# Release Notes Versions of Windy City are indicated by release date. The most recent date below is the current version, which is available on [CTAN](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/windycity "CTAN: pkg/windycity"). Changes since then, if any, are listed below under "Latest" and indicate updates to Windy City's [repository on GitHub](https://github.com/brianchase/windycity "GitHub: brianchase/windycity"). ## 2023-05-03 * added preamble option `sentencecase` to put titles in sentence-style capitalization (see *CMOS* 8.158) * added entry options to override, per entry, the default formats of titles: - Supported fields: `title`, `blogtitle`, `bookbooktitle`, `booktitle`, `issuetitle`, `journal`, `journaltitle`, `maintitle`, `origtitle`, `shortbooktitle`, `shorthand`, `shorttitle`, and `shortmaintitle` - For italics: `emph:<field>` (`emph` is short for `emph:title`) - For quotes: `quotes:<field>` (`quotes` is short for `quotes:title`) - For sentence-style capitalization: `sentencecase:<field>` (`sentencecase` is short for `sentencecase:title`) - To remove formatting: `noformat:<field>` (`noformat` is short for `noformat:title`) - Uppercase the first letter when `\ifcapital` is true: `ifcapital:<field>` (`ifcapital` is short for `ifcapital:title`) - You can use some of the options above at the same time, such as putting a title in both italics and sentence case. Exceptions: You can't use the `emph` and `quotes` options together (the `emph` options prevail), you can't use either with the `noformat` options (the `noformat` options prevail), and you can't use the `setencecase` and `ifcapital` options together (the `sentencecase` options prevail). - Setting an option for a title sets the related option for its short title (e.g. `sentencecase:maintitle` implies `sentencecase:shortmaintitle`). * added support for the `yeardivision` field (support for `season` remains for backward compatibility) * fixed the `year` field of `@standard` entries printing when `pubstate` supersedes it * fixed a missing field format for `shortmaintitle` * fixed a setting that caused `@reference` and `@inreference` works to format incorrectly if (1) `organization` was supposed to occupy the author's position *and* (2) their bibliography database entries had an `options` field ## 2021-12-04 * improved the handling of `labeldate` for `@inbook` and `@bookinbook` entries (for the most part, affecting books in collections when they're formatted for reference lists) - fixed cases of *n.d.* (no date) in reference lists when works without a `year` or `date` field were cross-referenced to works with a `year` or `date` field (previously, you could fix this by listing the date in both the parent and child entries) - also in reference lists, fixed occasional missing publication dates after the publisher's position when it differed from the one printed after the author's position (publication dates can differ when a work in a collection has a different publication date than the collection as a whole) - fixed the assignment of `labeldate` to correct problems with sorting in reference lists, ensure that multiple works by the same authors in the same year are differentiated with letters (as in *2015a*, *2015b*, etc.), and ensure that those letters aren't appended incorrectly - exception to the previous: works in reference lists formatted with the `swapvol` preamble option (but not the `swapvol` entry option) - fixed the position of publication dates in reference lists when a work's format is changed by `swapvol` (previously, dates weren't swapped along with other elements of the format) - if Windy City still fails to assign the correct `labeldate`, you can do it manually with the `label` field - reminder: following *CMOS* 15.41, you probably shouldn't use `swapvol` in reference lists because a reference list entry should give a work's volume first, which is what Windy City does by default and what `swapvol` changes * improved how the style processes pairs of locations and publishers (e.g. *Some City: Some Publisher*): - lists may include indefinitely many pairs (previously, no more than two were allowed) - rather than try to guess when it's appropriate to print *n.p.* (no place) when a publisher's location is missing, you must now specify when you want it with the entry option `noplace` - fixed a punctuation problem problem affecting some works that lacked a publisher's location * added support for citing "paintings, photographs, and sculpture" with the `@artwork` or `@image` entry type (see examples for *CMOS* 14.235) * added support for citing "standards" with the `@standard` entry type (see examples for *CMOS* 4.259; note that there's no way for Windy City to print long or short forms of a publisher's name, depending on the context, so it falls short on one example) * added a `noetal` preamble and entry option to disable the truncation of name lists (as a preamble option, it disables all truncation; as an entry option it disables truncation in citations and bibliography entries of specific works) ## 2021-11-09 * added support for manuscript collections (see examples for *CMOS* 14.222, 14.229, and 14.230) * improved support for unpublished lectures, presentations, and similar works with the help of a `typeaddon` field (see examples for *CMOS* 14.216 and 14.217) * added `\parenauth` and `\parenauths` citation commands for parenthetical citations that omit the year (see example in *CMOS* 15.54) * added support for the `shorteditor` field and added a `shorttranslator` field (like `shortauthor`, they print only in the author's position of subsequent citations, not in bibliographies or first citations) * editor and translator type fields accept the values `anon`, `anon?