/* * $Id: auth_ntlm.c,v 2007/08/31 14:08:53 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 29 NTLM Authenticator * AUTHOR: Robert Collins * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ /* The functions in this file handle authentication. * They DO NOT perform access control or auditing. * See acl.c for access control and client_side.c for auditing */ #include "squid.h" #include "auth_ntlm.h" extern AUTHSSETUP authSchemeSetup_ntlm; static void authenticateStateFree(authenticateStateData * r) { authenticateAuthUserRequestUnlock(r->auth_user_request); r->auth_user_request = NULL; cbdataFree(r); } /* NTLM Scheme */ static HLPSCB authenticateNTLMHandleReply; static AUTHSACTIVE authenticateNTLMActive; static AUTHSAUTHED authNTLMAuthenticated; static AUTHSAUTHUSER authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser; static AUTHSCONFIGURED authNTLMConfigured; static AUTHSFIXERR authenticateNTLMFixErrorHeader; static AUTHSFREE authenticateNTLMFreeUser; static AUTHSDIRECTION authenticateNTLMDirection; static AUTHSDECODE authenticateDecodeNTLMAuth; static AUTHSDUMP authNTLMCfgDump; static AUTHSFREECONFIG authNTLMFreeConfig; static AUTHSINIT authNTLMInit; static AUTHSONCLOSEC authenticateNTLMOnCloseConnection; static AUTHSUSERNAME authenticateNTLMUsername; static AUTHSREQFREE authNTLMAURequestFree; static AUTHSPARSE authNTLMParse; static AUTHSCHECKCONFIG authNTLMCheckConfig; static AUTHSSTART authenticateNTLMStart; static AUTHSSTATS authenticateNTLMStats; static AUTHSSHUTDOWN authNTLMDone; static statefulhelper *ntlmauthenticators = NULL; CBDATA_TYPE(authenticateStateData); static int authntlm_initialised = 0; static MemPool *ntlm_user_pool = NULL; static MemPool *ntlm_request_pool = NULL; static auth_ntlm_config *ntlmConfig = NULL; static void authenticateNTLMReleaseServer(ntlm_request_t * ntlm_request); static int authenticateNTLMcmpUsername(ntlm_user_t * u1, ntlm_user_t * u2); /* * * Private Functions * */ static void authNTLMDone(void) { debug(29, 2) ("authNTLMDone: shutting down NTLM authentication.\n"); if (ntlmauthenticators) helperStatefulShutdown(ntlmauthenticators); authntlm_initialised = 0; if (!shutting_down) return; if (ntlmauthenticators) helperStatefulFree(ntlmauthenticators); ntlmauthenticators = NULL; if (ntlm_request_pool) { memPoolDestroy(ntlm_request_pool); ntlm_request_pool = NULL; } if (ntlm_user_pool) { memPoolDestroy(ntlm_user_pool); ntlm_user_pool = NULL; } debug(29, 2) ("authNTLMDone: NTLM authentication Shutdown.\n"); } /* free any allocated configuration details */ static void authNTLMFreeConfig(authScheme * scheme) { if (ntlmConfig == NULL) return; assert(ntlmConfig == scheme->scheme_data); if (ntlmConfig->authenticate) wordlistDestroy(&ntlmConfig->authenticate); safe_free(ntlmConfig); scheme->scheme_data = NULL; } static void authNTLMCfgDump(StoreEntry * entry, const char *name, authScheme * scheme) { auth_ntlm_config *config = scheme->scheme_data; wordlist *list = config->authenticate; storeAppendPrintf(entry, "%s %s program", name, "ntlm"); while (list != NULL) { storeAppendPrintf(entry, " %s", list->key); list = list->next; } storeAppendPrintf(entry, "\n"); storeAppendPrintf(entry, "%s %s children %d\n", name, "ntlm", config->authenticateChildren); storeAppendPrintf(entry, "%s %s keep_alive %s\n", name, "ntlm", config->keep_alive ? "on" : "off"); } static void authNTLMParse(authScheme * scheme, int n_configured, char *param_str) { if (scheme->scheme_data == NULL) { assert(ntlmConfig == NULL); /* this is the first param to be found */ scheme->scheme_data = xmalloc(sizeof(auth_ntlm_config)); memset(scheme->scheme_data, 0, sizeof(auth_ntlm_config)); ntlmConfig = scheme->scheme_data; ntlmConfig->authenticateChildren = 5; ntlmConfig->keep_alive = 1; } ntlmConfig = scheme->scheme_data; if (strcasecmp(param_str, "program") == 0) { if (ntlmConfig->authenticate) wordlistDestroy(&ntlmConfig->authenticate); parse_wordlist(&ntlmConfig->authenticate); } else if (strcasecmp(param_str, "children") == 0) { parse_int(&ntlmConfig->authenticateChildren); } else if (strcasecmp(param_str, "keep_alive") == 0) { parse_onoff(&ntlmConfig->keep_alive); } else { debug(29, 0) ("unrecognised ntlm auth scheme parameter '%s'\n", param_str); } } static void authNTLMCheckConfig(authScheme * scheme) { auth_ntlm_config *config = scheme->scheme_data; requirePathnameExists("authparam ntlm program", config->authenticate->key); } void authSchemeSetup_ntlm(authscheme_entry_t * authscheme) { assert(!authntlm_initialised); authscheme->Active = authenticateNTLMActive; authscheme->configured = authNTLMConfigured; authscheme->parse = authNTLMParse; authscheme->checkconfig = authNTLMCheckConfig; authscheme->dump = authNTLMCfgDump; authscheme->requestFree = authNTLMAURequestFree; authscheme->freeconfig = authNTLMFreeConfig; authscheme->init = authNTLMInit; authscheme->authAuthenticate = authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser; authscheme->authenticated = authNTLMAuthenticated; authscheme->authFixHeader = authenticateNTLMFixErrorHeader; authscheme->FreeUser = authenticateNTLMFreeUser; authscheme->authStart = authenticateNTLMStart; authscheme->authStats = authenticateNTLMStats; authscheme->authUserUsername = authenticateNTLMUsername; authscheme->getdirection = authenticateNTLMDirection; authscheme->decodeauth = authenticateDecodeNTLMAuth; authscheme->donefunc = authNTLMDone; authscheme->oncloseconnection = authenticateNTLMOnCloseConnection; } /* Initialize helpers and the like for this auth scheme. Called AFTER parsing the * config file */ static void authNTLMInit(authScheme * scheme) { static int ntlminit = 0; if (ntlmConfig->authenticate) { /* * disable client side request pipelining. There is a race with * NTLM when the client sends a second request on an NTLM * connection before the authenticate challenge is sent. With * this patch, the client may fail to authenticate, but squid's * state will be preserved. */ if (ntlmConfig->authenticate && Config.onoff.pipeline_prefetch != 0) { debug(29, 1) ("pipeline prefetching incompatile with NTLM authentication. Disabling pipeline_prefetch\n"); Config.onoff.pipeline_prefetch = 0; } if (!ntlm_user_pool) ntlm_user_pool = memPoolCreate("NTLM Scheme User Data", sizeof(ntlm_user_t)); if (!ntlm_request_pool) ntlm_request_pool = memPoolCreate("NTLM Scheme Request Data", sizeof(ntlm_request_t)); authntlm_initialised = 1; if (ntlmauthenticators == NULL) ntlmauthenticators = helperStatefulCreate("ntlmauthenticator"); ntlmauthenticators->cmdline = ntlmConfig->authenticate; ntlmauthenticators->n_to_start = ntlmConfig->authenticateChildren; ntlmauthenticators->ipc_type = IPC_STREAM; helperStatefulOpenServers(ntlmauthenticators); if (!ntlminit) { cachemgrRegister("ntlmauthenticator", "NTLM User Authenticator Stats", authenticateNTLMStats, 0, 1); ntlminit++; } CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(authenticateStateData); } } static int authenticateNTLMActive() { return (authntlm_initialised == 1) ? 1 : 0; } static int authNTLMConfigured() { if (ntlmConfig == NULL) { debug(29, 9) ("authNTLMConfigured: not configured\n"); return 0; } if (ntlmConfig->authenticate == NULL) { debug(29, 9) ("authNTLMConfigured: no helper\n"); return 0; } if (ntlmConfig->authenticateChildren == 0) { debug(29, 9) ("authNTLMConfigured: no helper children\n"); return 0; } debug(29, 9) ("authNTLMConfigured: returning configured\n"); return 1; } /* NTLM Scheme */ static int authenticateNTLMDirection(auth_user_request_t * auth_user_request) { ntlm_request_t *ntlm_request = auth_user_request->scheme_data; /* null auth_user is checked for by authenticateDirection */ if (ntlm_request->waiting || ntlm_request->client_blob) return -1; /* Need helper response to continue */ switch (ntlm_request->auth_state) { case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_NONE: /* no progress at all. */ debug(29, 1) ("authenticateNTLMDirection: called before NTLM Authenticate!. Report a bug to squid-dev. au %p\n", auth_user_request); return -2; case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_NEGOTIATE: /* send to client */ assert(ntlm_request->server_blob); return 1; case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_FAILED: return -2; case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_DONE: /* do nothing.. */ return 0; case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_INITIAL: debug(29, 1) ("authenticateNTLMDirection: Unexpected AUTHENTICATE_STATE_INITIAL\n"); return -2; } return -2; } /* * Send the authenticate error header(s). Note: IE has a bug and the NTLM header * must be first. To ensure that, the configure use --enable-auth=ntlm, anything * else. */ static void authenticateNTLMFixErrorHeader(auth_user_request_t * auth_user_request, HttpReply * rep, http_hdr_type type, request_t * request) { ntlm_request_t *ntlm_request; if (!ntlmConfig->authenticate) return; if (!request->flags.proxy_keepalive && request->flags.must_keepalive) return; /* New request, no user details */ if (auth_user_request == NULL) { debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMFixErrorHeader: Sending type:%d header: 'NTLM'\n", type); httpHeaderPutStrf(&rep->header, type, "NTLM"); if (!ntlmConfig->keep_alive) { /* drop the connection */ httpHeaderDelByName(&rep->header, "keep-alive"); request->flags.proxy_keepalive = 0; } return; } ntlm_request = auth_user_request->scheme_data; switch (ntlm_request->auth_state) { case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_NONE: case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_FAILED: debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMFixErrorHeader: Sending type:%d header: 'NTLM'\n", type); httpHeaderPutStrf(&rep->header, type, "NTLM"); /* drop the connection */ httpHeaderDelByName(&rep->header, "keep-alive"); request->flags.proxy_keepalive = 0; break; case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_NEGOTIATE: /* we are 'waiting' for a response from the client */ /* pass the blob to the client */ debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMFixErrorHeader: Sending type:%d header: 'NTLM %s'\n", type, ntlm_request->server_blob); httpHeaderPutStrf(&rep->header, type, "NTLM %s", ntlm_request->server_blob); safe_free(ntlm_request->server_blob); break; case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_DONE: /* Special case when authentication finished, but not allowed by ACL */ debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMFixErrorHeader: Sending type:%d header: 'NTLM'\n", type); httpHeaderPutStrf(&rep->header, type, "NTLM"); break; default: debug(29, 0) ("authenticateNTLMFixErrorHeader: state %d.\n", ntlm_request->auth_state); fatal("unexpected state in AuthenticateNTLMFixErrorHeader.\n"); } } static void authNTLMRequestFree(ntlm_request_t * ntlm_request) { if (!ntlm_request) return; safe_free(ntlm_request->server_blob); safe_free(ntlm_request->client_blob); if (ntlm_request->authserver != NULL) { debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMRequestFree: releasing server '%p'\n", ntlm_request->authserver); authenticateNTLMReleaseServer(ntlm_request); } if (ntlm_request->request) { requestUnlink(ntlm_request->request); ntlm_request->request = NULL; } memPoolFree(ntlm_request_pool, ntlm_request); } static void authNTLMAURequestFree(auth_user_request_t * auth_user_request) { if (auth_user_request->scheme_data) authNTLMRequestFree((ntlm_request_t *) auth_user_request->scheme_data); auth_user_request->scheme_data = NULL; } static void authenticateNTLMFreeUser(auth_user_t * auth_user) { ntlm_user_t *ntlm_user = auth_user->scheme_data; debug(29, 5) ("authenticateNTLMFreeUser: Clearing NTLM scheme data\n"); safe_free(ntlm_user->username); memPoolFree(ntlm_user_pool, ntlm_user); auth_user->scheme_data = NULL; } /* clear the NTLM helper of being reserved for future requests */ static void authenticateNTLMReleaseServer(ntlm_request_t * ntlm_request) { helper_stateful_server *server = ntlm_request->authserver; if (!server) return; debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMReleaseServer: releasing server '%p'\n", server); ntlm_request->authserver = NULL; helperStatefulReleaseServer(server); } static void authenticateNTLMHandleReply(void *data, void *srv, char *reply) { authenticateStateData *r = data; int valid; auth_user_request_t *auth_user_request; auth_user_t *auth_user; ntlm_user_t *ntlm_user; ntlm_request_t *ntlm_request; char *blob; debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMHandleReply: Helper: '%p' {%s}\n", srv, reply ? reply : ""); valid = cbdataValid(r->data); if (!valid) { debug(29, 2) ("AuthenticateNTLMHandleReply: invalid callback data. Releasing helper '%p'.