* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/2.10/odfWeave.Rcheck' * using R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'odfWeave/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package 'odfWeave' version '0.7.14' * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking package name space information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking whether package 'odfWeave' can be installed ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the name space can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... NOTE Note: found 1 marked UTF-8 string(s) Portable packages use only ASCII characters in their datasets. * checking examples ... ERROR Running examples in 'odfWeave-Ex.R' failed. The error most likely occurred in: > ### * odfWeave > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: odfWeave > ### Title: Sweave processing of Open Document Format (ODF) files > ### Aliases: odfWeave > ### Keywords: utilities > > ### ** Examples > > > ## Not run: vignette("odfWeave") > > ## Not run: > ##D demoFile <- system.file("examples", "examples.odt", package = "odfWeave") > ##D demoFile <- system.file("examples", "testCases.odt", package ="odfWeave") > ##D demoFile <- system.file("examples", "formatting.odt", package = "odfWeave") > ## End(Not run) > > demoFile <- system.file("examples", "simple.odt", package = "odfWeave") > outputFile <- gsub("simple.odt", "output.odt", demoFile) > > library(odfWeave) > odfWeave(demoFile, outputFile) Copying d:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/lib/2.10/odfWeave/examples/simple.odt Setting wd to d:\temp\Rtmp8e71G1/odfWeave08004053266 Unzipping ODF file using unzip -o "simple.odt" Archive: simple.odt extracting: mimetype creating: Configurations2/statusbar/ inflating: Configurations2/accelerator/current.xml creating: Configurations2/floater/ creating: Configurations2/popupmenu/ creating: Configurations2/progressbar/ creating: Configurations2/menubar/ creating: Configurations2/toolbar/ creating: Configurations2/images/Bitmaps/ inflating: layout-cache inflating: content.xml inflating: styles.xml inflating: meta.xml inflating: Thumbnails/thumbnail.png inflating: settings.xml inflating: META-INF/manifest.xml Removing simple.odt Creating a Pictures directory Pre-processing the contents Sweaving content.Rnw Writing to file content_1.xml Processing code chunks ... 1 : term hide(label=loadLibs) 2 : term xml(label=showOutputList) 3 : term hide(label=irisSplom) 4 : term xml(label=corrTable) 5 : term xml(label=meanTable) 6 : term xml(label=meanTable2) 7 : term xml(label=pkgList) 'content_1.xml' has been Sweaved Removing content.xml Post-processing the contents Removing content.Rnw Removing styles.xml Renaming styles_2.xml to styles.xml Removing extra files Packaging file using zip -r "simple.odt" . adding: Configurations2/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Configurations2/accelerator/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Configurations2/accelerator/current.xml (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Configurations2/floater/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Configurations2/images/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Configurations2/images/Bitmaps/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Configurations2/menubar/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Configurations2/popupmenu/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Configurations2/progressbar/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Configurations2/statusbar/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Configurations2/toolbar/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: content.xml (172 bytes security) (deflated 88%) adding: layout-cache (172 bytes security) (deflated 22%) adding: META-INF/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: META-INF/manifest.xml (172 bytes security) (deflated 83%) adding: meta.xml (172 bytes security) (deflated 57%) adding: mimetype (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Pictures/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Pictures/content_1-irisSplom.png (172 bytes security) (deflated 13%) adding: settings.xml (172 bytes security) (deflated 84%) adding: styles.xml (172 bytes security) (deflated 84%) adding: Thumbnails/ (172 bytes security) (stored 0%) adding: Thumbnails/thumbnail.png (172 bytes security) (deflated 5%) Copying simple.odt Resetting wd Removing d:\temp\Rtmp8e71G1/odfWeave08004053266 Done > > ## Don't show: > > origialStyles <- getStyles() > origialDefs <- getStyleDefs() > > odfWeave( + system.file("examples", "examples.odt", package = "odfWeave"), + gsub( + "examples.odt", "examplesOut.odt", + system.file("examples", "examples.odt", package = "odfWeave"), + fixed = TRUE)) Copying d:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/lib/2.10/odfWeave/examples/examples.odt Setting wd to d:\temp\Rtmp8e71G1/odfWeave08004057898 Unzipping ODF file using unzip -o "examples.odt" Archive: examples.odt extracting: mimetype creating: Configurations2/statusbar/ inflating: Configurations2/accelerator/current.xml creating: Configurations2/floater/ creating: Configurations2/popupmenu/ creating: Configurations2/progressbar/ creating: Configurations2/menubar/ creating: Configurations2/toolbar/ creating: Configurations2/images/Bitmaps/ extracting: Pictures/100000000000015F00000163AB6E6424.png inflating: layout-cache inflating: content.xml inflating: styles.xml extracting: meta.xml inflating: Thumbnails/thumbnail.png inflating: settings.xml inflating: META-INF/manifest.xml Removing examples.odt Pre-processing the contents Sweaving content.Rnw Writing to file content_1.xml Processing code chunks ... Error in parse(text = cmd) : unexpected input in "paste(letters[11:15], collapse = â€" Calls: odfWeave -> Sweave -> -> eval -> parse Execution halted