/* * $Id$ * * DEBUG: section 63 Low Level Memory Pool Management * AUTHOR: Alex Rousskov, Andres Kroonmaa, Robert Collins * * SQUID Internet Object Cache http://squid.nlanr.net/Squid/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from the * Internet community. Development is led by Duane Wessels of the * National Laboratory for Applied Network Research and funded by the * National Science Foundation. Squid is Copyrighted (C) 1998 by * the Regents of the University of California. Please see the * COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid incorporates software * developed and/or copyrighted by other sources. Please see the * CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" #if HAVE_ASSERT_H #include #endif #include "MemPool.h" #include "MemPoolChunked.h" #include "MemPoolMalloc.h" #define FLUSH_LIMIT 1000 /* Flush memPool counters to memMeters after flush limit calls */ #if HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif /* * XXX This is a boundary violation between lib and src.. would be good * if it could be solved otherwise, but left for now. */ extern time_t squid_curtime; /* local data */ static MemPoolMeter TheMeter; static MemPoolIterator Iterator; static int Pool_id_counter = 0; MemPools & MemPools::GetInstance() { /* Must use this idiom, as we can be double-initialised * if we are called during static initialisations. */ if (!Instance) Instance = new MemPools; return *Instance; } MemPools * MemPools::Instance = NULL; MemPoolIterator * memPoolIterate(void) { Iterator.pool = MemPools::GetInstance().pools; return &Iterator; } void memPoolIterateDone(MemPoolIterator ** iter) { assert(iter != NULL); Iterator.pool = NULL; *iter = NULL; } MemImplementingAllocator * memPoolIterateNext(MemPoolIterator * iter) { MemImplementingAllocator *pool; assert(iter != NULL); pool = iter->pool; if (!pool) return NULL; iter->pool = pool->next; return pool; } void MemPools::setIdleLimit(ssize_t new_idle_limit) { mem_idle_limit = new_idle_limit; } ssize_t MemPools::idleLimit() const { return mem_idle_limit; } /* Change the default calue of defaultIsChunked to override * all pools - including those used before main() starts where * MemPools::GetInstance().setDefaultPoolChunking() can be called. */ MemPools::MemPools() : pools(NULL), mem_idle_limit(2 * MB), poolCount (0), defaultIsChunked (USE_CHUNKEDMEMPOOLS && !RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND) { char *cfg = getenv("MEMPOOLS"); if (cfg) defaultIsChunked = atoi(cfg); } MemImplementingAllocator * MemPools::create(const char *label, size_t obj_size) { ++poolCount; if (defaultIsChunked) return new MemPoolChunked (label, obj_size); else return new MemPoolMalloc (label, obj_size); } void MemPools::setDefaultPoolChunking(bool const &aBool) { defaultIsChunked = aBool; } char const * MemAllocator::objectType() const { return label; } int MemAllocator::inUseCount() { return getInUseCount(); } void MemImplementingAllocator::flushMeters() { size_t calls; calls = free_calls; if (calls) { meter.gb_freed.count += calls; free_calls = 0; } calls = alloc_calls; if (calls) { meter.gb_allocated.count += calls; alloc_calls = 0; } calls = saved_calls; if (calls) { meter.gb_saved.count += calls; saved_calls = 0; } } void MemImplementingAllocator::flushMetersFull() { flushMeters(); getMeter().gb_allocated.bytes = getMeter().gb_allocated.count * obj_size; getMeter().gb_saved.bytes = getMeter().gb_saved.count * obj_size; getMeter().gb_freed.bytes = getMeter().gb_freed.count * obj_size; } void MemPoolMeter::flush() { alloc.level = 0; inuse.level = 0; idle.level = 0; gb_allocated.count = 0; gb_allocated.bytes = 0; gb_oallocated.count = 0; gb_oallocated.bytes = 0; gb_saved.count = 0; gb_saved.bytes = 0; gb_freed.count = 0; gb_freed.bytes = 0; } MemPoolMeter::MemPoolMeter() { flush(); } /* * Updates all pool counters, and recreates TheMeter totals from all pools */ void MemPools::flushMeters() { MemImplementingAllocator *pool; MemPoolIterator *iter; TheMeter.flush(); iter = memPoolIterate(); while ((pool = memPoolIterateNext(iter))) { pool->flushMetersFull(); memMeterAdd(TheMeter.alloc, pool->getMeter().alloc.level * pool->obj_size); memMeterAdd(TheMeter.inuse, pool->getMeter().inuse.level * pool->obj_size); memMeterAdd(TheMeter.idle, pool->getMeter().idle.level * pool->obj_size); TheMeter.gb_allocated.count += pool->getMeter().gb_allocated.count; TheMeter.gb_saved.count += pool->getMeter().gb_saved.count; TheMeter.gb_freed.count += pool->getMeter().gb_freed.count; TheMeter.gb_allocated.bytes += pool->getMeter().gb_allocated.bytes; TheMeter.gb_saved.bytes += pool->getMeter().gb_saved.bytes; TheMeter.gb_freed.bytes += pool->getMeter().gb_freed.bytes; } memPoolIterateDone(&iter); } void * MemImplementingAllocator::alloc() { if (++alloc_calls == FLUSH_LIMIT) flushMeters(); return allocate(); } void