* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/2.12/RBrownie.Rcheck' * using R version 2.12.2 (2011-02-25) * using platform: i386-pc-mingw32 (32-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'RBrownie/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package 'RBrownie' version '0.1.1' * checking package name space information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking whether package 'RBrownie' can be installed ... OK NB: this package is only installed for sub-architecture 'i386' * checking package directory ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the name space can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the name space can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE tipdate.ci: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'cipos' tipdate.ci: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'citype' tipdate.ci: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'cinode' tipdate.ci : addlen: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'cipos' tipdate.ci : addlen: no visible binding for global variable 'cipos' tipdate.ci : addtype: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'citype' tipdate.ci : addtype: no visible binding for global variable 'citype' tipdate.ci : addnode: no visible binding for '<<-' assignment to 'cinode' tipdate.ci : addnode: no visible binding for global variable 'cinode' tipdate.ci: no visible binding for global variable 'cipos' tipdate.ci: no visible binding for global variable 'citype' * checking Rd files ... NOTE prepare_Rd: RBrownie.Rd:204-206: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addCensored.Rd:63-65: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addCensored.Rd:57-59: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addCensored.Rd:74-76: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addChoose.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addChoose.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addChoose.Rd:52-54: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addDiscrete.Rd:114-116: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addDiscrete.Rd:111-113: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: addDiscrete.Rd:108-110: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addDiscrete.Rd:120-122: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addEndLog.Rd:23-29: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addEndLog.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addEndLog.Rd:45-47: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addHS.Rd:131-133: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addHS.Rd:125-127: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addHS.Rd:137-139: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addLiteral.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addLiteral.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addModel.Rd:56-58: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addModel.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addModel.Rd:62-64: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addModel.Rd:65-67: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addNonCensored.Rd:62-64: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addNumopt.Rd:63-65: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addNumopt.Rd:57-59: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addNumopt.Rd:69-71: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addOpt.Rd:53-55: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addOpt.Rd:59-61: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addStartLog.Rd:51-53: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addStartLog.Rd:45-47: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addSubNode.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addSubNode.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: addSubNode.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addSubNode.Rd:56-59: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addTipvariance.Rd:42-44: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addTipvariance.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addTipvariance.Rd:48-50: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:28-34: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:31-37: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:53-55: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:28-34: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:31-37: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:53-55: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:28-34: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:28-34: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: areTaxaMono.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: areTaxaMono.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: areTaxaMutex.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: areTaxaMutex.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: areTaxaMutex.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: areTaxaPara.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: areTaxaPara.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: areTaxaPara.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: as.contData.Rd:33-35: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: as.contData.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: as.contData.Rd:27-29: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: as.contData.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: as.discData.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: as.discData.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: as.discData.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie-class.Rd:98: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie-class.Rd:96: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:27-29: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: check.empty.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: check.empty.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: check.empty.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: check.statevector.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: check.statevector.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: check.statevector.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: check.statevector.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:44-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:35-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:40-41: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:42-43: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkMono.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkMono.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkPara.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkPara.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: collapse.singletons.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: collapse.singletons.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: collapse.singletons.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: collapse.subnodes.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: collapse.to.singles.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: collapse.to.singles.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: collapse.to.singles.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: execute.brownie.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: execute.brownie.Rd:26-28: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: expand.singles.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: expand.singles.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: expand.singles.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: genericData.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: genericData.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: genericData.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: genericData.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: genericData.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: geospiza_ext.Rd:21-23: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: get.left.right.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: get.left.right.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: get.left.right.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: get.left.right.