% !TeX root = ./examples/sloth.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% This package is part of the TikZlings package %% A package to bring cute little animals and other beings into tikz %% Maintained by samcarter %% %% Project repository and bug tracker: %% https://github.com/samcarter/tikzlings %% %% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later %% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ProvidesPackage{tikzlings-sloths}[2022/06/17 version v1.0 Drawing sloths in TikZ] \RequirePackage{tikz} \RequirePackage{tikzlings-addons} \definecolor{slothcol}{RGB}{168,156,123} \newcommand*{\sloth}[1][]{% \begin{scope}% \tikzset{/sloth/.cd,#1}% \sloth@draw% \end{scope}% \thing[#1]% % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \csname slothhookforeground\endcsname \csname tikzlinghookforeground\endcsname % } \newif\ifsloth@sleeping \newif\ifsloth@threeD \newif\ifsloth@back \newif\ifsloth@contour \tikzset{ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Pass unknown keys on to tikz % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /sloth/.search also={/tikz,/pgf,/thing}, /sloth/.cd, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % body % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% body/.store in = \sloth@body, body = slothcol, eye/.store in = \sloth@eye, eye = black, eyelid/.store in = \sloth@eyelid, eyelid = \sloth@body!50!white, mouth/.store in = \sloth@mouth, mouth = \sloth@body!40!black, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % options % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% sleeping/.code = \sloth@sleepingtrue, 3D/.code = \sloth@threeDtrue, back/.code = \sloth@backtrue, contour/.code = \sloth@contourtrue \def\sloth@contour{#1} \def\sloth@mouth{#1} \def\sloth@eyelid{#1}, contour/.default = black, outline/.forward to = /sloth/contour, } \def\sloth@draw{% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % minimal bounding box size % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \path (-0.7,0.12) rectangle (0.7, 2.27); % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % store the current scale factor % from https://github.com/samcarter/tikzlings/issues/3#issuecomment-461373494 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pgfgettransformentries{\tmpscaleA}{\tmpscaleB}{\tmpscaleC}{\tmpscaleD}{\tmp}{\tmp}% \pgfmathsetmacro{\scalingfactor}{sqrt(abs(\tmpscaleA*\tmpscaleD-\tmpscaleB*\tmpscaleC))*sqrt(abs((\pgf@xx/1cm)*(\pgf@yy/1cm)-(\pgf@xy/1cm)*(\pgf@yx/1cm)))}% \pgfmathsetmacro{\xscalefactor}{\tmpscaleA} \pgfmathsetmacro{\yscalefactor}{\tmpscaleD} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % switch between 2D, 3D and contours, from % https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/45991801#45991801 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifsloth@threeD \def\sloth@part@draw[##1]{\shade[ball color=##1]} \else% 3D \ifsloth@contour \def\sloth@part@draw[##1]{\draw[##1,\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt]} \else% contour \def\sloth@part@draw[##1]{\fill[##1]} \fi% contour \fi% 3D % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Body parts % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \csname slothhookbackground\endcsname \csname tikzlinghookbackground\endcsname % % Arms if back %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifsloth@back \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body] (0.53,0.95) ellipse[x radius=0.1, y radius=0.27, rotate=10]; \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body] (-0.53,0.95) ellipse[x radius=0.1, y radius=0.27, rotate=-10]; \fi% back % % Feet if back%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifsloth@back \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (-0.125,0.265) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.019,rotate=-10]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (-0.14,0.21) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.017, rotate=-16]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (-0.16,0.165) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.015, rotate=-22]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (0.125,0.265) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.019, rotate=10]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (0.14,0.21) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.017, rotate=16]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (0.16,0.165) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.015, rotate=22]; \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body] (0.33,0.31) ellipse[x