* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/2.10/RBrownie.Rcheck' * using R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'RBrownie/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package 'RBrownie' version '0.0.5' * checking package name space information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking whether package 'RBrownie' can be installed ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the name space can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... OK * checking Rd files ... NOTE prepare_Rd: addCensored.Rd:61-63: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addCensored.Rd:55-57: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addCensored.Rd:72-74: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addChoose.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addChoose.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addChoose.Rd:52-54: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addDiscrete.Rd:119-121: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addDiscrete.Rd:116-118: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: addDiscrete.Rd:113-115: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addDiscrete.Rd:125-127: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addEndLog.Rd:23-29: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addEndLog.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addEndLog.Rd:42-44: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addEndLog.Rd:45-47: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addHS.Rd:131-133: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addHS.Rd:125-127: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addHS.Rd:137-139: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addLiteral.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addLiteral.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addLiteral.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addModel.Rd:49-51: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addModel.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addModel.Rd:55-57: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addModel.Rd:58-60: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addNonCensored.Rd:62-64: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addNonCensored.Rd:68-70: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addNumopt.Rd:63-65: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addNumopt.Rd:57-59: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addNumopt.Rd:69-71: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addOpt.Rd:53-55: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addOpt.Rd:59-61: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addStartLog.Rd:51-53: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addStartLog.Rd:45-47: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addStartLog.Rd:57-59: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addSubNode.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addSubNode.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addSubNode.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: addSubNode.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addSubNode.Rd:52-55: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addTipvariance.Rd:42-44: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addTipvariance.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addTipvariance.Rd:48-50: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:28-34: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.binary.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:31-37: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.freq.Rd:53-55: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:28-34: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.literal.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.continuous.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:31-37: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.model.discrete.Rd:53-55: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:28-34: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.states.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:28-34: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.taxaset.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: addcmd.tvtype.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: areTaxaMono.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: areTaxaMono.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: areTaxaMutex.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: areTaxaMutex.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: areTaxaMutex.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: areTaxaPara.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: areTaxaPara.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: areTaxaPara.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: as.contData.Rd:33-35: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: as.contData.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: as.contData.Rd:27-29: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: as.contData.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: as.discData.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: as.discData.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: as.discData.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie-class.Rd:98: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie-class.Rd:96: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie-class.Rd:100-102: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:27-29: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie.datatypes.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie.freqs.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie.models.continuous.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie.models.discrete.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: brownie.tvtypes.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: check.empty.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: check.empty.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: check.empty.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: check.freq.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: check.statevector.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: check.statevector.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: check.statevector.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: check.statevector.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkBrownie.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkCommands.Rd:44-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkDataTypes.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkMono.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkMono.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkPara.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkPara.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.dummy.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.integer.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.model.continuous.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.model.discrete.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.ratemat.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: checkval.yesno.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: collapse.singletons.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: collapse.singletons.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: collapse.singletons.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: collapse.singletons.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: collapse.to.singles.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: collapse.to.singles.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: collapse.to.singles.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: contData.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: discData.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: execute.brownie.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: execute.brownie.Rd:26-28: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: execute.brownie.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: expand.singles.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: expand.singles.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: expand.singles.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: genericData.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: genericData.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: genericData.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: genericData.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: genericData.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: geospiza_ext.Rd:21-23: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: get.left.right.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: get.left.right.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: get.left.right.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: get.left.right.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: get.nexus.comments.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: get.nodenames.Rd:19-20: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: get.nodenames.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: get.nodenames.