/* $NetBSD: wsconsio.h,v 1.129 2024/10/20 09:25:00 mlelstv Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Christopher G. Demetriou. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou * for the NetBSD Project. * 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _DEV_WSCONS_WSCONSIO_H_ #define _DEV_WSCONS_WSCONSIO_H_ /* * WSCONS (wsdisplay, wskbd, wsmouse) exported interfaces. * * Ioctls are all in group 'W'. Ioctl number space is partitioned like: * 0-31 keyboard ioctls (WSKBDIO) * 32-63 mouse ioctls (WSMOUSEIO) * 64-95 display ioctls (WSDISPLAYIO) * 96-127 mux ioctls (WSMUXIO) * 128-255 reserved for future use */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/ioccom.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsksymvar.h> /* * Common event structure (used by keyboard and mouse) */ struct wscons_event { u_int type; int value; struct timespec time; }; #define WSEVENT_VERSION 1 /* Event type definitions. Comment for each is information in value. */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_KEY_UP 1 /* key code */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_KEY_DOWN 2 /* key code */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_ALL_KEYS_UP 3 /* void */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_UP 4 /* button # (leftmost = 0) */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN 5 /* button # (leftmost = 0) */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_DELTA_X 6 /* X delta amount */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_DELTA_Y 7 /* Y delta amount */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE_X 8 /* X location */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE_Y 9 /* Y location */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_DELTA_Z 10 /* Z delta amount */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE_Z 11 /* Z location */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_SCREEN_SWITCH 12 /* New screen number */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_ASCII 13 /* key code is already ascii */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_DELTA_W 14 /* W delta amount */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE_W 15 /* W location */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_HSCROLL 16 /* X axis precision scrolling */ #define WSCONS_EVENT_VSCROLL 17 /* Y axis precision scrolling */ /* * Keyboard ioctls (0 - 31) */ /* Get keyboard type. */ #define WSKBDIO_GTYPE _IOR('W', 0, u_int) #define WSKBD_TYPE_LK201 1 /* lk-201 */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_LK401 2 /* lk-401 */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_PC_XT 3 /* PC-ish, XT scancode */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_PC_AT 4 /* PC-ish, AT scancode, not used by modern kernels */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_USB 5 /* USB, XT scancode */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_NEXT 6 /* NeXT keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_HPC_KBD 7 /* HPC bultin keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_HPC_BTN 8 /* HPC/PsPC buttons */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_ARCHIMEDES 9 /* Archimedes keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_RISCPC 10 /* RiscPC keyboard, resembling AT codes */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_ADB 11 /* ADB */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_HIL 12 /* HIL keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_AMIGA 13 /* Amiga keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_MAPLE 14 /* Dreamcast Maple keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_ATARI 15 /* Atari keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_SUN 16 /* Sun Type3/4 */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_SUN5 17 /* Sun Type5 */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_SGI 18 /* SGI keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_MATRIXKP 19 /* Matrix keypads/buttons */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_EWS4800 20 /* NEC EWS4800 */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_BLUETOOTH 21 /* Bluetooth keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_ZAURUS 22 /* Sharp