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: get.nodenames.Rd:19-20: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: get.nodenames.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: get.nodenames.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: get.nodenames.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: get.nodenames.Rd:39-40: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: get.tree.weights.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: get.tree.weights.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: get.tree.weights.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: get.tree.weights.Rd:49-51: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: get.tree.weights.Rd:52-54: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: getEmptyDataFrame.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: getEmptyDataFrame.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: getEmptyDataFrame.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: getEmptyDataFrame.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: getSubNodeData.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: getSubNodeData.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: getSubNodeData.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: getSubNodeData.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: getSubNodeEdgeInds.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: getSubNodeEdgeInds.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: getSubNodeEdgeInds.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: getSubNodeEdgeInds.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: getSubNodePosish.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: getSubNodePosish.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: getSubNodePosish.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: getSubNodePosish.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: has.block.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: has.block.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: has.block.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: has.block.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: has.block.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: has.characters2.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: has.characters2.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: has.characters2.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: has.characters2.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: has.weights.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: has.weights.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: has.weights.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: has.weights.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: hasCommands.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: hasCommands.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:40-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:18-20: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:21-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:39-40: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is.simmap.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is.simmap.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is.simmap.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:44-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:44-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: match.order.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: match.order.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: match.order.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: match.order.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: match.order.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: match.order.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: match.order.Rd:47-48: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: nSubNodes.Rd:19-20: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: nSubNodes.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: nSubNodes.Rd:24-25: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: nSubNodes.Rd:33-34: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: newlabels.v15.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: newlabels.v15.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: newlabels.v15.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: newlabels.v15.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: newlabels.v15.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: newlabels.v1x.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: newlabels.v1x.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: parrot.Rd:20-21: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: phyextPlot.Rd:62-63: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: phyextPlot.Rd:69-70: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: phyextPlot.Rd:64-65: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: phyextPlot.Rd:74-76: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: phylo4d_ext-class.Rd:80: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: plot.censored.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: plot.censored.Rd:52-54: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: plot.censored.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: plot.censored.Rd:58-60: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: plot.taxaset.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: plot.taxaset.Rd:43-49: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: plot.taxaset.Rd:56-58: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: plot.taxaset.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: plot.taxaset.Rd:62-64: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.analysis.output.Rd:42-44: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.analysis.output.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.analysis.output.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: read.analysis.output.Rd:49-51: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.brownie.string.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: read.brownie.string.Rd:25-29: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: read.brownie.string.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.brownie.string.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.brownie.string.Rd:42-44: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: read.characters2.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.characters2.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.characters2.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.continuous.output.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.continuous.output.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.continuous.output.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.discrete.output.Rd:42-44: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.discrete.output.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.discrete.output.Rd:52-54: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.nexus.block.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.nexus.block.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.nexus.block.Rd:49-51: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: read.nexus.block.Rd:52-54: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.nexus.simmap.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.nexus.simmap.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.nexus.simmap.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: read.nexus.simmap.Rd:49-51: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.ratetest.output.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.ratetest.output.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.ratetest.output.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.simmap.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: read.simmap.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.simmap.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.simmap.Rd:49-51: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: read.simmap.new.Rd:29-30: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: read.simmap.new.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.simmap.new.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: read.simmap.new.