/* * $Id$ * * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #ifndef SQUID_HTTPHEADER_H #define SQUID_HTTPHEADER_H /* because we pass a spec by value */ #include "HttpHeaderRange.h" /* HttpHeader holds a HttpHeaderMask */ #include "HttpHeaderMask.h" /* class forward declarations */ class HttpHdrContRange; class HttpHdrCc; class HttpHdrSc; class HttpHdrRange; class String; /* constant attributes of http header fields */ /// recognized or "known" header fields; and the RFC which defines them (or not) typedef enum { HDR_BAD_HDR = -1, HDR_ACCEPT = 0, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_ACCEPT_CHARSET, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ /*HDR_ACCEPT_FEATURES,*/ /* experimental RFC 2295 */ HDR_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_ACCEPT_RANGES, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_AGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_ALLOW, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ /*HDR_ALTERNATES,*/ /* deprecated RFC 2068, 2295 */ HDR_AUTHORIZATION, /**< RFC 2608, 2616, 4559 */ HDR_CACHE_CONTROL, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_CONNECTION, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_CONTENT_BASE, /**< RFC 2608 */ HDR_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, /**< RFC 2183, 2616 */ HDR_CONTENT_ENCODING, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_CONTENT_LOCATION, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_CONTENT_MD5, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_CONTENT_RANGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_CONTENT_TYPE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ /*HDR_CONTENT_VERSION,*/ /* deprecated RFC 2608 header. */ HDR_COOKIE, /**< de-facto and RFC 2965 header we may need to erase */ HDR_COOKIE2, /**< obsolete RFC 2965 header we may need to erase */ HDR_DATE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ /*HDR_DAV,*/ /* RFC 2518 */ /*HDR_DEPTH,*/ /* RFC 2518 */ /*HDR_DERIVED_FROM,*/ /* deprecated RFC 2608 */ /*HDR_DESTINATION,*/ /* RFC 2518 */ HDR_ETAG, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_EXPECT, /**< RFC 2616, 2616 */ HDR_EXPIRES, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_FROM, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_HOST, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ /*HDR_IF,*/ /* RFC 2518 */ HDR_IF_MATCH, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_IF_RANGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ /*HDR_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE,*/ /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_KEEP_ALIVE, /**< obsolete HTTP/1.0 header we may need to erase */ HDR_LAST_MODIFIED, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_LINK, /**< RFC 2068 */ HDR_LOCATION, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ /*HDR_LOCK_TOKEN,*/ /* RFC 2518 */ HDR_MAX_FORWARDS, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_MIME_VERSION, /**< RFC 2626 */ HDR_NEGOTIATE, /**< experimental RFC 2295. Why only this one from 2295? */ /*HDR_OVERWRITE,*/ /* RFC 2518 */ HDR_ORIGIN, /* CORS Draft specification (see http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/) */ HDR_PRAGMA, /**< deprecated RFC 2068,2616 header we may need to erase */ HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616, 2617 */ HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_INFO, /**< RFC 2617 */ HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, /**< RFC 2608, 2616, 2617 */ HDR_PROXY_CONNECTION, /**< obsolete Netscape header we may need to erase. */ HDR_PROXY_SUPPORT, /**< RFC 4559 */ HDR_PUBLIC, /**< RFC 2608 */ HDR_RANGE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_REFERER, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_REQUEST_RANGE, /**< some clients use this, sigh */ HDR_RETRY_AFTER, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_SERVER, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_SET_COOKIE, /**< de-facto standard header we may need to erase */ HDR_SET_COOKIE2, /**< obsolete RFC 2965 header we may need to erase */ /*HDR_STATUS_URI,*/ /* RFC 2518 */ /*HDR_TCN,*/ /* experimental RFC 2295 */ HDR_TE, /**< RFC 2616 */ /*HDR_TIMEOUT,*/ /* RFC 2518 */ HDR_TITLE, /* obsolete draft suggested header */ HDR_TRAILER, /**< RFC 2616 */ HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_TRANSLATE, /**< IIS custom header we may need to erase */ HDR_UNLESS_MODIFIED_SINCE, /**< IIS custom header we may need to erase */ HDR_UPGRADE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ /*HDR_URI,*/ /* obsolete RFC 2068 header */ HDR_USER_AGENT, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ /*HDR_VARIANT_VARY,*/ /* experimental RFC 2295 */ HDR_VARY, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_VIA, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_WARNING, /**< RFC 2608, 2616 */ HDR_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, /**< RFC 2608, 2616, 2617, 4559 */ HDR_AUTHENTICATION_INFO, /**< RFC 2617 */ HDR_X_CACHE, /**< Squid custom header */ HDR_X_CACHE_LOOKUP, /**< Squid custom header. temporary hack that became de-facto. TODO remove */ HDR_X_FORWARDED_FOR, /**< Squid custom header */ HDR_X_REQUEST_URI, /**< Squid custom header appended if ADD_X_REQUEST_URI is defined */ HDR_X_SQUID_ERROR, /**< Squid custom header on generated error responses */ #if