/* * $Id: tools.c,v 2010/03/07 20:47:31 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 21 Misc Functions * AUTHOR: Harvest Derived * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ /* On native Windows, squid_mswin.h needs to know when we are compiling * tools.c for the correct handling of FD<=>socket magic */ #define TOOLS_C #include "squid.h" #ifdef _SQUID_LINUX_ #if HAVE_SYS_CAPABILITY_H #if LIBCAP_BROKEN /* Ugly glue to get around linux header madness colliding with glibc */ #undef _POSIX_SOURCE #define _LINUX_TYPES_H #define _LINUX_FS_H typedef uint32_t __u32; #endif #include #endif /* HAVE_SYS_CAPABILITY_H */ #endif #if HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H #include #endif #define DEAD_MSG "\ The Squid Cache (version %s) died.\n\ \n\ You've encountered a fatal error in the Squid Cache version %s.\n\ If a core file was created (possibly in the swap directory),\n\ please execute 'gdb squid core' or 'dbx squid core', then type 'where',\n\ and report the trace back to squid-bugs@squid-cache.org.\n\ \n\ Thanks!\n" static void fatal_common(const char *); static void fatalvf(const char *fmt, va_list args); static void mail_warranty(void); #if MEM_GEN_TRACE extern void log_trace_done(); extern void log_trace_init(char *); #endif static void restoreCapabilities(int keep); #ifdef _SQUID_LINUX_ /* Workaround for crappy glic header files */ extern int backtrace(void *, int); extern void backtrace_symbols_fd(void *, int, int); extern int setresuid(uid_t, uid_t, uid_t); #endif /* _SQUID_LINUX */ extern void (*failure_notify) (const char *); MemPool *dlink_node_pool = NULL; void releaseServerSockets(void) { int i; /* Release the main ports as early as possible */ for (i = 0; i < NHttpSockets; i++) { if (HttpSockets[i] >= 0) close(HttpSockets[i]); } if (theInIcpConnection >= 0) close(theInIcpConnection); if (theOutIcpConnection >= 0 && theOutIcpConnection != theInIcpConnection) close(theOutIcpConnection); } static char * dead_msg(void) { LOCAL_ARRAY(char, msg, 1024); snprintf(msg, 1024, DEAD_MSG, version_string, version_string); return msg; } static void mail_warranty(void) { FILE *fp = NULL; static char command[256]; #if HAVE_MKSTEMP char filename[] = "/tmp/squid-XXXXXX"; int tfd = mkstemp(filename); if (tfd < 0) return; if ((fp = fdopen(tfd, "w")) == NULL) return; #else char *filename; if ((filename = tempnam(NULL, appname)) == NULL) return; if ((fp = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL) return; #endif if (Config.EmailFrom) fprintf(fp, "From: %s\n", Config.EmailFrom); else fprintf(fp, "From: %s@%s\n", appname, uniqueHostname()); fprintf(fp, "To: %s\n", Config.adminEmail); fprintf(fp, "Subject: %s\n", dead_msg()); fclose(fp); snprintf(command, 256, "%s %s < %s", Config.EmailProgram, Config.adminEmail, filename); system(command); /* XXX should avoid system(3) */ unlink(filename); } void dumpMallocStats(void) { #if HAVE_MSTATS && HAVE_GNUMALLOC_H struct mstats ms = mstats(); fprintf(debug_log, "\ttotal space in arena: %6d KB\n", (int) (ms.bytes_total >> 10)); fprintf(debug_log, "\tTotal free: %6d KB %d%%\n", (int) (ms.bytes_free >> 10), percent(ms.bytes_free, ms.bytes_total)); #elif HAVE_MALLINFO && HAVE_STRUCT_MALLINFO struct mallinfo mp; int t; if (!do_mallinfo) return; mp = mallinfo(); fprintf(debug_log, "Memory usage for %s via mallinfo():\n", appname); fprintf(debug_log, "\ttotal space in arena: %6ld KB\n", (long int) (mp.arena >> 10)); fprintf(debug_log, "\tOrdinary blocks: %6ld KB %6ld blks\n", (long int) (mp.uordblks >> 10), (long int) mp.ordblks); fprintf(debug_log, "\tSmall blocks: %6ld KB %6ld blks\n", (long int) (mp.usmblks >> 10), (long int) mp.smblks); fprintf(debug_log, "\tHolding blocks: %6ld KB %6ld blks\n", (long int) (mp.hblkhd >> 10), (long int) mp.hblks); fprintf(debug_log, "\tFree Small blocks: %6ld KB\n", (long int) (mp.fsmblks >> 10)); fprintf(debug_log, "\tFree Ordinary