#include "squid.h" #include "anyp/PortCfg.h" #include "ssl/Config.h" #include "ssl/helper.h" #include "SquidString.h" #include "SquidTime.h" #include "SwapDir.h" #include "ssl/cert_validate_message.h" #include "wordlist.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" LruMap *Ssl::CertValidationHelper::HelperCache = NULL; #if USE_SSL_CRTD Ssl::Helper * Ssl::Helper::GetInstance() { static Ssl::Helper sslHelper; return &sslHelper; } Ssl::Helper::Helper() : ssl_crtd(NULL) { } Ssl::Helper::~Helper() { Shutdown(); } void Ssl::Helper::Init() { assert(ssl_crtd == NULL); // we need to start ssl_crtd only if some port(s) need to bump SSL bool found = false; for (AnyP::PortCfg *s = ::Config.Sockaddr.http; !found && s; s = s->next) found = s->flags.tunnelSslBumping; for (AnyP::PortCfg *s = ::Config.Sockaddr.https; !found && s; s = s->next) found = s->flags.tunnelSslBumping; if (!found) return; ssl_crtd = new helper("ssl_crtd"); ssl_crtd->childs.updateLimits(Ssl::TheConfig.ssl_crtdChildren); ssl_crtd->ipc_type = IPC_STREAM; // The crtd messages may contain the eol ('\n') character. We are // going to use the '\1' char as the end-of-message mark. ssl_crtd->eom = '\1'; assert(ssl_crtd->cmdline == NULL); { char *tmp = xstrdup(Ssl::TheConfig.ssl_crtd); char *tmp_begin = tmp; char * token = NULL; bool db_path_was_found = false; bool block_size_was_found = false; char buffer[20] = "2048"; while ((token = strwordtok(NULL, &tmp))) { wordlistAdd(&ssl_crtd->cmdline, token); if (!strcmp(token, "-b")) block_size_was_found = true; if (!strcmp(token, "-s")) { db_path_was_found = true; } else if (db_path_was_found) { db_path_was_found = false; int fs_block_size = 0; storeDirGetBlkSize(token, &fs_block_size); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%i", fs_block_size); } } if (!block_size_was_found) { wordlistAdd(&ssl_crtd->cmdline, "-b"); wordlistAdd(&ssl_crtd->cmdline, buffer); } safe_free(tmp_begin); } helperOpenServers(ssl_crtd); } void Ssl::Helper::Shutdown() { if (!ssl_crtd) return; helperShutdown(ssl_crtd); wordlistDestroy(&ssl_crtd->cmdline); delete ssl_crtd; ssl_crtd = NULL; } void Ssl::Helper::sslSubmit(CrtdMessage const & message, HLPCB * callback, void * data) { static time_t first_warn = 0; assert(ssl_crtd); if (ssl_crtd->stats.queue_size >= (int)(ssl_crtd->childs.n_running * 2)) { if (first_warn == 0) first_warn = squid_curtime; if (squid_curtime - first_warn > 3 * 60) fatal("SSL servers not responding for 3 minutes"); debugs(34, DBG_IMPORTANT, HERE << "Queue overload, rejecting"); HelperReply failReply; failReply.result = HelperReply::BrokenHelper; failReply.notes.add("message", "error 45 Temporary network problem, please retry later"); callback(data, failReply); return; } first_warn = 0; std::string msg = message.compose(); msg += '\n'; helperSubmit(ssl_crtd, msg.c_str(), callback, data); } #endif //USE_SSL_CRTD Ssl::CertValidationHelper * Ssl::CertValidationHelper::GetInstance() { static Ssl::CertValidationHelper sslHelper; if (!Ssl::TheConfig.ssl_crt_validator) return NULL; return &sslHelper; } Ssl::CertValidationHelper::CertValidationHelper() : ssl_crt_validator(NULL) { } Ssl::CertValidationHelper::~CertValidationHelper() { Shutdown(); } void Ssl::CertValidationHelper::Init() { assert(ssl_crt_validator == NULL); // we need to start ssl_crtd only if some port(s) need to bump SSL bool found = false; for (AnyP::PortCfg *s = ::Config.Sockaddr.http; !found && s; s = s->next) found = s->flags.tunnelSslBumping; for (AnyP::PortCfg *s = ::Config.Sockaddr.https; !found && s; s = s->next) found = s->flags.tunnelSslBumping; if (!found) return; ssl_crt_validator = new helper("ssl_crt_validator"); ssl_crt_validator->childs.updateLimits(Ssl::TheConfig.ssl_crt_validator_Children); ssl_crt_validator->ipc_type = IPC_STREAM; // The crtd messages may contain the eol ('\n') character. We are // going to use the '\1' char as the end-of-message mark. ssl_crt_validator->eom = '\1'; assert(ssl_crt_validator->cmdline == NULL); int ttl = 60; size_t cache = 2048; { char *tmp = xstrdup(Ssl::TheConfig.ssl_crt_validator); char *tmp_begin = tmp; char * token = NULL; bool parseParams = true; while ((token = strwordtok(NULL, &tmp))) { if (parseParams) { if (strncmp(token, "ttl=", 4) == 0) { ttl = atoi(token + 4); continue; } else if (strncmp(token, "cache=", 6) == 0) { cache = atoi(token + 6); continue; } else parseParams = false; } wordlistAdd(&ssl_crt_validator->cmdline, token); } xfree(tmp_begin); } helperOpenServers(ssl_crt_validator); //WARNING: initializing static member in an object initialization method assert(HelperCache == NULL); HelperCache = new LruMap(ttl, cache); } void Ssl::CertValidationHelper::Shutdown() { if (!ssl_crt_validator) return; helperShutdown(ssl_crt_validator); wordlistDestroy(&ssl_crt_validator->cmdline); delete ssl_crt_validator; ssl_crt_validator = NULL; // CertValidationHelper::HelperCache is a static member, it is not good policy to // reset it here. Will work because the current Ssl::CertValidationHelper is // always the same static object. delete HelperCache; HelperCache = NULL; } struct submitData { std::string query; Ssl::CertValidationHelper::CVHCB *callback; void *data; SSL *ssl; CBDATA_CLASS2(submitData); }; CBDATA_CLASS_INIT(submitData); static void sslCrtvdHandleReplyWrapper(void *data, const HelperReply &reply) { Ssl::CertValidationMsg replyMsg(Ssl::CrtdMessage::REPLY); Ssl::CertValidationResponse *validationResponse = new Ssl::CertValidationResponse; std::string error; submitData *crtdvdData = static_cast(data); STACK_OF(X509) *peerCerts = SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(crtdvdData->ssl); if (reply.result == HelperReply::BrokenHelper) { debugs(83, DBG_IMPORTANT, "\"ssl_crtvd\" helper error response: " << reply.other().content()); validationResponse->resultCode = HelperReply::BrokenHelper; } else if (replyMsg.parse(reply.other().content(), reply.other().contentSize()) != Ssl::CrtdMessage::OK || !replyMsg.parseResponse(*validationResponse, peerCerts, error) ) { debugs(83, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Reply from ssl_crtvd for " << " is incorrect"); debugs(83, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Certificate cannot be validated. ssl_crtvd response: " << replyMsg.getBody()); validationResponse->resultCode = HelperReply::BrokenHelper; } else validationResponse->resultCode = reply.result; crtdvdData->callback(crtdvdData->data, *validationResponse); if (Ssl::CertValidationHelper::HelperCache && (validationResponse->resultCode == HelperReply::Okay || validationResponse->resultCode == HelperReply::Error)) { Ssl::CertValidationHelper::HelperCache->add(crtdvdData->query.c_str(), validationResponse); } else delete validationResponse; cbdataReferenceDone(crtdvdData->data); SSL_free(crtdvdData->ssl); delete crtdvdData; } void Ssl::CertValidationHelper::sslSubmit(Ssl::CertValidationRequest const &request, Ssl::CertValidationHelper::CVHCB * callback, void * data) { static time_t first_warn = 0; assert(ssl_crt_validator); if (ssl_crt_validator->stats.queue_size >= (int)(ssl_crt_validator->childs.n_running * 2)) { if (first_warn == 0) first_warn = squid_curtime; if (squid_curtime - first_warn > 3 * 60) fatal("ssl_crtvd queue being overloaded for long time"); debugs(83, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: ssl_crtvd queue overload, rejecting"); Ssl::CertValidationResponse resp; resp.resultCode = HelperReply::BrokenHelper; callback(data, resp); return; } first_warn = 0; Ssl::CertValidationMsg message(Ssl::CrtdMessage::REQUEST); message.setCode(Ssl::CertValidationMsg::code_cert_validate); message.composeRequest(request); debugs(83, 5, "SSL crtvd request: " << message.compose().c_str()); submitData *crtdvdData = new submitData; crtdvdData->query = message.compose(); crtdvdData->query += '\n'; crtdvdData->callback = callback; crtdvdData->data = cbdataReference(data); crtdvdData->ssl = request.ssl; CRYPTO_add(&crtdvdData->ssl->references,1,CRYPTO_LOCK_SSL); Ssl::CertValidationResponse const*validationResponse; if (CertValidationHelper::HelperCache && (validationResponse = CertValidationHelper::HelperCache->get(crtdvdData->query.c_str()))) { callback(data, *validationResponse); cbdataReferenceDone(crtdvdData->data); SSL_free(crtdvdData->ssl); delete crtdvdData; return; } helperSubmit(ssl_crt_validator, crtdvdData->query.c_str(), sslCrtvdHandleReplyWrapper, crtdvdData); }