X_ACCELERATOR_VARY HDR_X_ACCELERATOR_VARY, /**< obsolete Squid custom header. */ #endif #if USE_ADAPTATION HDR_X_NEXT_SERVICES, /**< Squid custom ICAP header */ #endif HDR_SURROGATE_CAPABILITY, /**< Edge Side Includes (ESI) header */ HDR_SURROGATE_CONTROL, /**< Edge Side Includes (ESI) header */ HDR_FRONT_END_HTTPS, /**< MS Exchange custom header we may have to add */ HDR_OTHER, /**< internal tag value for "unknown" headers */ HDR_ENUM_END } http_hdr_type; /** possible types for http header fields */ typedef enum { ftInvalid = HDR_ENUM_END, /**< to catch nasty errors with hdr_id<->fld_type clashes */ ftInt, ftInt64, ftStr, ftDate_1123, ftETag, ftPCc, ftPContRange, ftPRange, ftPSc, ftDate_1123_or_ETag } field_type; /** Possible owners of http header */ typedef enum { hoNone =0, #if USE_HTCP hoHtcpReply, #endif hoRequest, hoReply, #if USE_SSL hoErrorDetail, #endif hoEnd } http_hdr_owner_type; struct _HttpHeaderFieldAttrs { const char *name; http_hdr_type id; field_type type; }; /** Iteration for headers; use HttpHeaderPos as opaque type, do not interpret */ typedef ssize_t HttpHeaderPos; /* use this and only this to initialize HttpHeaderPos */ #define HttpHeaderInitPos (-1) class HttpHeaderEntry { public: HttpHeaderEntry(http_hdr_type id, const char *name, const char *value); ~HttpHeaderEntry(); static HttpHeaderEntry *parse(const char *field_start, const char *field_end); HttpHeaderEntry *clone() const; void packInto(Packer *p) const; int getInt() const; int64_t getInt64() const; MEMPROXY_CLASS(HttpHeaderEntry); http_hdr_type id; String name; String value; }; MEMPROXY_CLASS_INLINE(HttpHeaderEntry); class ETag; class TimeOrTag; class HttpHeader { public: HttpHeader(); explicit HttpHeader(const http_hdr_owner_type owner); HttpHeader(const HttpHeader &other); ~HttpHeader(); HttpHeader &operator =(const HttpHeader &other); /* Interface functions */ void clean(); void append(const HttpHeader * src); void update (HttpHeader const *fresh, HttpHeaderMask const *denied_mask); void compact(); int reset(); int parse(const char *header_start, const char *header_end); void packInto(Packer * p, bool mask_sensitive_info=false) const; HttpHeaderEntry *getEntry(HttpHeaderPos * pos) const; HttpHeaderEntry *findEntry(http_hdr_type id) const; int delByName(const char *name); int delById(http_hdr_type id); void delAt(HttpHeaderPos pos, int &headers_deleted); void refreshMask(); void addEntry(HttpHeaderEntry * e); void insertEntry(HttpHeaderEntry * e); String getList(http_hdr_type id) const; bool getList(http_hdr_type id, String *s) const; String getStrOrList(http_hdr_type id) const; String getByName(const char *name) const; String getByNameListMember(const char *name, const char *member, const char separator) const; String getListMember(http_hdr_type id, const char *member, const char separator) const; int has(http_hdr_type id) const; void putInt(http_hdr_type id, int number); void putInt64(http_hdr_type id, int64_t number); void putTime(http_hdr_type id, time_t htime); void insertTime(http_hdr_type id, time_t htime); void putStr(http_hdr_type id, const char *str); void putAuth(const char *auth_scheme, const char *realm); void putCc(const HttpHdrCc * cc); void putContRange(const HttpHdrContRange * cr); void putRange(const HttpHdrRange * range); void putSc(HttpHdrSc *sc); void putWarning(const int code, const char *const text); ///< add a Warning header void putExt(const char *name, const char *value); int getInt(http_hdr_type id) const; int64_t getInt64(http_hdr_type id) const; time_t getTime(http_hdr_type id) const; const char *getStr(http_hdr_type id) const; const char *getLastStr(http_hdr_type id) const; HttpHdrCc *getCc() const; HttpHdrRange *getRange() const; HttpHdrSc *getSc() const; HttpHdrContRange *getContRange() const; const char *getAuth(http_hdr_type id, const char *auth_scheme) const; ETag getETag(http_hdr_type id) const; TimeOrTag getTimeOrTag(http_hdr_type id) const; int hasListMember(http_hdr_type id, const char *member, const char separator) const; int hasByNameListMember(const char *name, const char *member, const char separator) const; void removeHopByHopEntries(); inline bool chunked() const; ///< whether message uses chunked Transfer-Encoding /* protected, do not use these, use interface functions instead */ Vector entries; /**< parsed fields in raw format */ HttpHeaderMask mask; /**< bit set <=> entry present */ http_hdr_owner_type owner; /**< request or reply */ int len; /**< length when packed, not counting terminating null-byte */ protected: /** \deprecated Public access replaced by removeHopByHopEntries() */ void removeConnectionHeaderEntries(); private: HttpHeaderEntry *findLastEntry(http_hdr_type id) const; }; extern int httpHeaderParseQuotedString(const char *start, const int len, String *val); SQUIDCEXTERN int httpHeaderHasByNameListMember(const HttpHeader * hdr, const char *name, const char *member, const char separator); SQUIDCEXTERN void httpHeaderUpdate(HttpHeader * old, const HttpHeader * fresh, const HttpHeaderMask * denied_mask); SQUIDCEXTERN void httpHeaderCalcMask(HttpHeaderMask * mask, http_hdr_type http_hdr_type_enums[], size_t count); inline bool HttpHeader::chunked() const { return has(HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING) && hasListMember(HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked", ','); } #endif /* SQUID_HTTPHEADER_H */