* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/3.0/RPostgreSQL.Rcheck' * using R version 3.0.3 (2014-03-06) * using platform: i386-w64-mingw32 (32-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'RPostgreSQL/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * this is package 'RPostgreSQL' version '0.4' * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking whether package 'RPostgreSQL' can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * loading checks for arch 'i386' ** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK ** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * loading checks for arch 'x64' ** checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK ** checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK ** checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK ** checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK * checking line endings in Makefiles ... OK * checking compilation flags in Makevars ... OK * checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) ... OK * checking compiled code ... OK * checking sizes of PDF files under 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking installed files from 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking examples ... ** running examples for arch 'i386' ... OK ** running examples for arch 'x64' ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in tests ... OK * checking tests ... ** running tests for arch 'i386' OK Running 'connectWithNull.R' Comparing 'connectWithNull.Rout' to 'connectWithNull.Rout.save' ...41,42d40 < < [1] TRUE Running 'createTableMixedCaseTest.R' Comparing 'createTableMixedCaseTest.Rout' to 'createTableMixedCaseTest.Rout.save' ...87,94d86 < Test should create foo1 and Foo2 tables < Pass - Foo1 Table does not exist. < Pass - foo1 Table exists. < Pass - Foo2 Table exists. < Pass - foo2 Table does not exist. < Pass - "Foo2" Table does not exist. < Pass - "foo2" Table does not exist. < [1] TRUE Running 'dataTypeTests.R' Comparing 'dataTypeTests.Rout' to 'dataTypeTests.Rout.save' ...116,125d115 < Read Numeric values < GOOD -- all numeric types are as expected < GOOD -- all numeric values are as expected < Read Logical values < GOOD -- all logical types are as expected < GOOD -- all logical values are as expected < Read Character values < GOOD -- all character types are as expected < GOOD -- all character values are as expected < DONE Running 'dateTZ.R' Comparing 'dateTZ.Rout' to 'dateTZ.Rout.save' ...90,163d89 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < testing UTC < < **** Trying with timestamp < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < < < **** Trying with timestamp with time zone < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < testing Asia/Tokyo < < **** Trying with timestamp < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < < < **** Trying with timestamp with time zone < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < testing Australlia/South < < **** Trying with timestamp < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < < < **** Trying with timestamp with time zone < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < testing America/New_York < < **** Trying with timestamp < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < < < **** Trying with timestamp with time zone < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < [1] TRUE Running 'datetimeTests.R' Comparing 'datetimeTests.Rout' to 'datetimeTests.Rout.save' ...67,97d66 < < < **** Trying with timestamp < tt zz < 1 2008-07-01 14:15:16 1 < 2 2000-01-02 03:04:05 2 < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 tt POSIXct TIMESTAMP 8 -1 -1 TRUE < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt" < < < **** Trying with timestamp with time zone < tt zz < 1 2008-07-01 12:15:16 1 < 2 2000-01-02 02:04:05 2 < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 tt POSIXct TIMESTAMPTZOID 8 -1 -1 TRUE < [1] "2008-07-01 12:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 02:04:05 UTC" < [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt" < < < **** Trying with date < tt zz < 1 2008-07-01 1 < 2 2000-01-02 2 < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 