% This cbx file does not supply a stand-alone type. Rather, these functions are separated in order to simplify maintenance of the main mla-strict.cbx file, since the MLA Handbook no longer advises on ways to style full bibliographic information in the footnote. To use MLA-style footnotes, please set your style to "mla" or "mla-strict" and add the option "autocite=footnote".
\ProvidesFile{mla-footnotes.cbx}[2022/02/22 v2.1a biblatex citation style]

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Format Declarations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Footnote Definitions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%













  \ifbool{cbx@named}% 0.7.1





  \ifbool{cbx@named}% 0.7.1












     \( \iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{collection}\AND%
       \ifnameundef{author} \)}%