blocks: %6ld KB\n", (long int) (mp.fordblks >> 10)); t = (mp.uordblks + mp.usmblks + mp.hblkhd) >> 10; fprintf(debug_log, "\tTotal in use: %6d KB %d%%\n", t, percent(t, (mp.arena + mp.hblkhd) >> 10)); t = (mp.fsmblks + mp.fordblks) >> 10; fprintf(debug_log, "\tTotal free: %6d KB %d%%\n", t, percent(t, (mp.arena + mp.hblkhd) >> 10)); #if HAVE_EXT_MALLINFO fprintf(debug_log, "\tmax size of small blocks:\t%d\n", mp.mxfast); fprintf(debug_log, "\tnumber of small blocks in a holding block:\t%d\n", mp.nlblks); fprintf(debug_log, "\tsmall block rounding factor:\t%d\n", mp.grain); fprintf(debug_log, "\tspace (including overhead) allocated in ord. blks:\t%d\n", mp.uordbytes); fprintf(debug_log, "\tnumber of ordinary blocks allocated:\t%d\n", mp.allocated); fprintf(debug_log, "\tbytes used in maintaining the free tree:\t%d\n", mp.treeoverhead); #endif /* HAVE_EXT_MALLINFO */ #endif /* HAVE_MALLINFO */ } void squid_getrusage(struct rusage *r) { memset(r, '\0', sizeof(struct rusage)); #if HAVE_GETRUSAGE && defined(RUSAGE_SELF) #ifdef _SQUID_SOLARIS_ /* Solaris 2.5 has getrusage() permission bug -- Arjan de Vet */ enter_suid(); #endif getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, r); #ifdef _SQUID_SOLARIS_ leave_suid(); #endif #endif } double rusage_cputime(struct rusage *r) { return (double) r->ru_stime.tv_sec + (double) r->ru_utime.tv_sec + (double) r->ru_stime.tv_usec / 1000000.0 + (double) r->ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000.0; } /* Hack for some HP-UX preprocessors */ #ifndef HAVE_GETPAGESIZE #define HAVE_GETPAGESIZE 0 #endif int rusage_maxrss(struct rusage *r) { #if defined(_SQUID_SGI_) && _ABIAPI return r->ru_pad[0]; #elif defined(_SQUID_SGI_) return r->ru_maxrss; #elif defined(_SQUID_OSF_) return r->ru_maxrss; #elif defined(_SQUID_AIX_) return r->ru_maxrss; #elif defined(BSD4_4) return r->ru_maxrss; #elif defined(HAVE_GETPAGESIZE) && HAVE_GETPAGESIZE != 0 return (r->ru_maxrss * getpagesize()) >> 10; #elif defined(PAGESIZE) return (r->ru_maxrss * PAGESIZE) >> 10; #else return r->ru_maxrss; #endif } int rusage_pagefaults(struct rusage *r) { #if defined(_SQUID_SGI_) && _ABIAPI return r->ru_pad[5]; #else return r->ru_majflt; #endif } void PrintRusage(void) { struct rusage rusage; squid_getrusage(&rusage); fprintf(debug_log, "CPU Usage: %.3f seconds = %.3f user + %.3f sys\n", rusage_cputime(&rusage), rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec + ((double) rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000.0), rusage.ru_stime.tv_sec + ((double) rusage.ru_stime.tv_usec / 1000000.0)); fprintf(debug_log, "Maximum Resident Size: %d KB\n", rusage_maxrss(&rusage)); fprintf(debug_log, "Page faults with physical i/o: %d\n", rusage_pagefaults(&rusage)); } void death(int sig) { if (sig == SIGSEGV) fprintf(debug_log, "FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.\n"); else if (sig == SIGBUS) fprintf(debug_log, "FATAL: Received Bus Error...dying.\n"); else fprintf(debug_log, "FATAL: Received signal %d...dying.\n", sig); #ifdef PRINT_STACK_TRACE #ifdef _SQUID_HPUX_ { extern void U_STACK_TRACE(void); /* link with -lcl */ fflush(debug_log); dup2(fileno(debug_log), 2); U_STACK_TRACE(); } #endif /* _SQUID_HPUX_ */ #ifdef _SQUID_SOLARIS_ { /* get ftp://opcom.sun.ca/pub/tars/opcom_stack.tar.gz and */ extern void opcom_stack_trace(void); /* link with -lopcom_stack */ fflush(debug_log); dup2(fileno(debug_log), fileno(stdout)); opcom_stack_trace(); fflush(stdout); } #endif /* _SQUID_SOLARIS_ */ #if HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS_FD { static void *(callarray[8192]); int n; n = backtrace(callarray, 8192); backtrace_symbols_fd(callarray, n, fileno(debug_log)); } #endif #endif /* PRINT_STACK_TRACE */ #if SA_RESETHAND == 0 && !defined(_SQUID_MSWIN_) signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGBUS, SIG_DFL); signal(sig, SIG_DFL); #endif