/* * $Id: acl.c,v 1.318 2007/01/06 17:22:45 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 28 Access Control * AUTHOR: Duane Wessels * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" #include "splay.h" static void aclParseDomainList(void *curlist); static void aclParseUserList(void **current); static void aclParseIpList(void *curlist); static void aclParseIntlist(void *curlist); static void aclParseWordList(void *curlist); static void aclParseProtoList(void *curlist); static void aclParseMethodList(void *curlist); static void aclParseTimeSpec(void *curlist); static void aclParsePortRange(void *curlist); static void aclDestroyTimeList(acl_time_data * data); static void aclDestroyIntRange(intrange *); static void aclLookupProxyAuthStart(aclCheck_t * checklist); static void aclLookupProxyAuthDone(void *data, char *result); static struct _acl *aclFindByName(const char *name); static int aclMatchAcl(struct _acl *, aclCheck_t *); static int aclMatchTime(acl_time_data * data, time_t when); static int aclMatchUser(void *proxyauth_acl, char *user); static int aclMatchIp(void *dataptr, struct in_addr c); static int aclMatchDomainList(void *dataptr, const char *); static int aclMatchIntegerRange(intrange * data, int i); static int aclMatchWordList(wordlist *, const char *); static void aclParseUserMaxIP(void *data); static void aclDestroyUserMaxIP(void *data); static wordlist *aclDumpUserMaxIP(void *data); static int aclMatchUserMaxIP(void *, auth_user_request_t *, struct in_addr); static void aclParseHeader(void *data); static void aclDestroyHeader(void *data); static squid_acl aclStrToType(const char *s); static int decode_addr(const char *, struct in_addr *); static void aclCheck(aclCheck_t * checklist); static void aclCheckCallback(aclCheck_t * checklist, allow_t answer); #if USE_IDENT static IDCB aclLookupIdentDone; #endif static IPH aclLookupDstIPDone; static IPH aclLookupDstIPforASNDone; static FQDNH aclLookupSrcFQDNDone; static FQDNH aclLookupDstFQDNDone; static EAH aclLookupExternalDone; static wordlist *aclDumpIpList(void *); static wordlist *aclDumpDomainList(void *data); static wordlist *aclDumpTimeSpecList(acl_time_data *); static wordlist *aclDumpRegexList(relist * data); static wordlist *aclDumpIntlistList(intlist * data); static wordlist *aclDumpIntRangeList(intrange * data); static wordlist *aclDumpProtoList(intlist * data); static wordlist *aclDumpMethodList(intlist * data); static SPLAYCMP aclIpAddrNetworkCompare; static SPLAYCMP aclIpNetworkCompare; static SPLAYCMP aclHostDomainCompare; static SPLAYCMP aclDomainCompare; static SPLAYWALKEE aclDumpIpListWalkee; static SPLAYWALKEE aclDumpDomainListWalkee; static SPLAYFREE aclFreeIpData; #if USE_ARP_ACL static void aclParseArpList(void *curlist); static int decode_eth(const char *asc, char *eth); static int aclMatchArp(void *dataptr, struct in_addr c); static wordlist *aclDumpArpList(void *); static SPLAYCMP aclArpCompare; static SPLAYWALKEE aclDumpArpListWalkee; #endif #if USE_SSL static void aclParseCertList(void *curlist); static int aclMatchUserCert(void *data, aclCheck_t *); static int aclMatchCACert(void *data, aclCheck_t *); static wordlist *aclDumpCertList(void *data); static void aclDestroyCertList(void *data); #endif static int aclCacheMatchAcl(dlink_list * cache, squid_acl acltype, void *data, char *MatchParam); static squid_acl aclStrToType(const char *s) { if (!strcmp(s, "src")) return ACL_SRC_IP; if (!strcmp(s, "dst")) return ACL_DST_IP; if (!strcmp(s, "myip")) return ACL_MY_IP; if (!strcmp(s, "domain")) return ACL_DST_DOMAIN; if (!strcmp(s, "dstdomain")) return ACL_DST_DOMAIN; if (!strcmp(s, "srcdomain")) return ACL_SRC_DOMAIN; if (!strcmp(s, "dstdom_regex")) return ACL_DST_DOM_REGEX; if (!strcmp(s, "srcdom_regex")) return ACL_SRC_DOM_REGEX; if (!strcmp(s, "time")) return ACL_TIME; if (!strcmp(s, "pattern")) return ACL_URLPATH_REGEX; if (!strcmp(s, "urlpath_regex")) return ACL_URLPATH_REGEX; if (!strcmp(s, "url_regex")) return ACL_URL_REGEX; if (!strcmp(s, "port")) return ACL_URL_PORT; if (!strcmp(s, "myport")) return ACL_MY_PORT; if (!strcmp(s, "maxconn")) return ACL_MAXCONN; #if USE_IDENT if (!strcmp(s, "ident")) return ACL_IDENT; if (!strcmp(s, "ident_regex")) return ACL_IDENT_REGEX; #endif if (!strncmp(s, "type", 5)) return ACL_TYPE; if (!strncmp(s, "proto", 5)) return ACL_PROTO; if (!strcmp(s, "method")) return ACL_METHOD; if (!strcmp(s, "browser")) return ACL_BROWSER; if (!strcmp(s, "referer_regex")) return ACL_REFERER_REGEX; if (!strcmp(s, "referrer_regex")) return ACL_REFERER_REGEX; if (!strcmp(s, "proxy_auth")) return ACL_PROXY_AUTH; if (!strcmp(s, "proxy_auth_regex")) return ACL_PROXY_AUTH_REGEX; if (!strcmp(s, "src_as")) return ACL_SRC_ASN; if (!strcmp(s, "dst_as")) return ACL_DST_ASN; #if SQUID_SNMP if (!strcmp(s, "snmp_community")) return ACL_SNMP_COMMUNITY; #endif #if SRC_RTT_NOT_YET_FINISHED if (!strcmp(s, "src_rtt")) return ACL_NETDB_SRC_RTT; #endif #if USE_ARP_ACL if (!strcmp(s, "arp")) return ACL_SRC_ARP; #endif if (!strcmp(s, "req_mime_type")) return ACL_REQ_MIME_TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "rep_mime_type")) return ACL_REP_MIME_TYPE; if (!strcmp(s, "rep_header")) return ACL_REP_HEADER; if (!strcmp(s, "req_header")) return ACL_REQ_HEADER; if (!strcmp(s, "max_user_ip")) return ACL_MAX_USER_IP; if (!strcmp(s, "external")) return ACL_EXTERNAL; if (!strcmp(s, "urllogin")) return ACL_URLLOGIN; #if USE_SSL if (!strcmp(s, "user_cert")) return ACL_USER_CERT; if (!strcmp(s, "ca_cert")) return ACL_CA_CERT; #endif if (!strcmp(s, "urlgroup")) return ACL_URLGROUP; if (!strcmp(s, "ext_user")) return ACL_EXTUSER; if (!strcmp(s, "ext_user_regex")) return ACL_EXTUSER_REGEX; return ACL_NONE; } const char * aclTypeToStr(squid_acl type) { if (type == ACL_SRC_IP) return "src"; if (type == ACL_DST_IP) return "dst"; if (type == ACL_MY_IP) return "myip"; if (type == ACL_DST_DOMAIN) return "dstdomain"; if (type == ACL_SRC_DOMAIN) return "srcdomain"; if (type == ACL_DST_DOM_REGEX) return "dstdom_regex"; if (type == ACL_SRC_DOM_REGEX) return "srcdom_regex"; if (type == ACL_TIME) return "time"; if (type == ACL_URLPATH_REGEX) return "urlpath_regex"; if (type == ACL_URL_REGEX) return "url_regex"; if (type == ACL_URL_PORT) return "port"; if (type == ACL_MY_PORT) return "myport"; if (type == ACL_MAXCONN) return "maxconn"; #if USE_IDENT if (type == ACL_IDENT) return "ident"; if (type == ACL_IDENT_REGEX) return "ident_regex"; #endif if (type == ACL_TYPE) return "type"; if (type == ACL_PROTO) return "proto"; if (type == ACL_METHOD) return "method"; if (type == ACL_BROWSER) return "browser"; if (type == ACL_REFERER_REGEX) return "referer_regex"; if (type == ACL_PROXY_AUTH) return "proxy_auth"; if (type == ACL_PROXY_AUTH_REGEX) return "proxy_auth_regex"; if (type == ACL_SRC_ASN) return "src_as"; if (type == ACL_DST_ASN) return "dst_as"; #if SQUID_SNMP if (type == ACL_SNMP_COMMUNITY) return "snmp_community"; #endif #if SRC_RTT_NOT_YET_FINISHED if (type == ACL_NETDB_SRC_RTT) return "src_rtt"; #endif #if USE_ARP_ACL if (type == ACL_SRC_ARP) return "arp"; #endif if (type == ACL_REQ_MIME_TYPE) return "req_mime_type"; if (type == ACL_REP_MIME_TYPE) return "rep_mime_type"; if (type == ACL_REP_HEADER) return "rep_header"; if (type == ACL_REQ_HEADER) return "req_header"; if (type == ACL_MAX_USER_IP) return "max_user_ip"; if (type == ACL_EXTERNAL) return "external"; if (type == ACL_URLLOGIN) return "urllogin"; #if USE_SSL if (type == ACL_USER_CERT) return "user_cert"; if (type == ACL_CA_CERT) return "ca_cert"; #endif if (type == ACL_URLGROUP) return "urlgroup"; if (type == ACL_EXTUSER) return "ext_user"; if (type == ACL_EXTUSER_REGEX) return "ext_user_regex"; return "ERROR"; } static acl * aclFindByName(const char *name) { acl *a; for (a = Config.aclList; a; a = a->next) if (!strcasecmp(a->name, name)) return a; return NULL; } static void aclParseIntlist(void *curlist) { intlist **Tail; intlist *q = NULL; char *t = NULL; for (Tail = curlist; *Tail; Tail = &((*Tail)->next)); while ((t = strtokFile())) { q = memAllocate(MEM_INTLIST); q->i = xatoi(t); *(Tail) = q; Tail = &q->next; } } static void aclParsePortRange(void *curlist) { intrange **Tail; char *a; for (Tail = curlist; *Tail; Tail = &((*Tail)->next)); while ((a = strtokFile())) { char *b = strchr(a, '-'); unsigned short port1, port2; if (b) *b++ = '\0'; port1 = xatos(a); if (b) port2 = xatos(b); else port2 = port1; if (port2 >= port1) { intrange *q = xcalloc(1, sizeof(intrange)); q->i = port1; q->j = port2; *(Tail) = q; Tail = &q->next; } else { debug(28, 0) ("aclParsePortRange: Invalid port value\n"); self_destruct(); } } } static void aclParseProtoList(void *curlist) { intlist **Tail; intlist *q = NULL; char *t = NULL; protocol_t protocol; for (Tail = curlist; *Tail; Tail = &((*Tail)->next)); while ((t = strtokFile())) { protocol = urlParseProtocol(t); q = memAllocate(MEM_INTLIST); q->i = (int) protocol; *(Tail) = q; Tail = &q->next; } } static void aclParseMethodList(void *curlist) { intlist **Tail; intlist *q = NULL; char *t = NULL; for (Tail = curlist; *Tail; Tail = &((*Tail)->next)); while ((t = strtokFile())) { q = memAllocate(MEM_INTLIST); q->i = (int) urlParseMethod(t); if (q->i == METHOD_NONE) self_destruct(); *(Tail) = q; Tail = &q->next; } } static void aclParseType(void *current) { acl_request_type **p = current; acl_request_type *type; char *t = NULL; if (!*p) *p = memAllocate(MEM_ACL_REQUEST_TYPE); type = *p; while ((t = strtokFile())) { if (strcmp(t, "accelerated") == 0) { type->accelerated = 1; continue; } if (strcmp(t, "accel") == 0) { type->accelerated = 1; continue; } if (strcmp(t, "transparent") == 0) { type->transparent = 1; continue; } if (strcmp(t, "internal") == 0) { type->internal = 1; continue; } if (strcmp(t, "auth") == 0) { type->internal = 1; continue; } fatalf("unknown acl type argument '%s'\n", t); } } /* * Decode a ascii representation (asc) of a IP adress, and place * adress and netmask information in addr and mask. * This function should NOT be called if 'asc' is a hostname! */ static int decode_addr(const char *asc, struct in_addr *addr) { int a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, a4 = 0; switch (sscanf(asc, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &a1, &a2, &a3, &a4)) { case 4: /* a dotted quad */ if (!safe_inet_addr(asc, addr)) { debug(28, 0) ("decode_addr: unsafe IP address: '%s'\n", asc); self_destruct(); } break; case 1: /* a significant bits value for a mask */ if (a1 >= 0 && a1 < 33) { addr->s_addr = a1 ? htonl(0xfffffffful << (32 - a1)) : 0; break; } default: debug(28, 0) ("decode_addr: Invalid IP address '%s'\n", asc); return 0; /* This is not valid address */ } return 1; } #define SCAN_ACL1 "%[0123456789.]-%[0123456789.]/%[0123456789.]" #define SCAN_ACL2 "%[0123456789.]-%[0123456789.]%c" #define SCAN_ACL3 "%[0123456789.]/%[0123456789.]" #define SCAN_ACL4 "%[0123456789.]%c" static acl_ip_data * aclParseIpData(const char *t) { LOCAL_ARRAY(char, addr1, 256); LOCAL_ARRAY(char, addr2, 256); LOCAL_ARRAY(char, mask, 256); acl_ip_data *q = memAllocate(MEM_ACL_IP_DATA); acl_ip_data *r; acl_ip_data **Q; struct hostent *hp; char **x; char c; debug(28, 5) ("aclParseIpData: %s\n", t); if (!strcasecmp(t, "all")) { q->addr1.s_addr = 0; q->addr2.s_addr = 0; q->mask.s_addr = 0; return q; } q->mask.s_addr = no_addr.s_addr; /* */ if (sscanf(t, SCAN_ACL1, addr1, addr2, mask) == 3) { (void) 0; } else if (sscanf(t, SCAN_ACL2, addr1, addr2, &c) == 2) { mask[0] = '\0'; } else if (sscanf(t, SCAN_ACL3, addr1, mask) == 2) { addr2[0] = '\0'; } else if (sscanf(t, SCAN_ACL4, addr1, &c) == 1) { addr2[0] = '\0'; mask[0] = '\0'; } else if (sscanf(t, "%[^/]/%s", addr1, mask) == 2) { addr2[0] = '\0'; } else if (sscanf(t, "%s", addr1) == 1) { /* * Note, must use plain gethostbyname() here because at startup * ipcache hasn't been initialized */ if ((hp = gethostbyname(addr1)) == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("aclParseIpData: Bad host/IP: '%s'\n", t); safe_free(q); return NULL; } Q = &q; for (x = hp->h_addr_list; x != NULL && *x != NULL; x++) { if ((r = *Q) == NULL) r = *Q = memAllocate(MEM_ACL_IP_DATA); xmemcpy(&r->addr1.s_addr, *x, sizeof(r->addr1.s_addr)); r->addr2.s_addr = 0; r->mask.s_addr = no_addr.s_addr; /* */ Q = &r->next; debug(28, 3) ("%s --> %s\n", addr1, inet_ntoa(r->addr1)); } return q; } else { debug(28, 0) ("aclParseIpData: Bad host/IP: '%s'\n", t); safe_free(q); return NULL; } /* Decode addr1 */ if (!decode_addr(addr1, &q->addr1)) { debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseIpData: Ignoring invalid IP acl entry: unknown first address '%s'\n", addr1); safe_free(q); return NULL; } /* Decode addr2 */ if (*addr2 && !decode_addr(addr2, &q->addr2)) { debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseIpData: Ignoring invalid IP acl entry: unknown second address '%s'\n", addr2); safe_free(q); return NULL; } /* Decode mask */ if (*mask && !decode_addr(mask, &q->mask)) { debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseIpData: Ignoring invalid IP acl entry: unknown netmask '%s'\n", mask); safe_free(q); return NULL; } if ((q->addr1.s_addr & q->mask.s_addr) != q->addr1.s_addr || (q->addr2.s_addr & q->mask.s_addr) != q->addr2.s_addr) debug(28, 0) ("aclParseIpData: WARNING: Netmask masks away part of the specified IP in '%s'\n", t); q->addr1.s_addr &= q->mask.s_addr; q->addr2.s_addr &= q->mask.s_addr; /* --> */ return q; } /******************/ /* aclParseIpList */ /******************/ static void aclParseIpList(void *curlist) { char *t = NULL; splayNode **Top = curlist; acl_ip_data *q = NULL; while ((t = strtokFile())) { acl_ip_data *next; for (q = aclParseIpData(t); q != NULL; q = next) { next = q->next; *Top = splay_insert(q, *Top, aclIpNetworkCompare); if (splayLastResult == 0) xfree(q); } } } static void aclParseTimeSpec(void *curlist) { acl_time_data *q = NULL; acl_time_data **Tail; int h1, m1, h2, m2; char *t = NULL; long weekbits = 0; for (Tail = curlist; *Tail; Tail = &((*Tail)->next)); while ((t = strtokFile())) { if (*t < '0' || *t > '9') { /* assume its day-of-week spec */ while (*t) { switch (*t++) { case 'S': weekbits |= ACL_SUNDAY; break; case 'M': weekbits |= ACL_MONDAY; break; case 'T': weekbits |= ACL_TUESDAY; break; case 'W': weekbits |= ACL_WEDNESDAY; break; case 'H': weekbits |= ACL_THURSDAY; break; case 'F': weekbits |= ACL_FRIDAY; break; case 'A': weekbits |= ACL_SATURDAY; break; case 'D': weekbits |= ACL_WEEKDAYS; break; case '-': /* ignore placeholder */ break; default: debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseTimeSpec: Bad Day '%c'\n", t[-1]); self_destruct(); break; } } } else { /* assume its time-of-day spec */ if ((sscanf(t, "%d:%d-%d:%d", &h1, &m1, &h2, &m2) < 4) || (!((h1 >= 0 && h1 < 24) && ((h2 >= 0 && h2 < 24) || (h2 == 24 && m2 == 0)) && (m1 >= 0 && m1 < 60) && (m2 >= 0 && m2 < 60)))) { debug(28, 0) ("aclParseTimeSpec: ERROR: Bad time range '%s'\n", t); self_destruct(); } q = memAllocate(MEM_ACL_TIME_DATA); q->start = h1 * 60 + m1; q->stop = h2 * 60 + m2; q->weekbits = weekbits; weekbits = 0; if (q->start > q->stop) { debug(28, 0) ("aclParseTimeSpec: ERROR: Reversed time range in" "%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); self_destruct(); } if (q->weekbits == 0) q->weekbits = ACL_ALLWEEK; *(Tail) = q; Tail = &q->next; } } if (weekbits) { q = memAllocate(MEM_ACL_TIME_DATA); q->start = 0 * 60 + 0; q->stop = 24 * 60 + 0; q->weekbits = weekbits; *(Tail) = q; Tail = &q->next; } } void aclParseRegexList(void *curlist) { relist **Tail; relist *q = NULL; char *t = NULL; regex_t comp; int errcode; int flags = REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB; for (Tail = curlist; *Tail; Tail = &((*Tail)->next)); while ((t = strtokFile())) { if (strcmp(t, "-i") == 0) { flags |= REG_ICASE; continue; } if (strcmp(t, "+i") == 0) { flags &= ~REG_ICASE; continue; } if ((errcode = regcomp(&comp, t, flags)) != 0) { char errbuf[256]; regerror(errcode, &comp, errbuf, sizeof errbuf); debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseRegexList: Invalid regular expression '%s': %s\n", t, errbuf); continue; } q = memAllocate(MEM_RELIST); q->pattern = xstrdup(t); q->regex = comp; *(Tail) = q; Tail = &q->next; } } static void aclParseHeader(void *data) { char *t; acl_hdr_data **hd = data; acl_hdr_data *q; t = strtokFile(); if (NULL == t) { debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseHeader: No data defined '%s'\n", t); return; } q = xcalloc(1, sizeof(acl_hdr_data)); q->hdr_name = xstrdup(t); q->hdr_id = httpHeaderIdByNameDef(t, strlen(t)); aclParseRegexList(&q->reglist); if (!q->reglist) { debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseHeader: No pattern defined '%s'\n", t); aclDestroyHeader(&q); return; } while (*hd) hd = &(*hd)->next; *hd = q; } static int aclMatchHeader(acl_hdr_data * hdrs, const HttpHeader * hdr) { acl_hdr_data *hd; for (hd = hdrs; hd; hd = hd->next) { int ret; String header; if (hd->hdr_id != -1) header = httpHeaderGetStrOrList(hdr, hd->hdr_id); else header = httpHeaderGetByName(hdr, hd->hdr_name); if (!strBuf(header)) continue; ret = aclMatchRegex(hd->reglist, strBuf(header)); stringClean(&header); if (ret) return 1; } return 0; } void aclDestroyHeader(void *data) { acl_hdr_data **acldata = data; while (*acldata) { acl_hdr_data *q = *acldata; *acldata = q->next; if (q->reglist) aclDestroyRegexList(q->reglist); safe_free(q); } } static wordlist * aclDumpHeader(acl_hdr_data * hd) { wordlist *W = NULL; while (hd) { MemBuf mb; relist *data; memBufDefInit(&mb); memBufPrintf(&mb, "%s", hd->hdr_name); for (data = hd->reglist; data; data = data->next) { memBufPrintf(&mb, " %s", data->pattern); } wordlistAdd(&W, mb.buf); memBufClean(&mb); hd = hd->next; } return W; } static void aclParseWordList(void *curlist) { char *t = NULL; while ((t = strtokFile())) wordlistAdd(curlist, t); } static void aclParseUserList(void **current) { char *t = NULL; acl_user_data *data; splayNode *Top = NULL; debug(28, 2) ("aclParseUserList: parsing user list\n"); if (*current == NULL) { debug(28, 3) ("aclParseUserList: current is null. Creating\n"); *current = memAllocate(MEM_ACL_USER_DATA); } t = strtokFile(); if (!t) { debug(28, 2) ("aclParseUserList: No data defined\n"); return; } debug(28, 5) ("aclParseUserList: First token is %s\n", t); data = *current; Top = data->names; if (strcmp("-i", t) == 0) { debug(28, 5) ("aclParseUserList: Going case-insensitive\n"); data->flags.case_insensitive = 1; } else if (strcmp("REQUIRED", t) == 0) { debug(28, 5) ("aclParseUserList: REQUIRED-type enabled\n"); data->flags.required = 1; } else { if (data->flags.case_insensitive) Tolower(t); t = xstrdup(t); Top = splay_insert(t, Top, (SPLAYCMP *) strcmp); if (splayLastResult == 0) xfree(t); } debug(28, 3) ("aclParseUserList: Case-insensitive-switch is %d\n", data->flags.case_insensitive); /* we might inherit from a previous declaration */ debug(28, 4) ("aclParseUserList: parsing user list\n"); while ((t = strtokFile())) { debug(28, 6) ("aclParseUserList: Got token: %s\n", t); if (data->flags.case_insensitive) Tolower(t); t = xstrdup(t); Top = splay_insert(t, Top, (SPLAYCMP *) strcmp); if (splayLastResult == 0) xfree(t); } data->names = Top; } /**********************/ /* aclParseDomainList */ /**********************/ static void aclParseDomainList(void *curlist) { char *t = NULL; splayNode **Top = curlist; while ((t = strtokFile())) { Tolower(t); t = xstrdup(t); *Top = splay_insert(t, *Top, aclDomainCompare); if (splayLastResult == 0) safe_free(t); } } #if USE_SSL static void aclParseCertList(void *curlist) { acl_cert_data **datap = curlist; splayNode **Top; char *t; char *attribute = strtokFile(); if (!attribute) self_destruct(); if (*datap) { if (strcasecmp((*datap)->attribute, attribute) != 0) self_destruct(); } else { *datap = memAllocate(MEM_ACL_CERT_DATA); (*datap)->attribute = xstrdup(attribute); } Top = &(*datap)->values; while ((t = strtokFile())) { t = xstrdup(t); *Top = splay_insert(t, *Top, aclDomainCompare); if (splayLastResult == 0) safe_free(t); } } static int aclMatchUserCert(void *data, aclCheck_t * checklist) { acl_cert_data *cert_data = data; const char *value; SSL *ssl = fd_table[checklist->conn->fd].ssl; if (!ssl) return 0; value = sslGetUserAttribute(ssl, cert_data->attribute); if (!value) return 0; cert_data->values = splay_splay(value, cert_data->values, (SPLAYCMP *) strcmp); return !splayLastResult; } static int aclMatchCACert(void *data, aclCheck_t * checklist) { acl_cert_data *cert_data = data; const char *value; SSL *ssl = fd_table[checklist->conn->fd].ssl; if (!ssl) return 0; value = sslGetCAAttribute(ssl, cert_data->attribute); if (!value) return 0; cert_data->values = splay_splay(value, cert_data->values, (SPLAYCMP *) strcmp); return !splayLastResult; } static void aclDestroyCertList(void *curlist) { acl_cert_data **datap = curlist; if (!*datap) return; splay_destroy((*datap)->values, xfree); memFree(*datap, MEM_ACL_CERT_DATA); *datap = NULL; } static void aclDumpCertListWalkee(void *node_data, void *outlist) { /* outlist is really a wordlist ** */ wordlistAdd(outlist, node_data); } static wordlist * aclDumpCertList(void *curlist) { acl_cert_data *data = curlist; wordlist *wl = NULL; wordlistAdd(&wl, data->attribute); if (data->values) splay_walk(data->values, aclDumpCertListWalkee, &wl); return wl; } #endif void aclParseAclLine(acl ** head) { /* we're already using strtok() to grok the line */ char *t = NULL; acl *A = NULL; LOCAL_ARRAY(char, aclname, ACL_NAME_SZ); squid_acl acltype; int new_acl = 0; /* snarf the ACL name */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, w_space)) == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("aclParseAclLine: missing ACL name.\n"); self_destruct(); } if (strlen(t) >= ACL_NAME_SZ) { debug(28, 0) ("aclParseAclLine: ACL name '%s' too long. Max %d characters allowed\n", t, ACL_NAME_SZ - 1); self_destruct(); } xstrncpy(aclname, t, ACL_NAME_SZ); /* snarf the ACL type */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, w_space)) == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("aclParseAclLine: missing ACL type.\n"); self_destruct(); return; } if ((acltype = aclStrToType(t)) == ACL_NONE) { debug(28, 0) ("aclParseAclLine: Invalid ACL type '%s'\n", t); self_destruct(); return; } if ((A = aclFindByName(aclname)) == NULL) { debug(28, 3) ("aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL '%s'\n", aclname); A = memAllocate(MEM_ACL); xstrncpy(A->name, aclname, ACL_NAME_SZ); A->type = acltype; A->cfgline = xstrdup(config_input_line); new_acl = 1; } else { if (acltype != A->type) { debug(28, 0) ("aclParseAclLine: ACL '%s' already exists with different type.\n", A->name); self_destruct(); return; } debug(28, 3) ("aclParseAclLine: Appending to '%s'\n", aclname); new_acl = 0; } /* * Here we set AclMatchedName in case we need to use it in a * warning message in aclDomainCompare(). */ AclMatchedName = aclname; /* ugly */ switch (A->type) { case ACL_SRC_IP: case ACL_DST_IP: case ACL_MY_IP: aclParseIpList(&A->data); break; case ACL_SRC_DOMAIN: case ACL_DST_DOMAIN: aclParseDomainList(&A->data); break; case ACL_TIME: aclParseTimeSpec(&A->data); break; case ACL_URL_REGEX: case ACL_URLLOGIN: case ACL_URLPATH_REGEX: case ACL_BROWSER: case ACL_REFERER_REGEX: case ACL_SRC_DOM_REGEX: case ACL_DST_DOM_REGEX: case ACL_REQ_MIME_TYPE: case ACL_REP_MIME_TYPE: aclParseRegexList(&A->data); break; case ACL_REP_HEADER: case ACL_REQ_HEADER: aclParseHeader(&A->data); break; case ACL_SRC_ASN: case ACL_MAXCONN: case ACL_DST_ASN: aclParseIntlist(&A->data); break; case ACL_MAX_USER_IP: aclParseUserMaxIP(&A->data); break; #if SRC_RTT_NOT_YET_FINISHED case ACL_NETDB_SRC_RTT: aclParseIntlist(&A->data); break; #endif case ACL_URL_PORT: case ACL_MY_PORT: aclParsePortRange(&A->data); break; #if USE_IDENT case ACL_IDENT: aclParseUserList(&A->data); break; case ACL_IDENT_REGEX: aclParseRegexList(&A->data); break; #endif case ACL_TYPE: aclParseType(&A->data); break; case ACL_PROTO: aclParseProtoList(&A->data); break; case ACL_METHOD: aclParseMethodList(&A->data); break; case ACL_PROXY_AUTH: if (authenticateSchemeCount() == 0) { debug(28, 0) ("Invalid Proxy Auth ACL '%s' " "because no authentication schemes were compiled.\n", A->cfgline); self_destruct(); } else if (authenticateActiveSchemeCount() == 0) { debug(28, 0) ("Invalid Proxy Auth ACL '%s' " "because no authentication schemes are fully configured.\n", A->cfgline); self_destruct(); } else { aclParseUserList(&A->data); } break; case ACL_PROXY_AUTH_REGEX: if (authenticateSchemeCount() == 0) { debug(28, 0) ("Invalid Proxy Auth ACL '%s' " "because no authentication schemes were compiled.\n", A->cfgline); self_destruct(); } else if (authenticateActiveSchemeCount() == 0) { debug(28, 0) ("Invalid Proxy Auth ACL '%s' " "because no authentication schemes are fully configured.\n", A->cfgline); self_destruct(); } else { aclParseRegexList(&A->data); } break; #if SQUID_SNMP case ACL_SNMP_COMMUNITY: aclParseWordList(&A->data); break; #endif #if USE_ARP_ACL case ACL_SRC_ARP: aclParseArpList(&A->data); break; #endif case ACL_EXTERNAL: aclParseExternal(&A->data, A->name); break; case ACL_URLGROUP: aclParseWordList(&A->data); break; #if USE_SSL case ACL_USER_CERT: case ACL_CA_CERT: aclParseCertList(&A->data); break; #endif case ACL_EXTUSER: aclParseUserList(&A->data); break; case ACL_EXTUSER_REGEX: aclParseRegexList(&A->data); break; case ACL_NONE: case ACL_ENUM_MAX: fatal("Bad ACL type"); break; } /* * Clear AclMatchedName from our temporary hack */ AclMatchedName = NULL; /* ugly */ if (!new_acl) return; if (A->data == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("aclParseAclLine: WARNING: empty ACL: %s\n", A->cfgline); } /* append */ while (*head) head = &(*head)->next; *head = A; } /* does name lookup, returns page_id */ err_type aclGetDenyInfoPage(acl_deny_info_list ** head, const char *name, int redirect_allowed) { acl_deny_info_list *A = NULL; for (A = *head; A; A = A->next) { acl_name_list *L = NULL; if (!redirect_allowed && strchr(A->err_page_name, ':')) continue; for (L = A->acl_list; L; L = L->next) { if (!strcmp(name, L->name)) return A->err_page_id; } } return ERR_NONE; } /* does name lookup, returns if it is