\n", srv); ntlm_request = r->auth_user_request->scheme_data; if (ntlm_request != NULL) { if (ntlm_request->authserver == NULL) ntlm_request->authserver = srv; authenticateNTLMReleaseServer(ntlm_request); } cbdataUnlock(r->data); authenticateStateFree(r); return; } if (!reply) { debug(29, 1) ("AuthenticateNTLMHandleReply: Helper '%p' crashed!.\n", srv); reply = (char *) "BH Internal error"; } auth_user_request = r->auth_user_request; ntlm_request = auth_user_request->scheme_data; assert(ntlm_request != NULL); assert(ntlm_request->waiting); ntlm_request->waiting = 0; safe_free(ntlm_request->client_blob); auth_user = auth_user_request->auth_user; assert(auth_user != NULL); assert(auth_user->auth_type == AUTH_NTLM); ntlm_user = auth_user_request->auth_user->scheme_data; if (ntlm_request->authserver == NULL) ntlm_request->authserver = srv; else assert(ntlm_request->authserver == srv); /* seperate out the useful data */ blob = strchr(reply, ' '); if (blob) { blob++; } if (strncasecmp(reply, "TT ", 3) == 0) { /* we have been given a blob to send to the client */ safe_free(ntlm_request->server_blob); ntlm_request->request->flags.must_keepalive = 1; if (ntlm_request->request->flags.proxy_keepalive) { ntlm_request->server_blob = xstrdup(blob); ntlm_request->auth_state = AUTHENTICATE_STATE_NEGOTIATE; safe_free(auth_user_request->message); auth_user_request->message = xstrdup("Authentication in progress"); debug(29, 4) ("authenticateNTLMHandleReply: Need to challenge the client with a server blob '%s'\n", blob); } else { ntlm_request->auth_state = AUTHENTICATE_STATE_FAILED; safe_free(auth_user_request->message); auth_user_request->message = xstrdup("NTLM authentication requires a persistent connection"); } } else if (strncasecmp(reply, "AF ", 3) == 0) { auth_user_hash_pointer *usernamehash; /* we're finished, release the helper */ safe_free(ntlm_user->username); ntlm_user->username = xstrdup(blob); safe_free(auth_user_request->message); auth_user_request->message = xstrdup("Login successful"); debug(29, 4) ("authenticateNTLMHandleReply: Successfully validated user via NTLM. Username '%s'\n", blob); /* this connection is authenticated */ debug(29, 4) ("authenticated user %s\n", ntlm_user->username); /* see if this is an existing user with a different proxy_auth * string */ usernamehash = hash_lookup(proxy_auth_username_cache, ntlm_user->username); if (usernamehash) { while (usernamehash && (usernamehash->auth_user->auth_type != auth_user->auth_type || authenticateNTLMcmpUsername(usernamehash->auth_user->scheme_data, ntlm_user) != 0)) usernamehash = usernamehash->next; } if (usernamehash) { /* we can't seamlessly recheck the username due to the * challenge nature of the protocol. Just free the * temporary auth_user */ authenticateAuthUserMerge(auth_user, usernamehash->auth_user); auth_user = usernamehash->auth_user; auth_user_request->auth_user = auth_user; } else { /* store user in hash's */ authenticateUserNameCacheAdd(auth_user); } /* set these to now because this is either a new login from an * existing user or a new user */ auth_user->expiretime = current_time.tv_sec; authenticateNTLMReleaseServer(ntlm_request); ntlm_request->auth_state = AUTHENTICATE_STATE_DONE; } else if (strncasecmp(reply, "NA ", 3) == 0) { safe_free(auth_user_request->message); auth_user_request->message = xstrdup(blob); ntlm_request->auth_state = AUTHENTICATE_STATE_FAILED; authenticateNTLMReleaseServer(ntlm_request); debug(29, 4) ("authenticateNTLMHandleReply: Failed validating user via NTLM. Error returned '%s'\n", blob); } else if (strncasecmp(reply, "BH ", 3) == 0) { /* TODO kick off a refresh process. This can occur after a YR or after * a KK. If after a YR release the helper and resubmit the request via * Authenticate NTLM start. * If after a KK deny the user's request w/ 407 and mark the helper as * Needing YR. */ auth_user_request->message = xstrdup(blob); ntlm_request->auth_state = AUTHENTICATE_STATE_FAILED; safe_free(ntlm_request->server_blob); authenticateNTLMReleaseServer(ntlm_request); debug(29, 1) ("authenticateNTLMHandleReply: Error validating user via NTLM. Error returned '%s'\n", reply); } else { fatalf("authenticateNTLMHandleReply: *** Unsupported helper response ***, '%s'\n", reply); } requestUnlink(ntlm_request->request); ntlm_request->request = NULL; r->handler(r->data, NULL); cbdataUnlock(r->data); authenticateStateFree(r); } static void authenticateNTLMStats(StoreEntry * sentry) { storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "NTLM Authenticator Statistics:\n"); helperStatefulStats(sentry, ntlmauthenticators); } /* send the initial data to a stateful ntlm authenticator module */ static void authenticateNTLMStart(auth_user_request_t * auth_user_request, RH * handler, void *data) { authenticateStateData *r = NULL; char buf[8192]; char *sent_string = NULL; ntlm_user_t *ntlm_user; ntlm_request_t *ntlm_request; auth_user_t *auth_user; assert(auth_user_request); auth_user = auth_user_request->auth_user; ntlm_user = auth_user->scheme_data; ntlm_request = auth_user_request->scheme_data; assert(ntlm_user); assert(ntlm_request); assert(handler); assert(data); assert(auth_user->auth_type == AUTH_NTLM); debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMStart: auth state '%d'\n", ntlm_request->auth_state); sent_string = ntlm_request->client_blob; debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMStart: state '%d'\n", ntlm_request->auth_state); debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMStart: '%s'\n", sent_string); if (ntlmConfig->authenticate == NULL) { debug(29, 0) ("authenticateNTLMStart: no NTLM program specified:'%s'\n", sent_string); handler(data, NULL); return; } /* Send blob to helper */ r = cbdataAlloc(authenticateStateData); r->handler = handler; cbdataLock(data); r->data = data; r->auth_user_request = auth_user_request; authenticateAuthUserRequestLock(r->auth_user_request); if (ntlm_request->auth_state == AUTHENTICATE_STATE_INITIAL) { snprintf(buf, 8192, "YR %s\n", sent_string); } else { snprintf(buf, 8192, "KK %s\n", sent_string); } ntlm_request->waiting = 1; safe_free(ntlm_request->client_blob); helperStatefulSubmit(ntlmauthenticators, buf, authenticateNTLMHandleReply, r, ntlm_request->authserver); } /* clear any connection related authentication details */ static void authenticateNTLMOnCloseConnection(ConnStateData * conn) { ntlm_request_t *ntlm_request; assert(conn != NULL); if (conn->auth_user_request != NULL) { assert(conn->auth_user_request->scheme_data != NULL); ntlm_request = conn->auth_user_request->scheme_data; assert(ntlm_request->conn == conn); if (ntlm_request->authserver != NULL) authenticateNTLMReleaseServer(ntlm_request); /* unlock the connection based lock */ debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMOnCloseConnection: Unlocking auth_user from the connection.\n"); /* minor abstraction break here: FIXME */ /* Ensure that the auth user request will be getting closed */ /* IFF we start persisting the struct after the conn closes - say for logging * then this test may become invalid */ assert(conn->auth_user_request->references == 1); authenticateAuthUserRequestUnlock(conn->auth_user_request); conn->auth_user_request = NULL; } } /* authenticateUserUsername: return a pointer to the username in the */ static char * authenticateNTLMUsername(auth_user_t * auth_user) { ntlm_user_t *ntlm_user = auth_user->scheme_data; if (ntlm_user) return ntlm_user->username; return NULL; } /* * Called on the initial request only, to set things up for later processing */ static void authenticateDecodeNTLMAuth(auth_user_request_t * auth_user_request, const char *proxy_auth) { dlink_node *node; assert(auth_user_request->auth_user == NULL); auth_user_request->auth_user = authenticateAuthUserNew("ntlm"); auth_user_request->auth_user->auth_type = AUTH_NTLM; auth_user_request->auth_user->scheme_data = memPoolAlloc(ntlm_user_pool); auth_user_request->scheme_data = memPoolAlloc(ntlm_request_pool); memset(auth_user_request->scheme_data, '\0', sizeof(ntlm_request_t)); /* lock