/* * $Id: comm.c,v 1.358.2.2 2008/06/27 21:11:59 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 5 Socket Functions * AUTHOR: Harvest Derived * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ /* On native Windows, squid_mswin.h needs to know when we are compiling * comm.c for the correct handling of FD<=>socket magic */ #define COMM_C #include "squid.h" #if defined(_SQUID_CYGWIN_) #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_TCP_H #include #endif typedef struct { char *host; u_short port; struct sockaddr_in S; CNCB *callback; void *data; struct in_addr in_addr; int fd; int tries; int addrcount; int connstart; } ConnectStateData; /* STATIC */ static int commBind(int s, struct in_addr, u_short port); static void commSetReuseAddr(int); static void commSetNoLinger(int); static void CommWriteStateCallbackAndFree(int fd, int code); #ifdef TCP_NODELAY static void commSetTcpNoDelay(int); #endif static void commSetTcpRcvbuf(int, int); static PF commConnectFree; static PF commConnectHandle; static PF commHandleWrite; static IPH commConnectDnsHandle; static void commConnectCallback(ConnectStateData * cs, int status); static int commResetFD(ConnectStateData * cs); static int commRetryConnect(ConnectStateData * cs); CBDATA_TYPE(ConnectStateData); static MemPool *comm_write_pool = NULL; static MemPool *conn_close_pool = NULL; static void CommWriteStateCallbackAndFree(int fd, int code) { CommWriteStateData *CommWriteState = &fd_table[fd].rwstate; CWCB *callback = NULL; void *data; if (!CommWriteState->valid) { return; } CommWriteState->valid = 0; if (CommWriteState->free_func) { FREE *free_func = CommWriteState->free_func; void *free_buf = CommWriteState->buf; CommWriteState->free_func = NULL; CommWriteState->buf = NULL; free_func(free_buf); } callback = CommWriteState->handler; data = CommWriteState->handler_data; CommWriteState->handler = NULL; CommWriteState->valid = 0; if (callback && cbdataValid(data)) callback(fd, CommWriteState->buf, CommWriteState->offset, code, data); cbdataUnlock(data); } /* Return the local port associated with fd. */ u_short comm_local_port(int fd) { struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t addr_len = 0; fde *F = &fd_table[fd]; /* If the fd is closed already, just return */ if (!F->flags.open) { debug(5, 0) ("comm_local_port: FD %d has been closed.\n", fd); return 0; } if (F->local_port) return F->local_port; addr_len = sizeof(addr); if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &addr_len)) { debug(5, 1) ("comm_local_port: Failed to retrieve TCP/UDP port number for socket: FD %d: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); return 0; } F->local_port = ntohs(addr.sin_port); debug(5, 6) ("comm_local_port: FD %d: port %d\n", fd, (int) F->local_port); return F->local_port; } static int commBind(int s, struct in_addr in_addr, u_short port) { struct sockaddr_in S; memset(&S, '\0', sizeof(S)); S.sin_family = AF_INET; S.sin_port = htons(port); S.sin_addr = in_addr; statCounter.syscalls.sock.binds++; if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &S, sizeof(S)) == 0) return COMM_OK; debug(5, 0) ("commBind: Cannot bind socket FD %d to %s:%d: %s\n", s, S.