%% This is file `stb-nomencl.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% stb-nomencl.dtx  (with options: `pkg')
%% Copyright (C) 2023 Stellenbosch University
%% All rights reserved.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Stellenbosch University Nomenclature for Theses and Reports
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Author:     Danie Els
%% Maintained: Danie Els (dnjels@sun.ac.za)
%% This work may be distributed and modified, and must be credited
%% under the conditions of the latest version of the Creative Commons
%% License (CC BY 4.0). The latest version of this license is in:
%%    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
%% This package consists of the files:
%%     stb-nomencl.dtx
%%     stb-nomencl.ins
%% and the derived files:
%%     stb-nomencl.sty
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
                              Stellenbosch Thesis Nomenclature (DNJ ELS)]
\newcommand\NomGroup[1]{%<-Group Headings
\newenvironment{Nomencl}[1][2em]%<- Nomenclature list environment
    \parfillskip -\rightskip
    \leaders\hbox{$\m@th\mkern \@dotsep mu\hbox{\tiny.}\mkern \@dotsep mu$}%
%% End of file `stb-nomencl.sty'.