/* * $Id: errormap.c,v 1.2 2006/06/05 22:47:01 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section ?? Error Beautifier * AUTHOR: Henrik Nordstrom * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" static const char * getErrorMap(const errormap * map, const http_status status, const char *squid_error, const char *aclname) { while (map) { struct error_map_entry *m; for (m = map->map; m; m = m->next) { if (m->status == status) return map->url; if (squid_error && strcmp(m->value, squid_error) == 0) return map->url; if (aclname && strcmp(m->value, aclname) == 0) return map->url; } map = map->next; } return NULL; } static int client_header_identities[] = { HDR_USER_AGENT, HDR_COOKIE, HDR_X_FORWARDED_FOR, HDR_VIA, HDR_AUTHORIZATION, HDR_ACCEPT, HDR_REFERER }; HttpHeaderMask client_headers; static int server_header_identities[] = { HDR_VIA, HDR_SERVER, HDR_LOCATION, HDR_CONTENT_LOCATION }; HttpHeaderMask server_headers; typedef struct { request_t *req; StoreEntry *e; store_client *sc; ERRMAPCB *callback; void *callback_data; char *buf; } ErrorMapState; CBDATA_TYPE(ErrorMapState); static void errorMapFetchComplete(ErrorMapState * state) { storeClientUnregister(state->sc, state->e, state); state->sc = NULL; storeUnlockObject(state->e); state->e = NULL; requestUnlink(state->req); state->req = NULL; memFree(state->buf, MEM_4K_BUF); cbdataUnlock(state->callback_data); state->callback_data = NULL; cbdataFree(state); } static void errorMapFetchAbort(ErrorMapState * state) { if (cbdataValid(state->callback_data)) state->callback(NULL, -1, -1, state->callback_data); errorMapFetchComplete(state); } static void errorMapFetchHeaders(void *data, char *buf, ssize_t size) { ErrorMapState *state = data; size_t hdr_size; if (EBIT_TEST(state->e->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) goto abort; if (size == 0) goto abort; if (!cbdataValid(state->callback_data)) goto abort; if ((hdr_size = headersEnd(buf, size))) { http_status status; /* httpReplyParse(reply, buf, hdr_size); */ HttpReply *reply = state->e->mem_obj->reply; assert(reply); status = reply->sline.status; if (status != HTTP_OK) goto abort; /* Send object to caller (cbdataValid verified above) */ state->callback(state->e, hdr_size, httpHeaderGetSize(&reply->header, HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH), state->callback_data); errorMapFetchComplete(state); goto done; } if (size >= 4096) { /* Not enought space for reply headers */ goto abort; } /* Need more data */ storeClientCopy(state->sc, state->e, size, 0, 4096, state->buf, errorMapFetchHeaders, state); done: return; abort: errorMapFetchAbort(state); return; } int errorMapStart(const errormap * map, request_t * client_req, HttpReply * reply, const char *aclname, ERRMAPCB * callback, void *callback_data) { char squid_error[100]; int len = 0; const char *errorUrl; ErrorMapState *state; const char *tmp; http_status status; request_t *req; HttpHeaderPos hdrpos; HttpHeaderEntry *hdr; if (!client_req || !reply) return 0; status = reply->sline.status; tmp = httpHeaderGetStr(&reply->header, HDR_X_SQUID_ERROR); squid_error[0] = '\0'; if (tmp) { xstrncpy(squid_error, tmp, sizeof(squid_error)); len = strcspn(squid_error, " "); } squid_error[len] = '\0'; errorUrl = getErrorMap(map, status, squid_error, aclname); if (!errorUrl) return 0; req = urlParse(METHOD_GET, (char *) errorUrl); if (!req) { debug(0, 0) ("error_map: Invalid error URL '%s'\n", errorUrl); return 0; } req->urlgroup = xstrdup("error"); state = cbdataAlloc(ErrorMapState); state->req = requestLink(req); state->e = storeCreateEntry(errorUrl, errorUrl, req->flags, req->method); state->sc = storeClientRegister(state->e, state); state->callback = callback; state->callback_data = callback_data; cbdataLock(callback_data); hdrpos = HttpHeaderInitPos; while ((hdr = httpHeaderGetEntry(&client_req->header, &hdrpos)) != NULL) { if (CBIT_TEST(client_headers, hdr->id)) httpHeaderAddEntry(&req->header, httpHeaderEntryClone(hdr)); } hdrpos = HttpHeaderInitPos; while ((hdr = httpHeaderGetEntry(&reply->header, &hdrpos)) != NULL) { if (CBIT_TEST(server_headers, hdr->id)) httpHeaderAddEntry(&req->header, httpHeaderEntryClone(hdr)); } httpHeaderPutInt(&req->header, HDR_X_ERROR_STATUS, (int) reply->sline.status); httpHeaderPutStr(&req->header, HDR_X_REQUEST_URI, urlCanonical(client_req)); state->buf = memAllocate(MEM_4K_BUF); fwdStart(-1, state->e, req); storeClientCopy(state->sc, state->e, 0, 0, 4096, state->buf, errorMapFetchHeaders, state); return 1; } void errorMapInit(void) { CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(ErrorMapState); httpHeaderCalcMask(&client_headers, client_header_identities, sizeof(client_header_identities) / sizeof(*client_header_identities)); httpHeaderCalcMask(&server_headers, server_header_identities, sizeof(server_header_identities) / sizeof(*server_header_identities)); }