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY ? "*" : inet_ntoa(S.sin_addr), (int) port, xstrerror()); return COMM_ERROR; } /* Create a socket. Default is blocking, stream (TCP) socket. IO_TYPE * is OR of flags specified in comm.h. Defaults TOS */ int comm_open(int sock_type, int proto, struct in_addr addr, u_short port, int flags, const char *note) { return comm_openex(sock_type, proto, addr, port, flags, 0, note); } /* Create a socket. Default is blocking, stream (TCP) socket. IO_TYPE * is OR of flags specified in defines.h:COMM_* */ int comm_openex(int sock_type, int proto, struct in_addr addr, u_short port, int flags, unsigned char TOS, const char *note) { int new_socket; int tos = 0; fde *F = NULL; /* Create socket for accepting new connections. */ statCounter.syscalls.sock.sockets++; if ((new_socket = socket(AF_INET, sock_type, proto)) < 0) { /* Increase the number of reserved fd's if calls to socket() * are failing because the open file table is full. This * limits the number of simultaneous clients */ switch (errno) { case ENFILE: case EMFILE: debug(5, 1) ("comm_open: socket failure: %s\n", xstrerror()); fdAdjustReserved(); break; default: debug(5, 0) ("comm_open: socket failure: %s\n", xstrerror()); } return -1; } /* set TOS if needed */ if (TOS) { #ifdef IP_TOS tos = TOS; if (setsockopt(new_socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (char *) &tos, sizeof(int)) < 0) debug(5, 1) ("comm_open: setsockopt(IP_TOS) on FD %d: %s\n", new_socket, xstrerror()); #else debug(5, 0) ("comm_open: setsockopt(IP_TOS) not supported on this platform\n"); #endif } /* update fdstat */ debug(5, 5) ("comm_open: FD %d is a new socket\n", new_socket); fd_open(new_socket, FD_SOCKET, note); F = &fd_table[new_socket]; F->local_addr = addr; F->tos = tos; if (!(flags & COMM_NOCLOEXEC)) commSetCloseOnExec(new_socket); if ((flags & COMM_REUSEADDR)) commSetReuseAddr(new_socket); if (port > (u_short) 0) { #ifdef _SQUID_MSWIN_ if (sock_type != SOCK_DGRAM) #endif commSetNoLinger(new_socket); if (opt_reuseaddr) commSetReuseAddr(new_socket); } if (addr.s_addr != no_addr.s_addr) { if (commBind(new_socket, addr, port) != COMM_OK) { comm_close(new_socket); return -1; } } F->local_port = port; if (flags & COMM_NONBLOCKING) if (commSetNonBlocking(new_socket) == COMM_ERROR) return -1; #ifdef TCP_NODELAY if (sock_type == SOCK_STREAM) commSetTcpNoDelay(new_socket); #endif if (Config.tcpRcvBufsz > 0 && sock_type == SOCK_STREAM) commSetTcpRcvbuf(new_socket, Config.tcpRcvBufsz); return new_socket; } /* * NOTE: set the listen queue to Squid_MaxFD/4 and rely on the kernel to * impose an upper limit. Solaris' listen(3n) page says it has * no limit on this parameter, but sys/socket.h sets SOMAXCONN * to 5. HP-UX currently has a limit of 20. SunOS is 5 and * OSF 3.0 is 8. */ int comm_listen(int sock) { int x; if ((x = listen(sock, Squid_MaxFD >> 2)) < 0) { debug(5, 0) ("comm_listen: listen(%d, %d): %s\n", Squid_MaxFD >> 2, sock, xstrerror()); return x; } return sock; } void commConnectStart(int fd, const char *host, u_short port, CNCB * callback, void *data) { ConnectStateData *cs; debug(5, 3) ("commConnectStart: FD %d, %s:%d\n", fd, host, (int) port); cs = cbdataAlloc(ConnectStateData); cs->fd = fd; cs->host = xstrdup(host); cs->port = port; cs->callback = callback; cs->data = data; cbdataLock(cs->data); comm_add_close_handler(fd, commConnectFree, cs); ipcache_nbgethostbyname(host, commConnectDnsHandle, cs); } static void commConnectDnsHandle(const ipcache_addrs * ia, void *data) { ConnectStateData *cs = data; if (ia == NULL) { debug(5, 3) ("commConnectDnsHandle: Unknown host: %s\n", cs->host); if (!dns_error_message) { dns_error_message = "Unknown DNS error"; debug(5, 1) ("commConnectDnsHandle: Bad dns_error_message\n"); } assert(dns_error_message != NULL); commConnectCallback(cs, COMM_ERR_DNS); return; } assert(ia->cur < ia->count); cs->in_addr = ia->in_addrs[ia->cur]; if (Config.onoff.balance_on_multiple_ip) ipcacheCycleAddr(cs->host, NULL); cs->addrcount = ia->count; cs->connstart = squid_curtime; commConnectHandle(cs->fd, cs); } static