpreter        riscv64  4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64      local  6.7 M
 perl-libs               riscv64  4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64      local  3.3 M
 perl-macros             riscv64  4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64      local   69 k
 perl-parent             noarch   1:0.236-408.fc27.0.riscv64       local   71 k
 perl-podlators          noarch   4.09-408.fc27.0.riscv64          local  157 k
 perl-threads            riscv64  1:2.21-1.fc27                    local  104 k
 perl-threads-shared     riscv64  1.58-1.fc27                      local   91 k
 pkgconf                 riscv64  1.4.1-1.fc27                     local   35 k
 pkgconf-m4              noarch   1.4.1-1.fc27                     local   15 k
 sgml-common             noarch   0.6.3-47.fc28                    local   59 k
 tar                     riscv64  2:1.29-7.fc27                    local  805 k
 xml-common              noarch   0.6.3-47.fc28                    local   30 k

Transaction Summary
Install  57 Packages

Total download size: 22 M
Installed size: 83 M
Downloading Packages:
(1/57): xmlto-0.0.28-5.fc27.riscv64.rpm         570 kB/s |  56 kB     00:00    
(2/57): xorg-x11-util-macros-1.19.0-5.fc24.noar 562 kB/s |  54 kB     00:00    
(3/57): libICE-devel-1.0.9-5.fc28.riscv64.rpm   251 kB/s |  53 kB     00:00    
(4/57): xorg-x11-xtrans-devel-1.3.5-3.fc24.noar 492 kB/s |  86 kB     00:00    
(5/57): libICE-1.0.9-5.fc28.riscv64.rpm         514 kB/s | 151 kB     00:00    
(6/57): emacs-filesystem-25.3-5.fc28.noarch.rpm 474 kB/s |  67 kB     00:00    
(7/57): autoconf-2.69-26.fc28.noarch.rpm        757 kB/s | 709 kB     00:00    
(8/57): automake-1.15.1-3.fc28.noarch.rpm       791 kB/s | 706 kB     00:00    
(9/57): libtool-2.4.6-21.fc27.riscv64.rpm       730 kB/s | 707 kB     00:00    
(10/57): pkgconf-pkg-config-1.4.1-1.fc27.riscv6 300 kB/s |  14 kB     00:00    
(11/57): pkgconf-m4-1.4.1-1.fc27.noarch.rpm     382 kB/s |  15 kB     00:00    
(12/57): pkgconf-1.4.1-1.fc27.riscv64.rpm       525 kB/s |  35 kB     00:00    
(13/57): libuuid-devel-2.32-0.1.0.riscv64.fc28. 280 kB/s |  90 kB     00:00    
(14/57): libpkgconf-1.4.1-1.fc27.riscv64.rpm    380 kB/s |  74 kB     00:00    
(15/57): xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.7-20.fc25.noarc 718 kB/s | 287 kB     00:00    
(16/57): sgml-common-0.6.3-47.fc28.noarch.rpm   754 kB/s |  59 kB     00:00    
(17/57): xml-common-0.6.3-47.fc28.noarch.rpm    532 kB/s |  30 kB     00:00    
(18/57): docbook-dtds-1.0-68.fc28.noarch.rpm    665 kB/s | 376 kB     00:00    
(19/57): tar-1.29-7.fc27.riscv64.rpm            483 kB/s | 805 kB     00:01    
(20/57): flex-2.6.1-5.fc27.riscv64.rpm          658 kB/s | 301 kB     00:00    
(21/57): libxslt-1.1.28-13.fc28.riscv64.rpm     811 kB/s | 506 kB     00:00    
(22/57): m4-1.4.18-5.fc28.riscv64.rpm           733 kB/s | 369 kB     00:00    
(23/57): perl-Carp-1.42-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noar 447 kB/s |  84 kB     00:00    
(24/57): perl-File-Path-2.15-1.fc27.noarch.rpm  607 kB/s |  37 kB     00:00    
(25/57): perl-Exporter-5.72-408.fc27.0.riscv64. 418 kB/s |  87 kB     00:00    
(26/57): perl-Getopt-Long-2.50-3.fc27.noarch.rp 428 kB/s |  61 kB     00:00    
(27/57): perl-Thread-Queue-3.12-408.fc27.0.risc 473 kB/s |  77 kB     00:00    
(28/57): perl-constant-1.33-408.fc27.0.riscv64. 482 kB/s |  79 kB     00:00    
(29/57): perl-Errno-1.28-408.fc28.1.riscv64.ris 438 kB/s |  73 kB     00:00    
(30/57): docbook-style-xsl-1.79.2-6.fc28.noarch 630 kB/s | 1.6 MB     00:02    
(31/57): perl-IO-1.38-408.fc28.1.riscv64.riscv6 791 kB/s | 176 kB     00:00    
(32/57): perl-PathTools-3.67-408.fc27.0.riscv64 798 kB/s | 166 kB     00:00    
(33/57): perl-threads-2.21-1.fc27.riscv64.rpm   815 kB/s | 104 kB     00:00    
(34/57): perl-Text-ParseWords-3.30-408.fc27.0.r 764 kB/s |  73 kB     00:00    
(35/57): perl-Data-Dumper-2.167-408.fc27.0.risc 809 kB/s | 149 kB     00:00    
(36/57): perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-408.fc27 801 kB/s |  80 kB     00:00    
(37/57): perl-parent-0.236-408.fc27.0.riscv64.n 723 kB/s |  71 kB     00:00    
(38/57): perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.48-1.fc27.ris 839 kB/s | 119 kB     00:00    
(39/57): perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.25-408.fc27.0 831 kB/s | 164 kB     00:00    
(40/57): perl-macros-5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64. 688 kB/s |  69 kB     00:00    
(41/57): perl-threads-shared-1.58-1.fc27.riscv6 832 kB/s |  91 kB     00:00    
(42/57): perl-Socket-2.027-1.fc27.riscv64.rpm   832 kB/s |  95 kB     00:00    