Zaurus keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_LUNA 23 /* OMRON SX-9100 LUNA */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_RFB 24 /* Usermode vnc remote keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_EPOC 25 /* Psion EPOC machine keyboard */ #define WSKBD_TYPE_HYPERV 26 /* Hyper-V synthetic keyboard */ /* Manipulate the keyboard bell. */ struct wskbd_bell_data { u_int which; /* values to get/set */ #define WSKBD_BELL_DOPITCH 0x1 /* get/set pitch */ #define WSKBD_BELL_DOPERIOD 0x2 /* get/set period */ #define WSKBD_BELL_DOVOLUME 0x4 /* get/set volume */ #define WSKBD_BELL_DOALL 0x7 /* all of the above */ u_int pitch; /* pitch, in Hz */ u_int period; /* period, in milliseconds */ u_int volume; /* percentage of max volume */ }; #define WSKBDIO_BELL _IO('W', 1) #define WSKBDIO_COMPLEXBELL _IOW('W', 2, struct wskbd_bell_data) #define WSKBDIO_SETBELL _IOW('W', 3, struct wskbd_bell_data) #define WSKBDIO_GETBELL _IOR('W', 4, struct wskbd_bell_data) #define WSKBDIO_SETDEFAULTBELL _IOW('W', 5, struct wskbd_bell_data) #define WSKBDIO_GETDEFAULTBELL _IOR('W', 6, struct wskbd_bell_data) /* Manipulate the emulation key repeat settings. */ struct wskbd_keyrepeat_data { u_int which; /* values to get/set */ #define WSKBD_KEYREPEAT_DODEL1 0x1 /* get/set del1 */ #define WSKBD_KEYREPEAT_DODELN 0x2 /* get/set delN */ #define WSKBD_KEYREPEAT_DOALL 0x3 /* all of the above */ u_int del1; /* delay before first, ms */ u_int delN; /* delay before rest, ms */ }; #define WSKBDIO_SETKEYREPEAT _IOW('W', 7, struct wskbd_keyrepeat_data) #define WSKBDIO_GETKEYREPEAT _IOR('W', 8, struct wskbd_keyrepeat_data) #define WSKBDIO_SETDEFAULTKEYREPEAT _IOW('W', 9, struct wskbd_keyrepeat_data) #define WSKBDIO_GETDEFAULTKEYREPEAT _IOR('W', 10, struct wskbd_keyrepeat_data) /* Get/set keyboard leds */ #define WSKBD_LED_CAPS 0x01 #define WSKBD_LED_NUM 0x02 #define WSKBD_LED_SCROLL 0x04 #define WSKBD_LED_COMPOSE 0x08 #define WSKBDIO_SETLEDS _IOW('W', 11, int) #define WSKBDIO_GETLEDS _IOR('W', 12, int) /* Manipulate keysym groups. */ struct wskbd_map_data { u_int maplen; /* number of entries in map */ #define WSKBDIO_MAXMAPLEN 65536 struct wscons_keymap *map; /* map to get or set */ }; #define WSKBDIO_GETMAP _IOWR('W', 13, struct wskbd_map_data) #define WSKBDIO_SETMAP _IOW('W', 14, struct wskbd_map_data) #define WSKBDIO_GETENCODING _IOR('W', 15, kbd_t) #define WSKBDIO_SETENCODING _IOW('W', 16, kbd_t) /* internal use only */ #define WSKBDIO_SETMODE _IOW('W', 19, int) #define WSKBDIO_GETMODE _IOR('W', 20, int) #define WSKBD_TRANSLATED 0 #define WSKBD_RAW 1 #define WSKBDIO_SETKEYCLICK _IOW('W', 21, int) #define WSKBDIO_GETKEYCLICK _IOR('W', 22, int) /* Manipulate the scrolling modifiers and mode */ struct wskbd_scroll_data { u_int which; #define WSKBD_SCROLL_DOMODIFIER 0x01 #define WSKBD_SCROLL_DOMODE 0x02 #define WSKBD_SCROLL_DOALL 0x03 u_int mode; #define WSKBD_SCROLL_MODE_NORMAL 0x00 #define WSKBD_SCROLL_MODE_HOLD 0x01 u_int modifier; }; #define WSKBDIO_GETSCROLL _IOR('W', 23, struct wskbd_scroll_data) #define WSKBDIO_SETSCROLL _IOW('W', 24, struct wskbd_scroll_data) /* Set event struct version */ #define WSKBDIO_SETVERSION _IOW('W', 25, int) #define WSKBDIO_EVENT_VERSION WSEVENT_VERSION /* * Mouse ioctls (32 - 63) */ /* Get mouse type */ #define WSMOUSEIO_GTYPE _IOR('W', 32, u_int) #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_VSXXX 1 /* DEC serial */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_PS2 2 /* PS/2-compatible */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_USB 3 /* USB mouse */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_LMS 4 /* Logitech busmouse */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_MMS 5 /* Microsoft InPort mouse */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_TPANEL 6 /* Generic Touch Panel */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_NEXT 7 /* NeXT mouse */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_ARCHIMEDES 8 /* Archimedes mouse */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_HIL 9 /* HIL mouse */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_AMIGA 10 /* Amiga mouse */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_MAXINE 11 /* DEC maxine mouse */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_MAPLE 12 /* Dreamcast Maple mouse */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_SGI 13 /* SGI mouse */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_BLUETOOTH 14 /* Bluetooth mouse */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_ADB 15 /* ADB mouse or touchpad */ #define WSMOUSE_TYPE_PSEUDO 16 /* not actually a mouse */ /* Set resolution. Not applicable to all mouse types. */ #define WSMOUSEIO_SRES _IOW('W', 33, u_int) #define WSMOUSE_RES_MIN 0 #define WSMOUSE_RES_DEFAULT 75 #define WSMOUSE_RES_MAX 100 /* Set scale factor (num / den). Not applicable to all mouse types. */ #define WSMOUSEIO_SSCALE _IOW('W', 34, u_int[2]) /* Set sample rate. Not applicable to all mouse types. */ #define WSMOUSEIO_SRATE _IOW('W', 35, u_int) #define WSMOUSE_RATE_MIN 0 #define WSMOUSE_RATE_DEFAULT 50 #define WSMOUSE_RATE_MAX 100 /* Set/get sample coordinates for calibration */ #define WSMOUSE_CALIBCOORDS_MAX 16 #define WSMOUSE_CALIBCOORDS_RESET -1 struct wsmouse_calibcoords { int minx, miny; /* minimum value of X/Y */ int maxx, maxy; /* maximum value of X/Y */ int samplelen; /* number of samples available or WSMOUSE_CALIBCOORDS_RESET for raw mode */ struct wsmouse_calibcoord { int rawx, rawy; /* raw coordinate */ int x, y; /* translated coordinate */ } samples[WSMOUSE_CALIBCOORDS_MAX]; /* sample coordinates */ }; #define WSMOUSEIO_SCALIBCOORDS _IOW('W', 36, struct wsmouse_calibcoords) #define WSMOUSEIO_GCALIBCOORDS _IOR('W', 37, struct wsmouse_calibcoords) /* get device id for calibration */ struct wsmouse_id { u_int type; #define WSMOUSE_ID_TYPE_UIDSTR 0 /* ID string (null terminated) */ u_int length; #define WSMOUSE_ID_MAXLEN 256 u_char data[WSMOUSE_ID_MAXLEN]; }; #define WSMOUSEIO_GETID _IOWR('W', 38, struct wsmouse_id) /* Get/set button repeating. */ struct wsmouse_repeat { unsigned long wr_buttons; unsigned int wr_delay_first; unsigned int wr_delay_decrement; unsigned int wr_delay_minimum; }; #define WSMOUSEIO_GETREPEAT _IOR('W', 39, struct wsmouse_repeat) #define WSMOUSEIO_SETREPEAT _IOW('W', 40, struct wsmouse_repeat) #define WSMOUSEIO_SETVERSION _IOW('W', 41, int) #define WSMOUSE_EVENT_VERSION WSEVENT_VERSION enum wsmousecfg { WSMOUSECFG_REVERSE_SCROLLING = 0, /* Touchpad parameters */ WSMOUSECFG_HORIZSCROLLDIST, WSMOUSECFG_VERTSCROLLDIST }; struct wsmouse_param { enum wsmousecfg key; int value; }; struct wsmouse_parameters { struct wsmouse_param *params; unsigned int nparams; }; #define WSMOUSECFG_MAX (128) /* maximum number of wsmouse_params */ #define WSMOUSEIO_GETPARAMS _IOW('W', 42, struct wsmouse_parameters) #define WSMOUSEIO_SETPARAMS _IOW('W', 43, struct wsmouse_parameters) /* * Display ioctls (64 - 95) */ /* Get display type */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_GTYPE _IOR('W', 64, u_int) #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0 /* unknown */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PM_MONO 1 /* DEC [23]100 mono */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PM_COLOR 2 /* DEC [23]100 color */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_CFB 3 /* DEC TC CFB (CX) */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_XCFB 4 /* DEC `maxine' onboard fb */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_MFB 5 /* DEC TC MFB (MX) */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_SFB 6 /* DEC TC SFB (HX) */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_ISAVGA 7 /* (generic) ISA VGA */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PCIVGA 8 /* (generic) PCI VGA */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_TGA 9 /* DEC PCI TGA */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_SFBP 10 /* DEC TC SFB+ (HX+) */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PCIMISC 11 /* (generic) PCI misc. disp. */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_NEXTMONO 12 /* NeXT mono display */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PX 13 /* DEC TC PX */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PXG 14 /* DEC TC PXG */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_TX 15 /* DEC TC TX */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_HPCFB 16 /* Handheld/PalmSize PC */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_VIDC 17 /* Acorn/ARM VIDC */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_SPX 18 /* DEC SPX (VS3100/VS4000) */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_GPX 19 /* DEC GPX (uVAX/VS2K/VS3100 */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_LCG 20 /* DEC LCG (VS4000) */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_VAX_MONO 21 /* DEC VS2K/VS3100 mono */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_SB_P9100 22 /* Tadpole SPARCbook P9100 */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_EGA 23 /* (generic) EGA */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_DCPVR 24 /* Dreamcast PowerVR */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_GBOX 25 /* HP Gator */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_TOPCAT 26 /* HP TopCat */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_RBOX 27 /* HP Renaissance */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_CATSEYE 28 /* HP CatsEye */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_DVBOX 29 /* HP DaVinci */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_TVRX 30 /* HP TigerShark */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_HYPERION 31 /* HP Hyperion */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_AMIGACC 32 /* Amiga custom chips */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_SUN24 33 /* Sun 24 bit framebuffers */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_NEWPORT 34 /* SGI Newport */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_GR2 35 /* SGI GR2 */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_SUNCG12 36 /* Sun cgtwelve */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_SUNCG14 37 /* Sun cgfourteen */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_SUNTCX 38 /* Sun TCX */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_SUNFFB 39 /* Sun creator FFB */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_STI 40 /* HP STI framebuffers */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_HDLCD 41 /* Hitachi HD44780 based LCDs */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_VESA 42 /* VESA BIOS framebuffer */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_XILFB 43 /* Xilinx TFT cores */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_LIGHT 44 /* SGI Light (a.k.a. Entry/Starter) */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_GENFB 45 /* generic nondescript framebuffer */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_CRIME 46 /* SGI O2 */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PXALCD 47 /* PXA2x0 LCD controller */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_AG10 48 /* Fujitsu AG-10e */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_DL 49 /* DisplayLink DL-1x0/DL-1x5 */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_XVR1000 50 /* Sun XVR-1000 */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_LUNA 51 /* OMRON SX-9100 LUNA */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_GRF 52 /* wsdisplay on top of grf(4) */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_VNC 53 /* Usermode vnc framebuffer */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_VALKYRIE 54 /* Apple onboard video 'valkyrie' */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_IMXIPU 55 /* i.MX ipu */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_VC4 56 /* Broadcom VideoCore 4 */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_OMAP3 57 /* OMAP 3530 */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_WINDERMERE 58 /* SoC for EPOC32 Series 5mx */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_CLPS711X 59 /* CL PS-711x */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_ALLWINNER 60 /* Allwinner ARM SoC */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_MGX 61 /* SSB 4096V-MGX */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_MESON 62 /* Amlogic Meson ARM SoC */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_TEGRA 63 /* NVIDIA Tegra ARM SoC */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PLATINUM 64 /* onboard fb in PowerMac 7200 */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_PLFB 65 /* ARM PrimeCell PL11x */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_SSDFB 66 /* ssdfb(4) */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_HOLLYWOOD 67 /* Nintendo Wii "Hollywood" SoC */ #define WSDISPLAY_TYPE_VC6 68 /* Broadcom VideoCore 6 */ /* Basic display information. Not applicable to all display types. */ struct wsdisplay_fbinfo { u_int height; /* height in pixels */ u_int width; /* width in pixels */ u_int depth; /* bits per pixel */ u_int cmsize; /* color map size (entries) */ }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_GINFO _IOR('W', 65, struct wsdisplay_fbinfo) /* Colormap operations. Not applicable to all display types. */ struct wsdisplay_cmap { u_int index; /* first element (0 origin) */ u_int count; /* number of elements */ u_char *red; /* red color map elements */ u_char *green; /* green color map elements */ u_char *blue; /* blue color map elements */ }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_GETCMAP _IOW('W', 66, struct wsdisplay_cmap) #define WSDISPLAYIO_PUTCMAP _IOW('W', 67, struct wsdisplay_cmap) /* Video control. Not applicable to all display types. */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_GVIDEO _IOR('W', 68, u_int) #define WSDISPLAYIO_SVIDEO _IOW('W', 69, u_int) #define WSDISPLAYIO_VIDEO_OFF 0 /* video off */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_VIDEO_ON 1 /* video on */ /* Cursor control. Not applicable to all display types. */ struct wsdisplay_curpos { /* cursor "position" */ u_int x, y; }; struct wsdisplay_cursor { u_int which; /* values to get/set */ #define WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOCUR 0x01 /* get/set enable */ #define WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOPOS 0x02 /* get/set pos */ #define WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOHOT 0x04 /* get/set hot spot */ #define WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOCMAP 0x08 /* get/set cmap */ #define WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOSHAPE 0x10 /* get/set img/mask */ #define WSDISPLAY_CURSOR_DOALL 0x1f /* all of the above */ u_int enable; /* enable/disable */ struct wsdisplay_curpos pos; /* position */ struct wsdisplay_curpos hot; /* hot spot */ struct wsdisplay_cmap cmap; /* color map info */ struct wsdisplay_curpos size; /* bit map size */ u_char *image; /* image data */ u_char *mask; /* mask data */ }; /* Cursor control: get and set position */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_GCURPOS _IOR('W', 70, struct wsdisplay_curpos) #define WSDISPLAYIO_SCURPOS _IOW('W', 71, struct wsdisplay_curpos) /* Cursor control: get maximum size */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_GCURMAX _IOR('W', 72, struct wsdisplay_curpos) /* Cursor control: get/set cursor attributes/shape */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_GCURSOR _IOWR('W', 73, struct wsdisplay_cursor) #define WSDISPLAYIO_SCURSOR _IOW('W', 74, struct wsdisplay_cursor) /* Display mode: Emulation (text) vs. Mapped (graphics) mode */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_GMODE _IOR('W', 75, u_int) #define WSDISPLAYIO_SMODE _IOW('W', 76, u_int) #define WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL 0 /* emulation (text) mode */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_MAPPED 1 /* mapped (graphics) mode */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_DUMBFB 2 /* mapped (graphics) fb mode */ /* * XXX WARNING * XXX The following wsdisplay definitions are very preliminary and are likely * XXX to be changed without care about backwards compatibility! */ struct wsdisplay_font { const char *name; int firstchar, numchars; int encoding; #define WSDISPLAY_FONTENC_ISO 0 #define WSDISPLAY_FONTENC_IBM 1 #define WSDISPLAY_FONTENC_PCVT 2 #define WSDISPLAY_FONTENC_ISO7 3 /* greek */ #define WSDISPLAY_FONTENC_ISO2 4 /* east european */ #define WSDISPLAY_FONTENC_KOI8_R 5 /* russian */ u_int fontwidth, fontheight, stride; #define WSDISPLAY_MAXFONTSZ (512*1024) int bitorder, byteorder; #define WSDISPLAY_FONTORDER_KNOWN 0 /* i.e, no need to convert */ #define WSDISPLAY_FONTORDER_L2R 1 #define WSDISPLAY_FONTORDER_R2L 2 void *data; }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_LDFONT _IOW('W', 77, struct wsdisplay_font) struct