releaseServerSockets(); storeDirWriteCleanLogs(0); PrintRusage(); dumpMallocStats(); if (squid_curtime - SQUID_RELEASE_TIME < 864000) { /* skip if more than 10 days old */ if (Config.adminEmail) mail_warranty(); else puts(dead_msg()); } abort(); } void sigusr2_handle(int sig) { static int state = 0; /* no debug() here; bad things happen if the signal is delivered during _db_print() */ if (state == 0) { #ifndef MEM_GEN_TRACE _db_init(Config.Log.log, "ALL,10"); #else log_trace_done(); #endif state = 1; } else { #ifndef MEM_GEN_TRACE _db_init(Config.Log.log, Config.debugOptions); #else log_trace_init("/tmp/squid.alloc"); #endif state = 0; } #if !HAVE_SIGACTION signal(sig, sigusr2_handle); /* reinstall */ #endif } static void fatal_common(const char *message) { #if HAVE_SYSLOG syslog(LOG_ALERT, "%s", message); #endif fprintf(debug_log, "FATAL: %s\n", message); if (opt_debug_stderr > 0 && debug_log != stderr) fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: %s\n", message); fprintf(debug_log, "Squid Cache (Version %s): Terminated abnormally.\n", version_string); fflush(debug_log); if (!shutting_down) { PrintRusage(); dumpMallocStats(); #ifdef PRINT_STACK_TRACE #ifdef _SQUID_HPUX_ extern void U_STACK_TRACE(void); /* link with -lcl */ fflush(debug_log); dup2(fileno(debug_log), 2); U_STACK_TRACE(); #endif /* _SQUID_HPUX_ */ #ifdef _SQUID_SOLARIS_ extern void opcom_stack_trace(void); /* link with -lopcom_stack */ fflush(debug_log); dup2(fileno(debug_log), fileno(stdout)); opcom_stack_trace(); fflush(stdout); #endif /* _SQUID_SOLARIS_ */ #if HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS_FD static void *(callarray[8192]); int n; n = backtrace(callarray, 8192); backtrace_symbols_fd(callarray, n, fileno(debug_log)); #endif #endif /* PRINT_STACK_TRACE */ } } /* fatal */ void fatal(const char *message) { leave_suid(); releaseServerSockets(); /* check for store_dirs_rebuilding because fatal() is often * used in early initialization phases, long before we ever * get to the store log. */ if (0 == store_dirs_rebuilding) storeDirWriteCleanLogs(0); fatal_common(message); if (shutting_down) exit(1); else abort(); } /* printf-style interface for fatal */ #if STDC_HEADERS void fatalf(const char *fmt,...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); #else void fatalf(va_alist) va_dcl { va_list args; const char *fmt = NULL; va_start(args); fmt = va_arg(args, char *); #endif fatalvf(fmt, args); va_end(args); } /* used by fatalf */ static void fatalvf(const char *fmt, va_list args) { static char fatal_str[BUFSIZ]; vsnprintf(fatal_str, sizeof(fatal_str), fmt, args); fatal(fatal_str); } /* fatal with dumping core */ void fatal_dump(const char *message) { leave_suid(); failure_notify = NULL; releaseServerSockets(); if (message) fatal_common(message); if (opt_catch_signals) storeDirWriteCleanLogs(0); abort(); } void debug_trap(const char *message) { if (!opt_catch_signals) fatal_dump(message); _db_print("WARNING: %s\n", message); } void sig_child(int sig) { #ifndef _SQUID_MSWIN_ #ifdef _SQUID_NEXT_ union wait status; #else int status; #endif pid_t pid; do { #ifdef _SQUID_NEXT_ pid = wait3(&status, WNOHANG, NULL); #else pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG); #endif /* no debug() here; bad things happen if the signal is delivered during _db_print() */ #if HAVE_SIGACTION } while (pid > 0); #else } while (pid > 0 || (pid < 0 && errno == EINTR)); signal(sig, sig_child); #endif #endif /* _SQUID_MSWIN_ */ } const char * getMyHostname(void) { LOCAL_ARRAY(char, host, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN + 1); static int present = 0; const struct hostent *h = NULL; struct in_addr sa; if (Config.visibleHostname != NULL) return Config.visibleHostname; if (present) return host; host[0] = '\0'; memcpy(&sa, &any_addr, sizeof(sa)); if (Config.Sockaddr.http && sa.s_addr == any_addr.s_addr) memcpy(&sa, &Config.Sockaddr.http->s.sin_addr, sizeof(sa)); #if