/* * $Id: ProfStats.cc,v 1.10 2007/04/25 11:30:18 adrian Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 81 CPU Profiling Routines * AUTHOR: Andres Kroonmaa * * SQUID Internet Object Cache http://squid.nlanr.net/Squid/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from the * Internet community. Development is led by Duane Wessels of the * National Laboratory for Applied Network Research and funded by the * National Science Foundation. Squid is Copyrighted (C) 1998 by * the Regents of the University of California. Please see the * COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid incorporates software * developed and/or copyrighted by other sources. Please see the * CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" #include "event.h" #include "CacheManager.h" #ifdef USE_XPROF_STATS #include "Store.h" /* Private stuff */ #define MAX_SORTLIST 200 static hrtime_t xprof_delta = 0; static hrtime_t xprof_start_t = 0; static hrtime_t xprof_verystart = 0; static hrtime_t xprof_average_delta = 0; static int xprof_events = 0; static int xprof_inited = 0; static xprof_stats_data Totals; static TimersArray *xprof_stats_avg1sec = NULL; static TimersArray *xprof_stats_avg5sec = NULL; static TimersArray *xprof_stats_avg30sec = NULL; static TimersArray *xprof_stats_avg1min = NULL; static TimersArray *xprof_stats_avg5min = NULL; static TimersArray *xprof_stats_avg30min = NULL; static TimersArray *xprof_stats_avg1hour = NULL; static TimersArray *xprof_stats_avg5hour = NULL; static TimersArray *xprof_stats_avg24hour = NULL; static xprof_stats_node *sortlist[XPROF_LAST + 2]; static void xprof_summary(StoreEntry * sentry); static void xprof_reset(xprof_stats_data * head) { head->summ = 0; head->count = 0; head->delta = 0; head->best = XP_NOBEST; head->worst = 0; head->start = 0; head->stop = 0; } static void xprof_move(xprof_stats_data * head, xprof_stats_data * hist) { memcpy(hist, head, sizeof(xprof_stats_data)); } static int xprof_comp(xprof_stats_node ** ii, xprof_stats_node ** jj) { if ((*ii)->hist.summ < (*jj)->hist.summ) return (1); if ((*ii)->hist.summ > (*jj)->hist.summ) return (-1); return (0); } static void xprof_sorthist(TimersArray * xprof_list) { int i; for (i = 0; i < XPROF_LAST; i++) { sortlist[i] = xprof_list[i]; } qsort(&sortlist[XPROF_hash_lookup], XPROF_LAST - XPROF_hash_lookup, sizeof(xprof_stats_node *), (QS *) xprof_comp); } static double time_frame; static void xprof_show_item(StoreEntry * sentry, const char *name, xprof_stats_data * hist) { storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%s\t %" PRIu64 "\t %" PRIu64 "\t %" PRIu64 "\t %" PRIu64 "\t %" PRIu64 "\t %.2f\t %6.3f\t\n", name, hist->count, hist->summ, (hist->best != XP_NOBEST ? hist->best : 0), hist->count ? hist->summ / hist->count : 0, hist->worst, hist->count / time_frame, dpercent((double) hist->summ, (double) hist->delta)); } static void xprof_summary_item(StoreEntry * sentry, char const *descr, TimersArray * list) { int i; xprof_stats_node **hist; xprof_stats_data *show; xprof_reset(&Totals); xprof_sorthist(list); hist = &sortlist[0]; show = &hist[0]->hist; if (!hist[0]->hist.delta) show = &hist[0]->accu; time_frame = (double) show->delta / (double) xprof_average_delta; storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\n%s:", descr); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " (Cumulated time: %" PRIu64 ", %.2f sec)\n", show->delta, time_frame ); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Probe Name\t Events\t cumulated time \t best case \t average \t worst case\t Rate / sec \t %% in int\n"); for (i = 0; i < XPROF_LAST; i++) { if (!hist[i]->name) continue; show = &hist[i]->hist; if (!show->count) continue; xprof_show_item(sentry, hist[i]->name, show); Totals.count += show->count; Totals.summ += show->summ; Totals.best += (show->best != XP_NOBEST ? show->best : 0); Totals.worst += show->worst; Totals.delta = (show->delta > Totals.delta ? show->delta : Totals.delta); } xprof_show_item(sentry, "TOTALS", &Totals); } static void xprof_average(TimersArray ** list, int secs) { int i; TimersArray *head = xprof_Timers; TimersArray *hist; hrtime_t now; hrtime_t keep; int doavg = (xprof_events % secs); if (!