/* * $Id$ * * DEBUG: section 48 Persistent Connections * AUTHOR: Duane Wessels * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid-old.h" #include "comm/Connection.h" #include "mgr/Registration.h" #include "Store.h" #include "pconn.h" #include "comm.h" #include "fde.h" #define PCONN_FDS_SZ 8 /* pconn set size, increase for better memcache hit rate */ //TODO: re-attach to MemPools. WAS: static MemAllocator *pconn_fds_pool = NULL; PconnModule * PconnModule::instance = NULL; CBDATA_CLASS_INIT(IdleConnList); /* ========== IdleConnList ============================================ */ IdleConnList::IdleConnList(const char *key, PconnPool *thePool) : capacity_(PCONN_FDS_SZ), size_(0), parent_(thePool) { hash.key = xstrdup(key); theList_ = new Comm::ConnectionPointer[capacity_]; // TODO: re-attach to MemPools. WAS: theList = (?? *)pconn_fds_pool->alloc(); } IdleConnList::~IdleConnList() { if (parent_) parent_->unlinkList(this); delete[] theList_; xfree(hash.key); } /** Search the list. Matches by FD socket number. * Performed from the end of list where newest entries are. * * \retval <0 The connection is not listed * \retval >=0 The connection array index */ int IdleConnList::findIndexOf(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) const { for (int index = size_ - 1; index >= 0; --index) { if (conn->fd == theList_[index]->fd) { debugs(48, 3, HERE << "found " << conn << " at index " << index); return index; } } debugs(48, 2, HERE << conn << " NOT FOUND!"); return -1; } /** Remove the entry at specified index. * May perform a shuffle of list entries to fill the gap. * \retval false The index is not an in-use entry. */ bool IdleConnList::removeAt(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= size_) return false; // shuffle the remaining entries to fill the new gap. for (; index < size_ - 1; ++index) theList_[index] = theList_[index + 1]; theList_[--size_] = NULL; if (parent_) { parent_->noteConnectionRemoved(); if (size_ == 0) { debugs(48, 3, HERE << "deleting " << hashKeyStr(&hash)); delete this; } } return true; } // almost a duplicate of removeFD. But drops multiple entries. void IdleConnList::closeN(size_t n) { if (n < 1) { debugs(48, 2, HERE << "Nothing to do."); return; } else if (n >= (size_t)size_) { debugs(48, 2, HERE << "Closing all entries."); while (size_ > 0) { const Comm::ConnectionPointer conn = theList_[--size_]; theList_[size_] = NULL; clearHandlers(conn); conn->close(); if (parent_) parent_->noteConnectionRemoved(); } } else { //if (n < size_) debugs(48, 2, HERE << "Closing " << n << " of " << size_ << " entries."); size_t index; // ensure the first N entries are closed for (index = 0; index < n; ++index) { const Comm::ConnectionPointer conn = theList_[index]; theList_[index] = NULL; clearHandlers(conn); conn->close(); if (parent_) parent_->noteConnectionRemoved(); } // shuffle the list N down. for (index = 0; index < (size_t)size_ - n; ++index) { theList_[index] = theList_[index + n]; } // ensure the last N entries are unset while (index < ((size_t)size_)) { theList_[index] = NULL; ++index; } size_ -= n; } if (parent_ && size_ == 0) { debugs(48, 3, HERE << "deleting " << hashKeyStr(&hash)); delete this; } } void IdleConnList::clearHandlers(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) { debugs(48, 3, HERE << "removing close handler for " << conn); comm_read_cancel(conn->fd, IdleConnList::Read, this); commUnsetConnTimeout(conn); } void IdleConnList::push(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) { if (size_ == capacity_) { debugs(48, 3, HERE << "growing idle Connection array"); capacity_ <<= 1; const Comm::ConnectionPointer *oldList = theList_; theList_ = new Comm::ConnectionPointer[capacity_]; for (int index = 0; index < size_; ++index) theList_[index] = oldList[index]; delete[] oldList; } if (parent_) parent_->noteConnectionAdded(); theList_[size_] = conn; ++size_; AsyncCall::Pointer readCall = commCbCall(5,4, "IdleConnList::Read", CommIoCbPtrFun(IdleConnList::Read, this)); comm_read(conn, fakeReadBuf_, sizeof(fakeReadBuf_), readCall); AsyncCall::Pointer timeoutCall = commCbCall(5,4, "IdleConnList::Timeout", CommTimeoutCbPtrFun(IdleConnList::Timeout, this)); commSetConnTimeout(conn, Config.Timeout.serverIdlePconn, timeoutCall); } /// Determine