USE_SSL if (Config.Sockaddr.https && sa.s_addr == any_addr.s_addr) memcpy(&sa, &Config.Sockaddr.https->http.s.sin_addr, sizeof(sa)); #endif /* * If the first http_port address has a specific address, try a * reverse DNS lookup on it. */ if (sa.s_addr != any_addr.s_addr) { h = gethostbyaddr((char *) &sa, sizeof(sa), AF_INET); if (h != NULL) { /* DNS lookup successful */ /* use the official name from DNS lookup */ xstrncpy(host, h->h_name, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN); debug(50, 4) ("getMyHostname: resolved %s to '%s'\n", inet_ntoa(sa), host); present = 1; if (strchr(host, '.')) return host; } debug(50, 1) ("WARNING: failed to resolve %s to a fully qualified hostname\n", inet_ntoa(sa)); } /* * Get the host name and store it in host to return */ if (gethostname(host, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN) < 0) { debug(50, 1) ("WARNING: gethostname failed: %s\n", xstrerror()); } else if ((h = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL) { debug(50, 1) ("WARNING: gethostbyname failed for %s\n", host); } else { debug(50, 6) ("getMyHostname: '%s' resolved into '%s'\n", host, h->h_name); /* DNS lookup successful */ /* use the official name from DNS lookup */ xstrncpy(host, h->h_name, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN); present = 1; if (strchr(host, '.')) return host; } if (opt_send_signal == -1) fatal("Could not determine fully qualified hostname. Please set 'visible_hostname'\n"); else return ("localhost"); return NULL; /* keep compiler happy */ } const char * uniqueHostname(void) { return Config.uniqueHostname ? Config.uniqueHostname : getMyHostname(); } void safeunlink(const char *s, int quiet) { statCounter.syscalls.disk.unlinks++; if (unlink(s) < 0 && !quiet) debug(50, 1) ("safeunlink: Couldn't delete %s: %s\n", s, xstrerror()); } /* Should get called after any operation which may make the OS disable core dumps */ void enableCoredumps(void) { if (!Config.coredump_dir) return; if (strcmp(Config.coredump_dir, "none") == 0) return; #if HAVE_PRCTL && defined(PR_SET_DUMPABLE) /* Set Linux DUMPABLE flag */ if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0) != 0) debug(50, 2) ("prctl: %s\n", xstrerror()); #endif #if HAVE_SETRLIMIT && defined(RLIMIT_CORE) /* Make sure coredumps are not limited */ { struct rlimit rlim; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim) == 0) { rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max; setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim); } } #endif } /* leave a privilegied section. (Give up any privilegies) * Routines that need privilegies can rap themselves in enter_suid() * and leave_suid() * To give upp all posibilites to gain privilegies use no_suid() */ void leave_suid(void) { debug(21, 3) ("leave_suid: PID %d called\n", (int) getpid()); if (Config.effectiveGroup) { #if HAVE_SETGROUPS setgroups(1, &Config2.effectiveGroupID); #endif if (setgid(Config2.effectiveGroupID) < 0) debug(50, 0) ("ALERT: setgid: %s\n", xstrerror()); } if (geteuid() != 0) return; /* Started as a root, check suid option */ if (Config.effectiveUser == NULL) return; debug(21, 3) ("leave_suid: PID %d giving up root, becoming '%s'\n", (int) getpid(), Config.effectiveUser); if (!Config.effectiveGroup) { if (setgid(Config2.effectiveGroupID) < 0) debug(50, 0) ("ALERT: setgid: %s\n", xstrerror()); if (initgroups(Config.effectiveUser, Config2.effectiveGroupID) < 0) { debug(50, 0) ("ALERT: initgroups: unable to set groups for User %s " "and Group %u", Config.effectiveUser, (unsigned) Config2.effectiveGroupID); } } #if HAVE_SETRESUID if (setresuid(Config2.effectiveUserID, Config2.effectiveUserID, 0) < 0) debug(50, 0) ("ALERT: setresuid: %s\n", xstrerror()); #elif HAVE_SETEUID if (seteuid(Config2.effectiveUserID) < 0) debug(50, 0) ("ALERT: seteuid: %s\n", xstrerror()); #else if (setuid(Config2.effectiveUserID) < 0) debug(50, 