%% Copyright 2022 Philip Kime
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
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%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Philip Kime.

\ProvidesFile{apa.bbx}[2023/03/20\space v9.17\space APA biblatex references style]
\urlstyle{same} % APA examples all have URLs in same font as text

% Declare the language mapping suffix

%  Automated capitalisation after colons
%  (http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2011/06/capitalization-after-colons.html)
%  Copied and adapted from ieee.bbx

% {<process>} {*} {<text>}
  \bbx@colon@search@aux#1#2\empty#3: \stop
\long\def\bbx@colon@search@aux#1#2#3: #4\stop{%
      : %


% Optional parens/brackets
% Thanks to egreg from https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/53068/how-to-check-if-a-macro-value-is-empty-or-will-not-create-text-with-plain-tex-co
% for this test for expanded emptiness so that we can easily opt to not print parens around nothing
% Without this, it is very messy - you have to test all potential fields for defness first and this
% is messy because the fields in the additional info vary betwee entrytypes

% we need a way to save the state of the punctuation buffer
% cf. \blx@initunit in biblatex.sty for what we need to copy

% this uses the internal implementation of etoolbox toggles
% fingers crossed no one messes with it




% printtext that checks if it would print anything


% (APA 9.8) - Allow variable max authors/editors limit
%             Default to APA 19



% Multiple related entries, even though there are no
% examples in APA 7th, should probably be this



% Force roman numerals into arabic using
% etoolbox macros



% (APA 9.43) Hanging indent of 0.5in



% Date formats. Suppress end range of less specific fields

        \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifstrequal{#1}{url}}
                     or test {\ifentrytype{legal}}
                     or ( test {\ifentrytype{legadminmaterial}} and
                          test {\ifkeyword{proposed}} ) }
               {\iffieldequalstr{#1endyear}{}% open-ended range?
               {\iffieldequalstr{#1endyear}{}% open-ended range?

% Only for DATE as only \printdateextra is used
          {\iffieldequalstr{#1endyear}{}% open-ended range?



% (APA 8.12) sort citations
% (APA 8.17,8.18) More than two authors is truncated to one but overriden for list ambiguity to
%                 point of no ambiguity but only when same year.
% (APA 8.20) Use initials to disambiguate shared surnames
% (APA 8.19) Use year postfix to disambiguate multiple items in same year
% (APA 9.44, 9.46, 9.47) Sorting is nyt but we need to account for PUBSTATE which comes
%                        after all normal cites for the same author
% (APA 9.42) Secular Before Common Era dates, approximate dates
% (APA Figure 9.2) Sorting ignores punctuation in names
% (APA 9.47) Ignore "The", "An" and "A" when sorting titles

% Used for sorting citations with biblatex option "sortcites" as this needs to use
% the silly APA standards for name list visibility (8.17, 8.18) in cites which differs from the reference list.


    \literal{-2000000000}% APA has "nodates" coming first
    \literal{-2000000000}% APA has "nodates" coming first
    \literal{-2000000000}% APA has "nodates" coming first

% Don't sort on EDITOR for INBOOK (IN* since IN* is mapped to INBOOK) as TITLE is used in place of author
% if there is no AUTHOR


% Don't use EDITOR as labelname in INBOOK (IN* since IN* is mapped to INBOOK) as citations should be
% via TITLE if there is no AUTHOR

% Don't fall back on other year fields if there is no year, use
% "nodate" string
  \field{year}%legacy - no ISO8601 support

% CONSTITUTION entrytypes have no dates at all so no fall back to nodate literal either


% It's not completely obvious but it's implied that names identical apart from a suffix
% are to be treated as different name lists for extradate calculation so we add suffix
% to the default definition
  \namepart[use=true, base=true]{prefix}

% Force, in every refsection, the generation of refcontext data with a
% sorting name key template which works for citation sorting with sortcites. This
% would not be generated in the .bcf otherwise and therefore no sorted list
% with this sorting name key tenplate would generated in teh .bbl by biber because no
% \printbibliography would be executed in this context since it is only
% used for sorting of citations truncated to one name as per 8.17/8.18.
% Two things needs to happen in general:
% 1. Generate the refcontext sorted data list in the .bbl (biber) which requires a datalist
%    section in the .bcf. This latter is done by \printbibliography/\printbiblist or \GenRefcontextData
%    when no \printbibliography/\printbiblist is done in the refcontext 
% 2. Switch to the relevant refcontext at the right time in order to pull the date from the
%    correct data list (\newrefcontext/\begin{refcontext})
% Switch to the reference context using citation visibility setting for sorting of citations


% Enforce ignoring of PUBSTATE if there is a YEAR or DATE field
% (APA 10.2:32) Remove PUBLISHER if it is the same as AUTHOR

      \step[typesource=reference, typetarget=book]
      \step[typesource=inreference, typetarget=inbook]
      \step[typesource=collection, typetarget=book]
      \step[typesource=incollection, typetarget=inbook]
      \step[typesource=hardware, typetarget=software]
      \step[fieldsource=groupauthor, fieldtarget=author]
      \step[fieldsource=booktitle, fieldtarget=title]
      \step[typesource=proceedings, typetarget=book]
      \step[notfield=editor, final]
      \step[notfield=crossref, final]% A bit suspect but assuming that any crossref contains EDITOR
      \step[fieldsource=booktitle, fieldtarget=journaltitle]
      \step[typesource=inproceedings, typetarget=article]
      \step[typesource=inproceedings, typetarget=inbook]
      \step[fieldsource=year, final]
      \step[fieldset=pubstate, null]
      \step[fieldsource=date, final]
      \step[fieldset=pubstate, null]
      \step[fieldsource=author, match=\regexp{([^{}]+)}, final]
      \step[fieldsource=publisher, match=\regexp{$1}, final]%$
      \step[fieldset=publisher, null]

% Flag to say whether the "in" has
% been placed already in IN*
% Reset every bibitem.