*list) *list = (TimersArray *)xcalloc(XPROF_LAST, sizeof(xprof_stats_node)); hist = *list; now = get_tick(); for (i = 0; i < XPROF_LAST; i++) { hist[i]->name = head[i]->name; hist[i]->accu.summ += head[i]->accu.summ; hist[i]->accu.count += head[i]->accu.count; /* accumulate multisec */ if (!hist[i]->accu.best) hist[i]->accu.best = head[i]->accu.best; if (hist[i]->accu.best > head[i]->accu.best) hist[i]->accu.best = head[i]->accu.best; if (hist[i]->accu.worst < head[i]->accu.worst) hist[i]->accu.worst = head[i]->accu.worst; hist[i]->accu.delta += xprof_delta; if (!doavg) { /* we have X seconds accumulated */ xprof_move(&hist[i]->accu, &hist[i]->hist); xprof_reset(&hist[i]->accu); hist[i]->accu.start = now; } /* reset 0sec counters */ if (secs == 1) { keep = head[i]->accu.start; xprof_move(&head[i]->accu, &head[i]->hist); xprof_reset(&head[i]->accu); hist[i]->accu.delta = 0; head[i]->accu.start = keep; } } } void xprof_summary(StoreEntry * sentry) { hrtime_t now = get_tick(); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "CPU Profiling Statistics:\n"); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " (CPU times are in arbitrary units, most probably in CPU clock ticks)\n"); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Probe Name\t Event Count\t last Interval \t Avg Interval \t since squid start \t (since system boot) \n"); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Total\t %lu\t %" PRIu64 " \t %" PRIu64 " \t %" PRIu64 " \t %" PRIu64 "\n", (long unsigned) xprof_events, xprof_delta, xprof_average_delta, now - xprof_verystart, now); xprof_summary_item(sentry, "Last 1 sec averages", xprof_stats_avg1sec); xprof_summary_item(sentry, "Last 5 sec averages", xprof_stats_avg5sec); xprof_summary_item(sentry, "Last 30 sec averages", xprof_stats_avg30sec); xprof_summary_item(sentry, "Last 1 min averages", xprof_stats_avg1min); xprof_summary_item(sentry, "Last 5 min averages", xprof_stats_avg5min); xprof_summary_item(sentry, "Last 30 min averages", xprof_stats_avg30min); xprof_summary_item(sentry, "Last 1 hour averages", xprof_stats_avg1hour); xprof_summary_item(sentry, "Last 5 hour averages", xprof_stats_avg5hour); xprof_summary_item(sentry, "Last 24 hour averages", xprof_stats_avg24hour); } static inline void xprof_chk_overhead(int samples) { while (samples--) { PROF_start(PROF_OVERHEAD); PROF_stop(PROF_OVERHEAD); } } static hrtime_t now; static void xprof_Init(void) { if (xprof_inited) return; xprof_delta = xprof_verystart = xprof_start_t = now; xprof_inited = 1; } void xprofRegisterWithCacheManager(CacheManager & manager) { manager.registerAction("cpu_profile", "CPU Profiling Stats", xprof_summary, 0, 1); } void xprof_event(void *data) { now = get_tick(); xprof_Init(); xprof_delta = now - xprof_start_t; xprof_start_t = now; xprof_events++; if (!xprof_average_delta) xprof_average_delta = xprof_delta; if (xprof_average_delta > (xprof_delta >> 1)) xprof_average_delta = xprof_average_delta - (xprof_average_delta >> 8) + (xprof_delta >> 8); xprof_chk_overhead(2); xprof_average(&xprof_stats_avg24hour, 24 * 3600); xprof_average(&xprof_stats_avg5hour, 5 * 3600); xprof_average(&xprof_stats_avg1hour, 3600); xprof_average(&xprof_stats_avg30min, 1800); xprof_average(&xprof_stats_avg5min, 300); xprof_average(&xprof_stats_avg1min, 60); xprof_average(&xprof_stats_avg30sec, 30); xprof_average(&xprof_stats_avg5sec, 5); xprof_average(&xprof_stats_avg1sec, 1); xprof_chk_overhead(30); eventAdd("cpuProfiling", xprof_event, NULL, 1.0, 1); } #endif /* USE_XPROF_STATS */