0) ("ALERT: setuid: %s\n", xstrerror()); #endif restoreCapabilities(1); /* Changing user ID usually blocks core dumps. Get them back! */ enableCoredumps(); } /* Enter a privilegied section */ void enter_suid(void) { debug(21, 3) ("enter_suid: PID %d taking root priveleges\n", (int) getpid()); #if HAVE_SETRESUID setresuid(-1, 0, -1); #else setuid(0); #endif enableCoredumps(); } /* Give up the posibility to gain privilegies. * this should be used before starting a sub process */ void no_suid(void) { uid_t uid; leave_suid(); uid = geteuid(); debug(21, 3) ("no_suid: PID %d giving up root priveleges forever\n", (int) getpid()); setuid(0); if (setuid(uid) < 0) debug(50, 1) ("no_suid: setuid: %s\n", xstrerror()); restoreCapabilities(0); enableCoredumps(); } void writePidFile(void) { int fd; const char *f = NULL; mode_t old_umask; char buf[32]; if ((f = Config.pidFilename) == NULL) return; if (!strcmp(Config.pidFilename, "none")) return; enter_suid(); old_umask = umask(022); fd = file_open(f, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_TEXT); umask(old_umask); leave_suid(); if (fd < 0) { debug(50, 0) ("%s: %s\n", f, xstrerror()); debug_trap("Could not write pid file"); return; } snprintf(buf, 32, "%d\n", (int) getpid()); FD_WRITE_METHOD(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); file_close(fd); } pid_t readPidFile(void) { FILE *pid_fp = NULL; const char *f = Config.pidFilename; char *chroot_f = NULL; pid_t pid = -1; int i; if (f == NULL || !strcmp(Config.pidFilename, "none")) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: No pid file name defined\n", appname); exit(1); } if (Config.chroot_dir && geteuid() == 0) { int len = strlen(Config.chroot_dir) + 1 + strlen(f) + 1; chroot_f = xmalloc(len); snprintf(chroot_f, len, "%s/%s", Config.chroot_dir, f); f = chroot_f; } pid_fp = fopen(f, "r"); if (pid_fp != NULL) { pid = 0; if (fscanf(pid_fp, "%d", &i) == 1) pid = (pid_t) i; fclose(pid_fp); } else { if (errno != ENOENT) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: Could not read pid file\n", appname); fprintf(stderr, "\t%s: %s\n", f, xstrerror()); exit(1); } } safe_free(chroot_f); return pid; } void setMaxFD(void) { #if HAVE_SETRLIMIT /* try to use as many file descriptors as possible */ /* System V uses RLIMIT_NOFILE and BSD uses RLIMIT_OFILE */ struct rlimit rl; #if !defined(_SQUID_CYGWIN_) #if defined(RLIMIT_NOFILE) if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) < 0) { debug(50, 0) ("setrlimit: RLIMIT_NOFILE: %s\n", xstrerror()); } else { rl.rlim_cur = Squid_MaxFD; if (rl.rlim_cur > rl.rlim_max) Squid_MaxFD = rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_max; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) < 0) { snprintf(tmp_error_buf, ERROR_BUF_SZ, "setrlimit: RLIMIT_NOFILE: %s", xstrerror()); fatal_dump(tmp_error_buf); } } #elif defined(RLIMIT_OFILE) if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_OFILE, &rl) < 0) { debug(50, 0) ("setrlimit: RLIMIT_NOFILE: %s\n", xstrerror()); } else { rl.rlim_cur = Squid_MaxFD; if (rl.rlim_cur > rl.rlim_max) Squid_MaxFD = rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_max; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_OFILE, &rl) < 0) { snprintf(tmp_error_buf, ERROR_BUF_SZ, "setrlimit: RLIMIT_OFILE: %s", xstrerror()); fatal_dump(tmp_error_buf); } } #endif #endif #else /* HAVE_SETRLIMIT */ debug(21, 1) ("setMaxFD: Cannot increase: setrlimit() not supported on this system\n"); #endif /* HAVE_SETRLIMIT */ #if HAVE_SETRLIMIT && defined(RLIMIT_DATA) if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA, &rl) < 0) { debug(50, 0) ("getrlimit: RLIMIT_DATA: %s\n", xstrerror()); } else if (rl.rlim_max > rl.rlim_cur) { rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_max; /* set it to the max */ if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA, &rl) < 0) { snprintf(tmp_error_buf, ERROR_BUF_SZ, "setrlimit: RLIMIT_DATA: %s", xstrerror()); fatal_dump(tmp_error_buf); } } #endif /* RLIMIT_DATA */ #if HAVE_SETRLIMIT && defined(RLIMIT_VMEM) if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_VMEM, &rl) < 0) { debug(50, 0) ("getrlimit: RLIMIT_VMEM: %s\n", xstrerror()); } else if (rl.rlim_max > rl.rlim_cur) { rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_max; /* set it to the max */ if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_VMEM, &rl) < 0) { snprintf(tmp_error_buf, ERROR_BUF_SZ, "setrlimit: RLIMIT_VMEM: %s", xstrerror()); fatal_dump(tmp_error_buf); } } #endif /* RLIMIT_VMEM */ } time_t getCurrentTime(void) { #if GETTIMEOFDAY_NO_TZP gettimeofday(¤t_time); #else gettimeofday(¤t_time, NULL); #endif current_dtime = (double) current_time.tv_sec + (double) current_time.tv_usec / 1000000.0; return squid_curtime = current_time.tv_sec; } int percent(int a, int b) { return b ? ((int) (100.0 * a / b + 0.5)) : 0; } double dpercent(double a, double b) { return b ? (100.0 * a / b) : 0.0; } void squid_signal(int sig, SIGHDLR * func, int flags) { #if HAVE_SIGACTION struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = func; sa.sa_flags = flags; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); if (sigaction(sig, &sa, NULL) < 0) debug(50, 0) ("sigaction: sig=%d func=%p: %s\n", sig, func, xstrerror()); #else #ifdef _SQUID_MSWIN_ /* * On Windows, only SIGINT, SIGILL, SIGFPE, SIGTERM, SIGBREAK, SIGABRT and SIGSEGV * signals are supported, so we must care of don't call signal() for other value. * The SIGILL, SIGSEGV, and SIGTERM signals are not generated under Windows. They * are defined only for ANSI compatibility, so both SIGSEGV and SIGBUS are emulated * with an Exception Handler. */ switch (sig) { case SIGINT: case SIGILL: case SIGFPE: case SIGTERM: case SIGBREAK: case SIGABRT: break; case SIGSEGV: WIN32_ExceptionHandlerInit(); break; case SIGBUS: WIN32_ExceptionHandlerInit(); return; break; /* Not reached */ default: return; break; /* Not reached */ } #endif /* _SQUID_MSWIN_ */ signal(sig, func); #endif } struct in_addr inaddrFromHostent(const struct hostent *hp) { struct in_addr s; xmemcpy(&s.s_addr, hp->h_addr, sizeof(s.s_addr)); return s; } double doubleAverage(double cur, double new, int N, int max) { if (N > max) N = max; return (cur * (N - 1.0) + new) / N; } int intAverage(int cur, int new, int n, int max) { if (n > max) n = max; return (cur * (n - 1) + new) / n; } void logsFlush(void) { if (debug_log) fflush(debug_log); } const char * checkNullString(const char *p) { return p ? p : "(NULL)"; } dlink_node * dlinkNodeNew() { if (dlink_node_pool == NULL) dlink_node_pool = memPoolCreate("Dlink list nodes", sizeof(dlink_node)); /* where should we call memPoolDestroy(dlink_node_pool); */ return memPoolAlloc(dlink_node_pool); } /* the node needs to be unlinked FIRST */ void dlinkNodeDelete(dlink_node * m) { if (m == NULL) return; memPoolFree(dlink_node_pool, m); } void dlinkAdd(void *data, dlink_node * m, dlink_list * list) { m->data = data; m->prev = NULL; m->next = list->head; if (list->head) list->head->prev = m; list->head = m; if (list->tail == NULL) list->tail = m; } void dlinkAddTail(void *data, dlink_node * m, dlink_list * list) { m->data = data; m->next = NULL; m->prev = list->tail; if (list->tail) list->tail->next = m; list->tail = m; if (list->head == NULL) list->head = m; } void dlinkDelete(dlink_node * m, dlink_list * list) { if (m->next) m->next->prev = m->prev; if (m->prev) m->prev->next = m->next; if (m == list->head) list->head = m->next; if (m == list->tail) list->tail = m->prev; m->next = m->prev = NULL; } void kb_incr(kb_t * k, squid_off_t v) { k->bytes += v; k->kb += (k->bytes >> 10); k->bytes &= 0x3FF; if (k->kb < 0) { /* * If kb overflows and becomes negative then add powers of * 2 until it becomes positive again. */ kb_t x; x.kb = 1L << 31; while (x.kb && ((k->kb + x.kb) < 0)) { x.kb <<= 