/* * $Id: peer_digest.c,v 2008/04/21 02:28:41 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 72 Peer Digest Routines * AUTHOR: Alex Rousskov * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" #if USE_CACHE_DIGESTS /* local types */ /* local prototypes */ static time_t peerDigestIncDelay(const PeerDigest * pd); static time_t peerDigestNewDelay(const StoreEntry * e); static void peerDigestSetCheck(PeerDigest * pd, time_t delay); static void peerDigestClean(PeerDigest *); static EVH peerDigestCheck; static void peerDigestRequest(PeerDigest * pd); static STCB peerDigestFetchReply; static STCB peerDigestSwapInHeaders; static STCB peerDigestSwapInCBlock; static STCB peerDigestSwapInMask; static int peerDigestFetchedEnough(DigestFetchState * fetch, ssize_t size, const char *step_name); static void peerDigestFetchStop(DigestFetchState * fetch, const char *reason); static void peerDigestFetchAbort(DigestFetchState * fetch, const char *reason); static void peerDigestReqFinish(DigestFetchState * fetch, int, int, int, const char *reason, int err); static void peerDigestPDFinish(DigestFetchState * fetch, int pcb_valid, int err); static void peerDigestFetchFinish(DigestFetchState * fetch, int err); static void peerDigestFetchSetStats(DigestFetchState * fetch); static int peerDigestSetCBlock(PeerDigest * pd, const char *buf); static int peerDigestUseful(const PeerDigest * pd); /* local constants */ #define StoreDigestCBlockSize sizeof(StoreDigestCBlock) /* min interval for requesting digests from a given peer */ static const time_t PeerDigestReqMinGap = 5 * 60; /* seconds */ /* min interval for requesting digests (cumulative request stream) */ static const time_t GlobDigestReqMinGap = 1 * 60; /* seconds */ /* local vars */ static time_t pd_last_req_time = 0; /* last call to Check */ /* initialize peer digest */ static void peerDigestInit(PeerDigest * pd, peer * p) { assert(pd && p); memset(pd, 0, sizeof(*pd)); pd->peer = p; /* if peer disappears, we will know it's name */ stringInit(&pd->host, p->host); pd->times.initialized = squid_curtime; } static void peerDigestClean(PeerDigest * pd) { assert(pd); if (pd->cd) cacheDigestDestroy(pd->cd); stringClean(&pd->host); } CBDATA_TYPE(PeerDigest); /* allocate new peer digest, call Init, and lock everything */ PeerDigest * peerDigestCreate(peer * p) { PeerDigest *pd; assert(p); CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(PeerDigest); pd = cbdataAlloc(PeerDigest); peerDigestInit(pd, p); cbdataLock(pd->peer); /* we will use the peer */ return pd; } /* call Clean and free/unlock everything */ static void peerDigestDestroy(PeerDigest * pd) { peer *p; assert(pd); p = pd->peer; pd->peer = NULL; /* inform peer (if any) that we are gone */ if (cbdataValid(p)) peerNoteDigestGone(p); cbdataUnlock(p); /* must unlock, valid or not */ peerDigestClean(pd); cbdataFree(pd); } /* called by peer to indicate that somebody actually needs this digest */ void peerDigestNeeded(PeerDigest * pd) { assert(pd); assert(!pd->flags.needed); assert(!pd->cd); pd->flags.needed = 1; pd->times.needed = squid_curtime; peerDigestSetCheck(pd, 0); /* check asap */ } /* currently we do not have a reason to disable without destroying */ #if FUTURE_CODE /* disables peer for good */ static void peerDigestDisable(PeerDigest * pd) { debug(72, 2) ("peerDigestDisable: peer %s disabled for good\n", strBuf(pd->host)); pd->times.disabled = squid_curtime; pd->times.next_check = -1; /* never */ pd->flags.usable = 0; if (pd->cd) { cacheDigestDestroy(pd->cd); pd->cd = NULL; } /* we do not destroy the pd itself to preserve its "history" and stats */ } #endif /* increment retry delay [after an unsuccessful attempt] */ static time_t peerDigestIncDelay(const PeerDigest * pd) { assert(pd); return pd->times.retry_delay > 0 ? 