/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2018 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Author: Markus Moeller (markus_moeller at compuserve.com) * * Copyright (C) 2007 Markus Moeller. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * As a special exemption, M Moeller gives permission to link this program * with MIT, Heimdal or other GSS/Kerberos libraries, and distribute * the resulting executable, without including the source code for * the Libraries in the source distribution. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "squid.h" #include "rfc1738.h" #include "negotiate_kerberos.h" #if HAVE_GSSAPI && HAVE_PAC_SUPPORT static int bpos; static krb5_data *ad_data; static unsigned char *p; extern int check_k5_err(krb5_context context, const char *function, krb5_error_code code); void align(int n) { if ( bpos % n != 0 ) { int al; al = (bpos/n); bpos = bpos+(bpos-n*al); } } void getustr(RPC_UNICODE_STRING *string) { string->length = (uint16_t)((p[bpos]<<0) | (p[bpos+1]<<8)); string->maxlength = (uint16_t)((p[bpos+2]<<0) | (p[bpos+2+1]<<8)); string->pointer = (uint32_t)((p[bpos+4]<<0) | (p[bpos+4+1]<<8) | (p[bpos+4+2]<<16) | (p[bpos+4+3]<<24)); bpos = bpos+8; } uint64_t get6byt_be(void) { uint64_t var; var = ((uint64_t)p[bpos+5]<<0) | ((uint64_t)p[bpos+4]<<8) | ((uint64_t)p[bpos+3]<<16) | ((uint64_t)p[bpos+2]<<24) | ((uint64_t)p[bpos+1]<<32) | ((uint64_t)p[bpos]<<40); bpos = bpos+6; return var; } uint32_t get4byt(void) { uint32_t var; var=(uint32_t)((p[bpos]<<0) | (p[bpos+1]<<8) | (p[bpos+2]<<16) | (p[bpos+3]<<24)); bpos = bpos+4; return var; } uint16_t get2byt(void) { uint16_t var; var=(uint16_t)((p[bpos]<<0) | (p[bpos+1]<<8)); bpos = bpos+2; return var; } uint8_t get1byt(void) { uint8_t var; var=(uint8_t)((p[bpos]<<0)); bpos = bpos+1; return var; } char * pstrcpy( char *src, const char *dst) { if (dst) { if (strlen(dst)>MAX_PAC_GROUP_SIZE) return NULL; else return strcpy(src,dst); } else return src; } char * pstrcat( char *src, const char *dst) { if (dst) { if (strlen(src)+strlen(dst)+1>MAX_PAC_GROUP_SIZE) return NULL; else return strcat(src,dst); } else return src; } int checkustr(RPC_UNICODE_STRING *string) { if (string->pointer != 0) { uint32_t size,off,len; align(4); size = (uint32_t)((p[bpos]<<0) | (p[bpos+1]<<8) | (p[bpos+2]<<16) | (p[bpos+3]<<24)); bpos = bpos+4; off = (uint32_t)((p[bpos]<<0) | (p[bpos+1]<<8) | (p[bpos+2]<<16) | (p[bpos+3]<<24)); bpos = bpos+4; len = (uint32_t)((p[bpos]<<0) | (p[bpos+1]<<8) | (p[bpos+2]<<16) | (p[bpos+3]<<24)); bpos = bpos+4; if (len > size || off != 0 || string->length > string->maxlength || len != string->length/2) { debug((char *) "%s| %s: ERROR: RPC_UNICODE_STRING encoding error => size: %d len: %d/%d maxlength: %d offset: %d\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, size, len, string->length, string->maxlength, off); return -1; } /* UNICODE string */ bpos = bpos+string->length; } return 0; } char ** getgids(char **Rids, uint32_t GroupIds, uint32_t GroupCount) { if (GroupIds!= 0) { uint32_t ngroup; int l; align(4); ngroup = get4byt(); if ( ngroup != GroupCount) { debug((char *) "%s| %s: ERROR: Group encoding error => GroupCount: %d Array size: %d\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, GroupCount, ngroup); return NULL; } debug((char *) "%s| %s: INFO: Found %d rids\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, GroupCount); Rids=(char **)xcalloc(GroupCount*sizeof(char*),1); for ( l=0; l<(int)GroupCount; l++) { uint32_t sauth; Rids[l]=(char *)xcalloc(4*sizeof(char),1); memcpy((void *)Rids[l],(void *)&p[bpos],4); sauth = get4byt(); debug((char *) "%s| %s: Info: Got rid: %u\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, sauth); /* attribute */ bpos = bpos+4; } } return Rids; } char * getdomaingids(char *ad_groups, uint32_t DomainLogonId, char **Rids, uint32_t GroupCount) { if (!ad_groups) { debug((char *) "%s| %s: ERR: No space to store groups\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM); return NULL; } if (DomainLogonId!