(43/57): perl-Pod-Usage-1.69-408.fc27.0.riscv64 787 kB/s |  89 kB     00:00    
(44/57): perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.28-408.fc27.0.riscv 790 kB/s | 139 kB     00:00    
(45/57): perl-podlators-4.09-408.fc27.0.riscv64 826 kB/s | 157 kB     00:00    
(46/57): perl-File-Temp-0.230.400-408.fc27.0.ri 764 kB/s | 103 kB     00:00    
(47/57): perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.070-408.fc27.0.riscv6 731 kB/s |  97 kB     00:00    
(48/57): perl-Pod-Simple-3.35-408.fc27.0.riscv6 857 kB/s | 271 kB     00:00    
(49/57): perl-libs-5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64.ri 691 kB/s | 3.3 MB     00:04    
(50/57): perl-Time-Local-1.250-394.fc27.noarch. 643 kB/s |  30 kB     00:00    
(51/57): perl-MIME-Base64-3.15-408.fc27.0.riscv 861 kB/s | 111 kB     00:00    
(52/57): perl-Storable-2.62-408.fc27.0.riscv64. 864 kB/s | 205 kB     00:00    
(53/57): perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.06-408.fc27.0.ri 845 kB/s |  94 kB     00:00    
(54/57): perl-Term-Cap-1.17-408.fc27.0.riscv64. 825 kB/s |  78 kB     00:00    
(55/57): perl-Pod-Escapes-1.07-408.fc27.0.riscv 781 kB/s |  77 kB     00:00    
(56/57): perl-Encode-2.94-16.fc27.riscv64.rpm   692 kB/s | 1.4 MB     00:02    
(57/57): perl-interpreter-5.26.1-408.fc28.1.ris 886 kB/s | 6.7 MB     00:07    
Total                                           1.7 MB/s |  22 MB     00:12     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                        1/1 
  Installing       : perl-Exporter-5.72-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch          1/57 
  Installing       : perl-libs-4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64.riscv64         2/57 
  Installing       : perl-Carp-1.42-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch              3/57 
  Installing       : perl-Scalar-List-Utils-3:1.48-1.fc27.riscv64          4/57 
  Installing       : perl-Text-ParseWords-3.30-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarc    5/57 
  Installing       : m4-1.4.18-5.fc28.riscv64                              6/57 
  Running scriptlet: m4-1.4.18-5.fc28.riscv64                              6/57 
  Running scriptlet: xml-common-0.6.3-47.fc28.noarch                       7/57 
  Installing       : xml-common-0.6.3-47.fc28.noarch                       7/57 
  Installing       : flex-2.6.1-5.fc27.riscv64                             8/57 
  Running scriptlet: flex-2.6.1-5.fc27.riscv64                             8/57 
  Installing       : perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.06-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch    9/57 
  Installing       : perl-macros-4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64.riscv64      10/57 
  Installing       : perl-constant-1.33-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch         11/57 
  Installing       : perl-Errno-1.28-408.fc28.1.riscv64.riscv64           12/57 
  Installing       : perl-File-Path-2.15-1.fc27.noarch                    13/57 
  Installing       : perl-PathTools-3.67-408.fc27.0.riscv64.riscv64       14/57 
  Installing       : perl-threads-shared-1.58-1.fc27.riscv64              15/57 
  Installing       : perl-threads-1:2.21-1.fc27.riscv64                   16/57 
  Installing       : perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-408.fc27.0.riscv64.n   17/57 
  Installing       : perl-parent-1:0.236-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch        18/57 
  Installing       : perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.25-408.fc27.0.riscv64.ris   19/57 
  Installing       : perl-interpreter-4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64.riscv   20/57 
  Installing       : perl-Socket-4:2.027-1.fc27.riscv64                   21/57 
  Installing       : perl-IO-1.38-408.fc28.1.riscv64.riscv64              22/57 
  Installing       : perl-File-Temp-0.230.400-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch   23/57 
  Installing       : perl-Storable-1:2.62-408.fc27.0.riscv64.riscv64      24/57 
  Installing       : perl-MIME-Base64-3.15-408.fc27.0.riscv64.riscv64     25/57 
  Installing       : perl-Term-Cap-1.17-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch         26/57 
  Installing       : perl-Pod-Escapes-1:1.07-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch    27/57 
  Installing       : perl-Time-Local-1:1.250-394.fc27.noarch              28/57 
  Installing       : perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.070-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch       29/57 