whether an entry in the idle list is available for use. /// Returns false if the entry is unset, closed or closing. bool IdleConnList::isAvailable(int i) const { const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn = theList_[i]; // connection already closed. useless. if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(conn)) return false; // our connection early-read/close handler is scheduled to run already. unsafe if (!COMMIO_FD_READCB(conn->fd)->active()) return false; return true; } Comm::ConnectionPointer IdleConnList::pop() { for (int i=size_-1; i>=0; --i) { if (!isAvailable(i)) continue; // our connection timeout handler is scheduled to run already. unsafe for now. // TODO: cancel the pending timeout callback and allow re-use of the conn. if (fd_table[theList_[i]->fd].timeoutHandler == NULL) continue; // finally, a match. pop and return it. Comm::ConnectionPointer result = theList_[i]; /* may delete this */ removeAt(i); clearHandlers(result); return result; } return Comm::ConnectionPointer(); } /* * XXX this routine isn't terribly efficient - if there's a pending * read event (which signifies the fd will close in the next IO loop!) * we ignore the FD and move onto the next one. This means, as an example, * if we have a lot of FDs open to a very popular server and we get a bunch * of requests JUST as they timeout (say, it shuts down) we'll be wasting * quite a bit of CPU. Just keep it in mind. */ Comm::ConnectionPointer IdleConnList::findUseable(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &key) { assert(size_); // small optimization: do the constant bool tests only once. const bool keyCheckAddr = !key->local.IsAnyAddr(); const bool keyCheckPort = key->local.GetPort() > 0; for (int i=size_-1; i>=0; --i) { if (!isAvailable(i)) continue; // local end port is required, but dont match. if (keyCheckPort && key->local.GetPort() != theList_[i]->local.GetPort()) continue; // local address is required, but does not match. if (keyCheckAddr && key->local.matchIPAddr(theList_[i]->local) != 0) continue; // our connection timeout handler is scheduled to run already. unsafe for now. // TODO: cancel the pending timeout callback and allow re-use of the conn. if (fd_table[theList_[i]->fd].timeoutHandler == NULL) continue; // finally, a match. pop and return it. Comm::ConnectionPointer result = theList_[i]; /* may delete this */ removeAt(i); clearHandlers(result); return result; } return Comm::ConnectionPointer(); } /* might delete list */ void IdleConnList::findAndClose(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) { const int index = findIndexOf(conn); if (index >= 0) { /* might delete this */ removeAt(index); clearHandlers(conn); conn->close(); } } void IdleConnList::Read(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, char *buf, size_t len, comm_err_t flag, int xerrno, void *data) { debugs(48, 3, HERE << len << " bytes from " << conn); if (flag == COMM_ERR_CLOSING) { debugs(48, 3, HERE << "COMM_ERR_CLOSING from " << conn); /* Bail out on COMM_ERR_CLOSING - may happen when shutdown aborts our idle FD */ return; } IdleConnList *list = (IdleConnList *) data; /* may delete list/data */ list->findAndClose(conn); } void IdleConnList::Timeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &io) { debugs(48, 3, HERE << io.conn); IdleConnList *list = static_cast(io.data); /* may delete list/data */ list->findAndClose(io.conn); } /* ========== PconnPool PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ============================================ */ const char * PconnPool::key(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &destLink, const char *domain) { LOCAL_ARRAY(char, buf, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN * 3 + 10); destLink->remote.ToURL(buf, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN * 3 + 10); if (domain) { const int used = strlen(buf); snprintf(buf+used, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN * 3 + 10-used, "/%s", domain); } debugs(48,6,"PconnPool::key(" << destLink << ", " << (domain?domain:"[no domain]") << ") is {" << buf << "}" ); return buf; } void PconnPool::dumpHist(StoreEntry * e) const { storeAppendPrintf(e, "%s persistent connection counts:\n" "\n" "\treq/\n" "\tconn count\n" "\t---- ---------\n", descr); for (int i = 0; i < PCONN_HIST_SZ; ++i) { if (hist[i] == 0) continue; storeAppendPrintf(e, "\t%4d %9d\n", i, hist[i]); } } void PconnPool::dumpHash(StoreEntry *e) const { hash_table *hid = table; hash_first(hid); int i = 0; for (hash_link *walker = hid->next; walker; walker = hash_next(hid)) { storeAppendPrintf(e, "\t item %5d: %s\n", i, (char *)(walker->key)); ++i; } } /* ========== PconnPool PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ============================================ */ PconnPool::PconnPool(const char *aDescr) : table(NULL), descr(aDescr), theCount(0) { int i; table = hash_create((HASHCMP *) strcmp, 229, hash_string); for (i = 0; i < PCONN_HIST_SZ; ++i) hist[i] = 0; PconnModule::GetInstance()->add(this); } PconnPool::~PconnPool() { descr = NULL; hashFreeMemory(table); } void PconnPool::push(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const char *domain) { if (fdUsageHigh()) { debugs(48, 3, HERE << "Not many unused FDs"); conn->close(); return; } else if (shutting_down) { conn->close(); debugs(48, 3, HERE << "Squid is shutting down. Refusing to do anything"); return; } const char *aKey = key(conn, domain); IdleConnList *list = (IdleConnList *) hash_lookup(table, aKey); if (list == NULL) { list = new IdleConnList(aKey, this); debugs(48, 3, HERE << "new IdleConnList for {" << hashKeyStr(&list->hash) << "}" ); hash_join(table, &list->hash); } else { debugs(48, 3, HERE << "found IdleConnList for {" << hashKeyStr(&list->hash) << "}" ); } list->push(conn); assert(!comm_has_incomplete_write(conn->fd)); LOCAL_ARRAY(char, desc, FD_DESC_SZ); snprintf(desc, FD_DESC_SZ, "Idle server: %s", aKey); fd_note(conn->fd, desc); debugs(48, 3, HERE << "pushed " << conn << " for " << aKey); } Comm::ConnectionPointer PconnPool::pop(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &destLink, const char *domain, bool isRetriable) { const char * aKey = key(destLink, domain); IdleConnList *list = (IdleConnList *)hash_lookup(table, aKey); if (list == NULL) { debugs(48, 3, HERE << "lookup for key {" << aKey << "} failed."); return Comm::ConnectionPointer(); } else { debugs(48, 3, HERE << "found " << hashKeyStr(&list->hash) << (isRetriable?"(to use)":"(to kill)") ); } /* may delete list */ Comm::ConnectionPointer temp = list->findUseable(destLink); if (!isRetriable && Comm::IsConnOpen(temp)) temp->close(); return temp; } void PconnPool::closeN(int n, const Comm::ConnectionPointer &destLink, const char *domain) { // TODO: optimize: we can probably do hash_lookup just once for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) pop(destLink, domain, false); // may fail! } void PconnPool::unlinkList(IdleConnList *list) { theCount -= list->count(); assert(theCount >= 0); hash_remove_link(table, &list->hash); } void PconnPool::noteUses(int uses) { if (uses >= PCONN_HIST_SZ) uses = PCONN_HIST_SZ - 1; ++hist[uses]; } /* ========== PconnModule ============================================ */ /* * This simple class exists only for the cache manager */ PconnModule::PconnModule() : pools(NULL), poolCount(0) { pools = (PconnPool **) xcalloc(MAX_NUM_PCONN_POOLS, sizeof(*pools)); //TODO: re-link to MemPools. WAS: pconn_fds_pool = memPoolCreate("pconn_fds", PCONN_FDS_SZ * sizeof(int)); debugs(48, 0, "persistent connection module initialized"); registerWithCacheManager(); } PconnModule * PconnModule::GetInstance() { if (instance == NULL) instance = new PconnModule; return instance; } void PconnModule::registerWithCacheManager(void) { Mgr::RegisterAction("pconn", "Persistent Connection Utilization Histograms", DumpWrapper, 0, 1); } void PconnModule::add(PconnPool *aPool) { assert(poolCount < MAX_NUM_PCONN_POOLS); *(pools+poolCount) = aPool; ++poolCount; } void PconnModule::dump(StoreEntry *e) { int i; for (i = 0; i < poolCount; ++i) { storeAppendPrintf(e, "\n Pool %d Stats\n", i); (*(pools+i))->dumpHist(e); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\n Pool %d Hash Table\n",i); (*(pools+i))->dumpHash(e); } } void PconnModule::DumpWrapper(StoreEntry *e) { PconnModule::GetInstance()->dump(e); }