/* * $Id: ESIInclude.cc,v 2008/02/27 05:59:29 amosjeffries Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 86 ESI processing * AUTHOR: Robert Collins * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * * Copyright (c) 2003, Robert Collins */ #include "squid.h" /* MS Visual Studio Projects are monolithic, so we need the following * #if to exclude the ESI code from compile process when not needed. */ #if (USE_SQUID_ESI == 1) #include "ESIInclude.h" #include "ESIVarState.h" #include "client_side_request.h" #include "HttpReply.h" CBDATA_CLASS_INIT (ESIStreamContext); /* other */ static CSCB esiBufferRecipient; static CSD esiBufferDetach; /* esiStreamContext */ static ESIStreamContext *ESIStreamContextNew (ESIIncludePtr); /* ESI TO CONSIDER: * 1. retry failed upstream requests */ /* Detach from a buffering stream */ void esiBufferDetach (clientStreamNode *node, ClientHttpRequest *http) { /* Detach ourselves */ clientStreamDetach (node, http); } /** * Write a chunk of data to a client 'socket'. * If the reply is present, send the reply headers down the wire too. * * Pre-condition: * The request is an internal ESI subrequest. * data context is not NULL * There are no more entries in the stream chain. * The caller is responsible for creation and deletion of the Reply headers. * \note * Bug 975, bug 1566 : delete rep; 2006/09/02: TS, #975 * * This was causing double-deletes. Its possible that not deleting * it here will cause memory leaks, but if so, this delete should * not be reinstated or it will trigger bug #975 again - RBC 20060903 */ void esiBufferRecipient (clientStreamNode *node, ClientHttpRequest *http, HttpReply *rep, StoreIOBuffer receivedData) { /* Test preconditions */ assert (node != NULL); /* ESI TODO: handle thisNode rather than asserting * - it should only ever happen if we cause an * abort and the callback chain loops back to * here, so we can simply return. However, that * itself shouldn't happen, so it stays as an * assert for now. */ assert (cbdataReferenceValid (node)); assert (node->node.next == NULL); assert (http->getConn().getRaw() == NULL); ESIStreamContext::Pointer esiStream = dynamic_cast(node->data.getRaw()); assert (esiStream.getRaw() != NULL); /* If segments become more flexible, ignore thisNode */ assert (receivedData.length <= sizeof(esiStream->localbuffer->buf)); assert (!esiStream->finished); debugs (86,5, HERE << "rep " << rep << " body " << receivedData.data << " len " << receivedData.length); assert (node->readBuffer.offset == receivedData.offset || receivedData.length == 0); /* trivial case */ if (http->out.offset != 0) { assert(rep == NULL); } else { if (rep) { if (rep->sline.status != HTTP_OK) { rep = NULL; esiStream->include->fail (esiStream); esiStream->finished = 1; httpRequestFree (http); return; } #if HEADERS_LOG /* should be done in the store rather than every recipient? */ headersLog(0, 0, http->request->method, rep); #endif rep = NULL; } } if (receivedData.data && receivedData.length) { http->out.offset += receivedData.length; if (receivedData.data >= esiStream->localbuffer->buf && receivedData.data < &esiStream->localbuffer->buf[sizeof(esiStream->localbuffer->buf)]) { /* original static buffer */ if (receivedData.data != esiStream->localbuffer->buf) { /* But not the start of it */ xmemmove (esiStream->localbuffer->buf, receivedData.data, receivedData.length); } esiStream->localbuffer->len = receivedData.length; } else { assert (esiStream->buffer.getRaw() != NULL); esiStream->buffer->len = receivedData.length; } } /* EOF / Read error / aborted entry */ if (rep == NULL && receivedData.data == NULL && receivedData.length == 0) { /* TODO: get stream status to test the entry for aborts */ debugs(86, 5, HERE << "Finished reading upstream data in subrequest"); esiStream->include->subRequestDone (esiStream, true); esiStream->finished = 1; httpRequestFree (http); return; } /* after the write to the user occurs, (ie here, or in a callback) * we call */ if (clientHttpRequestStatus(-1, http)) { /* TODO: Does thisNode if block leak htto ? */ /* XXX when reviewing ESI this is the first place to look */ node->data = NULL; esiStream->finished = 1; esiStream->include->fail (esiStream); return; }; switch (clientStreamStatus (node, http)) { case STREAM_UNPLANNED_COMPLETE: /* fallthru ok */ case STREAM_COMPLETE: /* ok */ debugs(86, 3, "ESI subrequest finished OK"); esiStream->include->subRequestDone (esiStream, true); esiStream->finished = 1; httpRequestFree (http); return; case STREAM_FAILED: debugs(86, 1, "ESI subrequest failed transfer"); esiStream->include->fail (esiStream); esiStream->finished = 1; httpRequestFree (http); return; case STREAM_NONE: { StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer; if (!esiStream->buffer.getRaw()) { esiStream->buffer = esiStream->localbuffer; } esiStream->buffer = esiStream->buffer->tail(); if (esiStream->buffer->len) { esiStream->buffer->next = new ESISegment; esiStream->buffer = esiStream->buffer->next; } tempBuffer.offset = http->out.offset; tempBuffer.length = sizeof (esiStream->buffer->buf); tempBuffer.data = esiStream->buffer->buf; /* now just read into 'buffer' */ clientStreamRead (node, http, tempBuffer); debugs(86, 5, HERE << "Requested more data for ESI subrequest"); } break; default: fatal ("Hit unreachable code in esiBufferRecipient\n"); } } /* esiStream functions */ ESIStreamContext::~ESIStreamContext() { assert (this); freeResources(); } void ESIStreamContext::freeResources() { debugs(86, 5, "Freeing stream context resources."); buffer = NULL; localbuffer = NULL; include = NULL; } void * ESIStreamContext::operator new(size_t byteCount) { assert (byteCount == sizeof (ESIStreamContext)); CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(ESIStreamContext); ESIStreamContext *result = cbdataAlloc(ESIStreamContext); return result; } void ESIStreamContext::operator delete (void *address) { ESIStreamContext *t = static_cast(address); cbdataFree(t); } ESIStreamContext * ESIStreamContextNew (ESIIncludePtr include) { ESIStreamContext *rv = new ESIStreamContext; rv->include = include; return rv; } /* ESIInclude */ ESIInclude::~ESIInclude() { debugs(86, 5, "ESIInclude::Free " << this); ESISegmentFreeList (srccontent); ESISegmentFreeList (altcontent); cbdataReferenceDone (varState); safe_free (srcurl); safe_free (alturl); } void ESIInclude::finish() { parent = NULL; } ESIElement::Pointer ESIInclude::makeCacheable() const { return new ESIInclude (*this); } ESIElement::Pointer ESIInclude::makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr newParent, ESIVarState &newVarState) const { ESIInclude *resultI = new ESIInclude (*this); ESIElement::Pointer result = resultI; resultI->parent = newParent; resultI->varState = cbdataReference (&newVarState); if (resultI->srcurl) resultI->src = ESIStreamContextNew (resultI); if (resultI->alturl) resultI->alt = ESIStreamContextNew (resultI); return result; } ESIInclude::ESIInclude(ESIInclude const &old) : parent (NULL), started (false), sent (false) { varState = NULL; flags.onerrorcontinue = old.flags.onerrorcontinue; if (old.srcurl) srcurl = xstrdup (old.srcurl); if (old.alturl) alturl = xstrdup (old.alturl); } void ESIInclude::prepareRequestHeaders(HttpHeader &tempheaders, ESIVarState *vars) { tempheaders.update (&vars->header(), NULL); tempheaders.removeHopByHopEntries(); } void ESIInclude::Start (ESIStreamContext::Pointer stream, char const *url, ESIVarState *vars) { if (!stream.getRaw()) return; HttpHeader tempheaders(hoRequest); prepareRequestHeaders(tempheaders, vars); /* Ensure variable state is clean */ vars->feedData(url, strlen (url)); /* tempUrl is eaten by the request */ char const *tempUrl = vars->extractChar (); debugs(86, 5, "ESIIncludeStart: Starting subrequest with url '" << tempUrl << "'"); if (clientBeginRequest(METHOD_GET, tempUrl, esiBufferRecipient, esiBufferDetach, stream.getRaw(), &tempheaders, stream->localbuffer->buf, HTTP_REQBUF_SZ)) { debugs(86, 0, "starting new ESI subrequest failed"); } tempheaders.clean(); } ESIInclude::ESIInclude (esiTreeParentPtr aParent, int attrcount, char const **attr, ESIContext *aContext) : parent (aParent), started (false), sent (false) { int i; assert (aContext); for (i = 0; i < attrcount && attr[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[i],"src")) { /* Start a request for thisNode url */ debugs(86, 5, "ESIIncludeNew: Requesting source '" << attr[i+1] << "'"); /* TODO: don't assert on thisNode, ignore the duplicate */ assert (src.getRaw() == NULL); src = ESIStreamContextNew (this); assert (src.getRaw() != NULL); srcurl = xstrdup ( attr[i+1]); } else if (!strcmp(attr[i],"alt")) { /* Start a secondary request for thisNode url */ /* TODO: make a config parameter to wait on requesting alt's * for the src to fail */ debugs(86, 5, "ESIIncludeNew: Requesting alternate '" << attr[i+1] << "'"); assert (alt.getRaw() == NULL); /* TODO: FIXME */ alt = ESIStreamContextNew (this); assert (alt.getRaw() != NULL); alturl = xstrdup (attr[i+1]); } else if (!strcmp(attr[i],"onerror")) { if (!strcmp(attr[i+1], "continue")) { flags.onerrorcontinue = 1; } else { /* ignore mistyped attributes */ debugs(86, 1, "invalid value for onerror='" << attr[i+1] << "'"); } } else { /* ignore mistyped attributes. TODO:? error on these for user feedback - config parameter needed */ } } varState = cbdataReference(aContext->varState); } void ESIInclude::start() { /* prevent freeing ourselves */ ESIIncludePtr foo(this); if (started) return; started = true; if (src.getRaw()) { Start (src, srcurl, varState); Start (alt, alturl, varState); } else { alt = NULL; debugs(86, 1, "ESIIncludeNew: esi:include with no src attributes"); flags.failed = 1; } } void ESIInclude::render(ESISegment::Pointer output) { if (sent) return; ESISegment::Pointer myout; debugs(86, 5, "ESIIncludeRender: Rendering include " << this); assert (flags.finished || (flags.failed && flags.onerrorcontinue)); if (flags.failed && flags.onerrorcontinue) { return; } /* Render the content */ if (srccontent.getRaw()) { myout = srccontent; srccontent = NULL; } else if (altcontent.getRaw()) { myout = altcontent; altcontent = NULL; } else fatal ("ESIIncludeRender called with no content, and no failure!