* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/3.0/censReg.Rcheck' * using R version 3.0.3 (2014-03-06) * using platform: i386-w64-mingw32 (32-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'censReg/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * this is package 'censReg' version '0.5-20' * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking whether package 'censReg' can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking sizes of PDF files under 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking installed files from 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking files in 'vignettes' ... OK * checking examples ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in tests ... OK * checking tests ... OK Running 'censRegPanelLargerTest.R' Comparing 'censRegPanelLargerTest.Rout' to 'censRegPanelLargerTest.Rout.save' ...3a4 > > library( plm ) 5,6c6,17 < Please cite the 'maxLik' package as: < Henningsen, Arne and Toomet, Ott (2011). maxLik: A package for maximum likelihood estimation in R. Computational Statistics 26(3), 443-458. DOI 10.1007/s00180-010-0217-1. --- > Attaching package: 'bdsmatrix' > > The following object is masked from 'package:base': > > backsolve > > > Attaching package: 'zoo' > > The following object is masked from 'package:base': > > as.Date, as.Date.numeric 8,10d18 < If you have questions, suggestions, or comments regarding the 'maxLik' package, please use a forum or 'tracker' at maxLik's R-Forge site: < https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/maxlik/ < > library( plm ) Running 'censRegPanelTest.R' Comparing 'censRegPanelTest.Rout' to 'censRegPanelTest.Rout.save' ...3a4 > > library( plm ) 5,6c6,17 < Please cite the 'maxLik' package as: < Henningsen, Arne and Toomet, Ott (2011). maxLik: A package for maximum likelihood estimation in R. Computational Statistics 26(3), 443-458. DOI 10.1007/s00180-010-0217-1. --- > Attaching package: 'bdsmatrix' > > The following object is masked from 'package:base': > > backsolve > > > Attaching package: 'zoo' > > The following object is masked from 'package:base': > > as.Date, as.Date.numeric 8,10d18 < If you have questions, suggestions, or comments regarding the 'maxLik' package, please use a forum or 'tracker' at maxLik's R-Forge site: < https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/maxlik/ < > library( plm ) 75,79c83,87 < (Intercept) -0.37 0.47 -0.8 0.4 < x1 1.68 0.21 8.0 1e-15 *** < x2 2.24 0.67 3.3 9e-04 *** < logSigmaMu -0.13 0.26 -0.5 0.6 < logSigmaNu -0.01 0.13 -0.1 0.9 --- > (Intercept) -0.3656 0.4745 -0.77 