/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2018 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 90 HTTP Cache Control Header */ #include "squid.h" #include "HttpHdrSc.h" #include "HttpHeader.h" #include "HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h" #include "HttpHeaderFieldStat.h" #include "HttpHeaderStat.h" #include "HttpHeaderTools.h" #include "Store.h" #include "StrList.h" #include /* a row in the table used for parsing surrogate-control header and statistics */ typedef struct { const char *name; http_hdr_sc_type id; HttpHeaderFieldStat stat; } HttpHeaderScFields; /* this table is used for parsing surrogate control header */ /* order must match that of enum http_hdr_sc_type. The constraint is verified at initialization time */ //todo: implement constraint static const HttpHeaderFieldAttrs ScAttrs[SC_ENUM_END] = { {"no-store", (http_hdr_type)SC_NO_STORE}, {"no-store-remote", (http_hdr_type)SC_NO_STORE_REMOTE}, {"max-age", (http_hdr_type)SC_MAX_AGE}, {"content", (http_hdr_type)SC_CONTENT}, {"Other,", (http_hdr_type)SC_OTHER} /* ',' will protect from matches */ }; HttpHeaderFieldInfo *ScFieldsInfo = NULL; http_hdr_sc_type &operator++ (http_hdr_sc_type &aHeader) { int tmp = (int)aHeader; aHeader = (http_hdr_sc_type)(++tmp); return aHeader; } int operator - (http_hdr_sc_type const &anSc, http_hdr_sc_type const &anSc2) { return (int)anSc - (int)anSc2; } /* module initialization */ void httpHdrScInitModule(void) { ScFieldsInfo = httpHeaderBuildFieldsInfo(ScAttrs, SC_ENUM_END); } void httpHdrScCleanModule(void) { httpHeaderDestroyFieldsInfo(ScFieldsInfo, SC_ENUM_END); ScFieldsInfo = NULL; } /* implementation */ /* creates an sc object from a 0-terminating string */ HttpHdrSc * httpHdrScParseCreate(const String & str) { HttpHdrSc *sc = new HttpHdrSc(); if (!sc->parse(&str)) { delete sc; sc = NULL; } return sc; } /* parses a 0-terminating string and inits sc */ bool HttpHdrSc::parse(const String * str) { HttpHdrSc * sc=this; const char *item; const char *p; /* '=' parameter */ const char *pos = NULL; const char *target = NULL; /* ;foo */ const char *temp = NULL; /* temp buffer */ int type; int ilen, vlen; int initiallen; HttpHdrScTarget *sct; assert(str); /* iterate through comma separated list */ while (strListGetItem(str, ',', &item, &ilen, &pos)) { initiallen = ilen; vlen = 0; /* decrease ilen to still match the token for '=' statements */ if ((p = strchr(item, '=')) && (p - item < ilen)) { vlen = ilen - (p + 1 - item); ilen = p - item; ++p; } /* decrease ilen to still match the token for ';' qualified non '=' statments */ else if ((p = strchr(item, ';')) && (p - item < ilen)) { ilen = p - item; ++p; } /* find type */ /* TODO: use a type-safe map-based lookup */ type = httpHeaderIdByName(item, ilen, ScFieldsInfo, SC_ENUM_END); if (type < 0) { debugs(90, 2, "hdr sc: unknown control-directive: near '" << item << "' in '" << str << "'"); type = SC_OTHER; } /* Is this a targeted directive? */ /* TODO: remove the temporary useage and use memrchr and the information we have instead */ temp = xstrndup (item, initiallen + 1); if (!((target = strrchr (temp, ';')) && !strchr (target, '"') && *(target + 1) != '\0')) target = NULL; else ++target; sct = sc->findTarget(target); if (!sct) { sct = new HttpHdrScTarget(target); addTarget(sct); } safe_free (temp); if (sct->isSet(static_cast(type))) { if (type != SC_OTHER) debugs(90, 2, "hdr sc: ignoring duplicate control-directive: near '" << item << "' in '" << str << "'"); ++ ScFieldsInfo[type].stat.repCount; continue; } /* process directives */ switch (type) { case SC_NO_STORE: sct->noStore(true); break; case SC_NO_STORE_REMOTE: sct->noStoreRemote(true); break; case SC_MAX_AGE: { int ma; if (p && httpHeaderParseInt(p, &ma)) { sct->maxAge(ma); if ((p = strchr (p, '+'))) { int ms; ++p; //skip the + char if (httpHeaderParseInt(p, &ms)) { sct->maxStale(ms); } else { debugs(90, 2, "sc: invalid max-stale specs near '" << item << "'"); sct->clearMaxStale(); /* leave the max-age alone */ } } } else { debugs(90, 2, "sc: invalid max-age specs near '" << item << "'"); sct->clearMaxAge(); } break; } case SC_CONTENT: if ( p && httpHeaderParseQuotedString(p, vlen, &sct->content_)) { sct->setMask(SC_CONTENT,true); // ugly but saves a copy } else { debugs(90, 2, "sc: invalid content= quoted string near '" << item << "'"); sct->clearContent(); } break; case SC_OTHER: default: break; } } return sc->targets.head != NULL; } HttpHdrSc::~HttpHdrSc() { if (targets.head) { dlink_node *sct = targets.head; while (sct) { HttpHdrScTarget *t = static_cast(sct->data); sct = sct->next; dlinkDelete (&t->node, &targets); delete t; } } } HttpHdrSc::HttpHdrSc(const HttpHdrSc &sc) { dlink_node *node = sc.targets.head; while (node) { HttpHdrScTarget *dupsct = new HttpHdrScTarget(*static_cast(node->data)); addTargetAtTail(dupsct); node = node->next; } } void HttpHdrScTarget::packInto(Packer * p) const { http_hdr_sc_type flag; int pcount = 0; assert (p); for (flag = SC_NO_STORE; flag < SC_ENUM_END; ++flag) { if (isSet(flag) && flag != SC_OTHER) { /* print option name */ packerPrintf(p, (pcount ? ", " SQUIDSTRINGPH : SQUIDSTRINGPH), SQUIDSTRINGPRINT(ScFieldsInfo[flag].name)); /* handle options with values */ if (flag == SC_MAX_AGE) packerPrintf(p, "=%d", (int) max_age); if (flag == SC_CONTENT) packerPrintf(p, "=\"" SQUIDSTRINGPH "\"", SQUIDSTRINGPRINT(content_)); ++pcount; } } if (hasTarget()) packerPrintf (p, ";" SQUIDSTRINGPH, SQUIDSTRINGPRINT(target)); } void HttpHdrSc::packInto(Packer * p) const { dlink_node *node; assert(p); node = targets.head; while (node) { static_cast(node->data)->packInto(p); node = node->next; } } /* negative max_age will clean old max_Age setting */ void HttpHdrSc::setMaxAge(char const *target, int max_age) { HttpHdrScTarget *sct = findTarget(target); if (!sct) { sct = new HttpHdrScTarget(target); dlinkAddTail (sct, &sct->node, &targets); } sct->maxAge(max_age); } void HttpHdrSc::updateStats(StatHist * hist) const { dlink_node *sct = targets.head; while (sct) { static_cast(sct->data)->updateStats(hist); sct = sct->next; } } void httpHdrScTargetStatDumper(StoreEntry * sentry, int idx, double val, double size, int count) { extern const HttpHeaderStat *dump_stat; /* argh! */ const int id = (int) val; const int valid_id = id >= 0 && id < SC_ENUM_END; const char *name = valid_id ? ScFieldsInfo[id].name.termedBuf() : "INVALID"; if (count || valid_id) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%2d\t %-20s\t %5d\t %6.2f\n", id, name, count, xdiv(count, dump_stat->scParsedCount)); } void httpHdrScStatDumper(StoreEntry * sentry, int idx, double val, double size, int count) { extern const HttpHeaderStat *dump_stat; /* argh! */ const int id = (int) val; const int valid_id = id >= 0 && id < SC_ENUM_END; const char *name = valid_id ? ScFieldsInfo[id].name.termedBuf() : "INVALID"; if (count || valid_id) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%2d\t %-20s\t %5d\t %6.2f\n", id, name, count, xdiv(count, dump_stat->scParsedCount)); } HttpHdrScTarget * HttpHdrSc::findTarget(const char *target) { dlink_node *node; node = targets.head; while (node) { HttpHdrScTarget *sct = (HttpHdrScTarget *)node->data; if (target && sct->target.size() > 0 && !strcmp(target, sct->target.termedBuf())) return sct; else if (!target && sct->target.size() == 0) return sct; node = node->next; } return NULL; } HttpHdrScTarget * HttpHdrSc::getMergedTarget(const char *ourtarget) { HttpHdrScTarget *sctus = findTarget(ourtarget); HttpHdrScTarget *sctgeneric = findTarget(NULL); if (sctgeneric || sctus) { HttpHdrScTarget *sctusable = new HttpHdrScTarget(NULL); if (sctgeneric) sctusable->mergeWith(sctgeneric); if (sctus) sctusable->mergeWith(sctus); return sctusable; } return NULL; }