2 * pd->times.retry_delay : /* exponential backoff */ PeerDigestReqMinGap; /* minimal delay */ } /* artificially increases Expires: setting to avoid race conditions * returns the delay till that [increased] expiration time */ static time_t peerDigestNewDelay(const StoreEntry * e) { assert(e); if (e->expires > 0) return e->expires + PeerDigestReqMinGap - squid_curtime; return PeerDigestReqMinGap; } /* registers next digest verification */ static void peerDigestSetCheck(PeerDigest * pd, time_t delay) { eventAdd("peerDigestCheck", peerDigestCheck, pd, (double) delay, 1); pd->times.next_check = squid_curtime + delay; debug(72, 3) ("peerDigestSetCheck: will check peer %s in %d secs\n", strBuf(pd->host), (int) delay); } /* * called when peer is about to disappear or have already disappeared */ void peerDigestNotePeerGone(PeerDigest * pd) { if (pd->flags.requested) { debug(72, 2) ("peerDigest: peer %s gone, will destroy after fetch.\n", strBuf(pd->host)); /* do nothing now, the fetching chain will notice and take action */ } else { debug(72, 2) ("peerDigest: peer %s is gone, destroying now.\n", strBuf(pd->host)); peerDigestDestroy(pd); } } /* callback for eventAdd() (with peer digest locked) * request new digest if our copy is too old or if we lack one; * schedule next check otherwise */ static void peerDigestCheck(void *data) { PeerDigest *pd = data; time_t req_time; /* * you can't assert(cbdataValid(pd)) -- if its not valid this * function never gets called */ assert(!pd->flags.requested); pd->times.next_check = 0; /* unknown */ if (!cbdataValid(pd->peer)) { peerDigestNotePeerGone(pd); return; } debug(72, 3) ("peerDigestCheck: peer %s:%d\n", pd->peer->host, pd->peer->http_port); debug(72, 3) ("peerDigestCheck: time: %ld, last received: %ld (%+d)\n", (long int) squid_curtime, (long int) pd->times.received, (int) (squid_curtime - pd->times.received)); /* decide when we should send the request: * request now unless too close to other requests */ req_time = squid_curtime; /* per-peer limit */ if (req_time - pd->times.received < PeerDigestReqMinGap) { debug(72, 2) ("peerDigestCheck: %s, avoiding close peer requests (%d < %d secs).\n", strBuf(pd->host), (int) (req_time - pd->times.received), (int) PeerDigestReqMinGap); req_time = pd->times.received + PeerDigestReqMinGap; } /* global limit */ if (req_time - pd_last_req_time < GlobDigestReqMinGap) { debug(72, 2) ("peerDigestCheck: %s, avoiding close requests (%d < %d secs).\n", strBuf(pd->host), (int) (req_time - pd_last_req_time), (int) GlobDigestReqMinGap); req_time = pd_last_req_time + GlobDigestReqMinGap; } if (req_time <= squid_curtime) peerDigestRequest(pd); /* will set pd->flags.requested */ else peerDigestSetCheck(pd, req_time - squid_curtime); } CBDATA_TYPE(DigestFetchState); /* ask store for a digest */ static void peerDigestRequest(PeerDigest * pd) { peer *p = pd->peer; StoreEntry *e, *old_e; char *url; const cache_key *key; request_t *req; DigestFetchState *fetch = NULL; pd->req_result = NULL; pd->flags.requested = 1; /* compute future request components */ if (p->digest_url) url = xstrdup(p->digest_url); else url = internalRemoteUri(p->host, p->http_port, "/squid-internal-periodic/", StoreDigestFileName); req = urlParse(METHOD_GET, url); assert(req); key = storeKeyPublicByRequest(req); debug(72, 2) ("peerDigestRequest: %s key: %s\n", url, storeKeyText(key)); /* add custom headers */ assert(!req->header.len); httpHeaderPutStr(&req->header, HDR_ACCEPT, StoreDigestMimeStr); httpHeaderPutStr(&req->header, HDR_ACCEPT, "text/html"); if (p->login) xstrncpy(req->login, p->login, MAX_LOGIN_SZ); /* create fetch state structure */ CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(DigestFetchState); fetch = cbdataAlloc(DigestFetchState); fetch->request = requestLink(req); fetch->pd = pd; fetch->offset = 0; /* update timestamps */ fetch->start_time = squid_curtime; pd->times.requested = squid_curtime; pd_last_req_time = squid_curtime; req->flags.cachable = 1; /* the rest is based on clientProcessExpired() */ req->flags.refresh = 1; old_e = fetch->old_entry = storeGet(key); if (old_e) { debug(72, 5) ("peerDigestRequest: found old entry\n"); storeLockObject(old_e); storeCreateMemObject(old_e, url, url); fetch->old_sc = storeClientRegister(old_e, fetch); } e = fetch->entry = storeCreateEntry(url, url, req->flags, req->method); assert(EBIT_TEST(e->flags, KEY_PRIVATE)); fetch->sc = storeClientRegister(e, fetch); /* set lastmod to trigger IMS request if possible */ if (old_e) e->lastmod = old_e->lastmod; /* push towards peer cache */ debug(72, 3) ("peerDigestRequest: forwarding to fwdStart...\n"); fwdStart(-1, e, req); cbdataLock(fetch->pd); fetch->buf = memAllocate(MEM_4K_BUF); storeClientCopy(fetch->sc, e, 0, 0, 4096, fetch->buf, peerDigestFetchReply, fetch); } /* wait for full http headers to be received then parse them */ static void peerDigestFetchReply(void *data, char *buf, ssize_t size) { DigestFetchState *fetch = data; PeerDigest *pd = fetch->pd; size_t hdr_size; assert(pd && buf); if (peerDigestFetchedEnough(fetch, size, "peerDigestFetchReply")) return; fetch->buf_used += size; fetch->offset += size; if ((hdr_size = headersEnd(fetch->buf, fetch->buf_used))) { http_status status; HttpReply *reply = fetch->entry->mem_obj->reply; assert(reply); httpReplyParse(reply, fetch->buf, hdr_size); status = reply->sline.status; debug(72, 3) ("peerDigestFetchReply: %s status: %d, expires: %ld (%+d)\n", strBuf(pd->host), status, (long int) reply->expires, (int) (reply->expires - squid_curtime)); /* this "if" is based on clientHandleIMSReply() */ if (status == HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) { request_t *r = NULL; /* our old entry is fine */ assert(fetch->old_entry); if (!fetch->old_entry->mem_obj->request) fetch->old_entry->mem_obj->request = r = requestLink(fetch->entry->mem_obj->request); assert(fetch->old_entry->mem_obj->request); httpReplyUpdateOnNotModified(fetch->old_entry->mem_obj->reply, reply); storeTimestampsSet(fetch->old_entry); /* get rid of 304 reply */ storeClientUnregister(fetch->sc, fetch->entry, fetch); storeUnlockObject(fetch->entry); /* And prepare to swap in old entry if needed */ fetch->entry = fetch->old_entry; fetch->old_entry = NULL; fetch->sc = fetch->old_sc; fetch->old_sc = NULL; /* preserve request -- we need its size to update counters */ /* requestUnlink(r); */ /* fetch->entry->mem_obj->request = NULL; */ } else if (status == HTTP_OK) { /* get rid of old entry if any */ if (fetch->old_entry) { debug(72, 3) ("peerDigestFetchReply: got new digest, releasing old one\n"); storeClientUnregister(fetch->old_sc, fetch->old_entry, fetch); storeReleaseRequest(fetch->old_entry); storeUnlockObject(fetch->old_entry); fetch->old_entry = NULL; } } else { /* some kind of a bug */ peerDigestFetchAbort(fetch, httpStatusLineReason(&reply->sline)); return; } /* must have a ready-to-use store entry if we got here */ /* can we stay with the old in-memory digest? */ if (status == HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED && fetch->pd->cd) peerDigestFetchStop(fetch, "Not modified"); else { fetch->offset = 0; fetch->buf_used = 0; storeClientCopy(fetch->sc, fetch->entry, /* have to swap in */ 0, 0, SM_PAGE_SIZE, fetch->buf, peerDigestSwapInHeaders, fetch); } } else { /* need more data, do we have space? */ if (fetch->buf_used >= SM_PAGE_SIZE) peerDigestFetchAbort(fetch, "reply header too big"); else storeClientCopy(fetch->sc, fetch->entry, fetch->offset, fetch->offset, SM_PAGE_SIZE - fetch->buf_used, fetch->buf + fetch->buf_used, peerDigestFetchReply, fetch); } } /* fetch headers from disk, pass on to SwapInCBlock */ static void peerDigestSwapInHeaders(void *data, char *buf, ssize_t size) { DigestFetchState *fetch = data; size_t hdr_size; if (peerDigestFetchedEnough(fetch, size, "peerDigestSwapInHeaders")) return; fetch->buf_used += size; fetch->offset += size; if ((hdr_size = headersEnd(fetch->buf, fetch->buf_used))) { assert(fetch->entry->mem_obj->reply); if (!fetch->entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.status) httpReplyParse(fetch->entry->mem_obj->reply, fetch->buf, hdr_size); if (fetch->entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.status != HTTP_OK) { debug(72, 1) ("peerDigestSwapInHeaders: %s status %d got cached!\n", strBuf(fetch->pd->host), fetch->entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.status); peerDigestFetchAbort(fetch, "internal status error"); return; } fetch->offset = hdr_size; fetch->buf_used = 0; storeClientCopy(fetch->sc, fetch->entry, fetch->offset, fetch->offset, SM_PAGE_SIZE, fetch->buf, peerDigestSwapInCBlock, fetch); } else { /* need more data, do we have space? */ if (fetch->buf_used >= SM_PAGE_SIZE) peerDigestFetchAbort(fetch, "stored header too big"); else storeClientCopy(fetch->sc, fetch->entry, fetch->offset, fetch->offset, SM_PAGE_SIZE - fetch->buf_used, fetch->buf + fetch->buf_used, peerDigestSwapInHeaders, fetch); } } static void peerDigestSwapInCBlock(void *data, char *buf, ssize_t size) { DigestFetchState *fetch = data; if (peerDigestFetchedEnough(fetch, size, "peerDigestSwapInCBlock")) return; fetch->buf_used += size; fetch->offset += size; if (fetch->buf_used >= StoreDigestCBlockSize) { PeerDigest *pd = fetch->pd; HttpReply *rep = fetch->entry->mem_obj->reply; assert(pd && rep); if (peerDigestSetCBlock(pd, fetch->buf)) { /* XXX: soon we will have variable header size */ fetch->offset -= fetch->buf_used - StoreDigestCBlockSize; /* switch to CD buffer and fetch digest guts */ memFree(fetch->buf, MEM_4K_BUF); fetch->buf = buf = NULL; fetch->buf_used = 0; assert(pd->cd->mask); storeClientCopy(fetch->sc, fetch->entry, fetch->offset, fetch->offset, pd->cd->mask_size, pd->cd->mask, peerDigestSwapInMask, fetch); } else { peerDigestFetchAbort(fetch, "invalid digest cblock"); } } else { /* need more data, do we have space? */ if (fetch->buf_used >= SM_PAGE_SIZE) peerDigestFetchAbort(fetch, "digest cblock too big"); else storeClientCopy(fetch->sc, fetch->entry, fetch->offset, fetch->offset, SM_PAGE_SIZE - fetch->buf_used, fetch->buf + fetch->buf_used, peerDigestSwapInCBlock, fetch); } } static void peerDigestSwapInMask(void *data, char *buf, ssize_t size) { DigestFetchState *fetch = data; PeerDigest *pd; /* NOTE! buf points to the middle of pd->cd->mask! */ if (peerDigestFetchedEnough(fetch, size, "peerDigestSwapInMask")) return; pd = fetch->pd; assert(pd->cd && pd->cd->mask); fetch->offset += size; fetch->mask_offset += size; if (fetch->mask_offset >= pd->cd->mask_size) { debug(72, 2) ("peerDigestSwapInMask: Done! Got %" PRINTF_OFF_T ", expected %d\n", fetch->mask_offset, pd->cd->mask_size); assert(fetch->mask_offset == pd->cd->mask_size); assert(peerDigestFetchedEnough(fetch, 0, "peerDigestSwapInMask")); } else { const size_t buf_sz = pd->cd->mask_size - fetch->mask_offset; assert(buf_sz > 0); storeClientCopy(fetch->sc, fetch->entry, fetch->offset, fetch->offset, buf_sz, pd->cd->mask + fetch->mask_offset, peerDigestSwapInMask, fetch); } } static int peerDigestFetchedEnough(DigestFetchState * fetch, ssize_t size, const char *step_name) { PeerDigest *pd = NULL; const char *host = ""; /* peer host */ const char *reason = NULL; /* reason for completion */ const char *no_bug = NULL; /* successful completion if set */ const int fcb_valid = cbdataValid(fetch); const int pdcb_valid = fcb_valid && cbdataValid(fetch->pd); const int pcb_valid = pdcb_valid && cbdataValid(fetch->pd->peer); /* test possible exiting conditions (the same for most steps!) * cases marked with '?!' should not happen */ if (!reason) { if (!fcb_valid) reason = "fetch aborted?!"; else if (!