0.44094 > x1 1.6800 0.2092 8.03 9.8e-16 *** > x2 2.2405 0.6739 3.32 0.00088 *** > logSigmaMu -0.1295 0.2581 -0.50 0.61568 > logSigmaNu -0.0124 0.1297 -0.10 0.92378 300,304c308,312 < (Intercept) -0.37 0.56 -0.7 0.510 < x1 1.68 0.29 5.7 1e-08 *** < x2 2.24 0.73 3.1 0.002 ** < logSigmaMu -0.13 0.30 -0.4 0.661 < logSigmaNu -0.01 0.14 -0.1 0.929 --- > (Intercept) -0.3656 0.5551 -0.66 0.5101 > x1 1.6800 0.2938 5.72 1.1e-08 *** > x2 2.2406 0.7295 3.07 0.0021 ** > logSigmaMu -0.1296 0.2950 -0.44 0.6605 > logSigmaNu -0.0124 0.1401 -0.09 0.9295 461,465c469,473 < (Intercept) -0.37 0.47 -0.8 0.4 < x1 1.68 0.21 8.0 1e-15 *** < x2 2.24 0.67 3.3 9e-04 *** < logSigmaMu -0.13 0.26 -0.5 0.6 < logSigmaNu -0.01 0.13 -0.1 0.9 --- > (Intercept) -0.3656 0.4745 -0.77 0.44093 > x1 1.6800 0.2092 8.03 9.8e-16 *** > x2 2.2406 0.6739 3.32 0.00088 *** > logSigmaMu -0.1295 0.2581 -0.50 0.61567 > logSigmaNu -0.0124 0.1297 -0.10 0.92378 613c621 < -0.37 1.68 2.25 -0.13 -0.01 --- > -0.37 1.68 2.24 -0.13 -0.01 618c626 < BFGSR maximization, 77 iterations --- > BFGSR maximization, 78 iterations 624,628c632,636 < (Intercept) -0.37 0.47 -0.8 0.4 < x1 1.68 0.21 8.0 1e-15 *** < x2 2.25 0.67 3.3 9e-04 *** < logSigmaMu -0.13 0.26 -0.5 0.6 < logSigmaNu -0.01 0.13 -0.1 0.9 --- > (Intercept) -0.3675 0.4746 -0.77 0.43874 > x1 1.6799 0.2092 8.03 9.8e-16 *** > x2 2.2438 0.6740 3.33 0.00087 *** > logSigmaMu -0.1295 0.2580 -0.50 0.61585 > logSigmaNu -0.0124 0.1297 -0.10 0.92377 645c653 < x2 2.25 0.67 3.3 9e-04 *** --- > x2 2.24 0.67 3.3 9e-04 *** 651c659 < BFGSR maximization, 77 iterations --- > BFGSR maximization, 78 iterations 661c669 < -0.37 1.68 2.25 -0.13 -0.01 --- > -0.37 1.68 2.24 -0.13 -0.01 665c673 < 5e-03 1e-03 -9e-03 -9e-05 -1e-03 --- > 1e-03 3e-03 -6e-03 4e-04 3e-04 669,673c677,681 < (Intercept) -13.31 -4.10 -7.30 -2.13 -1.29 < x1 -4.10 -26.07 -1.99 4.48 4.76 < x2 -7.30 -1.99 -6.23 -0.63 -0.45 < logSigmaMu -2.13 4.48 -0.63 -16.67 -3.72 < logSigmaNu -1.29 4.76 -0.45 -3.72 -61.06 --- > (Intercept) -13.32 -4.10 -7.31 -2.12 -1.30 > x1 -4.10 -26.08 -1.99 4.48 4.76 > x2 -7.31 -1.99 -6.24 -0.63 -0.46 > logSigmaMu -2.12 4.48 -0.63 -16.67 -3.72 > logSigmaNu -1.30 4.76 -0.46 -3.72 -61.07 688c696 < [1] 77 --- > [1] 78 695c703 < [1,] -0.85 0.22 -0.07 -0.14 -0.97 --- > [1,] -0.85 0.22 -0.07 -0.14 -0.96 709c717 < [15,] -0.08 1.09 -0.46 -0.84 0.21 --- > [15,] -0.08 1.09 -0.46 -0.84 0.20 814c822 < 4.63 1.68 2.24 -0.13 -0.01 --- > 4.63 1.68 2.25 -0.13 -0.01 819c827 < BFGSR maximization, 97 iterations --- > BFGSR maximization, 75 iterations 825,829c833,837 < (Intercept) 4.63 0.47 9.8 <2e-16 *** < x1 