a proxy_auth acl */ int aclIsProxyAuth(const char *name) { acl *a; if (NULL == name) return 0; a = aclFindByName(name); if (a == NULL) return 0; switch (a->type) { case ACL_PROXY_AUTH: case ACL_PROXY_AUTH_REGEX: return 1; case ACL_EXTERNAL: return externalAclRequiresAuth(a->data); default: return 0; } } /* maex@space.net (05.09.96) * get the info for redirecting "access denied" to info pages * TODO (probably ;-) * currently there is no optimization for * - more than one deny_info line with the same url * - a check, whether the given acl really is defined * - a check, whether an acl is added more than once for the same url */ void aclParseDenyInfoLine(acl_deny_info_list ** head) { char *t = NULL; acl_deny_info_list *A = NULL; acl_deny_info_list *B = NULL; acl_deny_info_list **T = NULL; acl_name_list *L = NULL; acl_name_list **Tail = NULL; /* first expect a page name */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, w_space)) == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseDenyInfoLine: missing 'error page' parameter.\n"); return; } A = memAllocate(MEM_ACL_DENY_INFO_LIST); A->err_page_id = errorReservePageId(t); A->err_page_name = xstrdup(t); A->next = (acl_deny_info_list *) NULL; /* next expect a list of ACL names */ Tail = &A->acl_list; while ((t = strtok(NULL, w_space))) { L = memAllocate(MEM_ACL_NAME_LIST); xstrncpy(L->name, t, ACL_NAME_SZ); *Tail = L; Tail = &L->next; } if (A->acl_list == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseDenyInfoLine: deny_info line contains no ACL's, skipping\n"); memFree(A, MEM_ACL_DENY_INFO_LIST); return; } for (B = *head, T = head; B; T = &B->next, B = B->next); /* find the tail */ *T = A; } void aclParseAccessLine(acl_access ** head) { char *t = NULL; acl_access *A = NULL; acl_access *B = NULL; acl_access **T = NULL; /* first expect either 'allow' or 'deny' */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, w_space)) == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseAccessLine: missing 'allow' or 'deny'.\n"); return; } A = cbdataAlloc(acl_access); if (!strcmp(t, "allow")) A->allow = 1; else if (!strcmp(t, "deny")) A->allow = 0; else { debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseAccessLine: expecting 'allow' or 'deny', got '%s'.\n", t); cbdataFree(A); return; } aclParseAclList(&A->acl_list); if (A->acl_list == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseAccessLine: Access line contains no ACL's, skipping\n"); cbdataFree(A); return; } A->cfgline = xstrdup(config_input_line); /* Append to the end of this list */ for (B = *head, T = head; B; T = &B->next, B = B->next); *T = A; /* We lock _acl_access structures in aclCheck() */ } void aclParseAclList(acl_list ** head) { acl_list *L = NULL; acl_list **Tail = head; /* sane name in the use below */ acl *a = NULL; char *t; /* next expect a list of ACL names, possibly preceeded * by '!' for negation */ while ((t = strtok(NULL, w_space))) { L = memAllocate(MEM_ACL_LIST); L->op = 1; /* defaults to non-negated */ if (*t == '!') { /* negated ACL */ L->op = 0; t++; } debug(28, 3) ("aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name '%s'\n", t); a = aclFindByName(t); if (a == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("ACL name '%s' not defined!\n", t); self_destruct(); memFree(L, MEM_ACL_LIST); continue; } L->acl = a; *Tail = L; Tail = &L->next; } } /**************/ /* aclMatchIp */ /**************/ static int aclMatchIp(void *dataptr, struct in_addr c) { splayNode **Top = dataptr; acl_ip_data x; /* * aclIpAddrNetworkCompare() takes two acl_ip_data pointers as * arguments, so we must create a fake one for the client's IP * address, and use a /32 netmask. However, the current code * probably only accesses the addr1 element of this argument, * so it might be possible to leave addr2 and mask unset. * XXX Could eliminate these repetitive assignments with a * static structure. */ x.addr1 = c; x.addr2 = any_addr; x.mask = no_addr; x.next = NULL; *Top = splay_splay(&x, *Top, aclIpAddrNetworkCompare); debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchIp: '%s' %s\n", inet_ntoa(c), splayLastResult ? "NOT found" : "found"); return !splayLastResult; } /**********************/ /* aclMatchDomainList */ /**********************/ static int aclMatchDomainList(void *dataptr, const char *host) { splayNode **Top = dataptr; if (host == NULL) return 0; debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchDomainList: checking '%s'\n", host); *Top = splay_splay(host, *Top, aclHostDomainCompare); debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchDomainList: '%s' %s\n", host, splayLastResult ? "NOT found" : "found"); return !splayLastResult; } int aclMatchRegex(relist * data, const char *word) { relist *first, *prev; if (word == NULL) return 0; debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchRegex: checking '%s'\n", word); first = data; prev = NULL; while (data) { debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchRegex: looking for '%s'\n", data->pattern); if (regexec(&data->regex, word, 0, 0, 0) == 0) { if (prev != NULL) { /* shift the element just found to the second position * in the list */ prev->next = data->next; data->next = first->next; first->next = data; } debug(28, 2) ("aclMatchRegex: match '%s' found in '%s'\n", data->pattern, word); return 1; } prev = data; data = data->next; } return 0; } static int aclMatchUser(void *proxyauth_acl, char *user) { acl_user_data *data = (acl_user_data *) proxyauth_acl; splayNode *Top = data->names; debug(28, 7) ("aclMatchUser: user is %s, case_insensitive is %d\n", user, data->flags.case_insensitive); debug(28, 8) ("Top is %p, Top->data is %s\n", Top, (char *) (Top != NULL ? (Top)->data : "Unavailable")); if (user == NULL || strcmp(user, "-") == 0) return 0; if (data->flags.required) { debug(28, 7) ("aclMatchUser: user REQUIRED and auth-info present.