% Set up some standard APA formats

% General format of titles. Ugly Chicago-style lowercasing of English titles





















% (APA 9.47) Works by the same author have the full author
%            name, not an eliding dash. Author is always
%            last name first.
% (APA 10.1:4) Ellipsis from 20th position and then nothing until last
% (APA 9.x) Unknown names and dates
% (APA 9.8) Two group authors drop the comma in between

% \printnames does different things depending on whether the format you are
% calling is the default for the name field or is a custom format:
%   * Default format (e.g. "labelname" format for printing labelname): no
%     start/stop max/minnames truncation is done first - the format is
%     supposed to do it.
%   * Custom format (e.g. "labelname" format for printing author):
%     max/minnames truncation is done before calling the format so we have
%     to do \printnames[format][-\value{listtotal}]{field} to ensure we get
%     all of the names in the list to work on





       % need to clear all title fields so we don't get them again later

        % need to clear all title fields so we don't get them again later

     % need to clear editor so we don't get an "In" clause later

     % need to clear editor so we don't get an "In" clause later




% (APA 9.8) Author delimiters are ampersands before final author
%           Long author lists
%           Serial comma for lists of three or more
%           Ampersand only (no comma) between two group authors



% (APA 9.47) Use "nodate" bibstring for references with no year
%            Months and days go into parenthesis with year, if set
% (APA 8.13, 10.2) circa or uncertain dates in brackets

% Make sure endmonth gets an expansion too


  \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifdatecirca} or test {\ifdateuncertain} }


% (APA 10.5) Conference event information



% (APA 9.25) No prefix for pages



% (APA 9.52) References in a meta-analysis
%            Dates ignore month/day in nonacademic
%            articles



% Title and additional post title information

     \ifthenelse{\ifentrytype{inbook}\OR\ifentrytype{thesis}}{}{\usebibmacro{addinfo1}}% additional info in parens


% Additional post title information in brackets unless it's the meta subtype "nonacademic"
% which is used to conditionalise date formats in the .lbx files

% number/issue information
       {% Inconsistent - standard thesis types have institution inside the brackts, manual types outside ...
          {\bibcpstring{number}~\printfield{number}}}}% Inconsistent - numbers after type aren't necessarily numbers ...


% (APA 10.1 Example 6) eprints (eLocator)



% (APA 10)   Commas between title and volume for articles
% (APA 10.6) eLocator is part of journal info




% "In" precedes editor/trans list, no colon
% Use a flag to track as it could be inserted in more
% than one potential location



% Names

  \xifinlist{item@\currentname @role@\the\value{listcount}}%





% Individual name roles
% takes two arguments
% {<pre punct>}{<wrapper>}

  \xifinlist{field@\currentname @role}%





% roles for complete name lists
% takes two arguments
% {<pre punct>}{<wrapper>}


% Name format

    test {\ifnumless{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
    test \ifmorenames



% #1 = family name
% #2 = given name
% #3 = given name (initials)
% #4 = name prefix
% #5 = name suffix

       test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
       test {\ifdefvoid{#4}}}



% (APA 9.10) Role strings in parens after author list
%            Collapse roles if same person
% (APA 10.1 Example 10) Translator
% (APA 10.2 Example 22) Narrator

    {\printtext{}}% Print nothing, so the puncutation tracker is kept informed



% Special journal issues are periodicals





% (APA 10.1 Example 10) Original year

% Only give ORIGYEAR in references if both:
%   YEAR is also given
%   YEAR and ORIGYEAR are different

    not test {\iffieldundef{origyear}}
    not test {\iffieldundef{labelyear}}
    and not test {\iffieldsequal{labelyear}{origyear}}}


% (APA 10.3) Reference work references






%  Colon separates title/subtitle
%  Skip if following terminating punctuation



% (APA 10.2.24) Multiple publishers, semi-colon sep




% (APA 10.10) Software



% (APA 10.1 Example 18) Comment on article




% (APA 10.7) Reviews - role strings need to be the
%                      short versions in reviews





% (APA 10.13) Audio



% (APA 10.12) Audiovisual



% Related entries
% Have to force capitlisation bibstring variant because the delim
% has no printable char and this breaks default capitalisation

% Suppress final period after reprints in parens


% Some APA related entries are just after title, some are at the end of
% the entry. This is for those after the title
        \togglefalse{bbx:related}}% disable default related expansion later on




% (APA 9.51) Annotations




% (APA 11.4) Court cases


         \global\togglefalse{apa:courtdate}} % disable normal date printing if it's in the citation info

  % disable normal date printing if it's in the citation info
         \printlist{organization}\space #1}}}


% (APA 11.5) Statutes

                        \addspace\&\addspace rev\adddot\addspace\printlabeldate}}}


% (APA 11.6) Legislative Material and Admin Material





% (APA 10.x) General entrytype drivers

% Custom driver to make a cleaner example for 9.44

























% Modified, common macros



%(APA 9.35) No periods after URLS and DOIs
% we'll override a global url option for for @online entries




  \ifboolexpr{          test {\iffieldundef{doi}}
                 or not togl {bbx:doi}}
    {\ifboolexpr{       test {\iffieldundef{url}}
                 or not togl {bbx:url}}




% Unchanged from authoryear-comp