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: get.nodenames.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: get.nodenames.Rd:39-40: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: get.tree.weights.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: get.tree.weights.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: get.tree.weights.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: get.tree.weights.Rd:49-51: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: get.tree.weights.Rd:52-54: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: getEmptyDataFrame.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: getEmptyDataFrame.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: getEmptyDataFrame.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: getEmptyDataFrame.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: getSubNodeData.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: getSubNodeData.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: getSubNodeData.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: getSubNodeData.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: getSubNodeEdgeInds.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: getSubNodeEdgeInds.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: getSubNodeEdgeInds.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: getSubNodeEdgeInds.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: getSubNodePosish.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: getSubNodePosish.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: getSubNodePosish.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: getSubNodePosish.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: has.block.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: has.block.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: has.block.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: has.block.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: has.block.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: has.characters2.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: has.characters2.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: has.characters2.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: has.characters2.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: has.weights.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: has.weights.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: has.weights.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: has.weights.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: has.weights.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: hasCommands.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: hasCommands.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: hasCommands.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: haschar.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is.binary.Rd:40-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is.contData.Rd:40-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is.discData.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is.simmap.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is.simmap.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is.simmap.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is.taxaname.internal.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype.Rd:44-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_bound.Rd:44-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \author prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: is_valid_datatype_prob.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: isback.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: nSubNodes.Rd:19-20: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: nSubNodes.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: nSubNodes.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: nSubNodes.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: parrot.Rd:20-21: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: phyextPlot.Rd:62-63: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: phyextPlot.Rd:69-70: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: phyextPlot.Rd:64-65: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: phyextPlot.Rd:74-76: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: plot.censored.Rd:43-49: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: plot.censored.Rd:56-58: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: plot.censored.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: plot.censored.Rd:62-64: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: plot.taxaset.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: plot.taxaset.Rd:43-49: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: plot.taxaset.Rd:56-58: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: plot.taxaset.Rd:50-52: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: plot.taxaset.Rd:62-64: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: rcpp_hello_world.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.analysis.output.Rd:42-44: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.analysis.output.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.analysis.output.Rd:48-50: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: read.analysis.output.Rd:51-53: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.brownie.string.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: read.brownie.string.Rd:25-29: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: read.brownie.string.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.brownie.string.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.brownie.string.Rd:42-44: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: read.characters2.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.characters2.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.characters2.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.continuous.output.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.continuous.output.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.continuous.output.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.discrete.output.Rd:42-44: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.discrete.output.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.discrete.output.Rd:52-54: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.nexus.block.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.nexus.block.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.nexus.block.Rd:49-51: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: read.nexus.block.Rd:52-54: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.nexus.simmap.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.nexus.simmap.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.nexus.simmap.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: read.nexus.simmap.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.ratetest.output.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.ratetest.output.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.ratetest.output.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: read.simmap.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: read.simmap.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: read.simmap.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: read.simmap.Rd:46-48: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: readBrownie.Rd:33-35: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: readBrownie.Rd:27-29: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: readBrownie.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: rm.ending.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: run.analysis.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: run.analysis.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: run.asis.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: run.asis.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: runCensored.Rd:42-44: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: runCensored.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: runDiscrete.Rd:57-59: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: runDiscrete.Rd:51-53: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: runNonCensored.Rd:61-63: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: runNonCensored.Rd:55-57: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: scan.textout.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: scan.textout.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: scan.textout.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: scan.treesout.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: scan.treesout.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: scan.treesout.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: showBrownie.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: showBrownie.Rd:26-28: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: showBrownie.Rd:20-22: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: showBrownie.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: showBrownie.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: showSubNodes.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: showSubNodes.