README for VMS::Monitor

Copyright 1998, Dan Sugalski <>

VMS::Monitor provides access to the same system data structures that the
MONITOR utilitiy uses to provide its statistics, only in a much friendlier
and convenient form than MONITOR's binary data files.

Note that this module makes use of an undocumented systems service
($GETSPI) and links against the MONITOR library. As such, it may need to be
relinked if you upgrade VMS versions, and may at some point stop
functioning if Dec changes the MONITOR interface (as they have at least
once in the past)


This module makes use of undocumented and unsupported system routines.
Misuse of these routines *has* been known to cause system crashes in older
(5.x and before) versions of VMS! There is absolutely no warrantee of any
sort. You're on your own if something goes wrong. (I'd like to know so I
can fix it, but I won't be held responsible if it happens)

Build this module in the standard way:

perl Makefile.PL

and you should be fine.

A big tip 'o the hat to Dale and Sue at The Company Formerly Known As
Digital for the bits that made this all possible. Thanks, guys.