/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2024 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 16 Cache Manager API */ #include "squid.h" #include "base/AsyncCbdataCalls.h" #include "base/TextException.h" #include "comm.h" #include "comm/Connection.h" #include "comm/Write.h" #include "CommCalls.h" #include "ipc/FdNotes.h" #include "mgr/StoreToCommWriter.h" #include "Store.h" #include "StoreClient.h" Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::StoreToCommWriter(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, StoreEntry* anEntry): AsyncJob("Mgr::StoreToCommWriter"), clientConnection(conn), entry(anEntry), sc(nullptr), writeOffset(0), closer(nullptr) { debugs(16, 6, clientConnection); closer = asyncCall(16, 5, "Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::noteCommClosed", CommCbMemFunT(this, &StoreToCommWriter::noteCommClosed)); comm_add_close_handler(clientConnection->fd, closer); } Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::~StoreToCommWriter() { debugs(16, 6, MYNAME); assert(!entry); assert(!sc); close(); } /// closes our copy of the client HTTP connection socket void Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::close() { if (Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection)) { if (closer != nullptr) { comm_remove_close_handler(clientConnection->fd, closer); closer = nullptr; } clientConnection->close(); } } void Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::start() { debugs(16, 6, MYNAME); Must(Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection)); Must(entry != nullptr); AsyncCall::Pointer call = asyncCall(16, 4, "StoreToCommWriter::Abort", cbdataDialer(&StoreToCommWriter::HandleStoreAbort, this)); entry->registerAbortCallback(call); sc = storeClientListAdd(entry, this); Must(sc != nullptr); // initiate the receive-from-store, write-to-comm sequence scheduleStoreCopy(); } void Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::scheduleStoreCopy() { debugs(16, 6, MYNAME); Must(entry != nullptr); Must(sc != nullptr); StoreIOBuffer readBuf(sizeof(buffer), writeOffset, buffer); storeClientCopy(sc, entry, readBuf, &NoteStoreCopied, this); } void Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::NoteStoreCopied(void* data, StoreIOBuffer ioBuf) { Must(data != nullptr); // make sync Store call async to get async call protections and features StoreToCommWriter* writer = static_cast(data); typedef UnaryMemFunT MyDialer; AsyncCall::Pointer call = asyncCall(16, 5, "Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::noteStoreCopied", MyDialer(writer, &StoreToCommWriter::noteStoreCopied, ioBuf)); ScheduleCallHere(call); } void Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::noteStoreCopied(StoreIOBuffer ioBuf) { debugs(16, 6, MYNAME); Must(!ioBuf.flags.error); if (ioBuf.length > 0) scheduleCommWrite(ioBuf); // write received action results to client else Must(doneAll()); // otherwise, why would Store call us with no data? } void Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::scheduleCommWrite(const StoreIOBuffer& ioBuf) { debugs(16, 6, MYNAME); Must(Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection)); Must(ioBuf.data != nullptr); // write filled buffer typedef CommCbMemFunT MyDialer; AsyncCall::Pointer writer = asyncCall(16, 5, "Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::noteCommWrote", MyDialer(this, &StoreToCommWriter::noteCommWrote)); Comm::Write(clientConnection, ioBuf.data, ioBuf.length, writer, nullptr); } void Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::noteCommWrote(const CommIoCbParams& params) { debugs(16, 6, MYNAME); Must(params.flag == Comm::OK); Must(clientConnection != nullptr && params.fd == clientConnection->fd); Must(params.size != 0); writeOffset += params.size; if (!doneAll()) scheduleStoreCopy(); // retrieve the next data portion } void Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::noteCommClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &) { debugs(16, 6, MYNAME); if (clientConnection) { clientConnection->noteClosure(); clientConnection = nullptr; } closer = nullptr; mustStop("commClosed"); } void Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::swanSong() { debugs(16, 6, MYNAME); if (entry != nullptr) { if (sc != nullptr) { storeUnregister(sc, entry, this); sc = nullptr; } entry->unregisterAbortCallback("StoreToCommWriter done"); entry->unlock("Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::swanSong"); entry = nullptr; } close(); } bool Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::doneAll() const { return entry && entry->store_status == STORE_OK && // the action is over writeOffset >= entry->objectLen(); // we wrote all the results } void Mgr::StoreToCommWriter::HandleStoreAbort(StoreToCommWriter *mgrWriter) { if (Comm::IsConnOpen(mgrWriter->clientConnection)) mgrWriter->clientConnection->close(); }