`, and `pseudo` to indicate anonymous and pseudonymous editors and translators (since the fields accept multiple values, you could list, for example, a pseudonymous compiler) * fixed at least one bug with the `ibidpage` preamble option (it prevented page numbers from printing in some contexts where most but not all of the right conditions were met) * fixed the `shortlinks` preamble option to stop it from inserting links in bibliographies (the links belong only in citations) * for `@article` entries, fixed the relative positions of `series` and `location` * for `@thesis` entries, fixed missing punctuation in notes between `title` and `note` * fixed a spacing problem in the `postnote` of some `@review` entries ## 2021-07-07 * improved the workflow for titles, subtitles, and the like; no change in output, except for the following: - added support for printing the `subtitle` and `titleaddon` of an entry cross-referenced by a cross-referenced entry (e.g. if you cite an article cross-referenced to a volume cross-referenced to a collection, the collection's `subtitle` and `titleaddon` will now print) - subsequent citations of `@review` entries with titles now have a similar form as articles with titles (previously, they were the same as untitled reviews) - if the `crossref` field of an `@review` entry is defined, the title of the cross-referenced entry now has the field format of its entry type (previously, all such titles were in italics, never in quotation marks) * added support for the `ibidpage` preamble option (false by default; true with the `ibid` preamble option; if true, it suppresses the `postnote` of a citation if the previous citation on the page is to the same entry with the same `postnote`) * added support for the `dashed` preamble option (true by default; if false, it removes the 3-em dash for repeated names in bibliographies and reference lists) * added support for using `annotate` as an entry option, not just as a preamble option * fixed `anon` and `anon?` author types for contexts outside the author's position * fixed the `shortfirst` preamble option for `@review` entries * fixed `@review` entries with titles but no authors ## 2021-05-02 This release brings a long overdue redesign of the workflow for editors and translators. My hope is that users won't need to change their bibliography databases, but I did need to change one example in the user guide, moving an editor name list from a child entry to its parent, where it belonged in the first place. In all, the changes greatly extend the control and flexibility that users have over the placement of editors and translators while allowing for simpler internals. * highlights pertaining to editors and translators: - added support for the following editorial roles: + expanded by... + expanded and compiled by... + expanded and edited by... + expanded and revised by... + expanded and translated by... + expanded and updated by... + compiled and expanded by... + edited and expanded by... + revised and expanded by... + translated and expanded by... + updated and expanded by... - added support for translators of `issuetitle` and `series`, which means you may assign translators to every title to which you may assign editors - editor and translator type fields now accept comma-separated bibliography strings, making all editorial roles available for `issuetitle`, `maintitle`, and `series` (e.g. if `editor` is the reviser of `maintitle`, put `maintitle,reviser` or `reviser,maintitle` in `editortype`) - added `swaptrans:issuetitle`, `swaptrans:maintitle`, and `swaptrans:series` entry options to swap positions of editors and translators of `issuetitle`, `maintitle`, and `series` - for special circumstances (explained in the user guide), added three more entry options for swapping editors and translators: `swaptrans:title`, `swaptrans:booktitle`, and `swaptrans:bookbooktitle` - added support for printing a second tier of editors after `title`, `issuetitle`, `maintitle`, and `series` (e.g. "Edited by Jane Doe. Revised and Expanded by John Smith") - if the editors and translators of a work are the same, you can control the assignment in several ways, including with just one name list and its corresponding type field (e.g. if Jane Doe is the compiler and translator of `title`, you can, among other options, put `Doe, Jane` in `editor` and `comptrans` in `editortype` or `Doe, Jane` in `translator` and `comptrans` in `translatortype`) - fixed several issues, at least, affecting the placement of editors and translators, mainly the latter * added preamble option `shortafter` to print the same output as the preamble option `short` but with long first citations * for works in certain collections, fixed punctuation after the `edition` field ## 2021-01-30 * added support for the `pubstate` field to indicate when a work is forthcoming (with value *forthcoming*), a preprint (with value preprint*), a working paper (with value *working*), or an electronic article published ahead of the official publication date (with value *prepub*) * added support for the `eprint` field, plus related fields and options * added `shortlinks` preamble option to "shorten" embedded links from `bibhyperref` in standard citations; instead of encompassing an entire citation, links apply to just one element: the title or, if no title is present, whatever part of the citation occupies the author's position, such as the author's name, *ibid.