  Installing       : perl-Pod-Simple-1:3.35-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch     30/57 
  Installing       : perl-Encode-4:2.94-16.fc27.riscv64                   31/57 
  Installing       : perl-Getopt-Long-1:2.50-3.fc27.noarch                32/57 
  Installing       : perl-Pod-Usage-4:1.69-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch      33/57 
  Installing       : perl-podlators-4.09-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch        34/57 
  Installing       : perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.28-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch      35/57 
  Installing       : perl-Thread-Queue-3.12-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch     36/57 
  Installing       : perl-Data-Dumper-2.167-408.fc27.0.riscv64.riscv64    37/57 
  Installing       : libxslt-1.1.28-13.fc28.riscv64                       38/57 
  Running scriptlet: libxslt-1.1.28-13.fc28.riscv64                       38/57 
  Installing       : sgml-common-0.6.3-47.fc28.noarch                     39/57 
  Installing       : docbook-dtds-1.0-68.fc28.noarch                      40/57 
  Running scriptlet: docbook-dtds-1.0-68.fc28.noarch                      40/57 
  Installing       : docbook-style-xsl-1.79.2-6.fc28.noarch               41/57 
  Running scriptlet: docbook-style-xsl-1.79.2-6.fc28.noarch               41/57 
  Installing       : libpkgconf-1.4.1-1.fc27.riscv64                      42/57 
  Running scriptlet: libpkgconf-1.4.1-1.fc27.riscv64                      42/57 
  Installing       : pkgconf-1.4.1-1.fc27.riscv64                         43/57 
  Installing       : pkgconf-m4-1.4.1-1.fc27.noarch                       44/57 
  Installing       : pkgconf-pkg-config-1.4.1-1.fc27.riscv64              45/57 
  Installing       : xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.7-20.fc25.noarch              46/57 
  Installing       : tar-2:1.29-7.fc27.riscv64                            47/57 
  Running scriptlet: tar-2:1.29-7.fc27.riscv64                            47/57 
  Installing       : emacs-filesystem-1:25.3-5.fc28.noarch                48/57 
  Installing       : autoconf-2.69-26.fc28.noarch                         49/57 
  Running scriptlet: autoconf-2.69-26.fc28.noarch                         49/57 
  Installing       : automake-1.15.1-3.fc28.noarch                        50/57 
  Running scriptlet: automake-1.15.1-3.fc28.noarch                        50/57 
  Installing       : libtool-2.4.6-21.fc27.riscv64                        51/57 
  Running scriptlet: libtool-2.4.6-21.fc27.riscv64                        51/57 
  Installing       : libICE-1.0.9-5.fc28.riscv64                          52/57 
  Running scriptlet: libICE-1.0.9-5.fc28.riscv64                          52/57 
  Installing       : libICE-devel-1.0.9-5.fc28.riscv64                    53/57 
  Installing       : xorg-x11-util-macros-1.19.0-5.fc24.noarch            54/57 
  Installing       : xorg-x11-xtrans-devel-1.3.5-3.fc24.noarch            55/57 
  Installing       : libuuid-devel-2.32-0.1.0.riscv64.fc28.riscv64        56/57 
  Installing       : xmlto-0.0.28-5.fc27.riscv64                          57/57 
  Running scriptlet: xmlto-0.0.28-5.fc27.riscv64                          57/57 
  Verifying        : libICE-devel-1.0.9-5.fc28.riscv64                     1/57 
  Verifying        : xmlto-0.0.28-5.fc27.riscv64                           2/57 
  Verifying        : xorg-x11-util-macros-1.19.0-5.fc24.noarch             3/57 
  Verifying        : xorg-x11-xtrans-devel-1.3.5-3.fc24.noarch             4/57 
  Verifying        : libICE-1.0.9-5.fc28.riscv64                           5/57 
  Verifying        : autoconf-2.69-26.fc28.noarch                          6/57 
  Verifying        : emacs-filesystem-1:25.3-5.fc28.noarch                 7/57 
  Verifying        : automake-1.15.1-3.fc28.noarch                         8/57 
  Verifying        : libtool-2.4.6-21.fc27.riscv64                         9/57 
  Verifying        : tar-2:1.29-7.fc27.riscv64                            10/57 
  Verifying        : libuuid-devel-2.32-0.1.0.riscv64.fc28.riscv64        11/57 
  Verifying        : pkgconf-pkg-config-1.4.1-1.fc27.riscv64              12/57 
  Verifying        : pkgconf-m4-1.4.1-1.fc27.noarch                       13/57 
  Verifying        : pkgconf-1.4.1-1.fc27.riscv64                         14/57 
  Verifying        : libpkgconf-1.4.1-1.fc27.riscv64                      15/57 
  Verifying        : xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.7-20.fc25.noarch              16/57 
  Verifying        : docbook-dtds-1.0-68.fc28.noarch                      17/57 