for the auth_user_request link */ authenticateAuthUserLock(auth_user_request->auth_user); node = dlinkNodeNew(); dlinkAdd(auth_user_request, node, &auth_user_request->auth_user->requests); /* the helper does the rest, with data collected in * authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser */ debug(29, 9) ("authenticateDecodeNTLMAuth: NTLM authentication\n"); return; } static int authenticateNTLMcmpUsername(ntlm_user_t * u1, ntlm_user_t * u2) { return strcmp(u1->username, u2->username); } static int authNTLMAuthenticated(auth_user_request_t * auth_user_request) { ntlm_request_t *ntlm_request = auth_user_request->scheme_data; if (ntlm_request->auth_state == AUTHENTICATE_STATE_DONE) return 1; debug(29, 9) ("User not fully authenticated.\n"); return 0; } static void authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser(auth_user_request_t * auth_user_request, request_t * request, ConnStateData * conn, http_hdr_type type) { const char *proxy_auth, *blob; auth_user_t *auth_user; ntlm_request_t *ntlm_request; ntlm_user_t *ntlm_user; auth_user = auth_user_request->auth_user; assert(auth_user); assert(auth_user->auth_type == AUTH_NTLM); assert(auth_user->scheme_data != NULL); assert(auth_user_request->scheme_data != NULL); ntlm_user = auth_user->scheme_data; ntlm_request = auth_user_request->scheme_data; /* Check that we are in the client side, where we can generate * auth challenges */ if (!conn) { ntlm_request->auth_state = AUTHENTICATE_STATE_FAILED; debug(29, 1) ("authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser: attempt to perform authentication without a connection!\n"); return; } if (ntlm_request->waiting) { debug(29, 1) ("authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser: waiting for helper reply!\n"); return; } if (ntlm_request->server_blob) { debug(29, 2) ("authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser: need to challenge client '%s'!\n", ntlm_request->server_blob); return; } /* get header */ proxy_auth = httpHeaderGetStr(&request->header, type); blob = proxy_auth; while (xisspace(*blob) && *blob) blob++; while (!xisspace(*blob) && *blob) blob++; while (xisspace(*blob) && *blob) blob++; switch (ntlm_request->auth_state) { case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_NONE: /* we've received a ntlm request. pass to a helper */ debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser: auth state ntlm none. %s\n", proxy_auth); ntlm_request->auth_state = AUTHENTICATE_STATE_INITIAL; safe_free(ntlm_request->client_blob); ntlm_request->client_blob = xstrdup(blob); conn->auth_type = AUTH_NTLM; conn->auth_user_request = auth_user_request; ntlm_request->conn = conn; /* and lock for the connection duration */ debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser: Locking auth_user from the connection.\n"); authenticateAuthUserRequestLock(auth_user_request); ntlm_request->request = requestLink(request); return; break; case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_INITIAL: debug(29, 1) ("authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser: need to ask helper!\n"); return; break; case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_NEGOTIATE: /* we should have received a blob from the clien. pass it to the same * helper process */ debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser: auth state challenge with header %s.\n", proxy_auth); /* do a cache lookup here. If it matches it's a successful ntlm * challenge - release the helper and use the existing auth_user * details. */ safe_free(ntlm_request->client_blob); ntlm_request->client_blob = xstrdup(blob); if (ntlm_request->request) requestUnlink(ntlm_request->request); ntlm_request->request = requestLink(request); return; break; case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_DONE: fatal("authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser: unexpect auth state DONE! Report a bug to the squid developers.\n"); break; case AUTHENTICATE_STATE_FAILED: /* we've failed somewhere in authentication */ debug(29, 9) ("authenticateNTLMAuthenticateUser: auth state ntlm failed. %s\n", proxy_auth); return; } return; }