*, or a shorthand * somewhat related to the previous, changed preamble option `firstshort` to `shortfirst` * sorting in bibliographies and reference lists now respond to the month, day, hour, and minute or entries (e.g. in a reference list, two articles by the same author published on the same day, minutes apart, will sort the earliest article first) * added `noreprint` entry option to exclude the `reprint` bibliography string from citations of certain reprints * fixed the `shortauthor` field printing in long, first citations (sorry about that!) * fixed several bugs, mostly affecting parenthetical citations, having to do with the placement, punctuation, and tracking of citations with `journaltitle`, `organization`, or `blogtitle` in the author's position * related to the previous, added support for the `shortjournal` field and added `shortorganization` and `shortblog` fields * fixed several macros in which the preamble option `reflist` could cause errors in standard citations * fixed parenthetical citations for `@online` entries that should have nothing in the date's position, not even "n.d." (no date), such as when you cite a blog but not any particular post * fixed punctuation after `title` when an `@unpublished` entry has no `type`, `location`, or `pubstate` field * [accidentally dropped from previous release:] fixed `autopunct` when `\footcites` follows `\cite` plus an `autopunct` mark (e.g. `\cite{key1}?\footcites{key2}{key3}`) ## 2020-11-10 * added support for updaters, which, like other editorial roles, you can combine with any other role: - updated by... - updated and compiled by... - updated and edited by... - updated and revised by... - updated and translated by... - compiled and updated by... - edited and updated by... - revised and updated by... - translated and updated by... * when editors and translators are the same, and you haven't set the `swaptrans` entry option, the value of the `editortype` field determines which role goes first (example: `transrev` prints "translated and revised by" without needing `swaptrans`) * dropped the `anonauth` and `anonqauth` entry options; instead, use the `authortype` field with values `anon` and `anon?`, respectively * in addition to anonymous authors, `authortype` can handle some pseudonymous authors with the value `pseudo` (the `nameaddon` field still works for this and, in fact, remains the only way to list a pseudonymous author's given name) * added a `nopages` preamble option to stop automatic printing of the `pages` field on first citations of `@article` and `@review` entries (and their aliases) when the `postnote` is blank * added support for the `\fullcite` and `\footfullcite` citation commands * new citation commands: `idemcite`, `idemcites`, `footidemcite`, `footidemcites` * added support for printing ISSNs with `issn` entry and bibliography options * fixed `nameaddon` and `handle` fields printing in short citations ## 2020-09-29 * better punctuation handling in parenthetical citations, allowing examples in *CMOS* 15.24 and 15.30 (17th ed.) * for `@reference` and `@inreference` entries, added support for printing the `organization` field in the author's position of short citations, fixing many of them (most of them? it was bad!) * also for `@reference` and `@inreference` entries, allowed the `author` field to substitute for `organization` (not recommended but could prevent confusion in some cases) * fixed `\cites` and `\parencites` for consecutive citations of the same author (most seriously affecting parenthetical citations but also standard and short citations in different ways) * fixed parenthetical citations not printing volume numbers for certain collections ## 2020-09-07 * added support for revisers and expanded combinations of editor and translator types: - compiled by, comp., comps. - compiled and edited by, comp. and ed., comps. and eds. - compiled and revised by, comp. and rev., comps. and revs. - compiled and translated by, comp. and trans., comps. and trans. - edited by, ed., eds. - edited and compiled by, ed. and comp., eds. and comps. - edited and revised by, ed. and rev., eds. and revs. - edited and translated by, ed. and trans., eds. and trans. - revised by, rev., revs. - revised and compiled by, rev. and comp., revs. and comps. - revised and edited by, rev. and ed., revs. and eds. - revised and translated by, rev. and trans., revs. and trans. - translated by, trans. - translated and compiled by, trans. and comp., trans