/* * DEBUG: section 46 Access Log * AUTHOR: Duane Wessels * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" #include "AccessLogEntry.h" #include "acl/Checklist.h" #if USE_ADAPTATION #include "adaptation/Config.h" #endif #include "CachePeer.h" #include "errorpage.h" #include "err_detail_type.h" #include "errorpage.h" #include "errorpage.h" #include "format/Token.h" #include "globals.h" #include "hier_code.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "log/access_log.h" #include "log/Config.h" #include "log/CustomLog.h" #include "log/File.h" #include "log/Formats.h" #include "MemBuf.h" #include "mgr/Registration.h" #include "rfc1738.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "SquidTime.h" #include "Store.h" #if USE_SQUID_EUI #include "eui/Eui48.h" #include "eui/Eui64.h" #endif #if HEADERS_LOG static Logfile *headerslog = NULL; #endif #if MULTICAST_MISS_STREAM static int mcast_miss_fd = -1; static struct sockaddr_in mcast_miss_to; static void mcast_encode(unsigned int *, size_t, const unsigned int *); #endif #if USE_FORW_VIA_DB typedef struct { hash_link hash; int n; } fvdb_entry; static hash_table *via_table = NULL; static hash_table *forw_table = NULL; static void fvdbInit(); static void fvdbDumpTable(StoreEntry * e, hash_table * hash); static void fvdbCount(hash_table * hash, const char *key); static OBJH fvdbDumpVia; static OBJH fvdbDumpForw; static FREE fvdbFreeEntry; static void fvdbClear(void); static void fvdbRegisterWithCacheManager(); #endif int LogfileStatus = LOG_DISABLE; void accessLogLogTo(CustomLog* log, AccessLogEntry::Pointer &al, ACLChecklist * checklist) { if (al->url == NULL) al->url = dash_str; if (!al->http.content_type || *al->http.content_type == '\0') al->http.content_type = dash_str; if (al->icp.opcode) al->_private.method_str = icp_opcode_str[al->icp.opcode]; else if (al->htcp.opcode) al->_private.method_str = al->htcp.opcode; else al->_private.method_str = RequestMethodStr(al->http.method); if (al->hier.host[0] == '\0') xstrncpy(al->hier.host, dash_str, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN); for (; log; log = log->next) { if (log->aclList && checklist && checklist->fastCheck(log->aclList) != ACCESS_ALLOWED) continue; // The special-case "none" type has no logfile object set if (log->type == Log::Format::CLF_NONE) return; if (log->logfile) { logfileLineStart(log->logfile); switch (log->type) { case Log::Format::CLF_SQUID: Log::Format::SquidNative(al, log->logfile); break; case Log::Format::CLF_COMBINED: Log::Format::HttpdCombined(al, log->logfile); break; case Log::Format::CLF_COMMON: Log::Format::HttpdCommon(al, log->logfile); break; case Log::Format::CLF_REFERER: Log::Format::SquidReferer(al, log->logfile); break; case Log::Format::CLF_USERAGENT: Log::Format::SquidUserAgent(al, log->logfile); break; case Log::Format::CLF_CUSTOM: Log::Format::SquidCustom(al, log); break; #if ICAP_CLIENT case Log::Format::CLF_ICAP_SQUID: Log::Format::SquidIcap(al, log->logfile); break; #endif default: fatalf("Unknown log format %d\n", log->type); break; } logfileLineEnd(log->logfile); } // NP: WTF? if _any_ log line has no checklist ignore the following ones? if (!checklist) break; } } void accessLogLog(AccessLogEntry::Pointer &al, ACLChecklist * checklist) { if (LogfileStatus != LOG_ENABLE) return; accessLogLogTo(Config.Log.accesslogs, al, checklist); #if MULTICAST_MISS_STREAM if (al->cache.code != LOG_TCP_MISS) (void) 0; else if (al->http.method != METHOD_GET) (void) 0; else if (mcast_miss_fd < 0) (void) 0; else { unsigned int ibuf[365]; size_t isize; xstrncpy((char *) ibuf, al->url, 364 * sizeof(int)); isize = ((strlen(al->url) + 8) / 8) * 2; if (isize > 364) isize = 364; mcast_encode((unsigned int *) ibuf, isize, (const unsigned int *) Config.mcast_miss.encode_key); comm_udp_sendto(mcast_miss_fd, &mcast_miss_to, sizeof(mcast_miss_to), ibuf, isize * sizeof(int)); } #endif } void accessLogRotate(void) { CustomLog *log; #if USE_FORW_VIA_DB fvdbClear(); #endif for (log = Config.Log.accesslogs; log; log = log->next) { if (log->logfile) { logfileRotate(log->logfile); } } #if HEADERS_LOG logfileRotate(headerslog); #endif } void accessLogClose(void) { CustomLog *log; for (log = Config.Log.accesslogs; log; log = log->next) { if (log->logfile) { logfileClose(log->logfile); log->logfile = NULL; } } #if HEADERS_LOG logfileClose(headerslog); headerslog = NULL; #endif } HierarchyLogEntry::HierarchyLogEntry() : code(HIER_NONE), cd_lookup(LOOKUP_NONE), n_choices(0), n_ichoices(0), peer_reply_status(Http::scNone), peer_response_time(-1), total_response_time(-1), tcpServer(NULL), bodyBytesRead(-1) { memset(host, '\0', SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN); memset(cd_host, '\0', SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN); peer_select_start.tv_sec =0; peer_select_start.tv_usec =0; store_complete_stop.tv_sec =0; store_complete_stop.tv_usec =0; peer_http_request_sent.tv_sec = 0; peer_http_request_sent.tv_usec = 0; first_conn_start.tv_sec = 0; first_conn_start.tv_usec = 0; } void HierarchyLogEntry::note(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &server, const char *requestedHost) { tcpServer = server; if (tcpServer == NULL) { code = HIER_NONE; xstrncpy(host, requestedHost, sizeof(host)); } else { code = tcpServer->peerType; if (tcpServer->getPeer()) { // went to peer, log peer host name xstrncpy(host, tcpServer->getPeer()->name, sizeof(host)); } else { xstrncpy(host, requestedHost, sizeof(host)); } } } static void accessLogRegisterWithCacheManager(void) { #if USE_FORW_VIA_DB fvdbRegisterWithCacheManager(); #endif } void accessLogInit(void) { CustomLog *log; accessLogRegisterWithCacheManager(); #if USE_ADAPTATION Log::TheConfig.hasAdaptToken = false; #endif #if ICAP_CLIENT Log::TheConfig.hasIcapToken = false; #endif for (log = Config.Log.accesslogs; log; log = log->next) { if (log->type == Log::Format::CLF_NONE) continue; log->logfile = logfileOpen(log->filename, log->bufferSize, log->fatal); LogfileStatus = LOG_ENABLE; #if USE_ADAPTATION for (Format::Token * curr_token = (log->logFormat?log->logFormat->format:NULL); curr_token; curr_token = curr_token->next) { if (curr_token->type == Format::LFT_ADAPTATION_SUM_XACT_TIMES || curr_token->type == Format::LFT_ADAPTATION_ALL_XACT_TIMES || curr_token->type == Format::LFT_ADAPTATION_LAST_HEADER || curr_token->type == Format::LFT_ADAPTATION_LAST_HEADER_ELEM || curr_token->type == Format::LFT_ADAPTATION_LAST_ALL_HEADERS|| (curr_token->type == Format::LFT_NOTE && !Adaptation::Config::metaHeaders.empty())) { Log::TheConfig.hasAdaptToken = true; } #if ICAP_CLIENT if (curr_token->type == Format::LFT_ICAP_TOTAL_TIME) { Log::TheConfig.hasIcapToken = true; } #endif } #endif } #if HEADERS_LOG headerslog = logfileOpen("/usr/local/squid/logs/headers.log", 512); assert(NULL != headerslog); #endif #if MULTICAST_MISS_STREAM if (Config.mcast_miss.addr.s_addr != no_addr.s_addr) { memset(&mcast_miss_to, '\0', sizeof(mcast_miss_to)); mcast_miss_to.sin_family = AF_INET; mcast_miss_to.sin_port = htons(Config.mcast_miss.port); mcast_miss_to.sin_addr.s_addr = Config.mcast_miss.addr.s_addr; mcast_miss_fd = comm_open(SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, Config.Addrs.udp_incoming, Config.mcast_miss.port, COMM_NONBLOCKING, "Multicast Miss Stream"); if (mcast_miss_fd < 0) fatal("Cannot open Multicast Miss Stream Socket"); debugs(46, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Multicast Miss Stream