1; } k->kb += x.kb; } } void gb_flush(gb_t * g) { g->gb += (g->bytes >> 30); g->bytes &= (1 << 30) - 1; } double gb_to_double(const gb_t * g) { return ((double) g->gb) * ((double) (1 << 30)) + ((double) g->bytes); } const char * gb_to_str(const gb_t * g) { /* * it is often convenient to call gb_to_str several times for _one_ printf */ #define max_cc_calls 5 typedef char GbBuf[32]; static GbBuf bufs[max_cc_calls]; static int call_id = 0; double value = gb_to_double(g); char *buf = bufs[call_id++]; if (call_id >= max_cc_calls) call_id = 0; /* select format */ if (value < 1e9) snprintf(buf, sizeof(GbBuf), "%.2f MB", value / 1e6); else if (value < 1e12) snprintf(buf, sizeof(GbBuf), "%.2f GB", value / 1e9); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(GbBuf), "%.2f TB", value / 1e12); return buf; } void debugObj(int section, int level, const char *label, void *obj, ObjPackMethod pm) { MemBuf mb; Packer p; assert(label && obj && pm); memBufDefInit(&mb); packerToMemInit(&p, &mb); (*pm) (obj, &p); debug(section, level) ("%s%s", label, mb.buf); packerClean(&p); memBufClean(&mb); } int stringHasWhitespace(const char *s) { return strpbrk(s, w_space) != NULL; } void linklistPush(link_list ** L, void *p) { link_list *l = memAllocate(MEM_LINK_LIST); l->next = NULL; l->ptr = p; while (*L) L = &(*L)->next; *L = l; } void * linklistShift(link_list ** L) { void *p; link_list *l; if (NULL == *L) return NULL; l = *L; p = l->ptr; *L = (*L)->next; memFree(l, MEM_LINK_LIST); return p; } /* * Same as rename(2) but complains if something goes wrong; * the caller is responsible for handing and explaining the * consequences of errors. */ int xrename(const char *from, const char *to) { debug(21, 2) ("xrename: renaming %s to %s\n", from, to); #if defined(_SQUID_OS2_) || defined(_SQUID_WIN32_) remove(to); #endif if (0 == rename(from, to)) return 0; debug(21, errno == ENOENT ? 2 : 1) ("xrename: Cannot rename %s to %s: %s\n", from, to, xstrerror()); return -1; } int stringHasCntl(const char *s) { unsigned char c; while ((c = (unsigned char) *s++) != '\0') { if (c <= 0x1f) return 1; if (c >= 0x7f && c <= 0x9f) return 1; } return 0; } /* * isPowTen returns true if its argument is an integer power of * 10. Its used for logging of certain error messages that can * occur often, but that we don't want to fill cache.log with. */ int isPowTen(int count) { double x = log(count) / log(10.0); if (0.0 != x - (double) (int) x) return 0; return 1; } void parseEtcHosts(void) { FILE *fp; char buf[1024]; char buf2[512]; char *nt = buf; char *lt = buf; if (NULL == Config.etcHostsPath) return; if (0 == strcmp(Config.etcHostsPath, "none")) return; fp = fopen(Config.etcHostsPath, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { debug(1, 1) ("parseEtcHosts: %s: %s\n", Config.etcHostsPath, xstrerror()); return; } #ifdef _SQUID_WIN32_ setmode(fileno(fp), O_TEXT); #endif while (fgets(buf, 1024, fp)) { /* for each line */ wordlist *hosts = NULL; char *addr; if (buf[0] == '#') /* MS-windows likes to add comments */ continue; strtok(buf, "#"); /* chop everything following a comment marker */ lt = buf; addr = buf; debug(1, 5) ("etc_hosts: line is '%s'\n", buf); nt = strpbrk(lt, w_space); if (nt == NULL) /* empty line */ continue; *nt = '\0'; /* null-terminate the address */ debug(1, 5) ("etc_hosts: address is '%s'\n", addr); lt = nt + 1; while ((nt = strpbrk(lt, w_space))) { char *host = NULL; if (nt == lt) { /* multiple spaces */ debug(1, 5) ("etc_hosts: multiple spaces, skipping\n"); lt = nt + 1; continue; } *nt = '\0'; debug(1, 5) ("etc_hosts: got hostname '%s'\n", lt); if (Config.appendDomain && !strchr(lt, '.')) { /* I know it's ugly, but it's only at reconfig */ strncpy(buf2, lt, 512); strncat(buf2, Config.appendDomain, 512 - strlen(lt) - 1); host = buf2; } else { host = lt; } if (ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts(host, addr) != 0) goto skip; /* invalid address, continuing is useless */ wordlistAdd(&hosts, host); lt = nt + 1; } fqdncacheAddEntryFromHosts(addr, hosts); skip: wordlistDestroy(&hosts); } fclose(fp); } /* * Similar to strtok, but has some rudimentary knowledge * of quoting */ char * strwordtok(char *buf, char **t) { unsigned char *word = NULL; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) buf; unsigned char *d; unsigned char ch; int quoted = 0; if (!p) p = (unsigned char *) *t; if (!p) goto error; while (*p && xisspace(*p)) p++; if (!