  Verifying        : sgml-common-0.6.3-47.fc28.noarch                     18/57 
  Verifying        : xml-common-0.6.3-47.fc28.noarch                      19/57 
  Verifying        : docbook-style-xsl-1.79.2-6.fc28.noarch               20/57 
  Verifying        : flex-2.6.1-5.fc27.riscv64                            21/57 
  Verifying        : libxslt-1.1.28-13.fc28.riscv64                       22/57 
  Verifying        : m4-1.4.18-5.fc28.riscv64                             23/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Carp-1.42-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch             24/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Exporter-5.72-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch         25/57 
  Verifying        : perl-File-Path-2.15-1.fc27.noarch                    26/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Getopt-Long-1:2.50-3.fc27.noarch                27/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Thread-Queue-3.12-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch     28/57 
  Verifying        : perl-constant-1.33-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch         29/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Errno-1.28-408.fc28.1.riscv64.riscv64           30/57 
  Verifying        : perl-libs-4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64.riscv64        31/57 
  Verifying        : perl-interpreter-4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64.riscv   32/57 
  Verifying        : perl-IO-1.38-408.fc28.1.riscv64.riscv64              33/57 
  Verifying        : perl-PathTools-3.67-408.fc27.0.riscv64.riscv64       34/57 
  Verifying        : perl-threads-1:2.21-1.fc27.riscv64                   35/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Text-ParseWords-3.30-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarc   36/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Data-Dumper-2.167-408.fc27.0.riscv64.riscv64    37/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-408.fc27.0.riscv64.n   38/57 
  Verifying        : perl-parent-1:0.236-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch        39/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Scalar-List-Utils-3:1.48-1.fc27.riscv64         40/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.25-408.fc27.0.riscv64.ris   41/57 
  Verifying        : perl-macros-4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64.riscv64      42/57 
  Verifying        : perl-threads-shared-1.58-1.fc27.riscv64              43/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Socket-4:2.027-1.fc27.riscv64                   44/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Pod-Usage-4:1.69-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch      45/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.28-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch      46/57 
  Verifying        : perl-podlators-4.09-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch        47/57 
  Verifying        : perl-File-Temp-0.230.400-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch   48/57 
  Verifying        : perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.070-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch       49/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Pod-Simple-1:3.35-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch     50/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Encode-4:2.94-16.fc27.riscv64                   51/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Time-Local-1:1.250-394.fc27.noarch              52/57 
  Verifying        : perl-MIME-Base64-3.15-408.fc27.0.riscv64.riscv64     53/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Storable-1:2.62-408.fc27.0.riscv64.riscv64      54/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.06-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch   55/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Term-Cap-1.17-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch         56/57 
  Verifying        : perl-Pod-Escapes-1:1.07-408.fc27.0.riscv64.noarch    57/57 

  autoconf.noarch 2.69-26.fc28                                                  
  automake.noarch 1.15.1-3.fc28                                                 
  libICE-devel.riscv64 1.0.9-5.fc28                                             
  libtool.riscv64 2.4.6-21.fc27                                                 
  libuuid-devel.riscv64 2.32-0.1.0.riscv64.fc28                                 
  pkgconf-pkg-config.riscv64 1.4.1-1.fc27                                       