radius=0.25, y radius=0.13, rotate=25]; \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body] (-0.33,0.31) ellipse[x radius=0.25, y radius=0.13, rotate=-25]; \fi% back % % Body %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body!85!black] (0.53,0.85) .. controls (0.53,0.29) and (0.32,0.22) .. (0,0.22) .. controls (-0.32,0.22) and (-0.53,0.29) .. (-0.53,0.85) .. controls (-0.53,1.41) and (-0.32,1.87) .. (0,1.87) .. controls (0.33,1.87) and (0.53,1.41) .. (0.53,0.85) -- cycle; % % Belly %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \unless\ifsloth@back \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body!70!white] (0.36, 0.74) .. controls (0.36, 0.49) and (0.22, 0.41) .. (0, 0.41) .. controls (-0.22, 0.41) and (-0.36, 0.49) .. (-0.36, 0.74) .. controls (-0.36, 1) and (-0.22, 1.16) .. (0, 1.16) .. controls (0.22, 1.16) and (0.36, 1) .. (0.36, 0.74) -- cycle; \fi% back % % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \csname slothhookbelly\endcsname \csname tikzlinghookbelly\endcsname % % Hair %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body] (-0.1128,2.0724) .. controls (-0.1128,2.0724) and (-0.1499,2.2329) .. (-0.0972,2.2525) .. controls (-0.1082,2.1318) and (-0.0047,2.0839) .. (-0.0047,2.0839) .. controls (-0.0047,2.0839) and (-0.0219,2.1866) .. (0.0145,2.1933) .. controls (0.0142,2.1159) and (0.0770,2.0884) .. (0.0770,2.0884) -- cycle; % % Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body] ( 0.50,1.67) .. controls ( 0.50,1.91) and ( 0.27,2.10) .. ( 0.00,2.10) .. controls (-0.27,2.10) and (-0.50,1.91) .. (-0.50,1.67) .. controls (-0.50,1.43) and (-0.33,1.28) .. ( 0.00,1.28) .. controls ( 0.33,1.28) and ( 0.50,1.43) .. ( 0.50,1.67) -- cycle; % % Show details only from the front %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \unless\ifsloth@back % % Inner part of hat %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body!50!white] ( 0.40,1.67) .. controls ( 0.40,1.90) and ( 0.12,2.09) .. ( 0.00,1.93) .. controls (-0.12,2.09) and (-0.40,1.90) .. (-0.40,1.67) .. controls (-0.40,1.45) and (-0.25,1.38) .. ( 0.00,1.38) .. controls ( 0.25,1.38) and ( 0.40,1.45) .. ( 0.40,1.67) -- cycle; % % behind the eyes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifsloth@contour \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.3785,1.5336) .. controls (0.3012,1.5864) and (0.1829,1.6693) .. (0.1377,1.7234) .. controls (0.1184,1.7464) and (0.1624,1.8242) .. (0.1906,1.8137) .. controls (0.2673,1.7851) and (0.3597,1.7125) .. (0.3994,1.6531) .. controls (0.4129,1.6328) and (0.3785,1.5336) .. (0.3785,1.5336) -- cycle; \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (-0.3785,1.5336) .. controls (-0.3012,1.5864) and (-0.1829,1.6693) .. (-0.1377,1.7234) .. controls (-0.1184,1.7464) and (-0.1624,1.8242) .. (-0.1906,1.8137) .. controls (-0.2673,1.7851) and (-0.3597,1.7125) .. (-0.3994,1.6531) .. controls (-0.4129,1.6328) and (-0.3785,1.5336) .. (-0.3785,1.5336) -- cycle; \else% contour \fill[\sloth@body!60!black] (0.3785,1.5336) .. controls (0.3012,1.5864) and (0.1829,1.6693) .. (0.1377,1.7234) .. controls (0.1184,1.7464) and (0.1624,1.8242) .. (0.1906,1.8137) .. controls (0.2673,1.7851) and (0.3597,1.7125) .. (0.3994,1.6531) .. controls (0.4129,1.6328) and (0.3785,1.5336) .. (0.3785,1.5336) -- cycle; \fill[\sloth@body!60!black] (-0.3785,1.5336) .. controls (-0.3012,1.5864) and (-0.1829,1.6693) .. (-0.1377,1.7234) .. controls (-0.1184,1.7464) and (-0.1624,1.8242) .. (-0.1906,1.8137) .. controls (-0.2673,1.7851) and (-0.3597,1.7125) .. (-0.3994,1.6531) .. controls (-0.4129,1.6328) and (-0.3785,1.5336) .. (-0.3785,1.5336) -- cycle; \fi% contour % % Eyes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifsloth@sleeping \fill[\sloth@eyelid] (0.195, 1.705) rectangle ++(0.005, 0.02); \fill[\sloth@eyelid,rotate around={22:(0.195, 1.76)}] (0.195, 1.705) rectangle ++(0.005, 0.02); \fill[\sloth@eyelid,rotate around={44:(0.195, 1.76)}] (0.195, 1.701) rectangle ++(0.005, 0.02); \fill[\sloth@eyelid,rotate around={-22:(0.195, 1.76)}] (0.195, 1.705) rectangle ++(0.005, 0.02); \fill[\sloth@eyelid,rotate around={-44:(0.195, 1.76)}] (0.195, 1.705) rectangle ++(0.005, 0.02); % \fill[\sloth@eyelid] (-0.195, 1.705) rectangle ++(0.005, 0.02); \fill[\sloth@eyelid,rotate around={22:(-0.195, 1.76)}] (-0.195, 1.705) rectangle ++(0.005, 0.02); \fill[\sloth@eyelid,rotate around={44:(-0.195, 1.76)}] (-0.195, 1.705) rectangle ++(0.005, 0.02); \fill[\sloth@eyelid,rotate around={-22:(-0.195, 1.76)}] (-0.195, 1.705) rectangle ++(0.005, 0.02); \fill[\sloth@eyelid,rotate around={-44:(-0.195, 1.76)}] (-0.195, 1.701) rectangle ++(0.005, 0.02); % \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@eyelid] (0.237, 1.743) .. controls (0.237, 1.712) and (0.157, 1.712) .. (0.157, 1.743) .. controls (0.157, 1.802) and (0.237, 1.802) .. (0.237, 1.743) -- cycle; \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@eyelid] (-0.237, 1.743) .. controls (-0.237, 1.712) and (-0.157, 1.712) .. (-0.157, 1.743) .. controls (-0.157, 1.802) and (-0.237, 1.802) .. (-0.237, 1.743) -- cycle; \else% sleeping \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@eye] (0.193,1.75) circle[radius=0.04]; \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@eye] (-0.193,1.75) circle[radius=0.04]; \fill[white] (-0.2 ,1.765) circle[radius=0.006]; \fill[white] ( 0.186,1.765) circle[radius=0.006]; \fi% sleeping % % Nose %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body!40!black] (0,1.665) ellipse[x radius=0.078, y radius=0.048]; % % Mouth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \draw[\sloth@mouth,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.115, 1.55) arc [start angle=-40, end angle=-140, radius=0.16]; % % Arms %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body] (-0.50, 1.24) .. controls (-0.54, 1.24) and (-0.55, 1.20) .. (-0.56, 1.17) .. controls (-0.61, 1.06) and (-0.63, 0.95) .. (-0.64, 0.83) .. controls (-0.64, 0.80) and (-0.64, 0.77) .. (-0.63, 0.74) .. controls (-0.57, 0.66) and (-0.47, 0.60) .. (-0.38, 0.56) .. controls (-0.31, 0.54) and (-0.23, 0.52) .. (-0.16, 0.54) .. controls (-0.12, 0.54) and (-0.10, 0.59) .. (-0.13, 0.61) .. controls (-0.17, 0.68) and (-0.24, 0.73) .. (-0.30, 0.77) .. controls (-0.34, 0.79) and (-0.38, 0.81) .. (-0.42, 0.83) .. controls (-0.41, 0.92) and (-0.41, 1.01) .. (-0.42, 1.09) .. controls (-0.43, 1.14) and (-0.44, 1.19) .. (-0.48, 1.23) .. controls (-0.48, 1.24) and (-0.49, 1.24) .. (-0.50, 1.24) -- cycle; \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body] (0.50, 1.24) .. controls (0.54, 1.24) and (0.55, 1.20) .. (0.56, 1.17) .. controls (0.61, 1.06) and (0.63, 0.95) .. (0.64, 0.83) .. controls (0.64, 0.80) and (0.64, 0.77) .. (0.63, 0.74) .. controls (0.57, 0.66) and (0.47, 0.60) .. (0.38, 0.56) .. controls (0.31, 0.54) and (0.23, 0.52) .. (0.16, 0.54) .. controls (0.12, 0.54) and (0.10, 0.59) .. (0.13, 0.61) .. controls (0.17, 0.68) and (0.24, 0.73) .. (0.30, 0.77) .. controls (0.34, 0.79) and (0.38, 0.81) .. (0.42, 0.83) .. controls (0.41, 0.92) and (0.41, 1.01) .. (0.42, 1.09) .. controls (0.43, 1.14) and (0.44, 1.19) .. (0.48, 1.23) .. controls (0.48, 1.24) and (0.49, 1.24) .. (0.50, 1.24) -- cycle; % \ifsloth@contour \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.15, 0.61) ellipse[x radius=0.017, y radius=0.07, rotate=110]; \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.17, 0.57) ellipse[x radius=0.015, y radius=0.07, rotate=117]; \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.19, 0.53) ellipse[x radius=0.012, y radius=0.062, rotate=125]; % \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (-0.15, 0.61) ellipse[x radius=0.017, y radius=0.07, rotate=-110]; \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (-0.17, 0.57) ellipse[x radius=0.015, y radius=0.07, rotate=-117]; \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (-0.19, 0.53) ellipse[x