\n"); assert (output->next == NULL); output->next = myout; sent = true; } esiProcessResult_t ESIInclude::process (int dovars) { /* Prevent refcount race leading to free */ Pointer me (this); start(); debugs(86, 5, "ESIIncludeRender: Processing include " << this); if (flags.failed) { if (flags.onerrorcontinue) return ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE; else return ESI_PROCESS_FAILED; } if (!flags.finished) { if (flags.onerrorcontinue) return ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_WONTFAIL; else return ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_MAYFAIL; } return ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE; } void ESIInclude::fail (ESIStreamContext::Pointer stream) { subRequestDone (stream, false); } bool ESIInclude::dataNeeded() const { return !(flags.finished || flags.failed); } void ESIInclude::subRequestDone (ESIStreamContext::Pointer stream, bool success) { assert (this); if (!dataNeeded()) return; if (stream == src) { debugs(86, 3, "ESIInclude::subRequestDone: " << srcurl); if (success) { /* copy the lead segment */ debugs(86, 3, "ESIIncludeSubRequestDone: Src OK - include PASSED."); assert (!srccontent.getRaw()); ESISegment::ListTransfer (stream->localbuffer, srccontent); /* we're done! */ flags.finished = 1; } else { /* Fail if there is no alt being retrieved */ debugs(86, 3, "ESIIncludeSubRequestDone: Src FAILED"); if (!(alt.getRaw() || altcontent.getRaw())) { debugs(86, 3, "ESIIncludeSubRequestDone: Include FAILED - No ALT"); flags.failed = 1; } else if (altcontent.getRaw()) { debugs(86, 3, "ESIIncludeSubRequestDone: Include PASSED - ALT already Complete"); /* ALT was already retrieved, we are done */ flags.finished = 1; } } src = NULL; } else if (stream == alt) { debugs(86, 3, "ESIInclude::subRequestDone: " << alturl); if (success) { debugs(86, 3, "ESIIncludeSubRequestDone: ALT OK."); /* copy the lead segment */ assert (!altcontent.getRaw()); ESISegment::ListTransfer (stream->localbuffer, altcontent); /* we're done! */ if (!(src.getRaw() || srccontent.getRaw())) { /* src already failed, kick ESI processor */ debugs(86, 3, "ESIIncludeSubRequestDone: Include PASSED - SRC already failed."); flags.finished = 1; } } else { if (!(src.getRaw() || srccontent.getRaw())) { debugs(86, 3, "ESIIncludeSubRequestDone: ALT FAILED, Include FAILED - SRC already failed"); /* src already failed */ flags.failed = 1; } } alt = NULL; } else { fatal ("ESIIncludeSubRequestDone: non-owned stream found!\n"); } if (flags.finished || flags.failed) { /* Kick ESI Processor */ debugs (86, 5, "ESIInclude " << this << " SubRequest " << stream.getRaw() << " completed, kicking processor , status " << (flags.finished ? "OK" : "FAILED")); /* There is a race condition - and we have no reproducible test case - * during a subrequest the parent will get set to NULL, which is not * meant to be possible. Rather than killing squid, we let it leak * memory but complain in the log. * * Someone wanting to debug this could well start by running squid with * a hardware breakpoint set to this location. * Its probably due to parent being set to null - by a call to * 'this.finish' while the subrequest is still not completed. */ if (parent.getRaw() == NULL) { debugs (86, 0, "ESIInclude::subRequestDone: Sub request completed " "after finish() called and parent unlinked. Unable to " "continue handling the request, and may be memory leaking. " "See http://www.squid-cache.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=951 - we " "are looking for a reproducible test case. This will require " "an ESI template with includes, probably with alt-options, " "and we're likely to need traffic dumps to allow us to " "reconstruct the exact tcp handling sequences to trigger this " "rather elusive bug."); return; } assert (parent.getRaw()); if (!flags.failed) { sent = true; parent->provideData (srccontent.getRaw() ? srccontent:altcontent,this); if (srccontent.getRaw()) srccontent = NULL; else altcontent = NULL; } else if (flags.onerrorcontinue) { /* render nothing but inform of completion */ if (!sent) { sent = true; parent->provideData (new ESISegment, this); } else assert (0); } else parent->fail(this, "esi:include could not be completed."); } } #endif /* USE_SQUID_ESI == 1 */