and comps. - translated and edited by, trans. and ed., trans. and eds. - translated and revised by, trans. and rev., trans. and revs. * added support for citing prefaces (akin to citing afterwords, forewords, and introductions) * fixed placement of `edition` relative to editors, translators, and such * fixed short citations of `@review` entries failing to print a review's title * fixed output of `@inreference` entries when they cross-reference a previously cited `@reference` entry * fixed mismatch in output between `@article` and `@periodical` entry types * fixed `\parencite` failing to print names in `afterwords`, `forewords`, and `introduction` fields * fixed printing `transcomp` and `transed` bibliography strings when `transcomp+` and `transed+` were needed ## 2019-07-17 * fixed always printing the `date` field in an American format, rather than in formats set in localization files * for documents not in English, check for `<language>-windycity.lbx` and, if available, use it instead of `american-windycity.lbx` * defined `\textcite`, `\texcite*`, `\textcites` and `\textcites*` (useful for examples in *CMOS* 13.65) ## 2019-04-02 * fixed `\parencite` from printing a work's publication year twice under the preamble option `reflist` * fixed the failure of the 3-em dash to print in bibliographies when compiling with different languages * fixed `\autocite`; it should work for options `footnote`, `inline`, and `plain` and with all preamble options * defined `\smartcite`, `\smartcite*`, `\smartcites`, and `\smartcites*` ## 2019-03-27 * fixed a bug that could prevent names in the `editora` field from printing in the author's position * fixed typos that broke the `mathesis` entry type * fixed `mathesis` and `phdthesis` entry types so that they don't need a `type` field to distinguish the MA from the PhD (only the `thesis` entry type needs it) * improved support for newspapers and magazines with issue numbers (see updated documentation on how to implement it) * added support for citing a newspaper's edition, such as 'Sunday Book Review' ## 2019-02-21 * fixed reviews with titles * in reference lists, fixed `year` printing with `season` or `issue` * much improved format of unsigned reviews in bibliographies and reference lists, in part restoring previous work set aside * extended `swapvol` option to work with `letter`, `incollection`, `inbook`, and `bookinbook` entries that are cross-referenced to entries that work with `swapvol` (in effect, you can use `swapvol` not only with volumes in collections but with works in those volumes, such as chapters and articles) * improved handling of editors and translators, including support for translators of a `maintitle` * added `library` entry and preamble options to support the `library` field * extended `swapauth` to work with `mvbook` and `mvcollection` entries * added support for `\iffieldbibstring` in processing `edition` and `type` fields * other bug fixes ## 2019-01-31 * added limited support for citing web pages and social media content * added `listvols` entry option (see documentation) * added `skipdate` entry option (see documentation) * significant changes for tighter control of punctuation, among other things fixing the previous use of `postpunct` * fixed printing of publication dates for some reports * fixed `nameaddon` not printing after a 3-em dash in bibliographies (presumably, screen names should also print in this context; they do now) * fixed a show-stopping bug in reference lists caused by the previous fix to `nameaddon` * fixed reprints, cross-referencing in reference lists * other bug fixes ## 2019-01-18 * reversed default for collections, printing information for volumes first; the option to reverse this is called `swapvol` * changed option name `transfirst` to `swaptrans` * fixed punctuation before `postnote` of articles and reviews (ugh!) * changed processing of spacing and punctuation around `postnote` for all citations * added support for swapping the place of an author with an editor or translator, as in *CMOS* 14.104 * extended the previous to cover a similar case in *CMOS* 14.122 * improved handling of name lists and cross-referencing * removed no longer maintained citation commands * other bug fixes and housekeeping ## 2019-01-07 * major additions and changes for processing collections * fixed \parencite for unsigned articles * fixed \parencite for cross-referencing * fixed formatting of reviews * added support for `autopunct` option and `postpunct` field for better handling of punctuation after citation commands (e.g. `\cite{something}` will end with a period, while `\cite{something};` will end with a semicolon) * in light of the previous, changed \reprint command * added support for `shortjournal` field for parenthetical citations * simplified `parencite` and related macros * improved handling of `year`, `endyear`, `bookyear`, and `endbookyear` fields, ensuring that the publication date of the last mentioned work gets printed in bibliographies and reference lists * many bug fixes ## 2018-12-09 * simpler processing of author's position * added support for common reference works, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias * fixed `\defbibcheck` for