wsdisplay_addscreendata { int idx; /* screen index */ char *screentype; char *emul; }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_ADDSCREEN _IOW('W', 78, struct wsdisplay_addscreendata) struct wsdisplay_delscreendata { int idx; /* screen index */ int flags; #define WSDISPLAY_DELSCR_FORCE 1 }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_DELSCREEN _IOW('W', 79, struct wsdisplay_delscreendata) struct wsdisplay_usefontdata { char *name; }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_SFONT _IOW('W', 80, struct wsdisplay_usefontdata) /* Obsolete, replaced by WSMUXIO_{ADD,REMOVE}_DEVICE */ struct wsdisplay_kbddata { int op; #define _O_WSDISPLAY_KBD_ADD 0 #define _O_WSDISPLAY_KBD_DEL 1 int idx; }; #define _O_WSDISPLAYIO_SETKEYBOARD _IOWR('W', 81, struct wsdisplay_kbddata) /* * Misc control. Not applicable to all display types. * - WSDISPLAYIO_PARAM_BACKLIGHT should be an on/off switch for screensavers, * it should turn the display dark / turn the backlight off without changing * the brightness value so screensavers and such can just flip the switch * without caring about actual brightness settings * - WSDISPLAYIO_PARAM_BRIGHTNESS should set display / backlight brightness */ struct wsdisplay_param { int param; #define WSDISPLAYIO_PARAM_BACKLIGHT 1 #define WSDISPLAYIO_PARAM_BRIGHTNESS 2 #define WSDISPLAYIO_PARAM_CONTRAST 3 int min, max, curval; int reserved[4]; }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_GETPARAM _IOWR('W', 82, struct wsdisplay_param) #define WSDISPLAYIO_SETPARAM _IOWR('W', 83, struct wsdisplay_param) #define WSDISPLAYIO_GETACTIVESCREEN _IOR('W', 84, int) /* Character functions */ struct wsdisplay_char { int row, col; uint16_t letter; uint8_t background, foreground; char flags; #define WSDISPLAY_CHAR_BRIGHT 1 #define WSDISPLAY_CHAR_BLINK 2 }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_GETWSCHAR _IOWR('W', 85, struct wsdisplay_char) #define WSDISPLAYIO_PUTWSCHAR _IOWR('W', 86, struct wsdisplay_char) /* Manipulate the scrolling values (how many lines to scroll) */ struct wsdisplay_scroll_data { u_int which; #define WSDISPLAY_SCROLL_DOFASTLINES 0x01 #define WSDISPLAY_SCROLL_DOSLOWLINES 0x02 #define WSDISPLAY_SCROLL_DOALL 0x03 u_int fastlines; u_int slowlines; }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_DGSCROLL _IOR('W', 87, struct wsdisplay_scroll_data) #define WSDISPLAYIO_DSSCROLL _IOW('W', 88, struct wsdisplay_scroll_data) struct wsdisplay_msgattrs { int default_attrs, default_bg, default_fg; int kernel_attrs, kernel_bg, kernel_fg; }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_GMSGATTRS _IOR('W', 89, struct wsdisplay_msgattrs) #define WSDISPLAYIO_SMSGATTRS _IOW('W', 90, struct wsdisplay_msgattrs) #define WSDISPLAYIO_GBORDER _IOR('W', 91, int) #define WSDISPLAYIO_SBORDER _IOW('W', 92, int) /* Splash screen control */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_SSPLASH _IOW('W', 93, int) #define WSDISPLAYIO_SPROGRESS _IOW('W', 94, int) /* XXX NOT YET DEFINED */ /* Mapping information retrieval. */ /* Display information: number of bytes per row, may be same as pixels */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_LINEBYTES _IOR('W', 95, u_int) /* WSMUXIO_OINJECTEVENT was 96, but does not conflict because arg sizes */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_SETVERSION _IOW('W', 96, int) #define WSDISPLAYIO_EVENT_VERSION WSEVENT_VERSION /* * Mux ioctls (97 - 127) */ struct wsmux_device { int type; #define WSMUX_MOUSE 1 #define WSMUX_KBD 2 #define WSMUX_MUX 3 #define WSMUX_BELL 4 int idx; }; #define WSMUXIO_ADD_DEVICE _IOW('W', 97, struct wsmux_device) #define WSMUX_ADD_DEVICE WSMUXIO_ADD_DEVICE /* XXX compat */ #define WSMUXIO_REMOVE_DEVICE _IOW('W', 98, struct wsmux_device) #define WSMUX_REMOVE_DEVICE WSMUXIO_REMOVE_DEVICE /* XXX compat */ #define WSMUX_MAXDEV 32 struct wsmux_device_list { int ndevices; struct wsmux_device devices[WSMUX_MAXDEV]; }; #define WSMUXIO_LIST_DEVICES _IOWR('W', 99, struct wsmux_device_list) #define WSMUX_LIST_DEVICES WSMUXIO_LIST_DEVICES /* XXX compat */ #define WSMUXIO_INJECTEVENT _IOW('W', 100, struct wscons_event) #define WSMUX_INJECTEVENT WSMUXIO_INJECTEVENT /* XXX compat */ /* Mapping information retrieval. */ struct wsdisplayio_bus_id { u_int bus_type; #define WSDISPLAYIO_BUS_PCI 0 #define WSDISPLAYIO_BUS_SBUS 1 #define WSDISPLAYIO_BUS_SOC 2 union bus_data { struct bus_pci { uint32_t domain; uint32_t bus; uint32_t device; uint32_t function; } pci; struct bus_sbus { uint32_t fb_instance; } sbus; /* so the size doesn't change if we add more bus types */ char pad[32]; } ubus; }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_GET_BUSID _IOR('W', 101, struct wsdisplayio_bus_id) /* * retrieving EDID data from a wsdisplay driver * The EDID block will be written into a buffer pointed at by edid_data, * the caller must fill in buffer_size and edid_data, the driver will set * data_size to the number of bytes actually written. * If the buffer is too small the call will fail with EAGAIN and the driver * will set data_size without writing anything into the buffer. */ struct wsdisplayio_edid_info { uint32_t buffer_size; uint32_t data_size; void *edid_data; }; #define WSDISPLAYIO_GET_EDID _IOWR('W', 102, struct wsdisplayio_edid_info) /* * this is for enabling and disabling interrupt-driven drawing * pass 1 to enable polling, 0 to go back to normal * the kernel itself will call this on the console device when entering or * leaving ddb and on panic * may have side effects like hard switching to the virtual console which * shows kernel output, resetting the video hardware etc. - not really for * userland to mess with */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_SET_POLLING _IOW('W', 103, int) #define WSDISPLAYIOMGWEHITANDKILLEDASKUNK WSDISPLAYIO_SET_POLLING /* * this is supposed to replace WSDISPLAYIO_GINFO, WSDISPLAYIO_GTYPE, * WSDISPLAYIO_LINEBYTES etc. */ /* format type - colour index, 'true' colour etc. */ #define WSFB_RGB 0 #define WSFB_CI 1 /* colour indexed, see subtype */ #define WSFB_GREYSCALE 2 #define WSFB_YUV 3 #define WSFB_YUY2 4 struct wsdisplayio_fbinfo { uint64_t fbi_fbsize; /* framebuffer size in bytes */ uint64_t fbi_fboffset; /* start of visible fb, in bytes */ uint32_t fbi_width; /* in pixels */ uint32_t fbi_height; /* in lines */ uint32_t fbi_stride; /* in bytes */ uint32_t fbi_bitsperpixel; uint32_t fbi_pixeltype; /* see above */ union _fbi_subtype { struct _fbi_rgbmasks { /* offsets from the right, size in bits */ uint32_t red_offset; uint32_t red_size; uint32_t green_offset; uint32_t green_size; uint32_t blue_offset; uint32_t blue_size; uint32_t alpha_offset; uint32_t alpha_size; } fbi_rgbmasks; struct _fbi_cmapinfo { uint32_t cmap_entries; } fbi_cmapinfo; /* * TODO: * add parameter blocks for greyscale, yuv etc. */ } fbi_subtype; uint32_t fbi_flags; }; /* fbi_flags */ #define WSFB_VRAM_IS_RAM 0x0001 /* hint for wsfb - don't shadow */ #define WSFB_VRAM_IS_SPLIT 0x0002 /* workaround for wildcat... */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_GET_FBINFO _IOWR('W', 104, struct wsdisplayio_fbinfo) struct wsdisplayio_blit { uint32_t serial; uint32_t op; uint32_t srcx; uint32_t srcy; uint32_t dstx; uint32_t dsty; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; uint32_t pen; }; /* blit ops */ #define WSFB_BLIT_FILL 1 /* fill rectangle */ #define WSFB_BLIT_COPY 2 /* copy rectangle */ #define WSFB_BLIT_TRANS 3 /* copy rectangle with color key */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_DOBLIT _IOWR('W', 105, struct wsdisplayio_blit) #define WSDISPLAYIO_WAITBLIT _IOWR('W', 106, struct wsdisplayio_blit) struct wsdisplayio_fontdesc { char fd_name[64]; uint16_t fd_height; uint16_t fd_width; }; struct wsdisplayio_fontinfo { uint32_t fi_buffersize; uint32_t fi_numentries; struct wsdisplayio_fontdesc *fi_fonts; }; /* * fill buffer pointed at by fi_fonts with wsdisplayio_fontdesc until either * full or all fonts are listed * just return the number of entries needed if fi_fonts is NULL */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_LISTFONTS _IOWR('W', 107, struct wsdisplayio_fontinfo) struct wsdisplay_getfont { char *gf_name; uint32_t gf_size; uint32_t gf_actual; }; /* * return currently active font * * gf_name points to a buffer of gf_size bytes, the result may be truncated * and NUL-terminated. * gf_actual is set to the size of full name. */ #define WSDISPLAYIO_GFONT _IOWR('W', 108, struct wsdisplay_getfont) #endif /* _DEV_WSCONS_WSCONSIO_H_ */