# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.32 2017/04/08 19:53:20 christos Exp $ NOMAN= # defined .include <bsd.init.mk> S= ${.CURDIR}/../../../.. MIPS= ${S}/arch/mips COBALT= ${S}/arch/cobalt LIBSADIR= ${S}/lib/libsa # .PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../common BINMODE?= 444 # XXX SHOULD NOT NEED TO DEFINE THESE! LIBCRT0= LIBCRTI= LIBC= LIBCRTBEGIN= LIBCRTEND= realall: ${PROG} # Load @15Mb boundary as most (all?) of the Cobalt boxes # had been shipped with at least 16Mb. # # XXX The proper fix is to load at the kernel base address # and to relocate itself at the end of available memory. LOAD_ADDRESS?=0x80F00000 COMPORT?=0x0 COMSPEED?=115200 COMPROBE?=0xa020001c ZSCHAN?=0x01 # 0x01: ZS_CHAN_A, 0x00: ZS_CHAN_B ZSSPEED?=115200 ZSPROBE?=0xa020001c AFLAGS+= -D_LOCORE -D_KERNEL -DASSEMBLER -mno-abicalls # -I${.CURDIR}/../.. done by Makefile.inc CPPFLAGS+= -nostdinc -D_STANDALONE -DNO_ABICALLS -D_NO_PROM_DEFINES #CPPFLAGS+= -D_DEBUG \ # -DLIBSA_PRINTF_LONGLONG_SUPPORT -DLIBSA_PRINTF_WIDTH_SUPPORT CPPFLAGS+= -I${.OBJDIR} -I${S} -I${S}/arch -I${LIBSADIR} CPPFLAGS+= -DCONS_SERIAL -DCOMPORT=${COMPORT} CPPFLAGS+= -DCOMSPEED=${COMSPEED} -DCOMPROBE=${COMPROBE} CPPFLAGS+= -DCONS_ZS -DZSCHAN=${ZSCHAN} CPPFLAGS+= -DZSSPEED=${ZSSPEED} -DZSPROBE=${ZSPROBE} CPPFLAGS+= -DSUPPORT_DHCP -DSUPPORT_BOOTP #CPPFLAGS+= -DBOOTP_DEBUG -DNETIF_DEBUG -DETHER_DEBUG -DNFS_DEBUG #CPPFLAGS+= -DRPC_DEBUG -DRARP_DEBUG -DNET_DEBUG -DDEBUG -DPARANOID # compiler flags for smallest code size CFLAGS= -Os -mmemcpy -ffreestanding -mno-abicalls -msoft-float -G 128 AFLAGS+= -mips3 CFLAGS+= -mips3 .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "mips64el" AFLAGS+= -mabi=32 CFLAGS+= -mabi=32 LINKFORMAT= -m elf32ltsmip .endif CFLAGS+= -Wall -Werror CFLAGS+= -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith CFLAGS+= -Wno-pointer-sign NETBSD_VERS!= ${HOST_SH} ${S}/conf/osrelease.sh CPPFLAGS+= -DNETBSD_VERS='"${NETBSD_VERS}"' LDSCRIPT?= ${MIPS}/conf/stand.ldscript PROG= boot # common sources SRCS+= start.S boot.c devopen.c conf.c clock.c bootinfo.c SRCS+= prf.c com.c cons.c ns16550.c pciide.c tgets.c wdc.c wd.c SRCS+= zs.c SRCS+= cache.c pci.c nif_tlp.c tlp.c SRCS+= lcd.c # XXX dev_net.c should really be in libsa, but it doesn't # declare ip_convertaddr correctly. .PATH: ${LIBSADIR} SRCS+= dev_net.c ### find out what to use for libkern KERN_AS= library .include "${S}/lib/libkern/Makefile.inc" ### find out what to use for libz Z_AS= library .include "${S}/lib/libz/Makefile.inc" ### find out what to use for libsa SA_AS= library SAMISCMAKEFLAGS+=SA_USE_LOADFILE=yes SA_USE_CREAD=yes .include "${S}/lib/libsa/Makefile.inc" LIBS= ${SALIB} ${ZLIB} ${KERNLIB} .include "${S}/conf/newvers_stand.mk" ${PROG}: ${LDSCRIPT} ${OBJS} ${LIBS} ${LD} ${LINKFORMAT} -Map ${PROG}.map -N -x -Ttext ${LOAD_ADDRESS} \ -T ${LDSCRIPT} -e start -o ${PROG} ${OBJS} ${LIBS} ${TOOL_GZIP_N} -c9 ${PROG} > ${PROG}.gz @${SIZE} ${PROG} CLEANFILES+= ${PROG}.map ${PROG}.elf ${PROG}.gz cleandir distclean: .WAIT cleanlibdir cleanlibdir: -rm -rf lib .include <bsd.klinks.mk> .include <bsd.prog.mk>