void commConnectCallback(ConnectStateData * cs, int status) { CNCB *callback = cs->callback; void *data = cs->data; int fd = cs->fd; comm_remove_close_handler(fd, commConnectFree, cs); cs->callback = NULL; cs->data = NULL; commSetTimeout(fd, -1, NULL, NULL); commConnectFree(fd, cs); if (cbdataValid(data)) callback(fd, status, data); cbdataUnlock(data); } static void commConnectFree(int fd, void *data) { ConnectStateData *cs = data; debug(5, 3) ("commConnectFree: FD %d\n", fd); if (cs->data) cbdataUnlock(cs->data); safe_free(cs->host); cbdataFree(cs); } /* Reset FD so that we can connect() again */ static int commResetFD(ConnectStateData * cs) { int fd2; fde *F; if (!cbdataValid(cs->data)) return 0; statCounter.syscalls.sock.sockets++; fd2 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd2 < 0) { debug(5, 0) ("commResetFD: socket: %s\n", xstrerror()); if (ENFILE == errno || EMFILE == errno) fdAdjustReserved(); return 0; } /* We are about to close the fd (dup2 over it). Unregister from the event loop */ commSetEvents(cs->fd, 0, 0); #ifdef _SQUID_MSWIN_ /* On Windows dup2() can't work correctly on Sockets, the */ /* workaround is to close the destination Socket before call them. */ close(cs->fd); #endif if (dup2(fd2, cs->fd) < 0) { debug(5, 0) ("commResetFD: dup2: %s\n", xstrerror()); if (ENFILE == errno || EMFILE == errno) fdAdjustReserved(); close(fd2); return 0; } close(fd2); F = &fd_table[cs->fd]; fd_table[cs->fd].flags.called_connect = 0; /* * yuck, this has assumptions about comm_open() arguments for * the original socket */ if (commBind(cs->fd, F->local_addr, F->local_port) != COMM_OK) { debug(5, 0) ("commResetFD: bind: %s\n", xstrerror()); return 0; } #ifdef IP_TOS if (F->tos) { int tos = F->tos; if (setsockopt(cs->fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (char *) &tos, sizeof(int)) < 0) debug(5, 1) ("commResetFD: setsockopt(IP_TOS) on FD %d: %s\n", cs->fd, xstrerror()); } #endif if (F->flags.close_on_exec) commSetCloseOnExec(cs->fd); if (F->flags.nonblocking) commSetNonBlocking(cs->fd); #ifdef TCP_NODELAY if (F->flags.nodelay) commSetTcpNoDelay(cs->fd); #endif /* Register the new FD with the event loop */ commUpdateEvents(cs->fd); if (Config.tcpRcvBufsz > 0) commSetTcpRcvbuf(cs->fd, Config.tcpRcvBufsz); return 1; } static int commRetryConnect(ConnectStateData * cs) { assert(cs->addrcount > 0); if (cs->addrcount == 1) { if (cs->tries >= Config.retry.maxtries) return 0; if (squid_curtime - cs->connstart > Config.Timeout.connect) return 0; } else { if (cs->tries > cs->addrcount) return 0; } return commResetFD(cs); } static void commReconnect(void *data) { ConnectStateData *cs = data; ipcache_nbgethostbyname(cs->host, commConnectDnsHandle, cs); } /* Connect SOCK to specified DEST_PORT at DEST_HOST. */ static void commConnectHandle(int fd, void *data) { ConnectStateData *cs = data; if (cs->S.sin_addr.s_addr == 0) { cs->S.sin_family = AF_INET; cs->S.sin_addr = cs->in_addr; cs->S.sin_port = htons(cs->port); } switch (comm_connect_addr(fd, &cs->S)) { case COMM_INPROGRESS: debug(5, 5) ("commConnectHandle: FD %d: COMM_INPROGRESS\n", fd); commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, commConnectHandle, cs, 0); break; case COMM_OK: ipcacheMarkGoodAddr(cs->host, cs->S.sin_addr); commConnectCallback(cs, COMM_OK); break; default: cs->tries++; ipcacheMarkBadAddr(cs->host, cs->S.sin_addr); if (Config.onoff.test_reachability) netdbDeleteAddrNetwork(cs->S.sin_addr); if (commRetryConnect(cs)) { eventAdd("commReconnect", commReconnect, cs, cs->addrcount == 1 ? 