radius=0.012, y radius=0.062, rotate=-125]; \else% contour \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (0.15, 0.61) ellipse[x radius=0.017, y radius=0.07, rotate=110]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (0.17, 0.57) ellipse[x radius=0.015, y radius=0.07, rotate=117]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (0.19, 0.53) ellipse[x radius=0.012, y radius=0.062, rotate=125]; % \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (-0.15, 0.61) ellipse[x radius=0.017, y radius=0.07, rotate=-110]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (-0.17, 0.57) ellipse[x radius=0.015, y radius=0.07, rotate=-117]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (-0.19, 0.53) ellipse[x radius=0.012, y radius=0.062, rotate=-125]; \fi% contour % % Feet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body] (0.33,0.31) ellipse[x radius=0.25, y radius=0.13, rotate=25]; \sloth@part@draw[\sloth@body] (-0.33,0.31) ellipse[x radius=0.25, y radius=0.13, rotate=-25]; % \ifsloth@contour \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (-0.125,0.265) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.019, rotate=-10]; \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (-0.14,0.21) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.017, rotate=-16]; \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (-0.16,0.165) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.015, rotate=-22]; \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.125,0.265) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.019, rotate=10]; \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.14,0.21) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.017, rotate=16]; \draw[\sloth@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.16,0.165) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.015, rotate=22]; \else% contour \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (-0.125,0.265) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.019, rotate=-10]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (-0.14,0.21) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.017, rotate=-16]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (-0.16,0.165) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.015, rotate=-22]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (0.125,0.265) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.019, rotate=10]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (0.14,0.21) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.017, rotate=16]; \fill[\sloth@body!50!black] (0.16,0.165) ellipse[x radius=0.07, y radius=0.015, rotate=22]; \fi% contour % \fi% back % % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \csname slothhookbody\endcsname \csname tikzlinghookbody\endcsname % } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Documentation %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\clearpage %\section[Sloth]{Riley, the sloth} % %\emph{One of good souls behind the TugBoat once met a sloth called Riley} % %\subsection{Package name} % %\begin{tcolorbox}[lower separated=false, lefthand width=.8\linewidth] %\vspace*{0.5cm} %\lstinline|\usepackage{tikzlings-sloths}| %\vspace*{0.5cm} %\end{tcolorbox} % %\subsection{Basic Usage} % %\begin{tcblisting}{} %\sloth %\end{tcblisting} % %\subsection{Options} % %The basic sloth can be modified by changing its colour: %\begin{tcblisting}{} %\sloth[body=blue] %\end{tcblisting} % %In addition to the colour of the body, the colour of various body parts can be adjusted: %\begin{tcblisting}{} %\sloth[eye=red] %\end{tcblisting} %\begin{tcblisting}{} %\sloth[mouth=red] %\end{tcblisting} % %If tired, the sloth can take a nap: %\begin{tcblisting}{} %\sloth[sleeping] %\end{tcblisting} %\begin{tcblisting}{} %\sloth[sleeping,eyelid=red] %\end{tcblisting} % %To view the sloth from behind: %\begin{tcblisting}{} %\sloth[back] %\end{tcblisting} % %The key \lstinline|3D| will make the sloth 3-dimensional: %\begin{tcblisting}{} %\sloth[3D] %\end{tcblisting} % %And finally the \lstinline|contour| key will only draw the outlines: %\begin{tcblisting}{} %\sloth[contour=black] %\end{tcblisting}