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.simmap.new.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: readBrownie.Rd:33-35: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: readBrownie.Rd:27-29: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: readBrownie.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: run.analysis.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: run.analysis.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: run.analysis.Rd:45-47: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: run.asis.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: run.asis.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: runCensored.Rd:45-47: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: runCensored.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: runDiscrete.Rd:61-63: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: runDiscrete.Rd:55-57: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: runNonCensored.Rd:65-67: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: runNonCensored.Rd:59-61: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: scan.textout.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: scan.textout.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: scan.textout.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: scan.treesout.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: scan.treesout.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: scan.treesout.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: showBrownie.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: showBrownie.Rd:26-28: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: showBrownie.Rd:20-22: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: showBrownie.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: showBrownie.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: showSubNodes.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: showSubNodes.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: showSubNodes.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: strip.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: strip.Rd:28-34: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: strip.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: strip.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: strip.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: strip.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: summaryCont.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: summaryCont.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: summaryCont.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: summaryRatetest.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: summaryRatetest.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: summaryRatetest.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: taxa.charvect.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxa.charvect.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxa.charvect.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: taxaset.names.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxaset.names.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxaset.names.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxaset.names.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: taxind.to.dataind.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxind.to.dataind.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxind.to.dataind.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxind.to.dataind.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxind.to.dataind.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: validPhylo4d_ext.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: validPhylo4d_ext.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: validPhylo4d_ext.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: validPhylo4d_ext.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: validPhylo4d_ext.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: which.mono.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: which.mono.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: which.para.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: which.para.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: write.brownie.matrix.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: write.brownie.matrix.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: write.brownie.matrix.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: write.brownie.matrix.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:47-48: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: write.brownie.vector.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: write.brownie.vector.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: write.brownie.vector.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: write.nexus.simmap.Rd:42-44: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: write.nexus.simmap.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: write.simmap.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: write.simmap.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: write.simmap.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \references * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK * checking line endings in Makefiles ... OK * checking for portable compilation flags in Makevars ... OK * checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) ... OK * checking examples ... OK * checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... NOTE LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947569 LIB: First value = 370323331 RCPP: 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file278b520f' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file278b520f' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file278b520f';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file278b520f';end;' Opening d:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file278b520f... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping assumptions block) (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains 10 trees 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 2 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 3 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 4 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 5 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 6 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 7 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 8 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 9 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 10 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading ASSUMPTIONS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a single rate Brownian motion model Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947569 LIB: First value = 370323331 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947569 LIB: First value = 370323331 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947572 LIB: First value = 862130035 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947572 LIB: First value = 862130035 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947574 LIB: First value = 3281544417 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947575 LIB: First value = 2099011929 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947576 LIB: First value = 377766771 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947576 LIB: First value = 377766771 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947579 LIB: First value = 340202993 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947579 LIB: First value = 340202993 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947580 LIB: First value = 2821912984 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401563 +/- 0.000075 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947581 LIB: First value = 3205722804 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401563 +/- 0.000075 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533341 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947583 LIB: First value = 3216442934 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401563 +/- 0.000075 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533341 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947584 LIB: First value = 519601822 