\n"); return 1; } if (data->flags.case_insensitive) Top = splay_splay(user, Top, (SPLAYCMP *) strcasecmp); else Top = splay_splay(user, Top, (SPLAYCMP *) strcmp); /* Top=splay_splay(user,Top,(SPLAYCMP *)dumping_strcmp); */ debug(28, 7) ("aclMatchUser: returning %d,Top is %p, Top->data is %s\n", !splayLastResult, Top, (char *) (Top ? Top->data : "Unavailable")); data->names = Top; return !splayLastResult; } /* ACL result caching routines */ /* * we lookup an acl's cached results, and if we cannot find the acl being * checked we check it and cache the result. This function is deliberatly * generic to support caching of multiple acl types (but it needs to be more * generic still.... * The Match Param and the cache MUST be tied together by the calling routine. * You have been warned :-] * Also only Matchxxx that are of the form (void *, void *) can be used. * probably some ugly overloading _could_ be done but I'll leave that as an * exercise for the reader. Note that caching of time based acl's is not * wise due to no expiry occuring to the cache entries until the user expires * or a reconfigure takes place. * RBC */ static int aclCacheMatchAcl(dlink_list * cache, squid_acl acltype, void *data, char *MatchParam) { int matchrv; acl_proxy_auth_match_cache *auth_match; dlink_node *link; link = cache->head; while (link) { auth_match = link->data; if (auth_match->acl_data == data) { debug(28, 4) ("aclCacheMatchAcl: cache hit on acl '%p'\n", data); return auth_match->matchrv; } link = link->next; } auth_match = NULL; /* match the user in the acl. They are not cached. */ switch (acltype) { case ACL_PROXY_AUTH: matchrv = aclMatchUser(data, MatchParam); break; case ACL_PROXY_AUTH_REGEX: matchrv = aclMatchRegex(data, MatchParam); break; default: /* This is a fatal to ensure that aclCacheMatchAcl calls are _only_ * made for supported acl types */ fatal("aclCacheMatchAcl: unknown or unexpected ACL type"); return 0; /* NOTREACHED */ } auth_match = memAllocate(MEM_ACL_PROXY_AUTH_MATCH); auth_match->matchrv = matchrv; auth_match->acl_data = data; dlinkAddTail(auth_match, &auth_match->link, cache); return matchrv; } void aclCacheMatchFlush(dlink_list * cache) { acl_proxy_auth_match_cache *auth_match; dlink_node *link, *tmplink; link = cache->head; while (link) { auth_match = link->data; tmplink = link; link = link->next; dlinkDelete(tmplink, cache); memFree(auth_match, MEM_ACL_PROXY_AUTH_MATCH); } } /* aclMatchProxyAuth can return two exit codes: * 0 : Authorisation for this ACL failed. (Did not match) * 1 : Authorisation OK. (Matched) */ static int aclMatchProxyAuth(void *data, auth_user_request_t * auth_user_request, aclCheck_t * checklist, squid_acl acltype) { /* checklist is used to register user name when identified, nothing else */ /* General program flow in proxy_auth acls * 1. Consistency checks: are we getting sensible data * 2. Call the authenticate* functions to establish a authenticated user * 4. look up the username in acltype (and cache the result against the * username */ /* for completeness */ authenticateAuthUserRequestLock(auth_user_request); /* consistent parameters ? */ assert(authenticateUserAuthenticated(auth_user_request)); /* this ACL check completed */ authenticateAuthUserRequestUnlock(auth_user_request); /* check to see if we have matched the user-acl before */ return aclCacheMatchAcl(&auth_user_request->auth_user->proxy_match_cache, acltype, data, authenticateUserRequestUsername(auth_user_request)); } CBDATA_TYPE(acl_user_ip_data); void aclParseUserMaxIP(void *data) { acl_user_ip_data **acldata = data; char *t = NULL; CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(acl_user_ip_data); if (*acldata) { debug(28, 1) ("Attempting to alter already set User max IP acl\n"); return; } *acldata = cbdataAlloc(acl_user_ip_data); t = strtokFile(); if (!t) goto error; debug(28, 5) ("aclParseUserMaxIP: First token is %s\n", t); if (strcmp("-s", t) == 0) { debug(28, 5) ("aclParseUserMaxIP: Going strict\n"); (*acldata)->flags.strict = 1; t = strtokFile(); if (!t) goto error; } (*acldata)->max = xatoi(t); debug(28, 5) ("aclParseUserMaxIP: Max IP address's %d\n", (int) (*acldata)->max); return; error: self_destruct(); } void aclDestroyUserMaxIP(void *data) { acl_user_ip_data **acldata = data; if (*acldata) cbdataFree(*acldata); *acldata = NULL; } wordlist * aclDumpUserMaxIP(void *data) { acl_user_ip_data *acldata = data; wordlist *W = NULL; char buf[128]; if (acldata->flags.strict) wordlistAdd(&W, "-s"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", (unsigned long int) acldata->max); wordlistAdd(&W, buf); return W; } /* * aclMatchUserMaxIP - check for users logging in from multiple IP's * 0 : No match * 1 : Match */ int aclMatchUserMaxIP(void *data, auth_user_request_t * auth_user_request, struct in_addr src_addr) { /* * the logic for flush the ip list when the limit is hit vs keep * it sorted in most recent access order and just drop the oldest * one off is currently undecided */ acl_user_ip_data *acldata = data; if (authenticateAuthUserRequestIPCount(auth_user_request) <= acldata->max) return 0; debug(28, 1) ("aclMatchUserMaxIP: user '%s' tries to use too many IP addresses (max %d allowed)!\n", authenticateUserRequestUsername(auth_user_request), acldata->max); /* this is a match */ if (acldata->flags.strict) { /* * simply deny access - the user name is already associated with * the request */ /* remove _this_ ip, as it is the culprit for going over the limit */ authenticateAuthUserRequestRemoveIp(auth_user_request, src_addr); debug(28, 4) ("aclMatchUserMaxIP: Denying access in strict mode\n"); } else { /* * non-strict - remove some/all of the cached entries * ie to allow the user to move machines easily */ authenticateAuthUserRequestClearIp(auth_user_request); debug(28, 4) ("aclMatchUserMaxIP: Denying access in non-strict mode - flushing the user ip cache\n"); } return 1; } static void aclLookupProxyAuthStart(aclCheck_t * checklist) { auth_user_request_t *auth_user_request; /* make sure someone created auth_user_request for us */ assert(checklist->auth_user_request != NULL); auth_user_request = checklist->auth_user_request; assert(authenticateValidateUser(auth_user_request)); authenticateStart(auth_user_request, aclLookupProxyAuthDone, checklist); } static int aclMatchInteger(intlist * data, int i) { intlist *first, *prev; first = data; prev = NULL; while (data) { if (data->i == i) { if (prev != NULL) { /* shift the element just found to the second position * in the list */ prev->next = data->next; data->next = first->next; first->next = data; } return 1; } prev = data; data = data->next; } return 0; } static int aclMatchIntegerRange(intrange * data, int i) { intrange *first, *prev; first = data; prev = NULL; while (data) { if (i < data->i) { (void) 0; } else if (i > data->j) { (void) 0; } else { /* matched */ if (prev != NULL) { /* shift the element just found to the second position * in the list */ prev->next = data->next; data->next = first->next; first->next = data; } return 1; } prev = data; data = data->next; } return 0; } static int aclMatchTime(acl_time_data * data, time_t when) { static time_t last_when = 0; static struct tm tm; time_t t; assert(data != NULL); if (when != last_when) { last_when = when; xmemcpy(&tm, localtime(&when), sizeof(struct tm)); } t = (time_t) (tm.tm_hour * 60 + tm.tm_min); debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchTime: checking %d in %d-%d, weekbits=%x\n", (int) t, (int) data->start, (int) data->stop, data->weekbits); while (data) { if (t >= data->start && t <= data->stop && (data->weekbits & (1 << tm.tm_wday))) return 1; data = data->next; } return 0; } static int aclMatchWordList(wordlist * w, const char *word) { debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchWordList: looking for '%s'\n", word); while (w != NULL) { debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchWordList: checking '%s'\n", w->key); if (!strcmp(w->key, word)) return 1; w = w->next; } return 0; } static int aclMatchType(acl_request_type * type, request_t * request) { if (type->accelerated && request->flags.accelerated) return 1; if (type->transparent && request->flags.transparent) return 1; if (type->internal && request->flags.internal) return 1; return 0; } int aclAuthenticated(aclCheck_t * checklist) { request_t *r = checklist->request; http_hdr_type headertype; if (NULL == r) { return -1; } else if (r->flags.accelerated) { /* WWW authorization on accelerated requests */ headertype = HDR_AUTHORIZATION; } else if (r->flags.transparent) { debug(28, 1) ("aclAuthenticated: authentication not applicable on transparently intercepted requests.\n"); return -1; } else { /* Proxy authorization on proxy requests */ headertype = HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION; } /* get authed here */ /* Note: this fills in checklist->auth_user_request when applicable (auth incomplete) */ switch (authenticateTryToAuthenticateAndSetAuthUser(&checklist->auth_user_request, headertype, checklist->request, checklist->conn, checklist->src_addr)) { case AUTH_ACL_CANNOT_AUTHENTICATE: debug(28, 4) ("aclMatchAcl: returning 0 user authenticated but not authorised.\n"); return 0; case AUTH_AUTHENTICATED: if (checklist->auth_user_request) { authenticateAuthUserRequestUnlock(checklist->auth_user_request); checklist->auth_user_request = NULL; } return 1; break; case AUTH_ACL_HELPER: debug(28, 4) ("aclMatchAcl: returning 0 sending credentials to helper.\n"); checklist->state[ACL_PROXY_AUTH] = ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED; return -1; case AUTH_ACL_CHALLENGE: debug(28, 4) ("aclMatchAcl: returning 0 sending authentication challenge.\n"); checklist->state[ACL_PROXY_AUTH] = ACL_PROXY_AUTH_NEEDED; return -1; default: fatal("unexpected authenticateAuthenticate reply\n"); return -1; } } static int aclMatchAcl(acl * ae, aclCheck_t * checklist) { request_t *r = checklist->request; const ipcache_addrs *ia = NULL; const char *fqdn = NULL; char *esc_buf; const char *header; const char *browser; int k, ti; if (!ae) return 0; switch (ae->type) { case ACL_BROWSER: case ACL_REFERER_REGEX: case ACL_DST_ASN: case ACL_DST_DOMAIN: case ACL_DST_DOM_REGEX: case ACL_DST_IP: case ACL_MAX_USER_IP: case ACL_METHOD: case ACL_TYPE: case ACL_PROTO: case ACL_PROXY_AUTH: case ACL_PROXY_AUTH_REGEX: case ACL_REP_MIME_TYPE: case ACL_REQ_MIME_TYPE: case ACL_REP_HEADER: case ACL_REQ_HEADER: case ACL_URLPATH_REGEX: case ACL_URL_PORT: case ACL_URL_REGEX: case ACL_URLLOGIN: /* These ACL types require checklist->request */ if (NULL == r) { debug(28, 1) ("WARNING: '%s' ACL is used but there is no" " HTTP request -- access denied.\n", ae->name); return 0; } break; default: break; } debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchAcl: checking '%s'\n", ae->cfgline); switch (ae->type) { case ACL_SRC_IP: return aclMatchIp(&ae->data, checklist->src_addr); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_MY_IP: return aclMatchIp(&ae->data, checklist->my_addr); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_DST_IP: ia = ipcache_gethostbyname(r->host, IP_LOOKUP_IF_MISS); if (ia) { for (k = 0; k < (int) ia->count; k++) { if (aclMatchIp(&ae->data, ia->in_addrs[k])) return 1; } return 0; } else if (checklist->state[ACL_DST_IP] == ACL_LOOKUP_NONE) { debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchAcl: Can't yet compare '%s' ACL for '%s'\n", ae->name, r->host); checklist->state[ACL_DST_IP] = ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED; return 0; } else { return 0; } /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_DST_DOMAIN: if (aclMatchDomainList(&ae->data, r->host)) return 1; if ((ia = ipcacheCheckNumeric(r->host)) == NULL) return 0; fqdn = fqdncache_gethostbyaddr(ia->in_addrs[0], FQDN_LOOKUP_IF_MISS); if (fqdn) return aclMatchDomainList(&ae->data, fqdn); if (checklist->state[ACL_DST_DOMAIN] == ACL_LOOKUP_NONE) { debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchAcl: Can't yet compare '%s' ACL for '%s'\n", ae->name, inet_ntoa(ia->in_addrs[0])); checklist->state[ACL_DST_DOMAIN] = ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED; return 0; } return aclMatchDomainList(&ae->data, "none"); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_SRC_DOMAIN: fqdn = fqdncache_gethostbyaddr(checklist->src_addr, FQDN_LOOKUP_IF_MISS); if (fqdn) { return aclMatchDomainList(&ae->data, fqdn); } else if (checklist->state[ACL_SRC_DOMAIN] == ACL_LOOKUP_NONE) { debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchAcl: Can't yet compare '%s' ACL for '%s'\n", ae->name, inet_ntoa(checklist->src_addr)); checklist->state[ACL_SRC_DOMAIN] = ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED; return 0; } return aclMatchDomainList(&ae->data, "none"); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_DST_DOM_REGEX: if (aclMatchRegex(ae->data, r->host)) return 1; if ((ia = ipcacheCheckNumeric(r->host)) == NULL) return 0; fqdn = fqdncache_gethostbyaddr(ia->in_addrs[0], FQDN_LOOKUP_IF_MISS); if (fqdn) return aclMatchRegex(ae->data, fqdn); if (checklist->state[ACL_DST_DOMAIN] == ACL_LOOKUP_NONE) { debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchAcl: Can't yet compare '%s' ACL for '%s'\n", ae->name, inet_ntoa(ia->in_addrs[0])); checklist->state[ACL_DST_DOMAIN] = ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED; return 0; } return aclMatchRegex(ae->data, "none"); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_SRC_DOM_REGEX: fqdn = fqdncache_gethostbyaddr(checklist->src_addr, FQDN_LOOKUP_IF_MISS); if (fqdn) { return aclMatchRegex(ae->data, fqdn); } else if (checklist->state[ACL_SRC_DOMAIN] == ACL_LOOKUP_NONE) { debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchAcl: Can't yet compare '%s' ACL for '%s'\n", ae->name, inet_ntoa(checklist->src_addr)); checklist->state[ACL_SRC_DOMAIN] = ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED; return 0; } return aclMatchRegex(ae->data, "none"); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_TIME: return aclMatchTime(ae->data, squid_curtime); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_URLPATH_REGEX: esc_buf = xstrdup(strBuf(r->urlpath)); rfc1738_unescape(esc_buf); k = aclMatchRegex(ae->data, esc_buf); safe_free(esc_buf); return k; /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_URL_REGEX: esc_buf = xstrdup(urlCanonical(r)); rfc1738_unescape(esc_buf); k = aclMatchRegex(ae->data, esc_buf); safe_free(esc_buf); return k; case ACL_URLLOGIN: esc_buf = xstrdup(r->login); rfc1738_unescape(esc_buf); k = aclMatchRegex(ae->data, esc_buf); safe_free(esc_buf); return k; /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_MAXCONN: k = clientdbEstablished(checklist->src_addr, 0); return ((k > ((intlist *) ae->data)->i) ? 