(pd = fetch->pd)) reason = "peer digest disappeared?!"; #if DONT else if (!cbdataValid(pd)) reason = "invalidated peer digest?!"; #endif else host = strBuf(pd->host); } debug(72, 6) ("%s: peer %s, offset: %" PRINTF_OFF_T " size: %d.\n", step_name, host, fcb_valid ? fetch->offset : (squid_off_t) - 1, (int) size); /* continue checking (with pd and host known and valid) */ if (!reason) { if (!cbdataValid(pd->peer)) reason = "peer disappeared"; else if (size < 0) reason = "swap failure"; else if (!fetch->entry) reason = "swap aborted?!"; else if (EBIT_TEST(fetch->entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) reason = "swap aborted"; } /* continue checking (maybe-successful eof case) */ if (!reason && !size) { if (!pd->cd) reason = "null digest?!"; else if (fetch->buf_used) reason = "premature end of digest header?!"; else if (fetch->mask_offset != pd->cd->mask_size) reason = "premature end of digest mask?!"; else if (!peerDigestUseful(pd)) reason = "useless digest"; else reason = no_bug = "success"; } /* finish if we have a reason */ if (reason) { const int level = strstr(reason, "?!") ? 1 : 3; debug(72, level) ("%s: peer %s, exiting after '%s'\n", step_name, host, reason); peerDigestReqFinish(fetch, fcb_valid, pdcb_valid, pcb_valid, reason, !no_bug); } else { /* paranoid check */ assert(fcb_valid && pdcb_valid && pcb_valid); } return reason != NULL; } /* call this when all callback data is valid and fetch must be stopped but * no error has occurred (e.g. we received 304 reply and reuse old digest) */ static void peerDigestFetchStop(DigestFetchState * fetch, const char *reason) { assert(reason); debug(72, 2) ("peerDigestFetchStop: peer %s, reason: %s\n", strBuf(fetch->pd->host), reason); peerDigestReqFinish(fetch, 1, 1, 1, reason, 0); } /* call this when all callback data is valid but something bad happened */ static void peerDigestFetchAbort(DigestFetchState * fetch, const char *reason) { assert(reason); debug(72, 2) ("peerDigestFetchAbort: peer %s, reason: %s\n", strBuf(fetch->pd->host), reason); peerDigestReqFinish(fetch, 1, 1, 1, reason, 1); } /* complete the digest transfer, update stats, unlock/release everything */ static void peerDigestReqFinish(DigestFetchState * fetch, int fcb_valid, int pdcb_valid, int pcb_valid, const char *reason, int err) { assert(reason); /* must go before peerDigestPDFinish */ if (pdcb_valid) { fetch->pd->flags.requested = 0; fetch->pd->req_result = reason; } /* schedule next check if peer is still out there */ if (pcb_valid) { PeerDigest *pd = fetch->pd; if (err) { pd->times.retry_delay = peerDigestIncDelay(pd); peerDigestSetCheck(pd, pd->times.retry_delay); } else { pd->times.retry_delay = 0; peerDigestSetCheck(pd, peerDigestNewDelay(fetch->entry)); } } /* note: order is significant */ if (fcb_valid) peerDigestFetchSetStats(fetch); if (pdcb_valid) peerDigestPDFinish(fetch, pcb_valid, err); if (fcb_valid) peerDigestFetchFinish(fetch, err); } /* destroys digest if peer disappeared * must be called only when fetch and pd cbdata are valid */ static void peerDigestPDFinish(DigestFetchState * fetch, int pcb_valid, int err) { PeerDigest *pd = fetch->pd; const char *host = strBuf(pd->host); pd->times.received = squid_curtime; pd->times.req_delay = fetch->resp_time; kb_incr(&pd->stats.sent.kbytes, (size_t) fetch->sent.bytes); kb_incr(&pd->stats.recv.kbytes, (size_t) fetch->recv.bytes); pd->stats.sent.msgs += fetch->sent.msg; pd->stats.recv.msgs += fetch->recv.msg; if (err) { debug(72, 1) ("%sdisabling (%s) digest from %s\n", pcb_valid ? "temporary " : "", pd->req_result, host); if (pd->cd) { cacheDigestDestroy(pd->cd); pd->cd = NULL; } pd->flags.usable = 0; if (!pcb_valid) peerDigestNotePeerGone(pd); } else { assert(pcb_valid); pd->flags.usable = 1; /* XXX: ugly condition, but how? */ if (fetch->entry->store_status == STORE_OK) debug(72, 2) ("re-used old digest from %s\n", host); else debug(72, 2) ("received valid digest from %s\n", host); } fetch->pd = NULL; cbdataUnlock(pd); } /* free fetch state structures * must be called only when fetch cbdata is valid */ static void peerDigestFetchFinish(DigestFetchState * fetch, int err) { assert(fetch->entry && fetch->request); if (fetch->old_entry) { debug(72, 2) ("peerDigestFetchFinish: deleting old entry\n"); storeClientUnregister(fetch->old_sc, fetch->old_entry, fetch); storeReleaseRequest(fetch->old_entry); storeUnlockObject(fetch->old_entry); fetch->old_entry = NULL; } /* update global stats */ kb_incr(&statCounter.cd.kbytes_sent, (size_t) fetch->sent.bytes); kb_incr(&statCounter.cd.kbytes_recv, (size_t) fetch->recv.bytes); statCounter.cd.msgs_sent += fetch->sent.msg; statCounter.cd.msgs_recv += fetch->recv.msg; /* unlock everything */ storeClientUnregister(fetch->sc, fetch->entry, fetch); storeUnlockObject(fetch->entry); requestUnlink(fetch->request); fetch->entry = NULL; fetch->request = NULL; assert(fetch->pd == NULL); if (fetch->buf) { memFree(fetch->buf, MEM_4K_BUF); fetch->buf = NULL; } cbdataFree(fetch); } /* calculate fetch stats after completion */ static void peerDigestFetchSetStats(DigestFetchState * fetch) { MemObject *mem; assert(fetch->entry && fetch->request); mem = fetch->entry->mem_obj; assert(mem); /* XXX: outgoing numbers are not precise */ /* XXX: we must distinguish between 304 hits and misses here */ fetch->sent.bytes = httpRequestPrefixLen(fetch->request); fetch->recv.bytes = fetch->entry->store_status == STORE_PENDING ? mem->inmem_hi : mem->object_sz; fetch->sent.msg = fetch->recv.msg = 1; fetch->expires = fetch->entry->expires; fetch->resp_time = squid_curtime - fetch->start_time; debug(72, 3) ("peerDigestFetchFinish: recv %d bytes in %d secs\n", fetch->recv.bytes, (int) fetch->resp_time); debug(72, 3) ("peerDigestFetchFinish: expires: %ld (%+d), lmt: %ld (%+d)\n", (long int) fetch->expires, (int) (fetch->expires - squid_curtime), (long int) fetch->entry->lastmod, (int) (fetch->entry->lastmod - squid_curtime)); } static int peerDigestSetCBlock(PeerDigest * pd, const char *buf) { StoreDigestCBlock cblock; int freed_size = 0; const char *host = strBuf(pd->host); xmemcpy(&cblock, buf, sizeof(cblock)); /* network -> host conversions */ cblock.ver.current = ntohs(cblock.ver.current); cblock.ver.required = ntohs(cblock.ver.required); cblock.capacity = ntohl(cblock.capacity); cblock.count = ntohl(cblock.count); cblock.del_count = ntohl(cblock.del_count); cblock.mask_size = ntohl(cblock.mask_size); debug(72, 2) ("got digest cblock from %s; ver: %d (req: %d)\n", host, (int) cblock.ver.current, (int) cblock.ver.required); debug(72, 2) ("\t size: %d bytes, e-cnt: %d, e-util: %d%%\n", cblock.mask_size, cblock.count, xpercentInt(cblock.count, cblock.capacity)); /* check version requirements (both ways) */ if (cblock.ver.required > CacheDigestVer.current) { debug(72, 1) ("%s digest requires version %d; have: %d\n", host, cblock.ver.required, CacheDigestVer.current); return 0; } if (cblock.ver.current < CacheDigestVer.required) { debug(72, 1) ("%s digest is version %d; we require: %d\n", host, cblock.ver.current, CacheDigestVer.required); return 0; } /* check consistency */ if (cblock.ver.required > cblock.ver.current || cblock.mask_size <= 0 || cblock.capacity <= 0 || cblock.bits_per_entry <= 0 || cblock.hash_func_count <= 0) { debug(72, 0) ("%s digest cblock is corrupted.