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401563 +/- 0.000075 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533341 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713833 +/- 0.000009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947587 LIB: First value = 3898216743 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401563 +/- 0.000075 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533341 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713833 +/- 0.000009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666902 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947587 LIB: First value = 3898216743 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401563 +/- 0.000075 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533341 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713833 +/- 0.000009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666902 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004732 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947589 LIB: First value = 1889261304 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401563 +/- 0.000075 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533341 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713833 +/- 0.000009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666902 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004732 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373291 +/- 0.000038 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947589 LIB: First value = 1889261304 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401563 +/- 0.000075 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533341 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713833 +/- 0.000009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666902 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004732 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373291 +/- 0.000038 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489953 +/- 0.000009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947590 LIB: First value = 4047712478 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401563 +/- 0.000075 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533341 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713833 +/- 0.000009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666902 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004732 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373291 +/- 0.000038 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489953 +/- 0.000009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318912 +/- 0.000051 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947590 LIB: First value = 4047712478 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175468 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077719 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442922 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968397 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373242 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646941 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471292 +/- 0.000085 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475631 +/- 0.000017 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943 +/- 0.000018 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401563 +/- 0.000075 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533341 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713833 +/- 0.000009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666902 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004732 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373291 +/- 0.000038 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489953 +/- 0.000009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318912 +/- 0.000051 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.819721 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 615.831897 +/- 0.000014 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization You have chosen Brownian motion with one rate parameter per state Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947593 LIB: First value = 2865389687 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.50545 AIC = 211.010899 AICc = 211.810899 Ancestral state = 0.166981 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 464.475518 +/- 0.000026 Rate in state 1 = 579.916708 +/- 0.000029 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947595 LIB: First value = 2940050707 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.254264 AIC = 184.508528 AICc = 185.308528 Ancestral state = 1.672717 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 48.509067 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 389.344337 +/- 0.000008 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947598 LIB: First value = 1265192547 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.419208 AIC = 210.838417 AICc = 211.638417 Ancestral state = 0.174773 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 316.968751 +/- 0.00002 Rate in state 1 = 437.333167 +/- 0.000019 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947600 LIB: First value = 2228076484 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.407904 AIC = 184.815808 AICc = 185.615808 Ancestral state = 1.805435 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 46.421967 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 289.21208 +/- 0.00001 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947603 LIB: First value = 1854981818 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.096225 AIC = 210.19245 AICc = 210.99245 Ancestral state = 0.339608 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 345.323809 +/- 0.00002 Rate in state 1 = 583.688291 +/- 0.000026 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947605 LIB: First value = 916291950 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 88.816161 AIC = 183.632321 AICc = 184.432321 Ancestral state = 2.018542 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 62.912363 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 383.82634 +/- 0.000008 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947609 LIB: First value = 246142611 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.443898 AIC = 210.887796 AICc = 211.687796 Ancestral state = 0.174468 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 1365.81587 +/- 0.000107 Rate in state 1 = 1840.154491 +/- 0.000092 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947611 LIB: First value = 1353811618 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.378442 AIC = 184.756885 AICc = 185.556885 Ancestral state = 1.897972 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 192.521291 +/- 0.000009 Rate in state 1 = 1213.88463 +/- 0.000035 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947614 LIB: First value = 3260162333 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.561873 AIC = 211.123746 AICc = 211.923746 Ancestral state = 0.091664 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 333.333121 +/- 0.000024 Rate in state 1 = 374.619246 +/- 0.000019 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947616 LIB: First value = 204938808 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.341861 AIC = 184.683723 AICc = 185.483723 Ancestral state = 0.775709 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 32.408444 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 1 = 242.161629 +/- 0.000007 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947619 LIB: First value = 593741539 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.212816 AIC = 210.425632 AICc = 211.225632 Ancestral state = 0.263325 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 891.261942 +/- 0.00006 Rate in state 1 = 1427.791287 +/- 0.000045 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947621 LIB: First value = 1935760223 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.226381 AIC = 184.452762 AICc = 185.252762 Ancestral state = 1.717434 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 171.942963 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 932.902595 +/- 0.000021 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947625 LIB: First value = 2807294345 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.386965 AIC = 210.77393 AICc = 211.57393 Ancestral state = 0.132402 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 