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: showSubNodes.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: summaryCont.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: summaryCont.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: summaryCont.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: summaryDiscrete.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: summaryRatetest.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: summaryRatetest.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: summaryRatetest.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:14-16: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:17-23: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:30-32: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:24-26: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:36-38: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxData.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: taxa.charvect.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxa.charvect.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxa.charvect.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxa.mono.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxaname.to.taxind.Rd:47-49: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: taxaset.names.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxaset.names.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxaset.names.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxaset.names.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:41-43: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxaset.rename.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: taxind.to.dataind.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: taxind.to.dataind.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: taxind.to.dataind.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: taxind.to.dataind.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: taxind.to.dataind.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: validPhylo4d_ext.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: validPhylo4d_ext.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: validPhylo4d_ext.Rd:25-27: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: validPhylo4d_ext.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: validPhylo4d_ext.Rd:40-42: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: which.mono.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: which.mono.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: which.para.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: which.para.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: write.brownie.matrix.Rd:19-21: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: write.brownie.matrix.Rd:22-28: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: write.brownie.matrix.Rd:35-37: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: write.brownie.matrix.Rd:29-31: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:25-31: Dropping empty section \value prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:38-40: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:32-34: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:44-46: Dropping empty section \seealso prepare_Rd: write.brownie.string.Rd:47-48: Dropping empty section \examples prepare_Rd: write.brownie.vector.Rd:22-24: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: write.brownie.vector.Rd:34-36: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: write.brownie.vector.Rd:28-30: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: write.nexus.simmap.Rd:39-41: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: write.nexus.simmap.Rd:33-35: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: write.simmap.Rd:31-33: Dropping empty section \details prepare_Rd: write.simmap.Rd:43-45: Dropping empty section \note prepare_Rd: write.simmap.Rd:37-39: Dropping empty section \references prepare_Rd: write.simmap.Rd:49-51: Dropping empty section \seealso * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK * checking line endings in Makefiles ... OK * checking for portable compilation flags in Makevars ... OK * checking for portable use of $BLAS_LIBS ... OK * checking examples ... OK * checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... NOTE LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487128 LIB: First value = 2769801812 RCPP: 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6e287f57' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6e287f57' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6e287f57';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6e287f57';end;' Opening d:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6e287f57... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping assumptions block) (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains 10 trees 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 2 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 3 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 4 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 5 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 6 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 7 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 8 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 9 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 10 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading ASSUMPTIONS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a single rate Brownian motion model Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487128 LIB: First value = 2769801812 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487129 LIB: First value = 2093468197 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487131 LIB: First value = 2898257524 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487132 LIB: First value = 492909034 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487134 LIB: First value = 2122275512 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487134 LIB: First value = 2122275512 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487136 LIB: First value = 2393251924 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487136 LIB: First value = 2393251924 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487138 LIB: First value = 3158536415 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487138 LIB: First value = 3158536415 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487140 LIB: First value = 3539071339 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401555 +/- 0.000055 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487140 LIB: First value = 3539071339 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401555 +/- 0.000055 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487142 LIB: First value = 3906462814 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401555 +/- 0.000055 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175533 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487142 LIB: First value = 3906462814 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401555 +/- 0.000055 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175533 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713829 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487144 LIB: First value = 2604953137 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401555 +/- 0.000055 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175533 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713829 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666875 +/- 0.000044 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487145 LIB: First value = 1964068725 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401555 +/- 0.000055 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175533 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713829 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666875 +/- 0.000044 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.00473 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487147 LIB: First value = 1278370939 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401555 +/- 0.000055 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175533 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713829 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666875 +/- 0.000044 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.00473 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373273 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487148 LIB: First value = 772091705 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401555 +/- 0.000055 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175533 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713829 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666875 +/- 0.000044 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.00473 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373273 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489959 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487149 LIB: First value = 3888012262 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401555 +/- 0.000055 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175533 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713829 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666875 +/- 0.000044 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.00473 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373273 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489959 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318971 +/- 0.000072 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487149 LIB: First value = 3888012262 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175438 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077716 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442958 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968402 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373219 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646936 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471417 +/- 0.000088 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475627 +/- 0.000021 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943006 +/- 0.000029 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401555 +/- 0.000055 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533328 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175533 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713829 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666875 +/- 0.000044 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.00473 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373273 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489959 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318971 +/- 0.000072 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.819721 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 615.831896 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization You have chosen Brownian motion with one rate parameter per state Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487151 LIB: First value = 391603887 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 101.358522 AIC = 208.717044 AICc = 209.517044 Ancestral state = -0.568339 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 91.263037 +/- 0.000018 Rate in state 1 = 752.717415 +/- 0.000037 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487154 LIB: First value = 525977771 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 91.179842 AIC = 188.359685 AICc = 189.159685 Ancestral state = 2.750468 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 48.76797 +/- 0.000006 Rate in state 1 = 415.385118 +/- 0.000012 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487157 LIB: First value = 2435998540 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.241775 AIC = 204.483549 AICc = 205.283549 Ancestral state = -0.710483 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 21.346394 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 671.65793 +/- 0.000013 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487160 LIB: First value = 1698419627 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.983502 AIC = 187.967004 AICc = 188.767004 Ancestral state = 3.054602 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 41.680788 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 325.951758 +/- 0.000008 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487164 LIB: First value = 101401061 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 98.403443 AIC = 202.806887 AICc = 203.606887 Ancestral state = -0.712707 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 24.872615 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 859.919457 +/- 0.000015 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487167 LIB: First value = 2480486380 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.568177 AIC = 187.136354 AICc = 187.936354 Ancestral state = 3.330917 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 47.885894 +/- 0.000005 Rate in state 1 = 424.639145 +/- 0.000012 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487170 LIB: First value = 871107531 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.25393 AIC = 204.507859 AICc = 205.307859 Ancestral state = -0.720946 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 89.787499 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 2852.305354 +/- 0.000072 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487174 LIB: First value = 661196090 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.870567 AIC = 187.741134 AICc = 188.541134 Ancestral state = 3.365235 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 155.289329 +/- 0.000012 Rate in state 1 = 1406.59074 +/- 0.000028 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487177 LIB: First value = 2627911550 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 101.678334 AIC = 209.356668 AICc = 210.156668 Ancestral state = -0.438847 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 94.164137 +/- 0.000013 Rate in state 1 = 462.965626 +/- 0.000014 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487180 LIB: First value = 1208426056 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 91.255611 AIC = 188.511222 AICc = 189.311222 Ancestral state = 1.827769 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 42.895606 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 257.636686 +/- 0.000007 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487184 LIB: First value = 741301693 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 97.672424 AIC = 201.344848 AICc = 202.144848 Ancestral state = -0.718767 +/- 0.000029 Rate in state 0 = 52.492216 +/- 0.008123 Rate in state 1 = 2218.494697 +/- 0.955001 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487187 LIB: First value = 3513043143 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.78148 AIC = 187.56296 AICc = 188.36296 Ancestral state = 2.473751 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 174.301709 +/- 0.00001 Rate in state 1 = 991.120302 +/- 0.00002 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487191 LIB: First value = 1662369060 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.045956 AIC = 204.091912 AICc = 204.891912 Ancestral state = -0.73727 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 31.188348 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 983.465009 +/- 0.000026 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487194 LIB: First value = 664958027 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 91.061771 AIC = 188.123541 AICc = 188.923541 Ancestral state = 2.421296 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 77.340197 +/- 0.000007 Rate in state 1 = 459.763732 +/- 0.000013 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487198 LIB: First value = 479145410 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 100.073359 AIC = 206.146717 AICc = 206.946717 Ancestral state = -0.664455 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 64.535104 +/- 0.000007 Rate in state 1 = 1320.170086 +/- 0.000038 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487201 LIB: First value = 1333925307 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 91.132001 AIC = 188.264002 AICc = 189.064002 Ancestral state = 2.905147 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 103.759448 +/- 0.000006 Rate in state 1 = 650.00416 +/- 0.000007 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487204 LIB: First value = 602732986 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.299029 AIC = 204.598057 AICc = 205.398057 Ancestral state = -0.68127 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 28.801417 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 884.378965 +/- 0.000021 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487208 LIB: First value = 2519515352 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.987651 AIC = 187.975303 AICc = 188.775303 Ancestral state = 3.017591 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 56.273547 +/- 0.000005 Rate in state 1 = 429.108608 +/- 0.000013 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487211 LIB: First value = 1762817921 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.397679 AIC = 204.795357 AICc = 205.595357 Ancestral state = -0.684374 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 59.014826 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 1843.943324 +/- 0.00004 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487215 LIB: First value = 2961151530 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.660259 AIC = 187.320518 AICc = 188.120518 Ancestral state = 3.750793 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 87.830936 +/- 0.000006 Rate in state 1 = 918.874976 +/- 0.000019 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487219 LIB: First value = 1153973098 RCPP: 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6b8d5dec' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6b8d5dec' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6b8d5dec';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6b8d5dec';end;' Opening d:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6b8d5dec... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping assumptions block) (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains 10 trees 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 2 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 3 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 4 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 5 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 6 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 7 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 8 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 9 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 10 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading ASSUMPTIONS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a single rate Brownian motion model Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487220 LIB: First value = 3559644205 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487220 LIB: First value = 3559644205 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487221 LIB: First value = 1630720401 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487222 LIB: First value = 2430009165 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487222 LIB: First value = 2430009165 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487223 LIB: First value = 291065979 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487224 LIB: First value = 3488565153 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487225 LIB: First value = 1948759568 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487226 LIB: First value = 1983089456 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487227 LIB: First value = 24762104 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000003 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487229 LIB: First value = 2286700536 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000003 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401545 +/- 0.000061 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487229 LIB: First value = 2286700536 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000003 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401545 +/- 0.000061 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533308 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487231 LIB: First value = 2790861399 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000003 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401545 +/- 0.000061 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533308 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.17555 +/- 0.000035 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487231 LIB: First value = 2790861399 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000003 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401545 +/- 0.000061 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533308 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.17555 +/- 0.000035 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713836 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487233 LIB: First value = 3472802623 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000003 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401545 +/- 0.000061 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533308 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.17555 +/- 0.000035 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713836 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666895 +/- 0.000046 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487234 LIB: First value = 1803577711 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000003 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401545 +/- 0.000061 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533308 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.17555 +/- 0.000035 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713836 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666895 +/- 0.000046 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004743 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487235 LIB: First value = 4216508592 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000003 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401545 +/- 0.000061 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533308 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.17555 +/- 0.000035 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713836 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666895 +/- 0.000046 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004743 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373267 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487235 LIB: First value = 4216508592 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000003 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401545 +/- 0.000061 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533308 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.17555 +/- 0.000035 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713836 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666895 +/- 0.000046 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004743 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373267 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489959 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487237 LIB: First value = 2283244456 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000003 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401545 +/- 0.000061 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533308 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.17555 +/- 0.000035 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713836 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666895 +/- 0.000046 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004743 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373267 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489959 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318874 +/- 0.000058 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487237 LIB: First value = 2283244456 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175448 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077722 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442937 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968403 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373266 +/- 0.000025 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646939 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471382 +/- 0.000089 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475624 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.943016 +/- 0.000016 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.156415 +/- 0.000003 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.401545 +/- 0.000061 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533308 +/- 0.000013 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.17555 +/- 0.000035 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713836 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666895 +/- 0.000046 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004743 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373267 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489959 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318874 +/- 0.000058 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.819721 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 615.831895 +/- 0.00001 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization You have chosen Brownian motion with one rate parameter per state Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487239 LIB: First value = 2853384540 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 101.358522 AIC = 208.717044 AICc = 209.517044 Ancestral state = -0.568339 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 91.263064 +/- 0.000019 Rate in state 1 = 752.717426 +/- 0.000033 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487241 LIB: First value = 270985127 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 91.179842 AIC = 188.359685 AICc = 189.159685 Ancestral state = 2.750468 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 48.767956 +/- 0.000007 Rate in state 1 = 415.385145 +/- 0.000015 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487245 LIB: First value = 1981881010 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.241775 AIC = 204.483549 AICc = 205.283549 Ancestral state = -0.710483 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 21.346394 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 671.65794 +/- 0.000016 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487248 LIB: First value = 2764854426 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.983502 AIC = 187.967004 AICc = 188.767004 Ancestral state = 3.054602 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 41.680786 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 325.951763 +/- 0.000006 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487252 LIB: First value = 3054406886 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 98.403443 AIC = 202.806887 AICc = 203.606887 Ancestral state = -0.712707 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 24.872615 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 1 = 859.919465 +/- 0.000029 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487255 LIB: First value = 836648993 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.568177 AIC = 187.136354 AICc = 187.936354 Ancestral state = 3.330917 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 47.885895 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 424.639153 +/- 0.000012 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487258 LIB: First value = 3382919851 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.25393 AIC = 204.507859 AICc = 205.307859 Ancestral state = -0.720947 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 89.787492 +/- 0.000009 Rate in state 1 = 2852.305431 +/- 0.000106 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487262 LIB: First value = 1006100803 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.870567 AIC = 187.741134 AICc = 188.541134 Ancestral state = 3.365235 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 155.289308 +/- 0.000012 Rate in state 1 = 1406.590772 +/- 0.000024 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487266 LIB: First value = 1901612804 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 101.678334 AIC = 209.356668 AICc = 210.156668 Ancestral state = -0.438847 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 94.164135 +/- 0.000014 Rate in state 1 = 462.965657 +/- 0.000019 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487268 LIB: First value = 3621144964 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 91.255611 AIC = 188.511222 AICc = 189.311222 Ancestral state = 1.82777 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 42.895606 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 257.636683 +/- 0.000006 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487272 LIB: First value = 2355174910 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 97.672424 AIC = 201.344848 AICc = 202.144848 Ancestral state = -0.718767 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 52.49222 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 2218.494648 +/- 0.00004 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487275 LIB: First value = 4048468990 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.78148 AIC = 187.56296 AICc = 188.36296 Ancestral state = 2.473751 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 174.301687 +/- 0.00001 Rate in state 1 = 991.120294 +/- 0.000028 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487278 LIB: First value = 916408279 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.045956 AIC = 204.091912 AICc = 204.891912 Ancestral state = -0.73727 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 31.188347 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 983.464971 +/- 0.00003 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487281 LIB: First value = 1057342541 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 91.061771 AIC = 188.123541 AICc = 188.923541 Ancestral state = 2.421296 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 77.3402 +/- 0.000007 Rate in state 1 = 459.763733 +/- 0.00001 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487285 LIB: First value = 370979922 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 100.073359 AIC = 206.146717 AICc = 206.946717 Ancestral state = -0.664456 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 64.535097 +/- 0.000007 Rate in state 1 = 1320.170059 +/- 0.000026 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487288 LIB: First value = 2428036403 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 91.132001 AIC = 188.264002 AICc = 189.064002 Ancestral state = 2.905147 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 103.759462 +/- 0.000011 Rate in state 1 = 650.004157 +/- 0.000019 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487292 LIB: First value = 73067654 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.299029 AIC = 204.598057 AICc = 205.398057 Ancestral state = -0.68127 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 28.80142 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 884.37896 +/- 0.000018 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487295 LIB: First value = 1561203742 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.987651 AIC = 187.975303 AICc = 188.775303 Ancestral state = 3.017591 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 56.273548 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 429.108598 +/- 0.00001 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487298 LIB: First value = 4229288612 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.397679 AIC = 204.795357 AICc = 205.595357 Ancestral state = -0.684374 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 59.014827 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 1843.943312 +/- 0.000041 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487301 LIB: First value = 957054327 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.660259 AIC = 187.320518 AICc = 188.120518 Ancestral state = 3.750794 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 87.830931 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 918.875014 +/- 0.000016 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487306 LIB: First value = 631713570 RCPP: 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file35f23830' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file35f23830' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file35f23830';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file35f23830';end;' Opening d:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file35f23830... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping assumptions block) (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains 10 trees 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 2 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 3 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 4 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 5 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 6 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 7 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 8 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 9 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1) 10 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading ASSUMPTIONS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a single rate Brownian motion model Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487306 LIB: First value = 631713570 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487307 LIB: First value = 3211283407 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487309 LIB: First value = 2118720845 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487309 LIB: First value = 2118720845 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487310 LIB: First value = 279963419 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487311 LIB: First value = 178449484 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487312 LIB: First value = 994733654 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487312 LIB: First value = 994733654 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487314 LIB: First value = 1584082768 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487314 LIB: First value = 1584082768 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15642 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487316 LIB: First value = 1454411402 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15642 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.4015 +/- 0.000084 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487317 LIB: First value = 3023556847 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15642 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.4015 +/- 0.000084 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533323 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487319 LIB: First value = 1799870894 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15642 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.4015 +/- 0.000084 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533323 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487320 LIB: First value = 2297834575 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15642 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.4015 +/- 0.000084 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533323 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713845 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487321 LIB: First value = 1846496157 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15642 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.4015 +/- 0.000084 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533323 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713845 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666863 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487322 LIB: First value = 1343926227 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15642 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.4015 +/- 0.000084 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533323 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713845 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666863 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004721 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487324 LIB: First value = 4200912890 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15642 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.4015 +/- 0.000084 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533323 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713845 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666863 