  xmlto.riscv64 0.0.28-5.fc27                                                   
  xorg-x11-proto-devel.noarch 7.7-20.fc25                                       
  xorg-x11-util-macros.noarch 1.19.0-5.fc24                                     
  xorg-x11-xtrans-devel.noarch 1.3.5-3.fc24                                     
  docbook-dtds.noarch 1.0-68.fc28                                               
  docbook-style-xsl.noarch 1.79.2-6.fc28                                        
  emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:25.3-5.fc28                                         
  flex.riscv64 2.6.1-5.fc27                                                     
  libICE.riscv64 1.0.9-5.fc28                                                   
  libpkgconf.riscv64 1.4.1-1.fc27                                               
  libxslt.riscv64 1.1.28-13.fc28                                                
  m4.riscv64 1.4.18-5.fc28                                                      
  perl-Carp.noarch 1.42-408.fc27.0.riscv64                                      
  perl-Data-Dumper.riscv64 2.167-408.fc27.0.riscv64                             
  perl-Encode.riscv64 4:2.94-16.fc27                                            
  perl-Errno.riscv64 1.28-408.fc28.1.riscv64                                    
  perl-Exporter.noarch 5.72-408.fc27.0.riscv64                                  
  perl-File-Path.noarch 2.15-1.fc27                                             
  perl-File-Temp.noarch 0.230.400-408.fc27.0.riscv64                            
  perl-Getopt-Long.noarch 1:2.50-3.fc27                                         
  perl-HTTP-Tiny.noarch 0.070-408.fc27.0.riscv64                                
  perl-IO.riscv64 1.38-408.fc28.1.riscv64                                       
  perl-MIME-Base64.riscv64 3.15-408.fc27.0.riscv64                              
  perl-PathTools.riscv64 3.67-408.fc27.0.riscv64                                
  perl-Pod-Escapes.noarch 1:1.07-408.fc27.0.riscv64                             
  perl-Pod-Perldoc.noarch 3.28-408.fc27.0.riscv64                               
  perl-Pod-Simple.noarch 1:3.35-408.fc27.0.riscv64                              
  perl-Pod-Usage.noarch 4:1.69-408.fc27.0.riscv64                               
  perl-Scalar-List-Utils.riscv64 3:1.48-1.fc27                                  
  perl-Socket.riscv64 4:2.027-1.fc27                                            
  perl-Storable.riscv64 1:2.62-408.fc27.0.riscv64                               
  perl-Term-ANSIColor.noarch 4.06-408.fc27.0.riscv64                            
  perl-Term-Cap.noarch 1.17-408.fc27.0.riscv64                                  
  perl-Text-ParseWords.noarch 3.30-408.fc27.0.riscv64                           
  perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap.noarch 2013.0523-408.fc27.0.riscv64                       
  perl-Thread-Queue.noarch 3.12-408.fc27.0.riscv64                              
  perl-Time-Local.noarch 1:1.250-394.fc27                                       
  perl-Unicode-Normalize.riscv64 1.25-408.fc27.0.riscv64                        
  perl-constant.noarch 1.33-408.fc27.0.riscv64                                  
  perl-interpreter.riscv64 4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64                          
  perl-libs.riscv64 4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64                                 
  perl-macros.riscv64 4:5.26.1-408.fc28.1.riscv64                               
  perl-parent.noarch 1:0.236-408.fc27.0.riscv64                                 
  perl-podlators.noarch 4.09-408.fc27.0.riscv64                                 
  perl-threads.riscv64 1:2.21-1.fc27                                            
  perl-threads-shared.riscv64 1.58-1.fc27                                       
  pkgconf.riscv64 1.4.1-1.fc27                                                  
  pkgconf-m4.noarch 1.4.1-1.fc27                                                
  sgml-common.noarch 0.6.3-47.fc28                                              
  tar.riscv64 2:1.29-7.fc27                                                     
  xml-common.noarch 0.6.3-47.fc28                                               

+ dnf -y update --best
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:02 ago on Sun Jan 28 16:05:24 2018.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
+ dnf -y group install buildsys-build
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:02 ago on Sun Jan 28 16:05:45 2018.
No match for group package "gcc-c++"
No match for group package "gcc"
Dependencies resolved.