tt Date DATE 4 -1 -1 TRUE < [1] "2008-07-01" "2000-01-02" < [1] "Date" < [1] TRUE Running 'datetimestampwrite.R' Comparing 'datetimestampwrite.Rout' to 'datetimestampwrite.Rout.save' ...83,89d82 < Read Date and TIMESTAMP values < PASS -- Date type is as expected < PASS -- TIMESTAMP is received as POSIXct < Check that read after write gets the same data types < PASS -- Date type is as expected < PASS -- TIMESTAMP is received as POSIXct < DONE Running 'dbColumnInfo.R' Comparing 'dbColumnInfo.Rout' to 'dbColumnInfo.Rout.save' ...51,66d50 < dbColumnInfo < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 pk integer INTEGER 4 -1 -1 FALSE < 2 v1 double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 FALSE < 3 v2 double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 TRUE < 4 ?column? double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 NA < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 pk integer INTEGER 4 -1 -1 FALSE < 2 v1 double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 FALSE < 3 v2 double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 TRUE < 4 ?column? double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 NA < SELECT result < pk v1 v2 ?column? < 1 3 2 NA NA < Removing "AA" < [1] TRUE 68,71d51 < > proc.time() < user system elapsed < 97.82 0.03 97.89 < NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "aa_pkey" for table "aa" Running 'dbExistsIssue.R' Comparing 'dbExistsIssue.Rout' to 'dbExistsIssue.Rout.save' ...57,60d56 < Does rockdata exist? [1] TRUE < Does public.rockdata exist? [1] FALSE < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE Running 'dbExistsq.R' Comparing 'dbExistsq.Rout' to 'dbExistsq.Rout.save' ...58,62d57 < Write rock'data < Does rock'data exist? [1] TRUE < Does "public.rock'data" exist? [1] FALSE < Removing rock'data < [1] TRUE Running 'dbExistsqc.R' Comparing 'dbExistsqc.Rout' to 'dbExistsqc.Rout.save' ...96,108d95 < Does rock.data exist? < PASS: true < create schema testschema and change the search_path < Does rock.data exist? < PASS: false as the search_path changed < Does testschema."rock.data" exist? < PASS: false as the testschema specified < Does public."rock.data" exist? < PASS: true despite search_path change < write in current schema < Does rock.data exist? < PASS: true < [1] TRUE Running 'dbGetQueryParams.R' Comparing 'dbGetQueryParams.Rout' to 'dbGetQueryParams.Rout.save' ...52,70d51 < row.names area peri shape perm < 1 6 7979 4010.15 0.167045 17.1 < 2 7 9333 4345.75 0.189651 17.1 < 3 8 8209 4344.75 0.164127 17.1 < 4 11 9364 4480.05 0.150944 119.0 < 5 13 10651 4036.54 0.228595 82.4 < 6 17 10962 4608.66 0.204314 58.6 < 7 18 10743 4787.62 0.262727 58.6 < 8 19 11878 4864.22 0.200071 58.6 < 9 20 9867 4479.41 0.144810 58.6 < 10 22 11876 4353.14 0.291029 142.0 < row.names area peri shape perm < 1 6 7979 4010.15 0.167045 17.1 < 2 7 9333 4345.75 0.189651 17.1 < 3 8 8209 4344.75 0.164127 17.1 < 4 11 9364 4480.05 0.150944 119.0 < 5 20 9867 4479.41 0.144810 58.6 < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE Running 'dbListFields.R' Comparing 'dbListFields.Rout' to 'dbListFields.Rout.save' ...60,65d59 < [1] "pk" "v1" "v2" < PASS: 3 fields returned < [1] "pid" "name" < PASS: 2 fields returned < Removing "AA" < [1] TRUE Running 'dbTransactionTests.R' Comparing 'dbTransactionTests.Rout' to 'dbTransactionTests.Rout.save' ...96,109d95 < begin transaction in con1 < create table rockdata in con1 < PASS rockdata is visible through con1 < PASS rockdata is invisible through con2 < commit in con1 < PASS rockdata is visible through con2 < remove the table from con1 < PASS rockdata is invisible through con2 < begin transaction in con1 < create table rockdata in con1 < PASS rockdata is visible through con1 < RollBack con1 < PASS rockdata is invisible through con1 < [1] TRUE Running 'dbWriteTableFailTest.R' Comparing 'dbWriteTableFailTest.Rout' to 'dbWriteTableFailTest.Rout.save' ...73,87d72 < create incompatible table rockdata < write table to rockdata with append=TRUE < Error in postgresqlgetResult(new.con) : < RS-DBI driver: (could not Retrieve the result : ERROR: extra data after last expected column < CONTEXT: COPY rockdata, line 