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004721 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373287 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487325 LIB: First value = 447945683 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15642 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.4015 +/- 0.000084 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533323 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713845 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666863 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004721 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373287 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489954 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487325 LIB: First value = 447945683 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15642 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.4015 +/- 0.000084 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533323 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713845 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666863 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004721 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373287 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489954 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318847 +/- 0.000071 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487326 LIB: First value = 709606125 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Now optimizing with taxset ALL -lnL = 102.58253 AIC = 209.165059 AICc = 209.552156 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 553.175442 +/- 0.000028 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409867 AIC = 188.819734 AICc = 189.206831 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 304.077714 +/- 0.000004 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.58259 AIC = 209.165181 AICc = 209.552277 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 407.442938 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.81972 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 223.968408 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582641 AIC = 209.165282 AICc = 209.552379 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 512.373254 +/- 0.000024 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409857 AIC = 188.819714 AICc = 189.206811 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 281.646947 +/- 0.000007 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582653 AIC = 209.165305 AICc = 209.552402 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1725.471351 +/- 0.000081 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409862 AIC = 188.819725 AICc = 189.206822 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 948.475623 +/- 0.000022 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582565 AIC = 209.16513 AICc = 209.552227 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 365.942981 +/- 0.000027 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409854 AIC = 188.819707 AICc = 189.206804 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 201.15642 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582495 AIC = 209.164991 AICc = 209.552087 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 1274.4015 +/- 0.000084 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409865 AIC = 188.819729 AICc = 189.206826 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 700.533323 +/- 0.000011 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582564 AIC = 209.165128 AICc = 209.552224 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 596.175542 +/- 0.00002 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409859 AIC = 188.819718 AICc = 189.206814 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 327.713845 +/- 0.000006 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582526 AIC = 209.165052 AICc = 209.552149 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 858.666863 +/- 0.000033 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409861 AIC = 188.819722 AICc = 189.206819 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 472.004721 +/- 0.000008 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582562 AIC = 209.165124 AICc = 209.552221 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 539.373287 +/- 0.000026 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.409855 AIC = 188.81971 AICc = 189.206807 Ancestral state = 0.0 Optimal rate = 296.489954 +/- 0.000005 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 102.582569 AIC = 209.165138 AICc = 209.552235 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 1120.318847 +/- 0.000071 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization -lnL = 92.40986 AIC = 188.819721 AICc = 189.206817 Ancestral state = -0.0 Optimal rate = 615.831888 +/- 0.000014 Note that +/- reflects imprecision due to numerical optimization You have chosen Brownian motion with one rate parameter per state Now optimizing with taxset ALL LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487328 LIB: First value = 1095535378 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 101.358522 AIC = 208.717044 AICc = 209.517044 Ancestral state = -0.568339 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 91.263034 +/- 0.000013 Rate in state 1 = 752.717405 +/- 0.00002 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487330 LIB: First value = 1891043858 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 91.179842 AIC = 188.359685 AICc = 189.159685 Ancestral state = 2.750468 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 48.767965 +/- 0.000006 Rate in state 1 = 415.38513 +/- 0.00001 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487334 LIB: First value = 4099943101 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.241775 AIC = 204.483549 AICc = 205.283549 Ancestral state = -0.710483 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 21.346397 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 671.657899 +/- 0.000019 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487336 LIB: First value = 186538314 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.983502 AIC = 187.967004 AICc = 188.767004 Ancestral state = 3.054602 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 41.680786 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 325.951767 +/- 0.000007 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487340 LIB: First value = 2950125128 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 98.403443 AIC = 202.806887 AICc = 203.606887 Ancestral state = -0.712707 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 24.872613 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 859.919508 +/- 0.000011 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487343 LIB: First value = 2835164720 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.568177 AIC = 187.136354 AICc = 187.936354 Ancestral state = 3.330917 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 47.88589 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 424.639158 +/- 0.000018 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487347 LIB: First value = 2945326486 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.25393 AIC = 204.507859 AICc = 205.307859 Ancestral state = -0.720946 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 89.787494 +/- 0.000008 Rate in state 1 = 2852.305282 +/- 0.000099 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487350 LIB: First value = 195455946 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.870567 AIC = 187.741134 AICc = 188.541134 Ancestral state = 3.365235 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 155.289315 +/- 0.000021 Rate in state 1 = 1406.590746 +/- 0.000041 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487354 LIB: First value = 2103188378 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 101.678334 AIC = 209.356668 AICc = 210.156668 Ancestral state = -0.438847 +/- 0.000001 Rate in state 0 = 94.164127 +/- 0.000016 Rate in state 1 = 462.96563 +/- 0.00002 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487356 LIB: First value = 452668741 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 91.255611 AIC = 188.511222 AICc = 189.311222 Ancestral state = 1.827769 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 42.895606 +/- 0.000005 Rate in state 1 = 257.636691 +/- 0.000006 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487360 LIB: First value = 1729499304 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 97.672424 AIC = 201.344848 AICc = 202.144848 Ancestral state = -0.718767 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 52.492218 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 2218.494618 +/- 0.000058 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487363 LIB: First value = 3125215206 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.78148 AIC = 187.56296 AICc = 188.36296 Ancestral state = 2.473751 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 174.301699 +/- 0.000011 Rate in state 1 = 991.120297 +/- 0.000026 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487367 LIB: First value = 4173956123 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.045956 AIC = 204.091912 AICc = 204.891912 Ancestral state = -0.73727 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 31.188345 +/- 0.000002 