= 0) { uint32_t nauth; uint8_t rev; uint64_t idauth; char dli[256]; char *ag; size_t length; int l; align(4); nauth = get4byt(); /* prepend rids with DomainID */ length=1+1+6+nauth*4; for (l=0; l<(int)GroupCount; l++) { ag=(char *)xcalloc((length+4)*sizeof(char),1); memcpy((void *)ag,(const void*)&p[bpos],1); memcpy((void *)&ag[1],(const void*)&p[bpos+1],1); ag[1] = ag[1]+1; memcpy((void *)&ag[2],(const void*)&p[bpos+2],6+nauth*4); memcpy((void *)&ag[length],(const void*)Rids[l],4); if (l==0) { if (!pstrcpy(ad_groups,"group=")) { debug((char *) "%s| %s: WARN: Too many groups ! size > %d : %s\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, MAX_PAC_GROUP_SIZE, ad_groups); } } else { if (!pstrcat(ad_groups," group=")) { debug((char *) "%s| %s: WARN: Too many groups ! size > %d : %s\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, MAX_PAC_GROUP_SIZE, ad_groups); } } if (!pstrcat(ad_groups,base64_encode_bin(ag, (int)(length+4)))) { debug((char *) "%s| %s: WARN: Too many groups ! size > %d : %s\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, MAX_PAC_GROUP_SIZE, ad_groups); } xfree(ag); } /* mainly for debug only */ rev = get1byt(); bpos = bpos + 1; /*nsub*/ idauth = get6byt_be(); snprintf(dli,sizeof(dli),"S-%d-%lu",rev,(long unsigned int)idauth); for ( l=0; l<(int)nauth; l++ ) { uint32_t sauth; sauth = get4byt(); snprintf((char *)&dli[strlen(dli)],sizeof(dli)-strlen(dli),"-%u",sauth); } debug((char *) "%s| %s: INFO: Got DomainLogonId %s\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, dli); } return ad_groups; } char * getextrasids(char *ad_groups, uint32_t ExtraSids, uint32_t SidCount) { if (ExtraSids!= 0) { uint32_t ngroup; uint32_t *pa; char *ag; size_t length; int l; align(4); ngroup = get4byt(); if ( ngroup != SidCount) { debug((char *) "%s| %s: ERROR: Group encoding error => SidCount: %d Array size: %d\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, SidCount, ngroup); return NULL; } debug((char *) "%s| %s: INFO: Found %d ExtraSIDs\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, SidCount); pa=(uint32_t *)xmalloc(SidCount*sizeof(uint32_t)); for ( l=0; l < (int)SidCount; l++ ) { pa[l] = get4byt(); bpos = bpos+4; /* attr */ } for ( l=0; l<(int)SidCount; l++ ) { char es[256]; if (pa[l] != 0) { uint32_t nauth; uint8_t rev; uint64_t idauth; nauth = get4byt(); length = 1+1+6+nauth*4; ag = (char *)xcalloc((length)*sizeof(char),1); memcpy((void *)ag,(const void*)&p[bpos],length); if (!ad_groups) { debug((char *) "%s| %s: ERR: No space to store groups\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM); xfree(pa); xfree(ag); return NULL; } else { if (!pstrcat(ad_groups," group=")) { debug((char *) "%s| %s: WARN: Too many groups ! size > %d : %s\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, MAX_PAC_GROUP_SIZE, ad_groups); } } if (!pstrcat(ad_groups,base64_encode_bin(ag, (int)length))) { debug((char *) "%s| %s: WARN: Too many groups ! size > %d : %s\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, MAX_PAC_GROUP_SIZE, ad_groups); } xfree(ag); rev = get1byt(); bpos = bpos + 1; /* nsub */ idauth = get6byt_be(); snprintf(es,sizeof(es),"S-%d-%lu",rev,(long unsigned int)idauth); for (int k=0; k<(int)nauth; k++ ) { uint32_t sauth; sauth = get4byt(); snprintf((char *)&es[strlen(es)],sizeof(es)-strlen(es),"-%u",sauth); } debug((char *) "%s| %s: INFO: Got ExtraSid %s\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, es); } } xfree(pa); } return ad_groups; } char * get_ad_groups(char *ad_groups, krb5_context context, krb5_pac pac) { krb5_error_code ret; RPC_UNICODE_STRING EffectiveName; RPC_UNICODE_STRING FullName; RPC_UNICODE_STRING LogonScript; RPC_UNICODE_STRING ProfilePath; RPC_UNICODE_STRING HomeDirectory; RPC_UNICODE_STRING HomeDirectoryDrive; RPC_UNICODE_STRING LogonServer; RPC_UNICODE_STRING LogonDomainName; uint32_t GroupCount=0; uint32_t GroupIds=0; uint32_t LogonDomainId=0; uint32_t SidCount=0; uint32_t ExtraSids=0; /* uint32_t ResourceGroupDomainSid=0; uint32_t ResourceGroupCount=0; uint32_t ResourceGroupIds=0; */ char **Rids=NULL; int l=0; if (!ad_groups) { debug((char *) "%s| %s: ERR: No space to store groups\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM); return NULL; } ad_data = (krb5_data *)xcalloc(1,sizeof(krb5_data)); #define KERB_LOGON_INFO 1 ret = krb5_pac_get_buffer(context, pac, KERB_LOGON_INFO, ad_data); if (check_k5_err(context, "krb5_pac_get_buffer", ret)) goto k5clean; p = (unsigned char *)ad_data->data; debug((char *) "%s| %s: INFO: Got PAC data of lengh %d\n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, (int)ad_data->length); /* Skip 16 bytes icommon RPC header * Skip 4 bytes RPC unique pointer referent * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/cc237933.aspx */ /* Some data are pointers to data which follows the main KRB5 LOGON structure => * So need to read the data * some logical consistency checks are done when analysineg the pointer data */ bpos = 20; /* 8 bytes LogonTime * 8 bytes LogoffTime * 8 bytes KickOffTime * 8 bytes PasswordLastSet * 8 bytes PasswordCanChange * 8 bytes PasswordMustChange */ bpos = bpos+48; getustr(&EffectiveName); getustr(&FullName); getustr(&LogonScript); getustr(&ProfilePath); getustr(&HomeDirectory); getustr(&HomeDirectoryDrive); /* 2 bytes LogonCount * 2 bytes BadPasswordCount * 4 bytes UserID * 4 bytes PrimaryGroupId */ bpos = bpos+12; GroupCount = get4byt(); GroupIds = get4byt(); /* 4 bytes UserFlags * 16 bytes UserSessionKey */ bpos = bpos+20; getustr(&LogonServer); getustr(&LogonDomainName); LogonDomainId = get4byt(); /* 8 bytes Reserved1 * 4 bytes UserAccountControl * 4 bytes SubAuthStatus * 8 bytes LastSuccessfullLogon * 8 bytes LastFailedLogon * 4 bytes FailedLogonCount * 4 bytes Reserved2 */ bpos = bpos+40; SidCount = get4byt(); ExtraSids = get4byt(); /* 4 bytes ResourceGroupDomainSid * 4 bytes ResourceGroupCount * 4 bytes ResourceGroupIds */ bpos = bpos+12; /* * Read all data from structure => Now check pointers */ if (checkustr(&EffectiveName)<0) goto k5clean; if (checkustr(&FullName)<0) goto k5clean; if (checkustr(&LogonScript)<0) goto k5clean; if (checkustr(&ProfilePath)<0) goto k5clean; if (checkustr(&HomeDirectory)<0) goto k5clean; if (checkustr(&HomeDirectoryDrive)<0) goto k5clean; Rids = getgids(Rids,GroupIds,GroupCount); if (checkustr(&LogonServer)<0) goto k5clean; if (checkustr(&LogonDomainName)<0) goto k5clean; ad_groups = getdomaingids(ad_groups,LogonDomainId,Rids,GroupCount); if ((ad_groups = getextrasids(ad_groups,ExtraSids,SidCount))==NULL) goto k5clean; debug((char *) "%s| %s: INFO: Read %d of %d bytes \n", LogTime(), PROGRAM, bpos, (int)ad_data->length); if (Rids) { for ( l=0; l<(int)GroupCount; l++) { xfree(Rids[l]); } xfree(Rids); } krb5_free_data(context, ad_data); return ad_groups; k5clean: if (Rids) { for ( l=0; l<(int)GroupCount; l++) { xfree(Rids[l]); } xfree(Rids); } krb5_free_data(context, ad_data); return NULL; } #endif