455.284938 +/- 0.000038 Rate in state 1 = 643.93434 +/- 0.000016 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947627 LIB: First value = 2422779094 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.443934 AIC = 184.887868 AICc = 185.687868 Ancestral state = 1.598443 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 70.02534 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 424.579017 +/- 0.00001 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947630 LIB: First value = 3440618585 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.456304 AIC = 210.912609 AICc = 211.712609 Ancestral state = 0.191219 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 687.330915 +/- 0.000051 Rate in state 1 = 912.949198 +/- 0.000039 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947632 LIB: First value = 3302836481 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.434966 AIC = 184.869932 AICc = 185.669932 Ancestral state = 1.890061 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 95.620082 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 599.007667 +/- 0.000011 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947635 LIB: First value = 1045412467 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.461326 AIC = 210.922652 AICc = 211.722652 Ancestral state = 0.140937 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 432.723508 +/- 0.000038 Rate in state 1 = 572.399175 +/- 0.000023 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947637 LIB: First value = 59118497 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.510107 AIC = 185.020214 AICc = 185.820214 Ancestral state = 1.828222 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 61.010677 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 377.431705 +/- 0.000008 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947641 LIB: First value = 3261685751 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.43169 AIC = 210.86338 AICc = 211.66338 Ancestral state = 0.236904 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 877.956567 +/- 0.000056 Rate in state 1 = 1199.850988 +/- 0.000047 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947643 LIB: First value = 3799539812 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.229662 AIC = 184.459323 AICc = 185.259323 Ancestral state = 2.148044 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 122.388926 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 793.282023 +/- 0.000018 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947648 LIB: First value = 521972481 RCPP: 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file30793a8c' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file30793a8c' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file30793a8c';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file30793a8c';end;' Opening d:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file30793a8c... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping assumptions block) (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains 10 trees 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 2 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 3 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 4 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 5 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 6 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 7 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 8 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 9 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 10 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading ASSUMPTIONS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a single rate Brownian motion model Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947648 LIB: First value = 521972481 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947648 LIB: First value = 521972481 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947650 LIB: First value = 3779624971 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947650 LIB: First value = 3779624971 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947651 LIB: First value = 3970601179 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947652 LIB: First value = 40652092 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947653 LIB: First value = 1363411262 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947654 LIB: First value = 2859041214 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947655 LIB: First value = 1231463826 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947655 LIB: First value = 1231463826 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947658 LIB: First value = 4247018727 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401558 +/- 0.000077 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947658 LIB: First value = 4247018727 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401558 +/- 0.000077 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947660 LIB: First value = 2402798870 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401558 +/- 0.000077 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175558 +/- 0.000039 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947661 LIB: First value = 1144955122 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401558 +/- 0.000077 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175558 +/- 0.000039 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713834 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947663 LIB: First value = 4128060253 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401558 +/- 0.000077 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175558 +/- 0.000039 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713834 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666901 +/- 0.000054 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947663 LIB: First value = 4128060253 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401558 +/- 0.000077 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175558 +/- 0.000039 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713834 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666901 +/- 0.000054 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004731 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947665 LIB: First value = 743669015 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401558 +/- 0.000077 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175558 +/- 0.000039 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713834 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666901 +/- 0.000054 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004731 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373275 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947666 LIB: First value = 720263441 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401558 +/- 0.000077 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175558 +/- 0.000039 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713834 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666901 +/- 0.000054 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004731 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373275 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489958 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947666 LIB: First value = 720263441 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401558 +/- 0.000077 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175558 +/- 0.000039 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713834 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666901 +/- 0.000054 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004731 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373275 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489958 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318851 +/- 0.000063 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947667 LIB: First value = 2764726997 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175455 +/- 0.000034 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077713 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442911 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373272 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471368 +/- 0.000065 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475638 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942989 