0.05 : 0.0, 0); } else { commConnectCallback(cs, COMM_ERR_CONNECT); } break; } } int commSetTimeout(int fd, int timeout, PF * handler, void *data) { fde *F; debug(5, 3) ("commSetTimeout: FD %d timeout %d\n", fd, timeout); assert(fd >= 0); assert(fd < Squid_MaxFD); F = &fd_table[fd]; assert(F->flags.open); if (timeout < 0) { F->timeout_handler = NULL; F->timeout_data = NULL; return F->timeout = 0; } assert(handler || F->timeout_handler); if (handler || data) { F->timeout_handler = handler; F->timeout_data = data; } return F->timeout = squid_curtime + (time_t) timeout; } int comm_connect_addr(int sock, const struct sockaddr_in *address) { int status = COMM_OK; fde *F = &fd_table[sock]; int x; int err = 0; socklen_t errlen; assert(ntohs(address->sin_port) != 0); /* Establish connection. */ errno = 0; if (!F->flags.called_connect) { F->flags.called_connect = 1; statCounter.syscalls.sock.connects++; x = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) address, sizeof(*address)); if (x < 0) debug(5, 9) ("connect FD %d: %s\n", sock, xstrerror()); } else { #if defined(_SQUID_NEWSOS6_) /* Makoto MATSUSHITA */ connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) address, sizeof(*address)); if (errno == EINVAL) { errlen = sizeof(err); x = getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &errlen); if (x >= 0) errno = x; } #else errlen = sizeof(err); x = getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &errlen); if (x == 0) errno = err; #if defined(_SQUID_SOLARIS_) /* * Solaris 2.4's socket emulation doesn't allow you * to determine the error from a failed non-blocking * connect and just returns EPIPE. Create a fake * error message for connect. -- fenner@parc.xerox.com */ if (x < 0 && errno == EPIPE) errno = ENOTCONN; #endif #endif } if (errno == 0 || errno == EISCONN) status = COMM_OK; else if (ignoreErrno(errno)) status = COMM_INPROGRESS; else return COMM_ERROR; xstrncpy(F->ipaddr, inet_ntoa(address->sin_addr), 16); F->remote_port = ntohs(address->sin_port); if (status == COMM_OK) { debug(5, 10) ("comm_connect_addr: FD %d connected to %s:%d\n", sock, F->ipaddr, F->remote_port); } else if (status == COMM_INPROGRESS) { debug(5, 10) ("comm_connect_addr: FD %d connection pending\n", sock); } return status; } /* Wait for an incoming connection on FD. FD should be a socket returned * from comm_listen. */ int comm_accept(int fd, struct sockaddr_in *pn, struct sockaddr_in *me) { int sock; struct sockaddr_in P; struct sockaddr_in M; socklen_t Slen; fde *F = NULL; Slen = sizeof(P); statCounter.syscalls.sock.accepts++; if ((sock = accept(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &P, &Slen)) < 0) { if (ignoreErrno(errno) || errno == ECONNREFUSED || errno == ECONNABORTED) { debug(5, 5) ("comm_accept: FD %d: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); return COMM_NOMESSAGE; } else if (ENFILE == errno || EMFILE == errno) { debug(5, 3) ("comm_accept: FD %d: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); return COMM_ERROR; } else { debug(5, 1) ("comm_accept: FD %d: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); return COMM_ERROR; } } if (pn) *pn = P; Slen = sizeof(M); memset(&M, '\0', Slen); getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &M, &Slen); if (me) *me = M; commSetCloseOnExec(sock); /* fdstat update */ fd_open(sock, FD_SOCKET, "HTTP Request"); F = &fd_table[sock]; xstrncpy(F->ipaddr, inet_ntoa(P.sin_addr), 16); F->remote_port = htons(P.sin_port); F->local_port = htons(M.sin_port); commSetNonBlocking(sock); return sock; } void commCallCloseHandlers(int fd) { fde *F = &fd_table[fd]; close_handler *ch; debug(5, 5) ("commCallCloseHandlers: FD %d\n", fd); while ((ch = F->close_handler) != NULL) { F->close_handler = ch->next; debug(5, 5) ("commCallCloseHandlers: ch->handler=%p\n", ch->handler); if (cbdataValid(ch->data)) ch->handler(fd, ch->data); cbdataUnlock(ch->data); memPoolFree(conn_close_pool, ch); /* AAA */ } } #if LINGERING_CLOSE static void commLingerClose(int fd, void *unused) { LOCAL_ARRAY(char, buf, 1024); int n; n = FD_READ_METHOD(fd, buf, 1024); if (n < 0) debug(5, 3) ("commLingerClose: FD %d read: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); comm_close(fd); } #if USE_SSL static void commLingerSSLClose(int fd, void *unused) { int ret; LOCAL_ARRAY(char, buf, 1024); ret = FD_READ_METHOD(fd, buf, 1024); if (n < 0 && errno != EAGAIN) { debug(5, 3) ("commLingerSSLClose: FD %d read: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); comm_close(fd); return; } ret = ssl_shutdown_method(fd); if (ret == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) { commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, commLingerSSLClose, NULL, 0); return; } if (shutdown(fd, 1) < 0) { comm_close(fd); return; } commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, commLingerClose, NULL, 0); } #endif static void commLingerTimeout(int fd, void *unused) { debug(5, 3) ("commLingerTimeout: FD %d\n", fd); comm_close(fd); } /* * Inspired by apache */ void comm_lingering_close(int fd) { fd_note(fd, "lingering close"); commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, NULL, NULL, 0); commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, NULL, NULL, 0); commSetTimeout(fd, 10, commLingerTimeout, NULL); #if USE_SSL if (fd_table[fd].ssl) { commLingerSSLClose(fd, NULL); return; } #endif if (shutdown(fd, 1) < 0) { comm_close(fd); return; } commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, commLingerClose, NULL, 0); } #endif /* * enable linger with time of 0 so that when the socket is * closed, TCP generates a RESET */ void comm_reset_close(int fd) { fde *F = &fd_table[fd]; struct linger L; L.l_onoff = 1; L.l_linger = 0; if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *) &L, sizeof(L)) < 0) debug(5, 0) ("commResetTCPClose: FD %d: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); F->flags.close_request = 1; comm_close(fd); } static inline void comm_close_finish(int fd) { fd_close(fd); /* update fdstat */ close(fd); statCounter.syscalls.sock.closes++; } #if USE_SSL static inline void comm_close_ssl_finish(int fd) { fde *F = &fd_table[fd]; SSL_free(F->ssl); F->ssl = NULL; comm_close_finish(fd); } static void comm_close_ssl(int fd, void *unused) { fde *F = &fd_table[fd]; int ret = ssl_shutdown_method(fd); if (ret <= 0 && F->write_pending) { commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, comm_close_ssl, NULL, 0); return; } comm_close_ssl_finish(fd); } static void comm_close_ssl_timeout(int fd, void *unused) { debug(5, 1) ("comm_close_ssl: FD %d: timeout\n", fd); comm_close_ssl_finish(fd); } #endif void comm_close(int fd) { fde *F = &fd_table[fd]; debug(5, 5) ("comm_close: FD %d\n", fd); assert(fd >= 0); assert(fd < Squid_MaxFD); /* XXX This down to the cavium block below needs to be split and * also called once on lingering close. In addition the ssl_shutdown * may need to wait */ if (F->flags.closing) return; if (shutting_down && (!F->flags.open || F->type == FD_FILE)) return; assert(F->flags.open); assert(F->type != FD_FILE); F->flags.closing = 1; CommWriteStateCallbackAndFree(fd, COMM_ERR_CLOSING); commCallCloseHandlers(fd); if (F->uses) /* assume persistent connect count */ pconnHistCount(1, F->uses); #if USE_SSL if (F->ssl) { if (!F->flags.close_request) { F->flags.close_request = 1; commSetTimeout(fd, 