/* * $Id: client_side.h,v 2008/02/25 23:08:50 amosjeffries Exp $ * * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #ifndef SQUID_CLIENTSIDE_H #define SQUID_CLIENTSIDE_H #include "comm.h" #include "StoreIOBuffer.h" #include "BodyPipe.h" #include "RefCount.h" class ConnStateData; class ClientHttpRequest; class clientStreamNode; class AuthUserRequest; class ChunkedCodingParser; class HttpParser; template class Range; class ClientSocketContext : public RefCountable { public: typedef RefCount Pointer; void *operator new(size_t); void operator delete(void *); ClientSocketContext(); ~ClientSocketContext(); bool startOfOutput() const; void writeComplete(int fd, char *bufnotused, size_t size, comm_err_t errflag); void keepaliveNextRequest(); ClientHttpRequest *http; /* we own this */ HttpReply *reply; char reqbuf[HTTP_REQBUF_SZ]; Pointer next; struct { unsigned deferred: 1; /* This is a pipelined request waiting for the current object to complete */ unsigned parsed_ok: 1; /* Was this parsed correctly? */ } flags; bool mayUseConnection() const {return mayUseConnection_;} void mayUseConnection(bool aBool) { mayUseConnection_ = aBool; debug (33,3)("ClientSocketContext::mayUseConnection: This %p marked %d\n", this, aBool); } class DeferredParams { public: clientStreamNode *node; HttpReply *rep; StoreIOBuffer queuedBuffer; }; DeferredParams deferredparams; int64_t writtenToSocket; void pullData(); int64_t getNextRangeOffset() const; bool canPackMoreRanges() const; clientStream_status_t socketState(); void sendBody(HttpReply * rep, StoreIOBuffer bodyData); void sendStartOfMessage(HttpReply * rep, StoreIOBuffer bodyData); size_t lengthToSend(Range const &available); void noteSentBodyBytes(size_t); void buildRangeHeader(HttpReply * rep); int fd() const; clientStreamNode * getTail() const; clientStreamNode * getClientReplyContext() const; void connIsFinished(); void removeFromConnectionList(RefCount conn); void deferRecipientForLater(clientStreamNode * node, HttpReply * rep, StoreIOBuffer receivedData); bool multipartRangeRequest() const; void registerWithConn(); private: CBDATA_CLASS(ClientSocketContext); void prepareReply(HttpReply * rep); void packRange(StoreIOBuffer const &, MemBuf * mb); void deRegisterWithConn(); void doClose(); void initiateClose(const char *reason); bool mayUseConnection_; /* This request may use the connection. Don't read anymore requests for now */ bool connRegistered_; }; /* A connection to a socket */ class ConnStateData : public BodyProducer, public RefCountable { public: typedef RefCount Pointer; ConnStateData(); ~ConnStateData(); void readSomeData(); int getAvailableBufferLength() const; bool areAllContextsForThisConnection() const; void freeAllContexts(); void readNextRequest(); void makeSpaceAvailable(); ClientSocketContext::Pointer getCurrentContext() const; void addContextToQueue(ClientSocketContext * context); int getConcurrentRequestCount() const; void close(); bool isOpen() const; int fd; /// chunk buffering and parsing algorithm state typedef enum { chunkUnknown, chunkNone, chunkParsing, chunkReady, chunkError } DechunkingState; struct In { In(); ~In(); char *addressToReadInto() const; ChunkedCodingParser *bodyParser; ///< parses chunked request body MemBuf chunked; ///< contains unparsed raw (chunked) body data MemBuf dechunked; ///< accumulates parsed (dechunked) content char *buf; size_t notYetUsed; size_t allocatedSize; size_t chunkedSeen; ///< size of processed or ignored raw read data DechunkingState dechunkingState; ///< request dechunking state } in; int64_t bodySizeLeft(); /* * Is this connection based authentication? if so what type it * is. */ auth_type_t auth_type; /* * note this is ONLY connection based because NTLM is against HTTP spec. * the user details for connection based authentication */ AuthUserRequest *auth_user_request; /* * used by the owner of the connection, opaque otherwise * TODO: generalise the connection owner concept. */ ClientSocketContext::Pointer currentobject; struct sockaddr_in peer; struct sockaddr_in me; struct IN_ADDR log_addr; char rfc931[USER_IDENT_SZ]; int nrequests; struct { bool readMoreRequests; } flags; http_port_list *port; bool transparent() const; void transparent(bool const); bool reading() const; void reading(bool const); bool closing() const; void startClosing(const char *reason); BodyPipe::Pointer expectRequestBody(int64_t size); virtual void noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable(BodyPipe &); virtual void noteBodyConsumerAborted(BodyPipe &); void handleReadData(char *buf, size_t size); void handleRequestBodyData(); void startDechunkingRequest(HttpParser *hp); bool parseRequestChunks(HttpParser *hp); void finishDechunkingRequest(HttpParser *hp); private: CBDATA_CLASS2(ConnStateData); bool transparent_; bool reading_; bool closing_; Pointer openReference; BodyPipe::Pointer bodyPipe; // set when we are reading request body }; /* convenience class while splitting up body handling */ /* temporary existence only - on stack use expected */ void setLogUri(ClientHttpRequest * http, char const *uri); const char *findTrailingHTTPVersion(const char *uriAndHTTPVersion, const char *end = NULL); #endif /* SQUID_CLIENTSIDE_H */