 Group                         Packages                                       
Marking packages as installed by the group:
 @Buildsystem building group   bash          bzip2              findutils     
                               info          grep               util-linux    
                               patch         coreutils          xz            
                               shadow-utils  redhat-rpm-config  make          
                               rpm-build     gzip               fedora-release
                               which         diffutils          tar           
                               gawk          unzip              cpio          
 Package                  Arch        Version                   Repository
Installing group packages:
 bzip2                    riscv64     1.0.6-24.fc28             local      81 k
 make                     riscv64     1:4.2.1-6.fc27            local     486 k
 patch                    riscv64     2.7.5-6.fc27              local     270 k
 redhat-rpm-config        noarch      96-1.fc28.0.riscv64       local      75 k
 rpm-build                riscv64     4.14.1-6.fc28.1           local     235 k
 unzip                    riscv64     6.0-36.fc28               local     398 k
 which                    riscv64     2.21-4.fc28               local      65 k
 xz                       riscv64     5.2.3-5.fc28              local     212 k
Installing dependencies:
 binutils                 riscv64     2.30-1.fc28               local     6.9 M
 dwz                      riscv64     0.12-5.fc28               local     108 k
 elfutils                 riscv64     0.170-4.fc28              local     791 k
 file                     riscv64     5.32-3.fc28               local      81 k
 fpc-srpm-macros          noarch      1.1-4.fc28                local     7.5 k
 ghc-srpm-macros          noarch      1.4.2-7.fc28              local     8.2 k
 gnat-srpm-macros         noarch      4-5.fc28                  local     8.8 k
 go-srpm-macros           noarch      2-11.fc28                 local     8.4 k
 nim-srpm-macros          noarch      1-1.fc28                  local     7.6 k
 ocaml-srpm-macros        noarch      5-2.fc27                  local     7.8 k
 openblas-srpm-macros     noarch      2-2.fc27                  local     6.6 k
 perl-srpm-macros         noarch      1-26.fc28                 local     9.7 k
 python-srpm-macros       noarch      3-26.fc28                 local      10 k
 qt5-srpm-macros          noarch      5.10.0-1.fc28             local     9.0 k
 rust-srpm-macros         noarch      5-1.fc28                  local     8.0 k
 zip                      riscv64     3.0-20.fc28               local     271 k
 zstd                     riscv64     1.3.3-1.fc27              local     1.1 M

Transaction Summary
Install  25 Packages

Total download size: 11 M
Installed size: 45 M
Downloading Packages:
(1/25): nim-srpm-macros-1-1.fc28.noarch.rpm     281 kB/s | 7.6 kB     00:00    
(2/25): ocaml-srpm-macros-5-2.fc27.noarch.rpm   277 kB/s | 7.8 kB     00:00    
(3/25): openblas-srpm-macros-2-2.fc27.noarch.rp 243 kB/s | 6.6 kB     00:00    
(4/25): qt5-srpm-macros-5.10.0-1.fc28.noarch.rp 282 kB/s | 9.0 kB     00:00    
(5/25): redhat-rpm-config-96-1.fc28.0.riscv64.n 271 kB/s |  75 kB     00:00    
(6/25): rust-srpm-macros-5-1.fc28.noarch.rpm    169 kB/s | 8.0 kB     00:00    
(7/25): rpm-build-4.14.1-6.fc28.1.riscv64.rpm   769 kB/s | 235 kB     00:00    
(8/25): which-2.21-4.fc28.riscv64.rpm           697 kB/s |  65 kB     00:00    
(9/25): make-4.2.1-6.fc27.riscv64.rpm           513 kB/s | 486 kB     00:00    
(10/25): patch-2.7.5-6.fc27.riscv64.rpm         674 kB/s | 270 kB     00:00    
(11/25): unzip-6.0-36.fc28.riscv64.rpm          783 kB/s | 398 kB     00:00    
(12/25): xz-5.2.3-5.fc28.riscv64.rpm            689 kB/s | 212 kB     00:00    
(13/25): bzip2-1.0.6-24.fc28.riscv64.rpm        537 kB/s |  81 kB     00:00    
(14/25): file-5.32-3.fc28.riscv64.rpm           758 kB/s |  81 kB     00:00    
(15/25): zstd-1.3.3-1.fc27.riscv64.rpm          639 kB/s | 1.1 MB     00:01    
(16/25): fpc-srpm-macros-1.1-4.fc28.noarch.rpm  282 kB/s | 7.5 kB     00:00    
(17/25): ghc-srpm-macros-1.4.2-7.fc28.noarch.rp 305 kB/s | 8.2 kB     00:00    
(18/25): gnat-srpm-macros-4-5.fc28.noarch.rpm   323 kB/s | 8.8 kB     00:00    
(19/25): go-srpm-macros-2-11.fc28.noarch.rpm    323 kB/s | 8.4 kB     00:00    
(20/25): perl-srpm-macros-1-26.fc28.noarch.rpm  340 kB/s | 9.7 kB     00:00    