Rate in state 1 = 983.464978 +/- 0.000024 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487370 LIB: First value = 1865687058 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 91.061771 AIC = 188.123541 AICc = 188.923541 Ancestral state = 2.421296 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 77.340203 +/- 0.000007 Rate in state 1 = 459.763722 +/- 0.000015 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487373 LIB: First value = 3303477095 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 100.073359 AIC = 206.146717 AICc = 206.946717 Ancestral state = -0.664456 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 64.535102 +/- 0.000005 Rate in state 1 = 1320.170049 +/- 0.000029 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487377 LIB: First value = 2890137843 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 91.132001 AIC = 188.264002 AICc = 189.064002 Ancestral state = 2.905147 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 103.759439 +/- 0.00001 Rate in state 1 = 650.004156 +/- 0.000014 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487380 LIB: First value = 3528391069 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.299029 AIC = 204.598057 AICc = 205.398057 Ancestral state = -0.68127 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 28.801421 +/- 0.000003 Rate in state 1 = 884.378976 +/- 0.000028 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487384 LIB: First value = 1117075481 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.987651 AIC = 187.975303 AICc = 188.775303 Ancestral state = 3.017591 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 56.273549 +/- 0.000005 Rate in state 1 = 429.108602 +/- 0.000013 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487387 LIB: First value = 2989774305 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| -lnL = 99.397679 AIC = 204.795357 AICc = 205.595357 Ancestral state = -0.684374 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 59.014822 +/- 0.000004 Rate in state 1 = 1843.943327 +/- 0.000045 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487391 LIB: First value = 3583880191 Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Out of 15 optimization starts, 15 were stopped by hitting the maximum # of iterations. This means that those replicates may not even have hit the local maximum. You can increase the maximum number of iterations or decrease the precision with the NumOpt command. You could also consider increasing the number of random starts using that same command. If this happened on a small proportion of replicates, though, or if the precision (below) is good enough, don't worry about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -lnL = 90.660259 AIC = 187.320518 AICc = 188.120518 Ancestral state = 3.750794 +/- 0.0 Rate in state 0 = 87.83094 +/- 0.000006 Rate in state 1 = 918.875001 +/- 0.00002 LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487395 LIB: First value = 2338861376 RCPP: 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file109c188d' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file109c188d' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file109c188d';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file109c188d';end;' Opening d:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file109c188d... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains one tree 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen equal frequencies for all states WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.043574 AIC = 16.087148 AICc = 17.287148 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.652106 +/- 0.0 q_1_0 = 6.252674 +/- 0.0 Statefreqs: uniform P(0) = 0.5 P(1) = 0.5 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen to use equilibrium state frequencies WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.042915 AIC = 16.085830 AICc = 17.285830 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.661837 +/- 0.000001 q_1_0 = 6.181369 +/- 0.000002 Statefreqs: equilibrium P(0) = 0.788118 P(1) = 0.211882 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487398 LIB: First value = 1937589730 RCPP: 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file61ce669a' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file61ce669a' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file61ce669a';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file61ce669a';end;' Opening d:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file61ce669a... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains one tree 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen equal frequencies for all states WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.043574 AIC = 16.087148 AICc = 17.287148 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.652106 +/- 0.0 q_1_0 = 6.252674 +/- 0.0 Statefreqs: uniform P(0) = 0.5 P(1) = 0.5 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen to use equilibrium state frequencies WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.042915 AIC = 16.085830 AICc = 17.285830 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.661837 +/- 0.0 q_1_0 = 6.181369 +/- 0.000001 Statefreqs: equilibrium P(0) = 0.788118 P(1) = 0.211882 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} LIB: Generator type: mt19937 LIB: Seed = 1286487402 LIB: First value = 279312541 RCPP: 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6f204365' Piping commands to brownie objectLIB: preprocessing command: execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6f204365' .. conditioned command is: ;execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6f204365';end; LIB: handle cmd ';execute 'd:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6f204365';end;' Opening d:/temp/RtmpKepPlc/file6f204365... Starting to execute NEXUS file Entering TAXA block...done Entering TREES block...done Entering CHARACTERS block...done (Skipping brownie block) Finished executing NEXUS file TREES block contains one tree 1 UNTITLED (rooted, weight = 1,default tree) Reading TAXA block... Reading TREES block... Reading CHARACTERS block... Reading BROWNIE block... You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen equal frequencies for all states WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.043574 AIC = 16.087148 AICc = 17.287148 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.652106 +/- 0.0 q_1_0 = 6.252674 +/- 0.0 Statefreqs: uniform P(0) = 0.5 P(1) = 0.5 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} You have chosen a non-time-reversible model: rates are free to vary You have chosen to use equilibrium state frequencies WARNING: if some characters have fewer than 2 character states, the output in the output table will be wrong for those chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: You are trying to estimate 2 parameters, but only have 13 taxa. Make sure to try some simpler models, and expect quite imprecise estimates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% |********************************************************************************| Tree = 1: UNTITLED -lnL = 6.042915 AIC = 16.085830 AICc = 17.285830 Rates: nonreversible q_0_1 = 1.661838 +/- 0.000001 q_1_0 = 6.181369 +/- 0.000002 Statefreqs: equilibrium P(0) = 0.788118 P(1) = 0.211882 tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa[&S 1:0.055]:0.055,fortis[&S 1:0.055]:0.055)'[&S 0:0.0275,1:0.0275]':0.055,magnirostris[&S 0:0.11]:0.11)'[&S 0:0.07333]':0.07333,conirostris[&S 0:0.18333]:0.18333)'[&S 0:0.00917]':0.00917,scandens[&S 0:0.1925]:0.1925)'[&S 0:0.0355]':0.0355,difficilis[&S 0:0.114,1:0.114]:0.228)'[&S 0:0.10346]':0.10346,(pallida[&S 0:0.08667]:0.08667,((parvulus[&S 0:0.02]:0.02,psittacula[&S 0:0.02]:0.02)'[&S 0:0.015]':0.015,pauper[&S 0:0.035]:0.035)'[&S 0:0.05167]':0.05167)'[&S 0:0.24479]':0.24479)'[&S 0:0.13404]':0.13404,Platyspiza[&S 0:0.4655]:0.4655)'[&S 0:0.06859]':0.06859,fusca[&S 0:0.53409]:0.53409)'[&S 0:0.04924]':0.04924,Pinaroloxias[&S 0:0.58333]:0.58333); tree input1 = (((((((((fuliginosa:{1,0.055},fortis:{1,0.055})':{0,0.0275:1,0.0275}',magnirostris:{0,0.11})':{0,0.07333}',conirostris:{0,0.18333})':{0,0.00917}',scandens:{0,0.1925})':{0,0.0355}',difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114})':{0,0.10346}',(pallida:{0,0.08667},((parvulus:{0,0.02},psittacula:{0,0.02})':{0,0.015}',pauper:{0,0.035})':{0,0.05167}')':{0,0.24479}')':{0,0.13404}',Platyspiza:{0,0.4655})':{0,0.06859}',fusca:{0,0.53409})':{0,0.04924}',Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333}); ÚÄ fuliginosa:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.0275:1,0.0275} ³ÀÄ fortis:{1,0.055} Ú´:{0,0.07333} ³ÀÄÄ magnirostris:{0,0.11} Ú´:{0,0.00917} ³ÀÄÄÄ conirostris:{0,0.18333} Ú´:{0,0.0355} ³ÀÄÄÄÄ scandens:{0,0.1925} ÚÄÄÄ´:{0,0.10346} ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ difficilis:{0,0.114:1,0.114} Ú´:{0,0.13404} ³³ ÚÄÄÄ pallida:{0,0.08667} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄ´:{0,0.24479} ³ ³ ÚÄ parvulus:{0,0.02} ³ ³Ú´:{0,0.015} ³ ³³ÀÄ psittacula:{0,0.02} ³ À´:{0,0.05167} ³ ÀÄÄ pauper:{0,0.035} Ú´:{0,0.06859} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Platyspiza:{0,0.4655} Ú´:{0,0.04924} ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fusca:{0,0.53409} ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pinaroloxias:{0,0.58333} * checking PDF version of manual ... OK