/* * $Id: ESIVarState.cc,v 1.10 2007/05/29 13:31:37 amosjeffries Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 86 ESI processing * AUTHOR: Robert Collins * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * * Copyright (c) 2003, Robert Collins */ #include "squid.h" #include "ESIVarState.h" #include "HttpReply.h" CBDATA_TYPE (ESIVarState); FREE ESIVarStateFree; char const *ESIVariableUserAgent::esiUserOs[]= { "WIN", "MAC", "UNIX", "OTHER" }; char const * esiBrowsers[]= {"MSIE", "MOZILLA", "OTHER" }; void ESIVarState::Variable::eval (ESIVarState &state, char const *subref, char const *found_default) const { /* No-op. We swallow it */ if (found_default) ESISegment::ListAppend (state.getOutput(), found_default, strlen (found_default)); } void ESIVarState::hostUsed() { flags.host = 1; } void ESIVarState::cookieUsed() { flags.cookie = 1; } void ESIVarState::languageUsed() { flags.language = 1; } void ESIVarState::refererUsed() { flags.referer = 1; } void ESIVarState::useragentUsed() { flags.useragent = 1; } HttpHeader & ESIVarState::header() { return hdr; } ESISegment::Pointer & ESIVarState::getOutput() { return output; } char const * ESIVariableQuery::queryString() const { return query_string; } struct _query_elem const * ESIVariableQuery::queryVector() const { return query; } size_t const & ESIVariableQuery::queryElements() const { return query_elements; } void ESIVarState::feedData (const char *buf, size_t len) { /* TODO: if needed - tune to skip segment iteration */ debugs (86,6, "esiVarState::feedData: accepting " << len << " bytes"); ESISegment::ListAppend (input, buf, len); } ESISegment::Pointer ESIVarState::extractList() { doIt(); ESISegment::Pointer rv = output; output = NULL; debugs(86, 6, "ESIVarStateExtractList: Extracted list"); return rv; } char * ESIVarState::extractChar () { if (!input.getRaw()) fatal ("Attempt to extract variable state with no data fed in \n"); doIt(); char *rv = output->listToChar(); ESISegmentFreeList (output); debugs(86, 6, "ESIVarStateExtractList: Extracted char"); return rv; } /* ESIVarState */ void esiVarStateFree (void *data) { ESIVarState *thisNode = (ESIVarState*)data; thisNode->freeResources(); } ESIVarState::~ESIVarState() { freeResources(); while (variablesForCleanup.size()) delete variablesForCleanup.pop_back(); delete defaultVariable; } void ESIVarState::freeResources() { input = NULL; ESISegmentFreeList (output); hdr.clean(); } void * ESIVarState::operator new(size_t byteCount) { assert (byteCount == sizeof (ESIVarState)); void *rv; CBDATA_INIT_TYPE_FREECB(ESIVarState, esiVarStateFree); rv = (void *)cbdataAlloc (ESIVarState); return rv; } void ESIVarState::operator delete (void *address) { cbdataFree (address); } char * ESIVariableUserAgent::getProductVersion (char const *s) { char const *t; int len; t = index (s,'/'); if (!t || !*(++t)) return xstrdup (""); len = strcspn (t, " \r\n()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={}"); return xstrndup (t, len + 1); } ESIVariableQuery::ESIVariableQuery(char const *uri) : query (NULL), query_sz (0), query_elements (0), query_string (NULL) { /* Count off the query elements */ char const *query_start = strchr (uri, '?'); if (query_start && query_start[1] != '\0' ) { unsigned int n; query_string = xstrdup (query_start + 1); query_elements = 1; char const *query_pos = query_start + 1; while ((query_pos = strchr (query_pos, '&'))) { ++query_elements; ++query_pos; } query = (_query_elem *)memReallocBuf(query, query_elements * sizeof (struct _query_elem), &query_sz); query_pos = query_start + 1; n = 0; while (query_pos) { char const *next = strchr (query_pos, '&'); char const *div = strchr (query_pos, '='); if (next) ++next; assert (n < query_elements); if (!div) div = next; if (!(div - query_pos + 1)) /* zero length between & and = or & and & */ continue; query[n].var = xstrndup (query_pos, div - query_pos + 1) ; if (div == next) { query[n].val = xstrdup (""); } else { query[n].val = xstrndup (div + 1, next - div - 1); } query_pos = next; ++n; } } else { query_string = xstrdup (""); } if (query) { unsigned int n = 0; debugs(86, 6, "esiVarStateNew: Parsed Query string: '" << uri << "'"); while (n < query_elements) { debugs(86, 6, "esiVarStateNew: Parsed Query element " << n + 1 << " '" << query[n].var << "'='" << query[n].val << "'"); ++n; } } } ESIVariableQuery::~ESIVariableQuery() { if (query) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < query_elements; ++i) { safe_free(query[i].var); safe_free(query[i].val); } memFreeBuf (query_sz, query); } safe_free (query_string); } ESIVarState::ESIVarState (HttpHeader const *aHeader, char const *uri) : output (NULL), hdr(hoReply) { /* TODO: only grab the needed headers */ /* Note that as we pass these through to included requests, we * cannot trim them */ hdr.append(aHeader); /* populate our variables trie with the available variables. * Additional ones can be added during the parsing. * If there is a lazy evaluation approach to this, consider it! */ defaultVariable = new Variable; addVariable ("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", 20, new ESIVariableLanguage); addVariable ("HTTP_COOKIE", 11, new ESIVariableCookie); addVariable ("HTTP_HOST", 9, new ESIVariableHost); addVariable ("HTTP_REFERER", 12, new ESIVariableReferer); addVariable ("HTTP_USER_AGENT", 15, new ESIVariableUserAgent(*this)); addVariable ("QUERY_STRING", 12, new ESIVariableQuery(uri)); } void ESIVarState::removeVariable (String const &name) { Variable *candidate = static_cast (variables.find (name.buf(), name.size())); if (candidate) { /* XXX: remove me */ /* Note - this involves: * extend libTrie to have a remove() call. * delete from the vector. * delete the object. */ } } void ESIVarState::addVariable(char const *name, size_t len, Variable *aVariable) { String temp; temp.limitInit (name, len); removeVariable (temp); variables.add(name, len, aVariable); variablesForCleanup.push_back(aVariable); } ESIVariableUserAgent::~ESIVariableUserAgent() { safe_free (browserversion); } ESIVariableUserAgent::ESIVariableUserAgent(ESIVarState &state) { /* An example: * User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) */ /* Grr this Node is painful - RFC 2616 specifies that 'by convention' the tokens are in order of importance * in identifying the product. According to the RFC the above should be interpreted as: * Product - Mozilla version 4.0 * in comments - compatible; .... 3705 * * Useing the RFC a more appropriate header would be * User-Agent: MSIE/6.0 Mozilla/4.0 Windows-NT/5.1 .NET-CLR/1.0.3705 * or something similar. * * Because we can't parse under those rules and get real-world useful answers, we follow the following * algorithm: * if the string Windows appears in the header, the OS is WIN. * If the string Mac appears in the header, the OS is MAC. * If the string nix, or BSD appears in the header, the OS is UNIX. * If the string MSIE appears in the header, the BROWSER is MSIE, and the version is the string from * MSIE to the first ;, or end of string. * If the String MSIE does not appear in the header, and MOZILLA does, we use the version from the * /version field. * if MOZILLA doesn't appear, the browser is set to OTHER. * In future, this may be better implemented as a regexp. */ if (state.header().has(HDR_USER_AGENT)) { char const *s = state.header().getStr(HDR_USER_AGENT); UserOs = identifyOs(s); char const *t, *t1; /* Now the browser and version */ if ((t = strstr (s, "MSIE"))) { browser = ESI_BROWSER_MSIE; t = index (t, ' '); if (!t) browserversion = xstrdup (""); else { t1 = index (t, ';'); if (!t1) browserversion = xstrdup (t + 1); else browserversion = xstrndup (t + 1, t1-t); } } else if (strstr (s, "Mozilla")) { browser = ESI_BROWSER_MOZILLA; browserversion = getProductVersion(s); } else { browser = ESI_BROWSER_OTHER; browserversion = getProductVersion(s); } } else { UserOs = ESI_OS_OTHER; browser = ESI_BROWSER_OTHER; browserversion = xstrdup (""); } } ESIVariableUserAgent::esiUserOs_t ESIVariableUserAgent::identifyOs(char const *s) const { if (!s) return ESI_OS_OTHER; if (strstr (s, "Windows")) return ESI_OS_WIN; else if (strstr (s, "Mac")) return ESI_OS_MAC; else if (strstr (s, "nix") || strstr (s, "BSD")) return ESI_OS_UNIX; else return ESI_OS_OTHER; } void ESIVariableCookie::eval (ESIVarState &state, char const *subref, char const *found_default) const { const char *s = NULL; state.cookieUsed(); if (state.header().has(HDR_COOKIE)) { if (!subref) s = state.header().getStr (HDR_COOKIE); else { String S = state.header().getListMember (HDR_COOKIE, subref, ';'); if (S.size()) ESISegment::ListAppend (state.getOutput(), S.buf(), S.size()); else if (found_default) ESISegment::ListAppend (state.getOutput(), found_default, strlen (found_default)); } } else s = found_default; if (s) ESISegment::ListAppend (state.getOutput(), s, strlen (s)); } void ESIVariableHost::eval (ESIVarState &state, char const *subref, char const *found_default) const { const char *s = NULL; state.hostUsed(); if (!subref && state.header().has(HDR_HOST)) { s = state.header().getStr (HDR_HOST); } else s = found_default; ESISegment::ListAppend (state.getOutput(), s, strlen (s)); } void ESIVariableLanguage::eval (ESIVarState &state, char const *subref, char const *found_default) const { char const *s = NULL; state.languageUsed(); if (state.header().has(HDR_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)) { if (!subref) { String S (state.header().getList (HDR_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)); ESISegment::ListAppend (state.getOutput(), S.buf(), S.size()); } else { if (state.header().hasListMember (HDR_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, subref, ',')) { s = "true"; } else { s = "false"; } ESISegment::ListAppend (state.getOutput(), s, strlen (s)); } } else { s = found_default; ESISegment::ListAppend (state.getOutput(), s, strlen (s)); } } void ESIVariableQuery::eval (ESIVarState &state, char const *subref, char const *found_default) const { char const *s = NULL; if (!subref) s = queryString(); else { unsigned int i = 0; while (i < queryElements() && !s) { if (!strcmp (subref, queryVector()[i].var)) s = queryVector()[i].val; ++i; } if (!s) s = found_default; } ESISegment::ListAppend (state.getOutput(), s, strlen (s)); } void ESIVariableReferer::eval (ESIVarState &state, char const *subref, char const *found_default) const { const char *s = NULL; state.refererUsed(); if (!subref && state.header().has(HDR_REFERER)) s = state.header().getStr (HDR_REFERER); else s = found_default; ESISegment::ListAppend (state.getOutput(), s, strlen (s)); } void ESIVariableUserAgent::eval (ESIVarState &state, char const *subref, char const *found_default) const { char const *s = NULL; state.useragentUsed(); if (state.header().has(HDR_USER_AGENT)) { if (!subref) s = state.header().getStr (HDR_USER_AGENT); else { if (!strcmp (subref, "os")) { s = esiUserOs[UserOs]; } else if (!strcmp (subref, "browser")) { s = esiBrowsers[browser]; } else if (!strcmp (subref, "version")) { s = browserVersion(); } else s = ""; } } else s = found_default; ESISegment::ListAppend (state.getOutput(), s, strlen (s)); } /* thoughts on long term: * get $ * get () handler * hand off to handler. * one handler for variables. * one handler for each function. */ class ESIVariableProcessor; class ESIFunction { public: static ESIFunction *GetFunction (char const *symbol, ESIVariableProcessor &); ESIFunction(ESIVariableProcessor &); void doIt(); private: ESIVariableProcessor &processor; }; ESIFunction::ESIFunction(ESIVariableProcessor &aProcessor) : processor(aProcessor) {} ESIFunction * ESIFunction::GetFunction(char const *symbol, ESIVariableProcessor &aProcessor) { if (*symbol == '(') return new ESIFunction(aProcessor); return NULL; } class ESIVariableProcessor { public: ESIVariableProcessor(char *, ESISegment::Pointer &, Trie &, ESIVarState *); ~ESIVariableProcessor(); void doIt(); private: bool validChar (char c); void eval (ESIVarState::Variable *var, char const *subref, char const *found_default ); void doFunction(); void identifyFunction(); char *string; ESISegment::Pointer &output; Trie &variables; ESIVarState *varState; int state; size_t len; size_t pos; size_t var_pos; size_t done_pos; char * found_subref; char *found_default; ESIVarState::Variable *vartype; ESIFunction *currentFunction; }; void ESIVariableProcessor::eval (ESIVarState::Variable *var, char const *subref, char const *found_default ) { assert (var); if (!found_default) found_default = ""; var->eval (*varState, subref, found_default); } bool ESIVariableProcessor::validChar (char c) { if (('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || '_' == c || '-' == c) return true; return false; } ESIVarState::Variable * ESIVarState::GetVar(char const *symbol, int len) { assert (symbol); void *result = variables.find (symbol, len); if (result) return static_cast(result); return defaultVariable; } void ESIVarState::doIt () { char *string = input->listToChar(); ESISegmentFreeList (input); ESIVariableProcessor theProcessor(string, output, variables, this); theProcessor.doIt(); safe_free(string); } #define LOOKFORSTART 0 ESIVariableProcessor::ESIVariableProcessor(char *aString, ESISegment::Pointer &aSegment, Trie &aTrie, ESIVarState *aState) : string(aString), output (aSegment), variables(aTrie), varState (aState), state(LOOKFORSTART), pos(0), var_pos(0), done_pos(0), found_subref (NULL), found_default (NULL), currentFunction(NULL) { len = strlen (string); vartype = varState->GetVar("",0); } void ESIFunction::doIt() {} /* because we are only used to process: * - include URL's * - non-esi elements * - choose clauses * buffering is ok - we won't delay the start of async activity, or * of output data preparation */ /* Should make these an enum or something... */ void ESIVariableProcessor::doFunction() { if (!currentFunction) return; /* stay in here whilst operating */ while (pos < len && state) switch (state) { case 2: /* looking for variable name */ if (!validChar(string[pos])) { /* not a variable name char */ if (pos - var_pos) { vartype = varState->GetVar (string + var_pos, pos - var_pos); } state = 3; } else { ++pos; } break; case 3: /* looking for variable subref, end bracket or default indicator */ if (string[pos] == ')') { /* end of string */ eval(vartype, found_subref, found_default); done_pos = ++pos; safe_free(found_subref); safe_free(found_default); state = LOOKFORSTART; } else if (!found_subref && !found_default && string[pos] == '{') { debugs(86, 6, "ESIVarStateDoIt: Subref of some sort"); /* subreference of some sort */ /* look for the entry name */ var_pos = ++pos; state = 4; } else if (!found_default && string[pos] == '|') { debugs(86, 6, "esiVarStateDoIt: Default present"); /* extract default value */ state = 5; var_pos = ++pos; } else { /* unexpected char, not a variable after all */ debugs(86, 6, "esiVarStateDoIt: unexpected char after varname"); state = LOOKFORSTART; pos = done_pos + 2; } break; case 4: /* looking for variable subref */ if (string[pos] == '}') { /* end of subref */ found_subref = xstrndup (&string[var_pos], pos - var_pos + 1); debugs(86, 6, "esiVarStateDoIt: found end of variable subref '" << found_subref << "'"); state = 3; ++pos; } else if (!validChar (string[pos])) { debugs(86, 6, "esiVarStateDoIt: found invalid char in variable subref"); /* not a valid subref */ safe_free(found_subref); state = LOOKFORSTART; pos = done_pos + 2; } else { ++pos; } break; case 5: /* looking for a default value */ if (string[pos] == '\'') { /* begins with a quote */ debugs(86, 6, "esiVarStateDoIt: found quoted default"); state = 6; var_pos = ++pos; } else { /* doesn't */ debugs(86, 6, "esiVarStateDoIt: found unquoted default"); state = 7; ++pos; } break; case 6: /* looking for a quote terminate default value */ if (string[pos] == '\'') { /* end of default */ found_default = xstrndup (&string[var_pos], pos - var_pos + 1); debugs(86, 6, "esiVarStateDoIt: found end of quoted default '" << found_default << "'"); state = 3; } ++pos; break; case 7: /* looking for } terminate default value */ if (string[pos] == ')') { /* end of default - end of variable*/ found_default = xstrndup (&string[var_pos], pos - var_pos + 1); debugs(86, 6, "esiVarStateDoIt: found end of variable (w/ unquoted default) '" << found_default << "'"); eval(vartype,found_subref, found_default); done_pos = ++pos; safe_free(found_default); safe_free(found_subref); state = LOOKFORSTART; } ++pos; break; default: fatal("esiVarStateDoIt: unexpected state\n"); } } void ESIVariableProcessor::identifyFunction() { delete currentFunction; currentFunction = ESIFunction::GetFunction (&string[pos], *this); if (!currentFunction) { state = LOOKFORSTART; } else { state = 2; /* process a function */ /* advance past function name */ var_pos = ++pos; } } void ESIVariableProcessor::doIt() { assert (output == NULL); while (pos < len) { /* skipping pre-variables */ if (string[pos] != '$') { ++pos; } else { if (pos - done_pos) /* extract known plain text */ ESISegment::ListAppend (output, string + done_pos, pos - done_pos); done_pos = pos; ++pos; identifyFunction(); doFunction(); } } /* pos-done_pos chars are ready to copy */ if (pos-done_pos) ESISegment::ListAppend (output, string+done_pos, pos - done_pos); safe_free (found_default); safe_free (found_subref); } ESIVariableProcessor::~ESIVariableProcessor() { delete currentFunction; } /* XXX FIXME: this should be comma delimited, no? */ void ESIVarState::buildVary (HttpReply *rep) { char tempstr[1024]; tempstr[0]='\0'; if (flags.language) strcat (tempstr, "Accept-Language "); if (flags.cookie) strcat (tempstr, "Cookie "); if (flags.host) strcat (tempstr, "Host "); if (flags.referer) strcat (tempstr, "Referer "); if (flags.useragent) strcat (tempstr, "User-Agent "); if (!tempstr[0]) return; String strVary (rep->header.getList (HDR_VARY)); if (!strVary.size() || strVary.buf()[0] != '*') { rep->header.putStr (HDR_VARY, tempstr); } }