1: "1 4990 2791.9 0.0903296 6.3" < ) < write table to rockdata < [1] FALSE < PASS as the return value is false < data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE < Warning message: < In postgresqlWriteTable(conn, name, value, ...) : < table rockdata exists in database: aborting assignTable Running 'dbWriteTableSchema.R' Comparing 'dbWriteTableSchema.Rout' to 'dbWriteTableSchema.Rout.save' ...53,65d52 < row.names area peri shape perm < 1 1 4990 2791.90 0.0903296 6.3 < 2 2 7002 3892.60 0.1486220 6.3 < 3 3 7558 3930.66 0.1833120 6.3 < 4 4 7352 3869.32 0.1170630 6.3 < 5 5 7943 3948.54 0.1224170 17.1 < 6 6 7979 4010.15 0.1670450 17.1 < 7 7 9333 4345.75 0.1896510 17.1 < 8 8 8209 4344.75 0.1641270 17.1 < 9 9 8393 3682.04 0.2036540 119.0 < 10 10 6425 3098.65 0.1623940 119.0 < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE Running 'dbWriteTableTest.R' Comparing 'dbWriteTableTest.Rout' to 'dbWriteTableTest.Rout.save' ...53,65d52 < row.names area peri shape perm < 1 1 4990 2791.90 0.0903296 6.3 < 2 2 7002 3892.60 0.1486220 6.3 < 3 3 7558 3930.66 0.1833120 6.3 < 4 4 7352 3869.32 0.1170630 6.3 < 5 5 7943 3948.54 0.1224170 17.1 < 6 6 7979 4010.15 0.1670450 17.1 < 7 7 9333 4345.75 0.1896510 17.1 < 8 8 8209 4344.75 0.1641270 17.1 < 9 9 8393 3682.04 0.2036540 119.0 < 10 10 6425 3098.65 0.1623940 119.0 < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE Running 'dbWriteTabletypes.R' Comparing 'dbWriteTabletypes.Rout' to 'dbWriteTabletypes.Rout.save' ...235,264d234 < row.names strings < 1 1 normal < 2 2 t\tab < 3 3 v\vertical tab < 4 4 n\newline < 5 5 r carriage \retern < 6 6 back \\ slash < 7 7 f\form feed < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < 1 normal < 2 müß < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < PASS: could write small umlaut u and ligature sz < 1 normal < 2 kanji漢字 < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < PASS: could write kanji < Read Numeric values < PASS -- all integer is as expected < PASS integer value is preservedGOOD -- all numeric values are as expected < Read Logical values < GOOD -- all logical types are as expected < GOOD -- all logical values are as expected < Read Character values < GOOD -- all character types are as expected < GOOD -- all character values are as expected < Check that read after write gets the same data types < PASS -- Date type is as expected < PASS -- TIMESTAMP is received as POSIXct < DONE Running 'dbtemptable.R' Comparing 'dbtemptable.Rout' to 'dbtemptable.Rout.save' ...49,51d48 < name < 1 bar < PASS -- ended without segmentation fault Running 'escape.R' Comparing 'escape.Rout' to 'escape.Rout.save' ...43,45d42 < [1] "aaa" < [1] "aa''a" < [1] TRUE Running 'loadDriverAndConnect.R' Comparing 'loadDriverAndConnect.Rout' to 'loadDriverAndConnect.Rout.save' ...40,43d39 < datname encoding datallowconn < 1 template0 6 FALSE < 2 template1 6 TRUE < [1] TRUE Running 'openSendQuery.R' Comparing 'openSendQuery.Rout' to 'openSendQuery.Rout.save' ...69,74d68 < create temp table tmptest with dbGetQuery < data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows < create temp table tmptest with dbSendQuery < data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows < PASS tmptest disappeared after disconnection < [1] TRUE Running 'selectWhereZero.R' Comparing 'selectWhereZero.Rout' to 'selectWhereZero.Rout.save' ...56,67d55 < Error in postgresqlExecStatement(conn, statement, ...) : < RS-DBI driver: (could not Retrieve the result : ERROR: operator does not exist: text = integer < LINE 1: select * from tmpirisdata where "Species"=0 < ^ < HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. < ) < NULL < [1] "Removing tmpirisdata\n" < PASS: reached to the end of the test code without segmentation fault < Warning message: < In postgresqlQuickSQL(conn, statement, ...) : < Could not create executeselect * from tmpirisdata where "Species"=0 Running 'selectWithAlias.R' Comparing 'selectWithAlias.Rout' to 'selectWithAlias.Rout.save' ...54,66d53 < ar pe sh pr < 1 4990 2791.90 0.0903296 6.3 < 2 7002 3892.60 0.1486220 6.3 < 3 7558 3930.66 0.1833120 6.3 < 4 7352 3869.32 0.1170630 6.3 < 5 7943 3948.54 0.1224170 17.1 < 6 7979 4010.15 0.1670450 