10, comm_close_ssl_timeout, NULL); comm_close_ssl(fd, NULL); return; } comm_close_ssl_finish(fd); return; } #endif comm_close_finish(fd); } /* Send a udp datagram to specified TO_ADDR. */ int comm_udp_sendto(int fd, const struct sockaddr_in *to_addr, int addr_len, const void *buf, int len) { int x; statCounter.syscalls.sock.sendtos++; x = sendto(fd, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *) to_addr, addr_len); if (x < 0) { #ifdef _SQUID_LINUX_ if (ECONNREFUSED != errno) #endif debug(5, 1) ("comm_udp_sendto: FD %d, %s, port %d: %s\n", fd, inet_ntoa(to_addr->sin_addr), (int) htons(to_addr->sin_port), xstrerror()); return COMM_ERROR; } return x; } void commSetDefer(int fd, DEFER * func, void *data) { fde *F = &fd_table[fd]; F->defer_check = func; F->defer_data = data; } void commUpdateEvents(int fd) { fde *F = &fd_table[fd]; int need_read = 0; int need_write = 0; assert(F->flags.open); if (F->read_handler && !F->flags.backoff ) { switch (F->read_pending) { case COMM_PENDING_NORMAL: need_read = 1; break; case COMM_PENDING_WANTS_WRITE: need_write = 1; break; case COMM_PENDING_WANTS_READ: need_read = 1; break; case COMM_PENDING_NOW: need_read = 1; /* Not really I/O dependent, but this shuld get comm_select to wake up */ need_write = 1; break; } } if (F->write_handler) { switch (F->write_pending) { case COMM_PENDING_NORMAL: need_write = 1; break; case COMM_PENDING_WANTS_WRITE: need_write = 1; break; case COMM_PENDING_WANTS_READ: need_read = 1; break; case COMM_PENDING_NOW: need_read = 1; /* Not really I/O dependent, but this shuld get comm_select to wake up */ need_write = 1; break; } } commSetEvents(fd, need_read, need_write); } void commUpdateReadHandler(int fd, PF * handler, void *data) { fd_table[fd].read_handler = handler; fd_table[fd].read_data = data; if (!handler) fd_table[fd].read_pending = COMM_PENDING_NORMAL; commUpdateEvents(fd); } void commUpdateWriteHandler(int fd, PF * handler, void *data) { fd_table[fd].write_handler = handler; fd_table[fd].write_data = data; if (!handler) fd_table[fd].write_pending = COMM_PENDING_NORMAL; commUpdateEvents(fd); } void commSetSelect(int fd, unsigned int type, PF * handler, void *client_data, time_t timeout) { fde *F = &fd_table[fd]; assert(fd >= 0); assert(F->flags.open); debug(5, 5) ("commSetSelect: FD %d type %d\n", fd, type); if (type & COMM_SELECT_READ) { commUpdateReadHandler(fd, handler, client_data); } if (type & COMM_SELECT_WRITE) { commUpdateWriteHandler(fd, handler, client_data); } if (timeout) F->timeout = squid_curtime + timeout; } void comm_add_close_handler(int fd, PF * handler, void *data) { close_handler *new = memPoolAlloc(conn_close_pool); /* AAA */ close_handler *c; debug(5, 5) ("comm_add_close_handler: FD %d, handler=%p, data=%p\n", fd, handler, data); for (c = fd_table[fd].close_handler; c; c = c->next) assert(c->handler != handler || c->data != data); new->handler = handler; new->data = data; new->next = fd_table[fd].close_handler; fd_table[fd].close_handler = new; cbdataLock(data); } void comm_remove_close_handler(int fd, PF * handler, void *data) { close_handler *p; close_handler *last = NULL; /* Find handler in list */ debug(5, 5) ("comm_remove_close_handler: FD %d, handler=%p, data=%p\n", fd, handler, data); for (p = fd_table[fd].close_handler; p != NULL; last = p, p = p->next) if (p->handler == handler && p->data == data) break; /* This is our handler */ assert(p != NULL); /* Remove list entry */ if (last) last->next = p->next; else fd_table[fd].close_handler = p->next; cbdataUnlock(p->data); memPoolFree(conn_close_pool, p); /* AAA */ } static void commSetNoLinger(int fd) { struct