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401558 +/- 0.000077 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175558 +/- 0.000039 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713834 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666901 +/- 0.000054 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004731 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373275 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489958 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318851 +/- 0.000063 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.819721 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 615.831886 +/- 0.000014 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization You have chosen Brownian motion with one rate parameter per state Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947668 LIB: First value = 2313746356 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.50545 AIC = 211.010899 AICc = 211.810899 Ancestral state = 0.166981 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 464.475531 +/- 0.000029 Rate in state 1 = 579.916669 +/- 0.000028 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947671 LIB: First value = 480054373 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.254264 AIC = 184.508528 AICc = 185.308528 Ancestral state = 1.672717 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 48.509068 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 389.344341 +/- 0.000015 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947674 LIB: First value = 1961876197 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.419208 AIC = 210.838417 AICc = 211.638417 Ancestral state = 0.174772 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 316.968743 +/- 0.000032 Rate in state 1 = 437.333145 +/- 0.000022 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947676 LIB: First value = 2427098866 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.407904 AIC = 184.815808 AICc = 185.615808 Ancestral state = 1.805434 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 46.421965 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 289.21208 +/- 0.000007 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947679 LIB: First value = 1900446435 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.096225 AIC = 210.19245 AICc = 210.99245 Ancestral state = 0.339607 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 345.323833 +/- 0.00002 Rate in state 1 = 583.688292 +/- 0.000028 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947681 LIB: First value = 2648266501 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 88.816161 AIC = 183.632321 AICc = 184.432321 Ancestral state = 2.018542 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 62.912363 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 383.826352 +/- 0.00001 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947684 LIB: First value = 2106629397 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.443898 AIC = 210.887796 AICc = 211.687796 Ancestral state = 0.174469 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 1365.815721 +/- 0.000125 Rate in state 1 = 1840.15451 +/- 0.000096 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947687 LIB: First value = 3742811025 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.378442 AIC = 184.756885 AICc = 185.556885 Ancestral state = 1.897972 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 192.52129 +/- 0.000007 Rate in state 1 = 1213.884596 +/- 0.000024 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947691 LIB: First value = 812503485 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.561873 AIC = 211.123746 AICc = 211.923746 Ancestral state = 0.091664 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 333.333126 +/- 0.00003 Rate in state 1 = 374.619244 +/- 0.000012 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947693 LIB: First value = 1095999561 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.341861 AIC = 184.683723 AICc = 185.483723 Ancestral state = 0.775709 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 32.408441 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 242.161625 +/- 0.000006 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947696 LIB: First value = 514235291 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.212816 AIC = 210.425632 AICc = 211.225632 Ancestral state = 0.263325 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 891.261841 +/- 0.00006 Rate in state 1 = 1427.791249 +/- 0.000042 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947698 LIB: First value = 2394227335 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.226381 AIC = 184.452762 AICc = 185.252762 Ancestral state = 1.717434 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 171.94296 +/- 0.000005 Rate in state 1 = 932.902596 +/- 0.000021 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947701 LIB: First value = 1014599697 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.386965 AIC = 210.77393 AICc = 211.57393 Ancestral state = 0.132404 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 455.284952 +/- 0.000028 Rate in state 1 = 643.934331 +/- 0.000023 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947704 LIB: First value = 2084306167 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.443934 AIC = 184.887868 AICc = 185.687868 Ancestral state = 1.598443 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 70.02534 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 424.579029 +/- 0.00001 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947707 LIB: First value = 162022930 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.456304 AIC = 210.912609 AICc = 211.712609 Ancestral state = 0.19122 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 687.330864 +/- 0.000066 Rate in state 1 = 912.949127 +/- 0.000029 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947709 LIB: First value = 2985537653 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.434966 AIC = 184.869932 AICc = 185.669932 Ancestral state = 1.890061 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 95.620087 +/- 0.000005 Rate in state 1 = 599.007668 +/- 0.000013 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947712 LIB: First value = 678375713 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.461326 AIC = 210.922652 AICc = 211.722652 Ancestral state = 0.140937 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 432.72348 +/- 0.000024 Rate in state 1 = 572.399171 +/- 0.000027 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947714 LIB: First value = 1986813477 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.510107 AIC = 185.020214 AICc = 185.820214 Ancestral state = 1.828222 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 61.010678 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 377.431712 +/- 0.000007 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947717 LIB: First value = 303455373 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.43169 AIC = 210.86338 AICc = 211.66338 Ancestral state = 0.236904 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 877.956629 +/- 0.000066 Rate in state 1 = 1199.851031 +/- 0.000056 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947720 LIB: First value = 2629830658 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.229662 AIC = 184.459323 AICc = 185.259323 Ancestral state = 2.148044 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 122.388926 +/- 0.000005 Rate in state 1 = 793.282024 +/- 0.000013 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947725 LIB: First value = 1637449005 RCPP: 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file7bcf1680' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file7bcf1680' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file7bcf1680';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file7bcf1680';end;' Opening d:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file7bcf1680... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping assumptions block) (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains 10 trees 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 2 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 3 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 4 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 5 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 6 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 7 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 8 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 9 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 10 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading ASSUMPTIONS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a single rate Brownian motion model Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947725 LIB: First value = 1637449005 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947725 LIB: First value = 1637449005 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947727 LIB: First value = 274670119 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947727 LIB: First value = 274670119 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947728 LIB: First value = 1750904601 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947729 LIB: First value = 2824301627 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947730 LIB: First value = 1697432107 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947730 LIB: First value = 1697432107 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947732 LIB: First value = 569099332 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947733 LIB: First value = 696791477 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947734 LIB: First value = 1695591185 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401537 +/- 0.00009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947735 LIB: First value = 4140493120 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401537 +/- 0.00009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533345 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947737 LIB: First value = 485581091 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401537 +/- 0.00009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533345 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175544 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947737 LIB: First value = 485581091 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401537 +/- 0.00009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533345 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175544 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713837 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947739 LIB: First value = 3309861721 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401537 +/- 0.00009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533345 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175544 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713837 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666871 +/- 0.000051 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947739 LIB: First value = 3309861721 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401537 +/- 0.00009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533345 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175544 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713837 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666871 +/- 0.000051 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004732 +/- 0.00001 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947742 LIB: First value = 3454269961 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401537 +/- 0.00009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533345 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175544 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713837 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666871 +/- 0.000051 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004732 +/- 0.00001 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373276 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947743 LIB: First value = 3582868207 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401537 +/- 0.00009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533345 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175544 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713837 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666871 +/- 0.000051 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004732 +/- 0.00001 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373276 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489948 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947744 LIB: First value = 3891699612 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401537 +/- 0.00009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533345 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175544 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713837 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666871 +/- 0.000051 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004732 +/- 0.00001 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373276 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489948 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318855 +/- 0.000047 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947744 LIB: First value = 3891699612 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175459 +/- 0.000036 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077727 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442945 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968404 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373262 +/- 0.000037 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471406 +/- 0.000102 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475642 +/- 0.000023 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943002 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15641 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401537 +/- 0.00009 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533345 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175544 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713837 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666871 +/- 0.000051 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004732 +/- 0.00001 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373276 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489948 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318855 +/- 0.000047 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.819721 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 615.831886 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization You have chosen Brownian motion with one rate parameter per state Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947747 LIB: First value = 894116026 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.50545 AIC = 211.010899 AICc = 211.810899 Ancestral state = 0.166981 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 464.475577 +/- 0.000043 Rate in state 1 = 579.916656 +/- 0.000024 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947749 LIB: First value = 597619208 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.254264 AIC = 184.508528 AICc = 185.308528 Ancestral state = 1.672717 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 48.509064 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 389.344337 +/- 0.000012 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947752 LIB: First value = 317555587 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.419208 AIC = 210.838417 AICc = 211.638417 Ancestral state = 0.174772 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 316.968735 +/- 0.000024 Rate in state 1 = 437.333169 +/- 0.000021 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947754 LIB: First value = 1005073764 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.407904 AIC = 184.815808 AICc = 185.615808 Ancestral state = 1.805435 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 46.421965 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 289.212089 +/- 0.000006 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947758 LIB: First value = 667516717 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.096225 AIC = 210.19245 AICc = 210.99245 Ancestral state = 0.339608 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 345.323803 +/- 0.000024 Rate in state 1 = 583.688281 +/- 0.000029 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947760 LIB: First value = 1951486578 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 88.816161 AIC = 183.632321 AICc = 184.432321 Ancestral state = 2.018542 