17.1 < 7 9333 4345.75 0.1896510 17.1 < 8 8209 4344.75 0.1641270 17.1 < 9 8393 3682.04 0.2036540 119.0 < 10 6425 3098.65 0.1623940 119.0 < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE Running 'unknowntype.R' Comparing 'unknowntype.Rout' to 'unknowntype.Rout.save' ...59,67d58 < < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 ra character UNKNOWN -1 -1 -1 TRUE < data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows < [1] "Removing tmpirisdata\n" < PASS: reached to the end of the test code without segmentation fault < Warning message: < In postgresqlDescribeFields(res, ...) : < RS-DBI driver warning: (unknown (1021)) ** running tests for arch 'x64' OK Running 'connectWithNull.R' Comparing 'connectWithNull.Rout' to 'connectWithNull.Rout.save' ...41,42d40 < < [1] TRUE Running 'createTableMixedCaseTest.R' Comparing 'createTableMixedCaseTest.Rout' to 'createTableMixedCaseTest.Rout.save' ...87,94d86 < Test should create foo1 and Foo2 tables < Pass - Foo1 Table does not exist. < Pass - foo1 Table exists. < Pass - Foo2 Table exists. < Pass - foo2 Table does not exist. < Pass - "Foo2" Table does not exist. < Pass - "foo2" Table does not exist. < [1] TRUE Running 'dataTypeTests.R' Comparing 'dataTypeTests.Rout' to 'dataTypeTests.Rout.save' ...116,125d115 < Read Numeric values < GOOD -- all numeric types are as expected < GOOD -- all numeric values are as expected < Read Logical values < GOOD -- all logical types are as expected < GOOD -- all logical values are as expected < Read Character values < GOOD -- all character types are as expected < GOOD -- all character values are as expected < DONE Running 'dateTZ.R' Comparing 'dateTZ.Rout' to 'dateTZ.Rout.save' ...90,163d89 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < testing UTC < < **** Trying with timestamp < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < < < **** Trying with timestamp with time zone < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < testing Asia/Tokyo < < **** Trying with timestamp < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < < < **** Trying with timestamp with time zone < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < testing Australlia/South < < **** Trying with timestamp < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < < < **** Trying with timestamp with time zone < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < testing America/New_York < < **** Trying with timestamp < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < < < **** Trying with timestamp with time zone < inserted string 1: 2008-07-01 14:15:16.123+00 < inserted string 2: 2000-01-02 03:04:05.678+00 < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < PASS < PASS < [1] TRUE Running 'datetimeTests.R' Comparing 'datetimeTests.Rout' to 'datetimeTests.Rout.save' ...67,97d66 < < < **** Trying with timestamp < tt zz < 1 2008-07-01 14:15:16 1 < 2 2000-01-02 03:04:05 2 < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 tt POSIXct TIMESTAMP 8 -1 -1 TRUE < [1] "2008-07-01 14:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 03:04:05 UTC" < [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt" < < < **** Trying with timestamp with time zone < tt zz < 1 2008-07-01 12:15:16 1 < 2 2000-01-02 02:04:05 2 < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 tt POSIXct TIMESTAMPTZOID 8 -1 -1 TRUE < [1] "2008-07-01 12:15:16 UTC" "2000-01-02 02:04:05 UTC" < [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt" < < < **** Trying with date < tt zz < 1 2008-07-01 1 < 2 2000-01-02 2 < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 tt Date DATE 4 -1 -1 TRUE < [1] "2008-07-01" "2000-01-02" < [1] "Date" < [1] TRUE Running 'datetimestampwrite.R' Comparing 'datetimestampwrite.Rout' to 'datetimestampwrite.Rout.save' ...83,89d82 < Read Date and TIMESTAMP values < PASS -- Date type is as expected < PASS -- TIMESTAMP is received as POSIXct < Check that read after write gets the same data types < PASS -- Date type is as expected < PASS -- TIMESTAMP is received as POSIXct < DONE Running 'dbColumnInfo.R' Comparing 'dbColumnInfo.Rout' to 'dbColumnInfo.Rout.save' ...51,66d50 < dbColumnInfo < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 