1.68 0.21 8.0 1e-15 *** < x2 2.24 0.67 3.3 9e-04 *** < logSigmaMu -0.13 0.26 -0.5 0.6 < logSigmaNu -0.01 0.13 -0.1 0.9 --- > (Intercept) 4.6297 0.4748 9.75 < 2e-16 *** > x1 1.6797 0.2092 8.03 9.9e-16 *** > x2 2.2483 0.6740 3.34 0.00085 *** > logSigmaMu -0.1297 0.2581 -0.50 0.61537 > logSigmaNu -0.0125 0.1297 -0.10 0.92343 846c854 < x2 2.24 0.67 3.3 9e-04 *** --- > x2 2.25 0.67 3.3 9e-04 *** 852c860 < BFGSR maximization, 97 iterations --- > BFGSR maximization, 75 iterations 858c866 < 4.63 1.68 2.24 -0.13 -0.01 --- > 4.63 1.68 2.25 -0.13 -0.01 861c869 < 4.63 1.68 2.24 0.88 0.99 --- > 4.63 1.68 2.25 0.88 0.99 888c896 < 4.63 1.68 2.24 -0.13 -0.01 --- > 4.63 1.68 2.25 -0.13 -0.01 892c900 < 8e-04 5e-04 -2e-03 2e-04 -2e-03 --- > 0.007 0.010 -0.013 0.006 0.005 896,900c904,908 < (Intercept) -13.32 -4.10 -7.31 -2.11 -1.31 < x1 -4.10 -26.07 -1.99 4.48 4.76 < x2 -7.31 -1.99 -6.24 -0.62 -0.48 < logSigmaMu -2.11 4.48 -0.62 -16.66 -3.72 < logSigmaNu -1.31 4.76 -0.48 -3.72 -61.06 --- > (Intercept) -13.32 -4.10 -7.31 -2.13 -1.29 > x1 -4.10 -26.08 -1.99 4.48 4.74 > x2 -7.31 -1.99 -6.24 -0.63 -0.45 > logSigmaMu -2.13 4.48 -0.63 -16.67 -3.73 > logSigmaNu -1.29 4.74 -0.45 -3.73 -61.06 915c923 < [1] 97 --- > [1] 75 922c930 < [1,] -0.85 0.23 -0.07 -0.14 -0.96 --- > [1,] -0.85 0.22 -0.07 -0.14 -0.97 924c932 < [3,] 1.75 0.33 1.73 1.84 1.80 --- > [3,] 1.75 0.34 1.73 1.84 1.80 927c935 < [6,] 0.33 -0.31 0.38 -0.49 -1.58 --- > [6,] 0.33 -0.30 0.38 -0.49 -1.58 930,932c938,940 < [9,] 1.15 0.59 0.30 0.13 -1.62 < [10,] -0.43 -0.41 -0.15 -0.47 -1.94 < [11,] -0.03 1.45 -0.64 -0.92 2.74 --- > [9,] 1.15 0.59 0.30 0.14 -1.61 > [10,] -0.43 -0.40 -0.15 -0.47 -1.94 > [11,] -0.03 1.45 -0.65 -0.92 2.74 935,936c943,944 < [14,] -1.81 -1.31 -0.92 1.96 2.58 < [15,] -0.08 1.09 -0.46 -0.84 0.20 --- > [14,] -1.82 -1.31 -0.92 1.96 2.58 > [15,] -0.08 1.09 -0.46 -0.84 0.21 1002c1010 < 0.37 -1.68 -2.25 -0.13 -0.01 --- > 0.37 -1.68 -2.24 -0.13 -0.01 1007c1015 < BFGSR maximization, 77 iterations --- > BFGSR maximization, 78 iterations 1013,1017c1021,1025 < (Intercept) 0.37 0.47 0.8 0.4 < x1 -1.68 0.21 -8.0 1e-15 *** < x2 -2.25 0.67 -3.3 9e-04 *** < logSigmaMu -0.13 0.26 -0.5 0.6 < logSigmaNu -0.01 0.13 -0.1 0.9 --- > (Intercept) 0.3675 0.4746 0.77 0.43874 > x1 -1.6799 0.2092 -8.03 9.8e-16 *** > x2 -2.2438 0.6740 -3.33 0.00087 *** > logSigmaMu -0.1295 0.2580 -0.50 0.61585 > logSigmaNu -0.0124 0.1297 -0.10 0.92377 1035c1043 < x2 -2.25 0.67 -3.3 9e-04 *** --- > x2 -2.24 0.67 -3.3 9e-04 *** 1041c1049 < BFGSR maximization, 77 iterations --- > BFGSR maximization, 78 iterations 1047c1055 < 0.37 -1.68 -2.25 -0.13 -0.01 --- > 0.37 -1.68 -2.24 -0.13 -0.01 1050c1058 < 0.37 -1.68 -2.25 0.88 0.99 --- > 0.37 -1.68 -2.24 0.88 0.99 1075c1083 < 0.37 -1.68 -2.25 -0.13 -0.01 --- > 0.37 -1.68 -2.24 -0.13 -0.01 1079c1087 < -5e-03 -1e-03 9e-03 -9e-05 -1e-03 --- > -1e-03 -3e-03 6e-03 4e-04 3e-04 1083,1087c1091,1095 < (Intercept) -13.31 -4.10 -7.30 2.13 1.29 < x1 -4.10 -26.07 -1.99 -4.48 -4.76 < x2 -7.30 -1.99 -6.23 0.63 0.45 < logSigmaMu 2.13 -4.48 0.63 -16.67 -3.72 < logSigmaNu 1.29 -4.76 0.45 -3.72 -61.06 --- > (Intercept) -13.32 -4.10 -7.31 2.12 1.30 > x1 -4.10 -26.08 -1.99 -4.48 -4.76 > x2 -7.31 -1.99 -6.24 0.63 0.46 > logSigmaMu 2.12 -4.48 0.63 -16.67 -3.72 > logSigmaNu 1.30 -4.76 0.46 -3.72 -61.07 1102c1110 < [1] 77 --- > [1] 78 1109c1117 < [1,] 0.85 -0.22 0.07 -0.14 -0.97 --- > [1,] 0.85 -0.22 0.07 -0.14 -0.96 1123c1131 < [15,] 0.08 -1.09 0.46 -0.84 0.21 --- > [15,] 0.08 -1.09 0.46 -0.84 0.20 1190c1198 < -4.63 -1.68 -2.25 -0.13 -0.01 --- > -4.63 -1.68 -2.24 -0.13 -0.01 1195c1203 < BFGSR maximization, 76 iterations --- > BFGSR maximization, 73 iterations 1201,1205c1209,1213 < (Intercept) -4.63 0.47 -9.8 <2e-16 *** < x1 -1.68 0.21 -8.0 1e-15 *** < x2 -2.25 0.67 -3.3 9e-04 *** < logSigmaMu -0.13 0.26 -0.5 0.6 < logSigmaNu -0.01 0.13 -0.1 0.9 --- > (Intercept) -4.6339 0.4745 -9.77 < 2e-16 *** > x1 -1.6800 0.2092 -8.03 9.8e-16 *** > x2 -2.2413 0.6739 -3.33 0.00088 *** > logSigmaMu -0.1295 0.2581 -0.50 0.61573 > logSigmaNu -0.0124 0.1297 -0.10 0.92376 1223c1231 < x2 -2.25 0.67 -3.3 9e-04 *** --- > x2 -2.24 0.67 -3.3 9e-04 *** 1229c1237 < BFGSR maximization, 76 iterations --- > BFGSR maximization, 73 iterations 1235c1243 < -4.63 -1.68 -2.25 -0.13 -0.01 --- > -4.63 -1.68 -2.24 -0.13 -0.01 1238c1246 < -4.63 -1.68 -2.25 0.88 0.99 --- > -4.63 -1.68 -2.24 0.88 0.99 1263c1271 < -4.63 -1.68 -2.25 -0.13 -0.01 --- > -4.63 -1.68 -2.24 -0.13 -0.01 1267c1275 < -6e-03 -1e-03 1e-02 2e-04 -3e-04 --- > -7e-04 -5e-05 1e-03 3e-04 5e-04 1271,1275c1279,1283 < (Intercept) -13.31 -4.10 -7.30 2.13 1.29 < x1 -4.10 -26.07 -1.99 -4.48 -4.76 < x2 -7.30 -1.99 -6.23 0.63 0.45 < logSigmaMu 2.13 -4.48 0.63 -16.68 -3.72 < logSigmaNu 1.29 -4.76 0.45 -3.72 -61.06 --- > (Intercept) -13.32 -4.10 -7.31 2.11 1.31 > x1 -4.10 -26.08 -1.99 -4.48 -4.76 > x2 -7.31 -1.99 -6.24 0.62 0.48 > logSigmaMu 2.11 -4.48 0.62 -16.66 -3.72 > logSigmaNu 1.31 -4.76 0.48 -3.72 -61.07 1290c1298 < [1] 76 --- > [1] 73 1297c1305 < [1,] 0.85 -0.22 0.07 -0.14 -0.97 --- > [1,] 0.85 -0.23 0.07 -0.14 -0.96 1311c1319 < [15,] 0.08 -1.09 0.46 -0.84 0.21 --- > [15,] 0.08 -1.09 0.46 -0.84 0.20 1378c1386 < -0.232 1.893 1.967 0.002 0.053 --- > -0.234 1.893 1.970 0.002 0.053 1383,1384c1391,1394 < BFGSR maximization, 104 iterations < Return code 2: successive function values within tolerance limit --- > BFGSR maximization, 96 iterations > Return code 3: Last step could not find a value above the current. > Boundary of parameter space? > Consider switching to a more robust optimisation method temporarily. 