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 62.912363 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 383.826338 +/- 0.00001 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947763 LIB: First value = 3951519582 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.443898 AIC = 210.887796 AICc = 211.687796 Ancestral state = 0.174469 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 1365.815672 +/- 0.000135 Rate in state 1 = 1840.154522 +/- 0.000054 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947765 LIB: First value = 1939007373 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.378442 AIC = 184.756885 AICc = 185.556885 Ancestral state = 1.897972 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 192.521292 +/- 0.000009 Rate in state 1 = 1213.884597 +/- 0.000023 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947768 LIB: First value = 366695411 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.561873 AIC = 211.123746 AICc = 211.923746 Ancestral state = 0.091665 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 333.333114 +/- 0.000015 Rate in state 1 = 374.619236 +/- 0.000012 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947770 LIB: First value = 2045283581 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.341861 AIC = 184.683723 AICc = 185.483723 Ancestral state = 0.775709 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 32.408443 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 242.161636 +/- 0.000007 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947773 LIB: First value = 1428573178 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.212816 AIC = 210.425632 AICc = 211.225632 Ancestral state = 0.263325 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 891.261799 +/- 0.000052 Rate in state 1 = 1427.791112 +/- 0.00006 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947776 LIB: First value = 1431721299 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.226381 AIC = 184.452762 AICc = 185.252762 Ancestral state = 1.717434 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 171.942966 +/- 0.000006 Rate in state 1 = 932.9026 +/- 0.000024 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947779 LIB: First value = 2604558765 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.386965 AIC = 210.77393 AICc = 211.57393 Ancestral state = 0.132403 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 455.284942 +/- 0.000035 Rate in state 1 = 643.93433 +/- 0.000018 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947781 LIB: First value = 66615104 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.443934 AIC = 184.887868 AICc = 185.687868 Ancestral state = 1.598443 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 70.025337 +/- 0.000005 Rate in state 1 = 424.579035 +/- 0.000013 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947784 LIB: First value = 4219666854 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.456304 AIC = 210.912609 AICc = 211.712609 Ancestral state = 0.19122 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 687.33084 +/- 0.000044 Rate in state 1 = 912.949147 +/- 0.000047 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947787 LIB: First value = 1878401999 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.434966 AIC = 184.869932 AICc = 185.669932 Ancestral state = 1.890061 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 95.620083 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 599.007682 +/- 0.00001 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947790 LIB: First value = 1938292483 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.461326 AIC = 210.922652 AICc = 211.722652 Ancestral state = 0.140938 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 432.723471 +/- 0.000023 Rate in state 1 = 572.399102 +/- 0.000023 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947792 LIB: First value = 2772076199 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 89.510107 AIC = 185.020214 AICc = 185.820214 Ancestral state = 1.828222 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 61.010675 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 377.431708 +/- 0.000008 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947795 LIB: First value = 1235611857 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 102.43169 AIC = 210.86338 AICc = 211.66338 Ancestral state = 0.236904 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 877.956518 +/- 0.000097 Rate in state 1 = 1199.851031 +/- 0.00006 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947798 LIB: First value = 1510478907 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 89.229662 AIC = 184.459323 AICc = 185.259323 Ancestral state = 2.148044 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 122.388928 +/- 0.000007 Rate in state 1 = 793.282001 +/- 0.00002 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947802 LIB: First value = 2732616676 RCPP: 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file386a1ae8' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file386a1ae8' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file386a1ae8';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file386a1ae8';end;' Opening d:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file386a1ae8... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains one tree 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen equal frequencies for all states WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.043574 AIC = 16.087148 AICc = 17.287148 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.652106 +/- 0.0 q_1_0 = 6.252674 +/- 0.0 Statefreqs: uniform P(0) = 0.5 P(1) = 0.5 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen to use equilibrium state frequencies WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.042915 AIC = 16.085830 AICc = 17.285830 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.661837 +/- 0.000001 q_1_0 = 6.181369 +/- 0.000002 Statefreqs: equilibrium P(0) = 0.788118 P(1) = 0.211882 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947805 LIB: First value = 4024599443 RCPP: 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file49a5348' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file49a5348' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file49a5348';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file49a5348';end;' Opening d:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file49a5348... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains one tree 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen equal frequencies for all states WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.043574 AIC = 16.087148 AICc = 17.287148 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.652106 +/- 0.0 q_1_0 = 6.252674 +/- 0.0 Statefreqs: uniform P(0) = 0.5 P(1) = 0.5 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen to use equilibrium state frequencies WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.042915 AIC = 16.085830 AICc = 17.285830 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.661837 +/- 0.0 q_1_0 = 6.181369 +/- 0.000001 Statefreqs: equilibrium P(0) = 0.788118 P(1) = 0.211882 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1319947808 LIB: First value = 3565917531 RCPP: 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file7dde1cda' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file7dde1cda' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file7dde1cda';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file7dde1cda';end;' Opening d:/temp/Rtmpx2yhaL/file7dde1cda... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains one tree 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen equal frequencies for all states WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.043574 AIC = 16.087148 AICc = 17.287148 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.652106 +/- 0.0 q_1_0 = 6.252674 +/- 0.0 Statefreqs: uniform P(0) = 0.5 P(1) = 0.5 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen to use equilibrium state frequencies WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.042915 AIC = 16.085830 AICc = 17.285830 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.661837 +/- 0.000001 q_1_0 = 6.181368 +/- 0.000002 Statefreqs: equilibrium P(0) = 0.788118 P(1) = 0.211882 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} * checking PDF version of manual ... OK