(21/25): python-srpm-macros-3-26.fc28.noarch.rp 376 kB/s |  10 kB     00:00    
(22/25): dwz-0.12-5.fc28.riscv64.rpm            837 kB/s | 108 kB     00:00    
(23/25): elfutils-0.170-4.fc28.riscv64.rpm      559 kB/s | 791 kB     00:01    
(24/25): zip-3.0-20.fc28.riscv64.rpm            698 kB/s | 271 kB     00:00    
(25/25): binutils-2.30-1.fc28.riscv64.rpm       1.6 MB/s | 6.9 MB     00:04    
Total                                           1.7 MB/s |  11 MB     00:06     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                        1/1 
  Installing       : file-5.32-3.fc28.riscv64                              1/25 
  Installing       : unzip-6.0-36.fc28.riscv64                             2/25 
  Installing       : zip-3.0-20.fc28.riscv64                               3/25 
  Installing       : dwz-0.12-5.fc28.riscv64                               4/25 
  Installing       : python-srpm-macros-3-26.fc28.noarch                   5/25 
  Installing       : perl-srpm-macros-1-26.fc28.noarch                     6/25 
  Installing       : go-srpm-macros-2-11.fc28.noarch                       7/25 
  Installing       : gnat-srpm-macros-4-5.fc28.noarch                      8/25 
  Installing       : ghc-srpm-macros-1.4.2-7.fc28.noarch                   9/25 
  Installing       : fpc-srpm-macros-1.1-4.fc28.noarch                    10/25 
  Installing       : binutils-2.30-1.fc28.riscv64                         11/25 
  Running scriptlet: binutils-2.30-1.fc28.riscv64                         11/25 
  Installing       : elfutils-0.170-4.fc28.riscv64                        12/25 
  Installing       : bzip2-1.0.6-24.fc28.riscv64                          13/25 
  Installing       : xz-5.2.3-5.fc28.riscv64                              14/25 
  Installing       : patch-2.7.5-6.fc27.riscv64                           15/25 
  Installing       : zstd-1.3.3-1.fc27.riscv64                            16/25 
  Installing       : rust-srpm-macros-5-1.fc28.noarch                     17/25 
  Installing       : qt5-srpm-macros-5.10.0-1.fc28.noarch                 18/25 
  Installing       : openblas-srpm-macros-2-2.fc27.noarch                 19/25 
  Installing       : ocaml-srpm-macros-5-2.fc27.noarch                    20/25 
  Installing       : nim-srpm-macros-1-1.fc28.noarch                      21/25 
  Installing       : redhat-rpm-config-96-1.fc28.0.riscv64.noarch         22/25 
  Installing       : rpm-build-4.14.1-6.fc28.1.riscv64                    23/25 
  Installing       : which-2.21-4.fc28.riscv64                            24/25 
  Running scriptlet: which-2.21-4.fc28.riscv64                            24/25 
  Installing       : make-1:4.2.1-6.fc27.riscv64                          25/25 
  Running scriptlet: make-1:4.2.1-6.fc27.riscv64                          25/25 
  Verifying        : make-1:4.2.1-6.fc27.riscv64                           1/25 
  Verifying        : redhat-rpm-config-96-1.fc28.0.riscv64.noarch          2/25 
  Verifying        : nim-srpm-macros-1-1.fc28.noarch                       3/25 
  Verifying        : ocaml-srpm-macros-5-2.fc27.noarch                     4/25 
  Verifying        : openblas-srpm-macros-2-2.fc27.noarch                  5/25 
  Verifying        : qt5-srpm-macros-5.10.0-1.fc28.noarch                  6/25 
  Verifying        : rust-srpm-macros-5-1.fc28.noarch                      7/25 
  Verifying        : rpm-build-4.14.1-6.fc28.1.riscv64                     8/25 
  Verifying        : zstd-1.3.3-1.fc27.riscv64                             9/25 
  Verifying        : which-2.21-4.fc28.riscv64                            10/25 
  Verifying        : patch-2.7.5-6.fc27.riscv64                           11/25 
  Verifying        : unzip-6.0-36.fc28.riscv64                            12/25 
  Verifying        : xz-5.2.3-5.fc28.riscv64                              13/25 
  Verifying        : bzip2-1.0.6-24.fc28.riscv64                          14/25 
  Verifying        : elfutils-0.170-4.fc28.riscv64                        15/25 
  Verifying        : file-5.32-3.fc28.riscv64                             16/25 
  Verifying        : binutils-2.30-1.fc28.riscv64                         17/25 
  Verifying        : fpc-srpm-macros-1.1-4.fc28.noarch                    18/25 
  Verifying        : ghc-srpm-macros-1.4.2-7.fc28.noarch                  19/25 
  Verifying        : gnat-srpm-macros-4-5.fc28.noarch                     20/25 
  Verifying        : go-srpm-macros-2-11.fc28.noarch                      21/25 
  Verifying        : perl-srpm-macros-1-26.fc28.noarch                    22/25 