1389,1393c1399,1403 < (Intercept) -0.232 0.548 -0.4 0.67 < x1 1.893 0.301 6.3 3e-10 *** < x2 1.967 0.819 2.4 0.02 * < logSigmaMu 0.002 0.278 0.0 0.99 < logSigmaNu 0.053 0.163 0.3 0.75 --- > (Intercept) -0.23378 0.54833 -0.43 0.670 > x1 1.89328 0.30112 6.29 3.2e-10 *** > x2 1.96960 0.81883 2.41 0.016 * > logSigmaMu 0.00154 0.27788 0.01 0.996 > logSigmaNu 0.05287 0.16302 0.32 0.746 1409c1419 < (Intercept) -0.232 0.548 -0.4 0.67 --- > (Intercept) -0.234 0.548 -0.4 0.67 1411,1412c1421,1422 < x2 1.967 0.819 2.4 0.02 * < logSigmaMu 0.002 0.278 0.0 0.99 --- > x2 1.970 0.819 2.4 0.02 * > logSigmaMu 0.002 0.278 0.0 1.00 1417,1418c1427,1430 < BFGSR maximization, 104 iterations < Return code 2: successive function values within tolerance limit --- > BFGSR maximization, 96 iterations > Return code 3: Last step could not find a value above the current. > Boundary of parameter space? > Consider switching to a more robust optimisation method temporarily. 1437c1449 < sigmaNu 1.1 0.2 6.1 8e-10 *** --- > sigmaNu 1.1 0.2 6.1 9e-10 *** 1441,1442c1453,1456 < BFGSR maximization, 104 iterations < Return code 2: successive function values within tolerance limit --- > BFGSR maximization, 96 iterations > Return code 3: Last step could not find a value above the current. > Boundary of parameter space? > Consider switching to a more robust optimisation method temporarily. 1467c1481 < (Intercept) -0.23 0.55 -0.42 0.67 --- > (Intercept) -0.23 0.55 -0.43 0.67 1469,1470c1483,1484 < x2 1.97 0.82 2.40 0.02 < logSigmaMu 0.00 0.28 0.01 0.99 --- > x2 1.97 0.82 2.41 0.02 > logSigmaMu 0.00 0.28 0.01 1.00 1474c1488 < (Intercept) -0.23 0.55 -0.42 0.67 --- > (Intercept) -0.23 0.55 -0.43 0.67 1476c1490 < x2 1.97 0.82 2.40 0.02 --- > x2 1.97 0.82 2.41 0.02 1478c1492 < sigmaNu 1.05 0.17 6.14 0.00 --- > sigmaNu 1.05 0.17 6.13 0.00 1495c1509 < -0.004 0.001 0.006 -0.005 0.001 --- > -0.003 -0.002 0.003 0.003 -0.003 1499,1503c1513,1517 < (Intercept) -9.92 -1.49 -5.30 -0.07 -0.33 < x1 -1.49 -15.14 -0.55 6.30 7.63 < x2 -5.30 -0.55 -4.39 0.15 1.07 < logSigmaMu -0.07 6.30 0.15 -15.81 -1.36 < logSigmaNu -0.33 7.63 1.07 -1.36 -43.18 --- > (Intercept) -9.93 -1.49 -5.31 -0.07 -0.32 > x1 -1.49 -15.14 -0.55 6.29 7.63 > x2 -5.31 -0.55 -4.39 0.15 1.08 > logSigmaMu -0.07 6.29 0.15 -15.79 -1.38 > logSigmaNu -0.32 7.63 1.08 -1.38 -43.17 1506c1520 < [1] 2 --- > [1] 3 1509c1523 < [1] "successive function values within tolerance limit" --- > [1] "Last step could not find a value above the current.