linger L; L.l_onoff = 0; /* off */ L.l_linger = 0; if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *) &L, sizeof(L)) < 0) debug(5, 0) ("commSetNoLinger: FD %d: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); fd_table[fd].flags.nolinger = 1; } static void commSetReuseAddr(int fd) { int on = 1; if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &on, sizeof(on)) < 0) debug(5, 1) ("commSetReuseAddr: FD %d: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); } static void commSetTcpRcvbuf(int fd, int size) { if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *) &size, sizeof(size)) < 0) debug(5, 1) ("commSetTcpRcvbuf: FD %d, SIZE %d: %s\n", fd, size, xstrerror()); } int commSetNonBlocking(int fd) { #ifdef _SQUID_MSWIN_ unsigned long nonblocking = TRUE; if (ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &nonblocking) < 0) { debug(5, 0) ("commSetNonBlocking: FD %d: %s %u\n", fd, xstrerror(), fd_table[fd].type); return COMM_ERROR; } #else /* _SQUID_MSWIN_ */ int flags; int dummy = 0; #ifdef _SQUID_CYGWIN_ int nonblocking = TRUE; if (fd_table[fd].type != FD_PIPE) { if (ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, &nonblocking) < 0) { debug(5, 0) ("commSetNonBlocking: FD %d: %s %u\n", fd, xstrerror(), fd_table[fd].type); return COMM_ERROR; } } else { #endif if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, dummy)) < 0) { debug(5, 0) ("FD %d: fcntl F_GETFL: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); return COMM_ERROR; } if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | SQUID_NONBLOCK) < 0) { debug(5, 0) ("commSetNonBlocking: FD %d: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); return COMM_ERROR; } #ifdef _SQUID_CYGWIN_ } #endif #endif /* _SQUID_MSWIN_ */ fd_table[fd].flags.nonblocking = 1; return 0; } int commUnsetNonBlocking(int fd) { #ifdef _SQUID_MSWIN_ unsigned long nonblocking = FALSE; if (ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &nonblocking) < 0) { #else int flags; int dummy = 0; if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, dummy)) < 0) { debug(5, 0) ("FD %d: fcntl F_GETFL: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); return COMM_ERROR; } if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags & (~SQUID_NONBLOCK)) < 0) { #endif debug(5, 0) ("commUnsetNonBlocking: FD %d: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); return COMM_ERROR; } fd_table[fd].flags.nonblocking = 0; return 0; } void commSetCloseOnExec(int fd) { #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC int flags; int dummy = 0; if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, dummy)) < 0) { debug(5, 0) ("FD %d: fcntl F_GETFL: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); return; } if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) debug(5, 0) ("FD %d: set close-on-exec failed: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); fd_table[fd].flags.close_on_exec = 1; #endif } #ifdef TCP_NODELAY static void commSetTcpNoDelay(int fd) { int on = 1; if (setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &on, sizeof(on)) < 0) debug(5, 1) ("commSetTcpNoDelay: FD %d: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); fd_table[fd].flags.nodelay = 1; } #endif void comm_init(void) { fd_init(); /* Keep a few file descriptors free so that we don't run out of FD's * after accepting a client but before it opens a socket or a file. * Since Squid_MaxFD can be as high as several thousand, don't waste them */ RESERVED_FD = XMIN(100, Squid_MaxFD / 4); CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(ConnectStateData); comm_write_pool = memPoolCreate("CommWriteStateData", sizeof(CommWriteStateData)); conn_close_pool = memPoolCreate("close_handler", sizeof(close_handler)); } /* Write to FD. */ static void commHandleWrite(int fd, void *data) { int len = 0; int nleft; CommWriteStateData *state = &fd_table[fd].rwstate; assert(state->valid); debug(5, 5) ("commHandleWrite: FD %d: off %ld, sz %ld.