\n", host); return 0; } /* check consistency further */ if (cblock.mask_size != cacheDigestCalcMaskSize(cblock.capacity, cblock.bits_per_entry)) { debug(72, 0) ("%s digest cblock is corrupted (mask size mismatch: %d ? %d).\n", host, cblock.mask_size, (int) cacheDigestCalcMaskSize(cblock.capacity, cblock.bits_per_entry)); return 0; } /* there are some things we cannot do yet */ if (cblock.hash_func_count != CacheDigestHashFuncCount) { debug(72, 0) ("%s digest: unsupported #hash functions: %d ? %d.\n", host, cblock.hash_func_count, CacheDigestHashFuncCount); return 0; } /* * no cblock bugs below this point */ /* check size changes */ if (pd->cd && cblock.mask_size != pd->cd->mask_size) { debug(72, 2) ("%s digest changed size: %d -> %d\n", host, cblock.mask_size, pd->cd->mask_size); freed_size = pd->cd->mask_size; cacheDigestDestroy(pd->cd); pd->cd = NULL; } if (!pd->cd) { debug(72, 2) ("creating %s digest; size: %d (%+d) bytes\n", host, cblock.mask_size, (int) (cblock.mask_size - freed_size)); pd->cd = cacheDigestCreate(cblock.capacity, cblock.bits_per_entry); if (cblock.mask_size >= freed_size) kb_incr(&statCounter.cd.memory, cblock.mask_size - freed_size); } assert(pd->cd); /* these assignments leave us in an inconsistent state until we finish reading the digest */ pd->cd->count = cblock.count; pd->cd->del_count = cblock.del_count; return 1; } static int peerDigestUseful(const PeerDigest * pd) { /* TODO: we should calculate the prob of a false hit instead of bit util */ const int bit_util = cacheDigestBitUtil(pd->cd); if (bit_util > 65) { debug(72, 0) ("Warning: %s peer digest has too many bits on (%d%%).\n", strBuf(pd->host), bit_util); return 0; } return 1; } static int saneDiff(time_t diff) { return abs(diff) > squid_curtime / 2 ? 0 : diff; } void peerDigestStatsReport(const PeerDigest * pd, StoreEntry * e) { #define f2s(flag) (pd->flags.flag ? "yes" : "no") #define appendTime(tm) storeAppendPrintf(e, "%s\t %10ld\t %+d\t %+d\n", \ ""#tm, (long int)pd->times.tm, \ saneDiff(pd->times.tm - squid_curtime), \ saneDiff(pd->times.tm - pd->times.initialized)) const char *host = pd ? strBuf(pd->host) : NULL; assert(pd); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\npeer digest from %s\n", host); cacheDigestGuessStatsReport(&pd->stats.guess, e, host); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\nevent\t timestamp\t secs from now\t secs from init\n"); appendTime(initialized); appendTime(needed); appendTime(requested); appendTime(received); appendTime(next_check); storeAppendPrintf(e, "peer digest state:\n"); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\tneeded: %3s, usable: %3s, requested: %3s\n", f2s(needed), f2s(usable), f2s(requested)); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\n\tlast retry delay: %d secs\n", (int) pd->times.retry_delay); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\tlast request response time: %d secs\n", (int) pd->times.req_delay); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\tlast request result: %s\n", pd->req_result ? pd->req_result : "(none)"); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\npeer digest traffic:\n"); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\trequests sent: %d, volume: %d KB\n", pd->stats.sent.msgs, (int) pd->stats.sent.kbytes.kb); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\treplies recv: %d, volume: %d KB\n", pd->stats.recv.msgs, (int) pd->stats.recv.kbytes.kb); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\npeer digest structure:\n"); if (pd->cd) cacheDigestReport(pd->cd, host, e); else storeAppendPrintf(e, "\tno in-memory copy\n"); } #endif