  Verifying        : python-srpm-macros-3-26.fc28.noarch                  23/25 
  Verifying        : dwz-0.12-5.fc28.riscv64                              24/25 
  Verifying        : zip-3.0-20.fc28.riscv64                              25/25 

  bzip2.riscv64 1.0.6-24.fc28                                                   
  make.riscv64 1:4.2.1-6.fc27                                                   
  patch.riscv64 2.7.5-6.fc27                                                    
  redhat-rpm-config.noarch 96-1.fc28.0.riscv64                                  
  rpm-build.riscv64 4.14.1-6.fc28.1                                             
  unzip.riscv64 6.0-36.fc28                                                     
  which.riscv64 2.21-4.fc28                                                     
  xz.riscv64 5.2.3-5.fc28                                                       
  binutils.riscv64 2.30-1.fc28                                                  
  dwz.riscv64 0.12-5.fc28                                                       
  elfutils.riscv64 0.170-4.fc28                                                 
  file.riscv64 5.32-3.fc28                                                      
  fpc-srpm-macros.noarch 1.1-4.fc28                                             
  ghc-srpm-macros.noarch 1.4.2-7.fc28                                           
  gnat-srpm-macros.noarch 4-5.fc28                                              
  go-srpm-macros.noarch 2-11.fc28                                               
  nim-srpm-macros.noarch 1-1.fc28                                               
  ocaml-srpm-macros.noarch 5-2.fc27                                             
  openblas-srpm-macros.noarch 2-2.fc27                                          
  perl-srpm-macros.noarch 1-26.fc28                                             
  python-srpm-macros.noarch 3-26.fc28                                           
  qt5-srpm-macros.noarch 5.10.0-1.fc28                                          
  rust-srpm-macros.noarch 5-1.fc28                                              
  zip.riscv64 3.0-20.fc28                                                       
  zstd.riscv64 1.3.3-1.fc27                                                     

+ dnf -y install hack-gcc glibc-devel
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:02 ago on Sun Jan 28 16:07:24 2018.
Package hack-gcc-7.3.1-0.2.riscv64 is already installed, skipping.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                Arch           Version               Repository    Size
 glibc-devel            riscv64        2.27-4.fc28           local        1.0 M
Installing dependencies:
 glibc-headers          riscv64        2.27-4.fc28           local        442 k
 kernel-headers         noarch         4.15.0-1.fc27         local        1.1 M
 libxcrypt-devel        riscv64        4.0.0-4.fc28          local         15 k

Transaction Summary
Install  4 Packages

Total download size: 2.5 M
Installed size: 7.1 M
Downloading Packages:
(1/4): libxcrypt-devel-4.0.0-4.fc28.riscv64.rpm 510 kB/s |  15 kB     00:00    
(2/4): glibc-headers-2.27-4.fc28.riscv64.rpm    792 kB/s | 442 kB     00:00    
(3/4): glibc-devel-2.27-4.fc28.riscv64.rpm      927 kB/s | 1.0 MB     00:01    
(4/4): kernel-headers-4.15.0-1.fc27.noarch.rpm  956 kB/s | 1.1 MB     00:01    
Total                                           1.9 MB/s | 2.5 MB     00:01     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                        1/1 
  Installing       : kernel-headers-4.15.0-1.fc27.noarch                    1/4 
  Running scriptlet: glibc-headers-2.27-4.fc28.riscv64                      2/4 
  Installing       : glibc-headers-2.27-4.fc28.riscv64                      2/4 
  Installing       : libxcrypt-devel-4.0.0-4.fc28.riscv64                   3/4 
  Installing       : glibc-devel-2.27-4.fc28.riscv64                        4/4 
  Running scriptlet: glibc-devel-2.27-4.fc28.riscv64                        4/4 
  Verifying        : glibc-devel-2.27-4.fc28.riscv64                        1/4 
  Verifying        : glibc-headers-2.27-4.fc28.riscv64                      2/4 
  Verifying        : libxcrypt-devel-4.0.0-4.fc28.riscv64                   3/4 
  Verifying        : kernel-headers-4.15.0-1.fc27.noarch                    4/4 

  glibc-devel.riscv64 2.27-4.fc28        glibc-headers.riscv64 2.27-4.fc28      
  kernel-headers.noarch 4.15.0-1.fc27    libxcrypt-devel.riscv64 4.0.0-4.fc28   

+ exec