Socket opened on FD " << mcast_miss_fd); mcastSetTtl(mcast_miss_fd, Config.mcast_miss.ttl); if (strlen(Config.mcast_miss.encode_key) < 16) fatal("mcast_encode_key is too short, must be 16 characters"); } #endif #if USE_FORW_VIA_DB fvdbInit(); #endif } #if USE_FORW_VIA_DB static void fvdbInit(void) { via_table = hash_create((HASHCMP *) strcmp, 977, hash4); forw_table = hash_create((HASHCMP *) strcmp, 977, hash4); } static void fvdbRegisterWithCacheManager(void) { Mgr::RegisterAction("via_headers", "Via Request Headers", fvdbDumpVia, 0, 1); Mgr::RegisterAction("forw_headers", "X-Forwarded-For Request Headers", fvdbDumpForw, 0, 1); } static void fvdbCount(hash_table * hash, const char *key) { fvdb_entry *fv; if (NULL == hash) return; fv = (fvdb_entry *)hash_lookup(hash, key); if (NULL == fv) { fv = static_cast (xcalloc(1, sizeof(fvdb_entry))); fv->hash.key = xstrdup(key); hash_join(hash, &fv->hash); } ++ fv->n; } void fvdbCountVia(const char *key) { fvdbCount(via_table, key); } void fvdbCountForw(const char *key) { fvdbCount(forw_table, key); } static void fvdbDumpTable(StoreEntry * e, hash_table * hash) { hash_link *h; fvdb_entry *fv; if (hash == NULL) return; hash_first(hash); while ((h = hash_next(hash))) { fv = (fvdb_entry *) h; storeAppendPrintf(e, "%9d %s\n", fv->n, hashKeyStr(&fv->hash)); } } static void fvdbDumpVia(StoreEntry * e) { fvdbDumpTable(e, via_table); } static void fvdbDumpForw(StoreEntry * e) { fvdbDumpTable(e, forw_table); } static void fvdbFreeEntry(void *data) { fvdb_entry *fv = static_cast (data); xfree(fv->hash.key); xfree(fv); } static void fvdbClear(void) { hashFreeItems(via_table, fvdbFreeEntry); hashFreeMemory(via_table); via_table = hash_create((HASHCMP *) strcmp, 977, hash4); hashFreeItems(forw_table, fvdbFreeEntry); hashFreeMemory(forw_table); forw_table = hash_create((HASHCMP *) strcmp, 977, hash4); } #endif #if MULTICAST_MISS_STREAM /* * From http://www.io.com/~paulhart/game/algorithms/tea.html * * size of 'ibuf' must be a multiple of 2. * size of 'key' must be 4. * 'ibuf' is modified in place, encrypted data is written in * network byte order. */ static void mcast_encode(unsigned int *ibuf, size_t isize, const unsigned int *key) { unsigned int y; unsigned int z; unsigned int sum; const unsigned int delta = 0x9e3779b9; unsigned int n = 32; const unsigned int k0 = htonl(key[0]); const unsigned int k1 = htonl(key[1]); const unsigned int k2 = htonl(key[2]); const unsigned int k3 = htonl(key[3]); int i; for (i = 0; i < isize; i += 2) { y = htonl(ibuf[i]); z = htonl(ibuf[i + 1]); sum = 0; for (n = 32; n; --n) { sum += delta; y += (z << 4) + (k0 ^ z) + (sum ^ (z >> 5)) + k1; z += (y << 4) + (k2 ^ y) + (sum ^ (y >> 5)) + k3; } ibuf[i] = htonl(y); ibuf[i + 1] = htonl(z); } } #endif #if HEADERS_LOG void headersLog(int cs, int pq, const HttpRequestMethod& method, void *data) { HttpReply *rep; HttpRequest *req; unsigned short magic = 0; unsigned char M = (unsigned char) m; char *hmask; int ccmask = 0; if (0 == pq) { /* reply */ rep = data; req = NULL; magic = 0x0050; hmask = rep->header.mask; if (rep->cache_control) ccmask = rep->cache_control->mask; } else { /* request */ req = data; rep = NULL; magic = 0x0051; hmask = req->header.mask; if (req->cache_control) ccmask = req->cache_control->mask; } if (0 == cs) { /* client */ magic |= 0x4300; } else { /* server */ magic |= 0x5300; } magic = htons(magic); ccmask = htonl(ccmask); unsigned short S = 0; if (0 == pq) S = static_cast(rep->sline.status()); logfileWrite(headerslog, &magic, sizeof(magic)); logfileWrite(headerslog, &M, sizeof(M)); logfileWrite(headerslog, &S, sizeof(S)); logfileWrite(headerslog, hmask, sizeof(HttpHeaderMask)); logfileWrite(headerslog, &ccmask, sizeof(int)); } #endif