MemImplementingAllocator::freeOne(void *obj) { assert(obj != NULL); (void) VALGRIND_CHECK_MEM_IS_ADDRESSABLE(obj, obj_size); deallocate(obj, MemPools::GetInstance().mem_idle_limit == 0); ++free_calls; } /* * Returns all cached frees to their home chunks * If chunks unreferenced age is over, destroys Idle chunk * Flushes meters for a pool * If pool is not specified, iterates through all pools. * When used for all pools, if new_idle_limit is above -1, new * idle memory limit is set before Cleanup. This allows to shrink * memPool memory usage to specified minimum. */ void MemPools::clean(time_t maxage) { flushMeters(); if (mem_idle_limit < 0) // no limit to enforce return; int shift = 1; if (TheMeter.idle.level > mem_idle_limit) maxage = shift = 0; MemImplementingAllocator *pool; MemPoolIterator *iter; iter = memPoolIterate(); while ((pool = memPoolIterateNext(iter))) if (pool->idleTrigger(shift)) pool->clean(maxage); memPoolIterateDone(&iter); } /* Persistent Pool stats. for GlobalStats accumulation */ static MemPoolStats pp_stats; /* * Totals statistics is returned */ int memPoolGetGlobalStats(MemPoolGlobalStats * stats) { int pools_inuse = 0; MemAllocator *pool; MemPoolIterator *iter; memset(stats, 0, sizeof(MemPoolGlobalStats)); memset(&pp_stats, 0, sizeof(MemPoolStats)); MemPools::GetInstance().flushMeters(); /* recreate TheMeter */ /* gather all stats for Totals */ iter = memPoolIterate(); while ((pool = memPoolIterateNext(iter))) { if (pool->getStats(&pp_stats, 1) > 0) pools_inuse++; } memPoolIterateDone(&iter); stats->TheMeter = &TheMeter; stats->tot_pools_alloc = MemPools::GetInstance().poolCount; stats->tot_pools_inuse = pools_inuse; stats->tot_pools_mempid = Pool_id_counter; stats->tot_chunks_alloc = pp_stats.chunks_alloc; stats->tot_chunks_inuse = pp_stats.chunks_inuse; stats->tot_chunks_partial = pp_stats.chunks_partial; stats->tot_chunks_free = pp_stats.chunks_free; stats->tot_items_alloc = pp_stats.items_alloc; stats->tot_items_inuse = pp_stats.items_inuse; stats->tot_items_idle = pp_stats.items_idle; stats->tot_overhead += pp_stats.overhead + MemPools::GetInstance().poolCount * sizeof(MemAllocator *); stats->mem_idle_limit = MemPools::GetInstance().mem_idle_limit; return pools_inuse; } MemAllocator::MemAllocator(char const *aLabel) : doZeroOnPush(true), label(aLabel) { } size_t MemAllocator::RoundedSize(size_t s) { return ((s + sizeof(void*) - 1) / sizeof(void*)) * sizeof(void*); } int memPoolInUseCount(MemAllocator * pool) { return pool->inUseCount(); } int memPoolsTotalAllocated(void) { MemPoolGlobalStats stats; memPoolGetGlobalStats(&stats); return stats.TheMeter->alloc.level; } void * MemAllocatorProxy::alloc() { return getAllocator()->alloc(); } void MemAllocatorProxy::freeOne(void *address) { getAllocator()->freeOne(address); /* TODO: check for empty, and if so, if the default type has altered, * switch */ } MemAllocator * MemAllocatorProxy::getAllocator() const { if (!theAllocator) theAllocator = MemPools::GetInstance().create(objectType(), size); return theAllocator; } int MemAllocatorProxy::inUseCount() const { if (!theAllocator) return 0; else return memPoolInUseCount(theAllocator); } size_t MemAllocatorProxy::objectSize() const { return size; } char const * MemAllocatorProxy::objectType() const { return label; } MemPoolMeter const & MemAllocatorProxy::getMeter() const { return getAllocator()->getMeter(); } int MemAllocatorProxy::getStats(MemPoolStats * stats) { return getAllocator()->getStats(stats); } MemImplementingAllocator::MemImplementingAllocator(char const *aLabel, size_t aSize) : MemAllocator(aLabel), next(NULL), alloc_calls(0), free_calls(0), saved_calls(0), obj_size(RoundedSize(aSize)) { memPID = ++Pool_id_counter; MemImplementingAllocator *last_pool; assert(aLabel != NULL && aSize); /* Append as Last */ for (last_pool = MemPools::GetInstance().pools; last_pool && last_pool->next;) last_pool = last_pool->next; if (last_pool) last_pool->next = this; else MemPools::GetInstance().pools = this; } MemImplementingAllocator::~MemImplementingAllocator() { MemImplementingAllocator *find_pool, *prev_pool; /* Abort if the associated pool doesn't exist */ assert(MemPools::GetInstance().pools != NULL ); /* Pool clean, remove it from List and free */ for (find_pool = MemPools::GetInstance().pools, prev_pool = NULL; (find_pool && this != find_pool); find_pool = find_pool->next) prev_pool = find_pool; /* make sure that we found the pool to destroy */ assert(find_pool != NULL); if (prev_pool) prev_pool->next = next; else MemPools::GetInstance().pools = next; --MemPools::GetInstance().poolCount; } void MemAllocator::zeroOnPush(bool doIt) { doZeroOnPush = doIt; } MemPoolMeter const & MemImplementingAllocator::getMeter() const { return meter; } MemPoolMeter & MemImplementingAllocator::getMeter() { return meter; } size_t MemImplementingAllocator::objectSize() const { return obj_size; }