\nBoundary of parameter space? \nConsider switching to a more robust optimisation method temporarily." 1518c1532 < [1] 104 --- > [1] 96 1526c1540 < [2,] -1.42 -0.03 -0.97 1.45 -1.17 --- > [2,] -1.42 -0.03 -0.97 1.46 -1.16 1529c1543 < [5,] 0.09 0.81 0.65 -0.69 -0.28 --- > [5,] 0.09 0.81 0.65 -0.69 -0.29 1536c1550 < [12,] 1.14 0.50 0.83 0.58 -0.74 --- > [12,] 1.14 0.51 0.83 0.59 -0.75 1539c1553 < [15,] -0.02 0.74 -0.30 -0.90 -0.48 --- > [15,] -0.02 0.74 -0.30 -0.89 -0.48 1606,1610c1620,1624 < [1] "Component 1: Mean relative difference: 5.6153e-07" < [2] "Component 2: Mean relative difference: 0.00098986" < [3] "Component 3: Mean relative difference: 0.48055" < [4] "Component 4: Mean relative difference: 0.00044589" < [5] "Component 9: Mean relative difference: 0.025316" --- > [1] "Component 1: Mean relative difference: 1.5859e-07" > [2] "Component 2: Mean relative difference: 0.00099426" > [3] "Component 3: Mean relative difference: 5.2676" > [4] "Component 4: Mean relative difference: 0.00045365" > [5] "Component 9: Mean relative difference: 0.23529" 1612c1626 < [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.00064947" --- > [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.00066929" 1646c1660 < [1] -4.1104e-05 --- > [1] 1.1609e-05 1648c1662 < [1] 4.1104e-05 --- > [1] -1.1609e-05 1672c1686 < -0.222062 1.640326 2.107222 -0.167559 -0.001132 --- > -0.223438 1.640494 2.109440 -0.167351 -0.001139 1677c1691 < BFGSR maximization, 81 iterations --- > BFGSR maximization, 91 iterations 1683,1687c1697,1701 < (Intercept) -0.222 0.472 -0.5 0.638 < x1 1.640 0.211 7.8 8e-15 *** < x2 2.107 0.685 3.1 0.002 ** < logSigmaMu -0.168 0.272 -0.6 0.537 < logSigmaNu -0.001 0.132 0.0 0.993 --- > (Intercept) -0.22344 0.47257 -0.47 0.6363 > x1 1.64049 0.21105 7.77 7.7e-15 *** > x2 2.10944 0.68488 3.08 0.0021 ** > logSigmaMu -0.16735 0.27149 -0.62 0.5376 > logSigmaNu -0.00114 0.13227 -0.01 0.9931 1702c1716 < (Intercept) -0.222 0.472 -0.5 0.638 --- > (Intercept) -0.223 0.473 -0.5 0.636 1704,1705c1718,1719 < x2 2.107 0.685 3.1 0.002 ** < logSigmaMu -0.168 0.272 -0.6 0.537 --- > x2 2.109 0.685 3.1 0.002 ** > logSigmaMu -0.167 0.271 -0.6 0.538 1710c1724 < BFGSR maximization, 81 iterations --- > BFGSR maximization, 91 iterations 1728c1742 < -4e-03 2e-03 8e-03 -1e-04 -1e-03 --- > -2e-03 2e-04 4e-03 -1e-03 -3e-04 1732c1746 < (Intercept) -13.80 -4.35 -7.53 -1.11 -1.95 --- > (Intercept) -13.79 -4.35 -7.53 -1.11 -1.94 1734,1736c1748,1750 < x2 -7.53 -2.06 -6.27 -0.14 -1.07 < logSigmaMu -1.11 4.65 -0.14 -14.92 -3.78 < logSigmaNu -1.95 4.05 -1.07 -3.78 -58.83 --- > x2 -7.53 -2.06 -6.27 -0.14 -1.06 > logSigmaMu -1.11 4.65 -0.14 -14.93 -3.77 > logSigmaNu -1.94 4.05 -1.06 -3.77 -58.83 1751c1765 < [1] 81 --- > [1] 91 1760,1761c1774,1775 < [3,] 1.79 0.49 1.77 1.73 1.90 < [4,] 0.15 -0.16 -0.40 -0.74 -1.59 --- > [3,] 1.78 0.48 1.77 1.73 1.89 > [4,] 0.15 -0.16 -0.40 -0.74 -1.58 Running 'censRegTest.R' Comparing 'censRegTest.Rout' to 'censRegTest.Rout.save' ...4,9d3 < < Please cite the 'maxLik' package as: < Henningsen, Arne and Toomet, Ott (2011). maxLik: A package for maximum likelihood estimation in R. Computational Statistics 26(3), 443-458. DOI 10.1007/s00180-010-0217-1. < < If you have questions, suggestions, or comments regarding the 'maxLik' package, please use a forum or 'tracker' at maxLik's R-Forge site: < https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/maxlik/ 14c8 < The following objects are masked from 'package:base': --- > The following object is masked from 'package:base': 71c65 < -3.9e-12 -1.2e-10 -2.7e-11 -1.3e-11 -1.6e-11 --- > -3.6e-12 -1.1e-10 -2.5e-11 -1.2e-11 -1.4e-11 73c67 < -1.7e-11 -3.8e-12 --- > -1.5e-11 -3.5e-12 2252c2246 < (Intercept) 4516.8298 -71.9276 53.7037 -238.5993 -106.1152 --- > (Intercept) 4516.8298 -71.9276 53.7036 -238.5993 -106.1152 2254c2248 < yearsmarried 53.7037 -4.8396 10.8751 -6.0483 2.1526 --- > yearsmarried 53.7036 -4.8396 10.8751 -6.0483 2.1526 9384c9378 < -3.5e-12 -1.1e-10 -2.4e-11 -1.2e-11 -1.4e-11 --- > -5.3e-12 -1.6e-10 -3.7e-11 -1.7e-11 -2.1e-11 9386c9380 < -1.5e-11 -3.5e-12 --- > -2.2e-11 -5.2e-12 10847c10841 < 3.9e-12 1.2e-10 2.7e-11 1.3e-11 1.6e-11 --- > 3.6e-12 1.1e-10 2.5e-11 1.2e-11 1.4e-11 10849c10843 < 1.7e-11 -3.8e-12 --- > 1.5e-11 -3.5e-12 12919c12913 < 3.5e-12 1.1e-10 2.4e-11 1.2e-11 1.4e-11 --- > 5.3e-12 1.6e-10 3.7e-11 1.7e-11 2.1e-11 12921c12915 < 1.5e-11 -3.5e-12 --- > 2.2e-11 -5.2e-12 14384c14378 < -5.1e-09 -1.6e-07 -3.5e-08 -1.7e-08 -2.1e-08 --- > -5.2e-09 -1.6e-07 -3.5e-08 -1.7e-08 -2.1e-08 16027c16021 < -1.8e-13 -5.1e-12 -1.1e-12 -5.2e-14 -2.8e-14 --- > -2.0e-13 -5.7e-12 -1.2e-12 -5.7e-14 -3.4e-14 16029c16023 < -9.6e-14 -6.9e-13 -8.0e-13 -3.3e-14 --- > -1.0e-13 -7.7e-13 -8.9e-13 -2.1e-13 * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking running R code from vignettes ... OK * checking re-building of vignette outputs ... OK * checking PDF version of manual ... OK