pk integer INTEGER 4 -1 -1 FALSE < 2 v1 double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 FALSE < 3 v2 double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 TRUE < 4 ?column? double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 NA < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 pk integer INTEGER 4 -1 -1 FALSE < 2 v1 double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 FALSE < 3 v2 double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 TRUE < 4 ?column? double FLOAT8 8 -1 -1 NA < SELECT result < pk v1 v2 ?column? < 1 3 2 NA NA < Removing "AA" < [1] TRUE 68,71d51 < > proc.time() < user system elapsed < 109.96 0.09 110.12 < NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "aa_pkey" for table "aa" Running 'dbExistsIssue.R' Comparing 'dbExistsIssue.Rout' to 'dbExistsIssue.Rout.save' ...57,60d56 < Does rockdata exist? [1] TRUE < Does public.rockdata exist? [1] FALSE < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE Running 'dbExistsq.R' Comparing 'dbExistsq.Rout' to 'dbExistsq.Rout.save' ...58,62d57 < Write rock'data < Does rock'data exist? [1] TRUE < Does "public.rock'data" exist? [1] FALSE < Removing rock'data < [1] TRUE Running 'dbExistsqc.R' Comparing 'dbExistsqc.Rout' to 'dbExistsqc.Rout.save' ...96,108d95 < Does rock.data exist? < PASS: true < create schema testschema and change the search_path < Does rock.data exist? < PASS: false as the search_path changed < Does testschema."rock.data" exist? < PASS: false as the testschema specified < Does public."rock.data" exist? < PASS: true despite search_path change < write in current schema < Does rock.data exist? < PASS: true < [1] TRUE Running 'dbGetQueryParams.R' Comparing 'dbGetQueryParams.Rout' to 'dbGetQueryParams.Rout.save' ...52,70d51 < row.names area peri shape perm < 1 6 7979 4010.15 0.167045 17.1 < 2 7 9333 4345.75 0.189651 17.1 < 3 8 8209 4344.75 0.164127 17.1 < 4 11 9364 4480.05 0.150944 119.0 < 5 13 10651 4036.54 0.228595 82.4 < 6 17 10962 4608.66 0.204314 58.6 < 7 18 10743 4787.62 0.262727 58.6 < 8 19 11878 4864.22 0.200071 58.6 < 9 20 9867 4479.41 0.144810 58.6 < 10 22 11876 4353.14 0.291029 142.0 < row.names area peri shape perm < 1 6 7979 4010.15 0.167045 17.1 < 2 7 9333 4345.75 0.189651 17.1 < 3 8 8209 4344.75 0.164127 17.1 < 4 11 9364 4480.05 0.150944 119.0 < 5 20 9867 4479.41 0.144810 58.6 < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE Running 'dbListFields.R' Comparing 'dbListFields.Rout' to 'dbListFields.Rout.save' ...60,65d59 < [1] "pk" "v1" "v2" < PASS: 3 fields returned < [1] "pid" "name" < PASS: 2 fields returned < Removing "AA" < [1] TRUE Running 'dbTransactionTests.R' Comparing 'dbTransactionTests.Rout' to 'dbTransactionTests.Rout.save' ...96,109d95 < begin transaction in con1 < create table rockdata in con1 < PASS rockdata is visible through con1 < PASS rockdata is invisible through con2 < commit in con1 < PASS rockdata is visible through con2 < remove the table from con1 < PASS rockdata is invisible through con2 < begin transaction in con1 < create table rockdata in con1 < PASS rockdata is visible through con1 < RollBack con1 < PASS rockdata is invisible through con1 < [1] TRUE Running 'dbWriteTableFailTest.R' Comparing 'dbWriteTableFailTest.Rout' to 'dbWriteTableFailTest.Rout.save' ...73,87d72 < create incompatible table rockdata < write table to rockdata with append=TRUE < Error in postgresqlgetResult(new.con) : < RS-DBI driver: (could not Retrieve the result : ERROR: extra data after last expected column < CONTEXT: COPY rockdata, line 1: "1 4990 2791.9 0.0903296 6.3" < ) < write table to rockdata < [1] FALSE < PASS as the return value is false < data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE < Warning message: < In postgresqlWriteTable(conn, name, value, ...) : < table rockdata exists in database: aborting assignTable Running 'dbWriteTableSchema.R' Comparing 'dbWriteTableSchema.Rout' to 'dbWriteTableSchema.Rout.save' ...53,65d52 < row.names area peri shape perm < 1 1 4990 2791.90 0.0903296 6.3 < 2 2 7002 3892.60 0.1486220 6.3 < 3 3 7558 3930.66 0.1833120 6.3 < 4 4 7352 3869.32 0.1170630 6.3 < 5 5 7943 3948.54 0.1224170 17.1 < 6 6 7979 4010.15 0.1670450 17.1 < 7 7 