#include "squid-old.h" #include "base/TextException.h" #include "Parsing.h" #include "ChunkedCodingParser.h" #include "MemBuf.h" ChunkedCodingParser::Step ChunkedCodingParser::psChunkSize = &ChunkedCodingParser::parseChunkSize; ChunkedCodingParser::Step ChunkedCodingParser::psUnusedChunkExtension = &ChunkedCodingParser::parseUnusedChunkExtension; ChunkedCodingParser::Step ChunkedCodingParser::psLastChunkExtension = &ChunkedCodingParser::parseLastChunkExtension; ChunkedCodingParser::Step ChunkedCodingParser::psChunkBody = &ChunkedCodingParser::parseChunkBody; ChunkedCodingParser::Step ChunkedCodingParser::psChunkEnd = &ChunkedCodingParser::parseChunkEnd; ChunkedCodingParser::Step ChunkedCodingParser::psTrailer = &ChunkedCodingParser::parseTrailer; ChunkedCodingParser::Step ChunkedCodingParser::psMessageEnd = &ChunkedCodingParser::parseMessageEnd; ChunkedCodingParser::ChunkedCodingParser() { reset(); } void ChunkedCodingParser::reset() { theStep = psChunkSize; theChunkSize = theLeftBodySize = 0; doNeedMoreData = false; theIn = theOut = NULL; useOriginBody = -1; inQuoted = inSlashed = false; } bool ChunkedCodingParser::parse(MemBuf *rawData, MemBuf *parsedContent) { Must(rawData && parsedContent); theIn = rawData; theOut = parsedContent; // we must reset this all the time so that mayContinue() lets us // output more content if we stopped due to needsMoreSpace() before doNeedMoreData = !theIn->hasContent(); while (mayContinue()) { (this->*theStep)(); } return theStep == psMessageEnd; } bool ChunkedCodingParser::needsMoreData() const { return doNeedMoreData; } bool ChunkedCodingParser::needsMoreSpace() const { assert(theOut); return theStep == psChunkBody && !theOut->hasPotentialSpace(); } bool ChunkedCodingParser::mayContinue() const { return !needsMoreData() && !needsMoreSpace() && theStep != psMessageEnd; } void ChunkedCodingParser::parseChunkSize() { Must(theChunkSize <= 0); // Should(), really const char *p = theIn->content(); while (p < theIn->space() && xisxdigit(*p)) ++p; if (p >= theIn->space()) { doNeedMoreData = true; return; } int64_t size = -1; if (StringToInt64(theIn->content(), size, &p, 16)) { if (size < 0) throw TexcHere("negative chunk size"); theChunkSize = theLeftBodySize = size; debugs(94,7, "found chunk: " << theChunkSize); // parse chunk extensions only in the last-chunk if (theChunkSize) theStep = psUnusedChunkExtension; else { theIn->consume(p - theIn->content()); theStep = psLastChunkExtension; } } else throw TexcHere("corrupted chunk size"); } void ChunkedCodingParser::parseUnusedChunkExtension() { size_t crlfBeg = 0; size_t crlfEnd = 0; if (findCrlf(crlfBeg, crlfEnd, inQuoted, inSlashed)) { inQuoted = inSlashed = false; theIn->consume(crlfEnd); theStep = theChunkSize ? psChunkBody : psTrailer; } else { theIn->consume(theIn->contentSize()); doNeedMoreData = true; } } void ChunkedCodingParser::parseChunkBody() { Must(theLeftBodySize > 0); // Should, really const size_t availSize = min(theLeftBodySize, (uint64_t)theIn->contentSize()); const size_t safeSize = min(availSize, (size_t)theOut->potentialSpaceSize()); doNeedMoreData = availSize < theLeftBodySize; // and we may also need more space theOut->append(theIn->content(), safeSize); theIn->consume(safeSize); theLeftBodySize -= safeSize; if (theLeftBodySize == 0) theStep = psChunkEnd; else Must(needsMoreData() || needsMoreSpace()); } void ChunkedCodingParser::parseChunkEnd() { Must(theLeftBodySize == 0); // Should(), really size_t crlfBeg = 0; size_t crlfEnd = 0; if (findCrlf(crlfBeg, crlfEnd)) { if (crlfBeg != 0) { throw TexcHere("found data between chunk end and CRLF"); return; } theIn->consume(crlfEnd); theChunkSize = 0; // done with the current chunk theStep = psChunkSize; return; } doNeedMoreData = true; } void ChunkedCodingParser::parseTrailer() { Must(theChunkSize == 0); // Should(), really while (mayContinue()) parseTrailerHeader(); } void ChunkedCodingParser::parseTrailerHeader() { size_t crlfBeg = 0; size_t crlfEnd = 0; if (findCrlf(crlfBeg, crlfEnd)) { #if TRAILERS_ARE_SUPPORTED if (crlfBeg > 0) theTrailer.append(theIn->content(), crlfEnd); #endif theIn->consume(crlfEnd); if (crlfBeg == 0) theStep = psMessageEnd; return; } doNeedMoreData = true; } void ChunkedCodingParser::parseMessageEnd() { // termination step, should not be called Must(false); // Should(), really } /// Finds next CRLF. Does not store parsing state. bool ChunkedCodingParser::findCrlf(size_t &crlfBeg, size_t &crlfEnd) { bool quoted = false; bool slashed = false; return findCrlf(crlfBeg, crlfEnd, quoted, slashed); } /// Finds next CRLF. Parsing state stored in quoted and slashed /// parameters. Incremental: can resume when more data is available. bool ChunkedCodingParser::findCrlf(size_t &crlfBeg, size_t &crlfEnd, bool "ed, bool &slashed) { // XXX: This code was copied, with permission, from another software. // There is a similar and probably better code inside httpHeaderParse // but it seems difficult to isolate due to parsing-unrelated bloat. // Such isolation should probably be done before this class is used // for handling of traffic "more external" than ICAP. const char *buf = theIn->content(); size_t size = theIn->contentSize(); ssize_t crOff = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (slashed) { slashed = false; continue; } const char c = buf[i]; // handle quoted strings if (quoted) { if (c == '\\') slashed = true; else if (c == '"') quoted = false; continue; } else if (c == '"') { quoted = true; crOff = -1; continue; } if (crOff < 0) { // looking for the first CR or LF if (c == '\n') { crlfBeg = i; crlfEnd = ++i; return true; } if (c == '\r') crOff = i; } else { // skipping CRs, looking for the first LF if (c == '\n') { crlfBeg = crOff; crlfEnd = ++i; return true; } if (c != '\r') crOff = -1; } } return false; } // chunk-extension= *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] ) void ChunkedCodingParser::parseLastChunkExtension() { size_t crlfBeg = 0; size_t crlfEnd = 0; if (!findCrlf(crlfBeg, crlfEnd)) { doNeedMoreData = true; return; } const char *const startExt = theIn->content(); const char *const endExt = theIn->content() + crlfBeg; // chunk-extension starts at startExt and ends with LF at endEx for (const char *p = startExt; p < endExt;) { while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') ++p; // skip spaces before ';' if (*p++ != ';') // each ext name=value pair is preceded with ';' break; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') ++p; // skip spaces before name if (p >= endExt) break; // malformed extension: ';' without ext name=value pair const int extSize = endExt - p; // TODO: we need debugData() stream manipulator to dump data debugs(94,7, "Found chunk extension; size=" << extSize); // TODO: support implied *LWS around '=' if (extSize > 18 && strncmp(p, "use-original-body=", 18) == 0) { (void)StringToInt64(p+18, useOriginBody, &p, 10); debugs(94, 3, HERE << "use-original-body=" << useOriginBody); break; // remove to support more than just use-original-body } else { debugs(94, 5, HERE << "skipping unknown chunk extension"); // TODO: support quoted-string chunk-ext-val while (p < endExt && *p != ';') ++p; // skip until the next ';' } } theIn->consume(crlfEnd); theStep = theChunkSize ? psChunkBody : psTrailer; }