reference works * fixed short option printing urls and related data on first citations * some fixes, though incomplete, for reviews * other fixes for spacing and punctuation ## 2018-12-05 * added much better support for cross-referencing collections in notes and bibliographies, including enhanced support for treating multivolume collections as a single work * support for short format of citations, with `short` and `ibid` preamble options * added support for self-published books * added support for electronic article IDs * added support for `shortauthor` namelist * better processing of reviews, though still limited * fixed and improved multicite output * undid change to `noauth` entry option (it was right the first time!) * many bug fixes (mainly spacing, punctuation, and toggles) * new documentation ## 2018-11-26 * fixed `noauth` entry option (it should only affect notes) * fixed `inst+loc+date` * following *CMOS*, made `cite:short` print just a work's title without the name of the collection * fixed name formatting for affixes like 'Jr.' in notes (no comma before them, unlike in bibliographies, where names are inverted) * limited support for copublication * limited support for publication times * added `\footcite*` command and updated documentation ## 2018-11-23 * improved and in some cases fixed processing of numbers, dates, and issues of periodicals * much better support for unsigned articles * fixed `type` field format * fixed double printing of year for theses and dissertations in the author-date system * fixed punctuation after 'Special issue' in bibliographies * fixed obscure punctuation issue with *notewrapper commands * added support for shorthandintro and improved handling of shorthands * updated field format for DOIs * update name formatting for affixes like 'Jr.' ## 2018-11-17 * replaced `\ifthenelse` with commands from etoolbox * better handling of editors for a series, maintitle, or issuetitle * limited support for `endmonth` field for periodicals * fixed extra space from `multicitedelim` ## 2018-11-14 * finally got a handle on the author-date format for periodicals, rolling back some recent changes (ugh!) * put back preamble options `useeditor` and `usetranslator`, which are necessary after all (double ugh!) * more readable and arguably simpler date processing for periodicals * added preamble option `ibid` to prepare for the 17th edition of *CMOS* * updated `windycity.tex` to reflect the last point, also to make use of `optionlist` * remove unused entries from `windycity.bib` for the 15th edition of *CMOS* ## 2018-11-13 * fixed spacing of date for periodicals (resulting from recent support for `endday` field) * fixed spacing between volumes and pages in author-date system for periodicals * support names of anonymous authors as in *CMOS* 14.80 (16th edition) and *CMOS* 14.79 (17th edition) ## 2018-11-09 * for articles etc., limited support for `season` field * limited support for `endyear` and `endorigyear` fields * removed unused preamble options and commented code * fix `inreference` bibliography alias ## 2018-11-02 * fixed author-date system printing the year of many articles twice * fixed author-date system printing the year between an author's name and the field `nameaddon` * fixed bibliography driver for shorthands that caused it to print just titles, rather than full entries * added support for `endday` field * `addendum` field prints only in bibliographies and reference lists, not in notes * set `parentracker` preamble option * set `minxrefs` preamble option * `collsonly` preamble option sets `minxrefs=1` * changed `pagetracker` preamble option from `true` to `page` * edits and fixes to `windycity.sty` and `windycity.tex` ## 2018-10-20 * fixed broken date formatting in author-date citations * changed `\DeclareSortingScheme` to `\DeclareSortingTemplate` * changed preamble option `labeldate` to `labeldateparts` * changed special field `extrayear` to `extradate` * bumped minimum compatible release to biblatex 3.8 * other minor changes for the version bump ## 2015-12-28 * added missing `\setunit` for when `bybookauthor` prints an author's name and the collection has an editor, translator, or compiler ## 2015-07-08 * removed an unused bibmacro * minor edits and fixes to `windycity.sty` and `windycity.tex` * minor edits to readme * removed an empty line from `windycity.bib` * changed the version number format to match the release date ## 2014-03-21 * improved and fixed cross-referencing of collections to other collections * fixed missing publication year in notes under option `reflist` * fixed incorrect printing of `volumes` under option `reflist` * minor fixes * updated documentation ## 2014-03-02 * greatly simplified the handling of editors and translators * changes and fixes to `incollections`, `ed+vol+part+etc`, and associated macros, especially affecting the placement of a book's series in relation to other elements * added and changed placement of `note` for some entry types * added support for abstracts (via `note` for `@article`) * simplified `reviews` * made `@unpublished` an alias of `@thesis` * other minor changes and fixes * updated `windycity.tex` and `windycity.bib` ## 2014-02-26 * initial release