*p) goto error; word = d = p; while ((ch = *p)) { switch (ch) { case '\\': p++; switch (*p) { case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; default: ch = *p; break; } *d++ = ch; if (ch) p++; break; case '"': quoted = !quoted; p++; break; default: if (!quoted && xisspace(*p)) { p++; goto done; } *d++ = *p++; break; } } done: *d++ = '\0'; error: *t = (char *) p; return (char *) word; } /* * Inverse of strwordtok. Quotes a word if needed */ void strwordquote(MemBuf * mb, const char *str) { int quoted = 0; if (strchr(str, ' ')) { quoted = 1; memBufAppend(mb, "\"", 1); } while (*str) { int l = strcspn(str, "\"\\"); memBufAppend(mb, str, l); str += l; switch (*str) { case '\n': memBufAppend(mb, "\\n", 2); str++; break; case '\r': memBufAppend(mb, "\\r", 2); str++; break; case '\0': break; default: memBufAppend(mb, "\\", 1); memBufAppend(mb, str, 1); str++; break; } } if (quoted) memBufAppend(mb, "\"", 1); } int getMyPort(void) { if (Config.Sockaddr.http) return ntohs(Config.Sockaddr.http->s.sin_port); #if USE_SSL if (Config.Sockaddr.https) return ntohs(Config.Sockaddr.https->http.s.sin_port); #endif fatal("No port defined"); return 0; /* NOT REACHED */ } /* * Set the umask to at least the given mask. This is in addition * to the umask set at startup */ void setUmask(mode_t mask) { static mode_t orig_umask = (mode_t) ~ 0; if (orig_umask == (mode_t) ~ 0) { /* Unfortunately, there is no way to get the current * umask value without setting it. */ orig_umask = umask(mask); } umask(mask | orig_umask); } /* * xusleep, as usleep but accepts longer pauses */ int xusleep(unsigned int usec) { /* XXX emulation of usleep() */ struct timeval sl; sl.tv_sec = usec / 1000000; sl.tv_usec = usec % 1000000; return select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &sl); } void keepCapabilities(void) { #if HAVE_PRCTL && defined(PR_SET_KEEPCAPS) && USE_LIBCAP if (prctl(PR_SET_KEEPCAPS, 1, 0, 0, 0)) { /* Silent failure unless TPROXY is required. Maybe not started as root */ #if LINUX_TPROXY if (need_linux_tproxy) debug(1, 1) ("Error - tproxy support requires capability setting which has failed. Continuing without tproxy support\n"); need_linux_tproxy = 0; #endif } #endif } static void restoreCapabilities(int keep) { #if USE_LIBCAP cap_t caps; if (keep) caps = cap_get_proc(); else caps = cap_init(); if (!caps) { #if LINUX_TPROXY if (need_linux_tproxy) debug(50, 1) ("Error enabling needed capabilities. Will continue without tproxy support\n"); need_linux_tproxy = 0; #endif } else { int ncaps = 0; int rc = 0; cap_value_t cap_list[10]; cap_list[ncaps++] = CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE; #if LINUX_TPROXY if (need_linux_tproxy) { cap_list[ncaps++] = CAP_NET_ADMIN; cap_list[ncaps++] = CAP_NET_BROADCAST; } #endif cap_clear_flag(caps, CAP_EFFECTIVE); rc |= cap_set_flag(caps, CAP_EFFECTIVE, ncaps, cap_list, CAP_SET); rc |= cap_set_flag(caps, CAP_PERMITTED, ncaps, cap_list, CAP_SET); if (rc || cap_set_proc(caps) != 0) { /* Silent failure unless TPROXY is required */ #if LINUX_TPROXY if (need_linux_tproxy) debug(50, 1) ("Error enabling needed capabilities. Will continue without tproxy support\n"); need_linux_tproxy = 0; #endif } } #else /* !USE_LIBCAP */ #if LINUX_TPROXY if (need_linux_tproxy) debug(50, 1) ("Missing needed capability support. Will continue without tproxy support\n"); need_linux_tproxy = 0; #endif #endif }