9333 4345.75 0.1896510 17.1 < 8 8 8209 4344.75 0.1641270 17.1 < 9 9 8393 3682.04 0.2036540 119.0 < 10 10 6425 3098.65 0.1623940 119.0 < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE Running 'dbWriteTableTest.R' Comparing 'dbWriteTableTest.Rout' to 'dbWriteTableTest.Rout.save' ...53,65d52 < row.names area peri shape perm < 1 1 4990 2791.90 0.0903296 6.3 < 2 2 7002 3892.60 0.1486220 6.3 < 3 3 7558 3930.66 0.1833120 6.3 < 4 4 7352 3869.32 0.1170630 6.3 < 5 5 7943 3948.54 0.1224170 17.1 < 6 6 7979 4010.15 0.1670450 17.1 < 7 7 9333 4345.75 0.1896510 17.1 < 8 8 8209 4344.75 0.1641270 17.1 < 9 9 8393 3682.04 0.2036540 119.0 < 10 10 6425 3098.65 0.1623940 119.0 < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE Running 'dbWriteTabletypes.R' Comparing 'dbWriteTabletypes.Rout' to 'dbWriteTabletypes.Rout.save' ...235,264d234 < row.names strings < 1 1 normal < 2 2 t\tab < 3 3 v\vertical tab < 4 4 n\newline < 5 5 r carriage \retern < 6 6 back \\ slash < 7 7 f\form feed < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < 1 normal < 2 müß < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < PASS: could write small umlaut u and ligature sz < 1 normal < 2 kanji漢字 < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < PASS: could write kanji < Read Numeric values < PASS -- all integer is as expected < PASS integer value is preservedGOOD -- all numeric values are as expected < Read Logical values < GOOD -- all logical types are as expected < GOOD -- all logical values are as expected < Read Character values < GOOD -- all character types are as expected < GOOD -- all character values are as expected < Check that read after write gets the same data types < PASS -- Date type is as expected < PASS -- TIMESTAMP is received as POSIXct < DONE Running 'dbtemptable.R' Comparing 'dbtemptable.Rout' to 'dbtemptable.Rout.save' ...49,51d48 < name < 1 bar < PASS -- ended without segmentation fault Running 'escape.R' Comparing 'escape.Rout' to 'escape.Rout.save' ...43,45d42 < [1] "aaa" < [1] "aa''a" < [1] TRUE Running 'loadDriverAndConnect.R' Comparing 'loadDriverAndConnect.Rout' to 'loadDriverAndConnect.Rout.save' ...40,43d39 < datname encoding datallowconn < 1 template0 6 FALSE < 2 template1 6 TRUE < [1] TRUE Running 'openSendQuery.R' Comparing 'openSendQuery.Rout' to 'openSendQuery.Rout.save' ...69,74d68 < create temp table tmptest with dbGetQuery < data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows < create temp table tmptest with dbSendQuery < data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows < PASS tmptest disappeared after disconnection < [1] TRUE Running 'selectWhereZero.R' Comparing 'selectWhereZero.Rout' to 'selectWhereZero.Rout.save' ...56,67d55 < Error in postgresqlExecStatement(conn, statement, ...) : < RS-DBI driver: (could not Retrieve the result : ERROR: operator does not exist: text = integer < LINE 1: select * from tmpirisdata where "Species"=0 < ^ < HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. < ) < NULL < [1] "Removing tmpirisdata\n" < PASS: reached to the end of the test code without segmentation fault < Warning message: < In postgresqlQuickSQL(conn, statement, ...) : < Could not create executeselect * from tmpirisdata where "Species"=0 Running 'selectWithAlias.R' Comparing 'selectWithAlias.Rout' to 'selectWithAlias.Rout.save' ...54,66d53 < ar pe sh pr < 1 4990 2791.90 0.0903296 6.3 < 2 7002 3892.60 0.1486220 6.3 < 3 7558 3930.66 0.1833120 6.3 < 4 7352 3869.32 0.1170630 6.3 < 5 7943 3948.54 0.1224170 17.1 < 6 7979 4010.15 0.1670450 17.1 < 7 9333 4345.75 0.1896510 17.1 < 8 8209 4344.75 0.1641270 17.1 < 9 8393 3682.04 0.2036540 119.0 < 10 6425 3098.65 0.1623940 119.0 < [1] "Removing rockdata\n" < [1] TRUE Running 'unknowntype.R' Comparing 'unknowntype.Rout' to 'unknowntype.Rout.save' ...59,67d58 < < name Sclass type len precision scale nullOK < 1 ra character UNKNOWN -1 -1 -1 TRUE < data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows < [1] "Removing tmpirisdata\n" < PASS: reached to the end of the test code without segmentation fault < Warning message: < In postgresqlDescribeFields(res, ...) : < RS-DBI driver warning: (unknown (1021)) * checking PDF version of manual ... OK