\n", fd, (long int) state->offset, (long int) state->size); nleft = state->size - state->offset; len = FD_WRITE_METHOD(fd, state->buf + state->offset, nleft); debug(5, 5) ("commHandleWrite: write() returns %d\n", len); fd_bytes(fd, len, FD_WRITE); statCounter.syscalls.sock.writes++; if (len == 0) { /* Note we even call write if nleft == 0 */ /* We're done */ if (nleft != 0) debug(5, 1) ("commHandleWrite: FD %d: write failure: connection closed with %d bytes remaining.\n", fd, nleft); CommWriteStateCallbackAndFree(fd, nleft ? COMM_ERROR : COMM_OK); } else if (len < 0) { /* An error */ if (fd_table[fd].flags.socket_eof) { debug(5, 2) ("commHandleWrite: FD %d: write failure: %s.\n", fd, xstrerror()); CommWriteStateCallbackAndFree(fd, COMM_ERROR); } else if (ignoreErrno(errno)) { debug(5, 10) ("commHandleWrite: FD %d: write failure: %s.\n", fd, xstrerror()); commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, commHandleWrite, NULL, 0); } else { debug(5, 2) ("commHandleWrite: FD %d: write failure: %s.\n", fd, xstrerror()); CommWriteStateCallbackAndFree(fd, COMM_ERROR); } } else { /* A successful write, continue */ state->offset += len; if (state->offset < state->size) { /* Not done, reinstall the write handler and write some more */ commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, commHandleWrite, NULL, 0); } else { CommWriteStateCallbackAndFree(fd, COMM_OK); } } } /* Select for Writing on FD, until SIZE bytes are sent. Call * *HANDLER when complete. */ void comm_write(int fd, const char *buf, int size, CWCB * handler, void *handler_data, FREE * free_func) { CommWriteStateData *state = &fd_table[fd].rwstate; debug(5, 5) ("comm_write: FD %d: sz %d: hndl %p: data %p.\n", fd, size, handler, handler_data); if (state->valid) { debug(5, 1) ("comm_write: fd_table[%d].rwstate.valid == true!\n", fd); fd_table[fd].rwstate.valid = 0; } state->buf = (char *) buf; state->size = size; state->offset = 0; state->handler = handler; state->handler_data = handler_data; state->free_func = free_func; state->valid = 1; cbdataLock(handler_data); commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, commHandleWrite, NULL, 0); } /* a wrapper around comm_write to allow for MemBuf to be comm_written in a snap */ void comm_write_mbuf(int fd, MemBuf mb, CWCB * handler, void *handler_data) { comm_write(fd, mb.buf, mb.size, handler, handler_data, memBufFreeFunc(&mb)); } /* * hm, this might be too general-purpose for all the places we'd * like to use it. */ int ignoreErrno(int ierrno) { switch (ierrno) { case EINPROGRESS: case EWOULDBLOCK: #if EAGAIN != EWOULDBLOCK case EAGAIN: #endif case EALREADY: case EINTR: #ifdef ERESTART case ERESTART: #endif return 1; default: return 0; } /* NOTREACHED */ } void commCloseAllSockets(void) { int fd; fde *F = NULL; PF *callback; for (fd = 0; fd <= Biggest_FD; fd++) { F = &fd_table[fd]; if (!F->flags.open) continue; if (F->type != FD_SOCKET) continue; if (F->flags.ipc) /* don't close inter-process sockets */ continue; if (F->timeout_handler) { debug(5, 5) ("commCloseAllSockets: FD %d: Calling timeout handler\n", fd); callback = F->timeout_handler; F->timeout_handler = NULL; callback(fd, F->timeout_data); } else { debug(5, 5) ("commCloseAllSockets: FD %d: calling comm_close()\n", fd); comm_close(fd); } } }