1 : 0); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_URL_PORT: return aclMatchIntegerRange(ae->data, (int) r->port); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_MY_PORT: return aclMatchIntegerRange(ae->data, (int) checklist->my_port); /* NOTREACHED */ #if USE_IDENT case ACL_IDENT: if (checklist->rfc931[0]) { return aclMatchUser(ae->data, checklist->rfc931); } else if (checklist->conn && checklist->conn->rfc931[0]) { return aclMatchUser(ae->data, checklist->conn->rfc931); } else { checklist->state[ACL_IDENT] = ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED; return 0; } /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_IDENT_REGEX: if (checklist->rfc931[0]) { return aclMatchRegex(ae->data, checklist->rfc931); } else if (checklist->conn && checklist->conn->rfc931[0]) { return aclMatchRegex(ae->data, checklist->conn->rfc931); } else { checklist->state[ACL_IDENT] = ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED; return 0; } /* NOTREACHED */ #endif case ACL_TYPE: return aclMatchType(ae->data, r); case ACL_PROTO: return aclMatchInteger(ae->data, r->protocol); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_METHOD: return aclMatchInteger(ae->data, r->method); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_BROWSER: browser = httpHeaderGetStr(&checklist->request->header, HDR_USER_AGENT); if (NULL == browser) return 0; return aclMatchRegex(ae->data, browser); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_REFERER_REGEX: header = httpHeaderGetStr(&checklist->request->header, HDR_REFERER); if (NULL == header) return 0; return aclMatchRegex(ae->data, header); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_PROXY_AUTH: case ACL_PROXY_AUTH_REGEX: if ((ti = aclAuthenticated(checklist)) != 1) return ti; ti = aclMatchProxyAuth(ae->data, r->auth_user_request, checklist, ae->type); return ti; /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_MAX_USER_IP: if ((ti = aclAuthenticated(checklist)) != 1) return ti; ti = aclMatchUserMaxIP(ae->data, r->auth_user_request, checklist->src_addr); return ti; /* NOTREACHED */ #if SQUID_SNMP case ACL_SNMP_COMMUNITY: return aclMatchWordList(ae->data, checklist->snmp_community); /* NOTREACHED */ #endif case ACL_SRC_ASN: return asnMatchIp(ae->data, checklist->src_addr); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_DST_ASN: ia = ipcache_gethostbyname(r->host, IP_LOOKUP_IF_MISS); if (ia) { for (k = 0; k < (int) ia->count; k++) { if (asnMatchIp(ae->data, ia->in_addrs[k])) return 1; } return 0; } else if (checklist->state[ACL_DST_ASN] == ACL_LOOKUP_NONE) { debug(28, 3) ("asnMatchAcl: Can't yet compare '%s' ACL for '%s'\n", ae->name, r->host); checklist->state[ACL_DST_ASN] = ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED; } else { return asnMatchIp(ae->data, no_addr); } return 0; /* NOTREACHED */ #if USE_ARP_ACL case ACL_SRC_ARP: return aclMatchArp(&ae->data, checklist->src_addr); /* NOTREACHED */ #endif case ACL_REQ_MIME_TYPE: header = httpHeaderGetStr(&checklist->request->header, HDR_CONTENT_TYPE); if (NULL == header) header = ""; return aclMatchRegex(ae->data, header); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_REP_MIME_TYPE: if (!checklist->reply) return 0; header = httpHeaderGetStr(&checklist->reply->header, HDR_CONTENT_TYPE); if (NULL == header) header = ""; return aclMatchRegex(ae->data, header); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_REP_HEADER: if (!checklist->reply) return 0; return aclMatchHeader(ae->data, &checklist->reply->header); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_REQ_HEADER: return aclMatchHeader(ae->data, &checklist->request->header); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_EXTERNAL: return aclMatchExternal(ae->data, checklist); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_URLGROUP: if (!checklist->request->urlgroup) return 0; return aclMatchWordList(ae->data, checklist->request->urlgroup); /* NOTREACHED */ #if USE_SSL case ACL_USER_CERT: return aclMatchUserCert(ae->data, checklist); /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_CA_CERT: return aclMatchCACert(ae->data, checklist); /* NOTREACHED */ #endif case ACL_EXTUSER: if (checklist->request->extacl_user) { return aclMatchUser(ae->data, (char *) checklist->request->extacl_user); } else { return -1; } /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_EXTUSER_REGEX: if (checklist->request->extacl_user) { return aclMatchRegex(ae->data, checklist->request->extacl_user); } else { return -1; } /* NOTREACHED */ case ACL_NONE: case ACL_ENUM_MAX: break; } debug(28, 0) ("aclMatchAcl: '%s' has bad type %d\n", ae->name, ae->type); return 0; } int aclMatchAclList(const acl_list * list, aclCheck_t * checklist) { while (list) { int answer; checklist->current_acl = list->acl; AclMatchedName = list->acl->name; debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchAclList: checking %s%s\n", list->op ? null_string : "!", list->acl->name); answer = aclMatchAcl(list->acl, checklist); #if NOT_SURE_THIS_IS_GOOD /* This will make access denied if an acl cannot be evaluated. * Normally Squid will just continue to the next rule */ if (answer < 0) { debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchAclList: failure. returning -1\n"); return -1; } #endif if (answer != list->op) { debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0\n"); return 0; } list = list->next; } debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchAclList: returning 1\n"); return 1; } static void aclCheckCleanup(aclCheck_t * checklist) { /* Cleanup temporary stuff used by the ACL checking */ if (checklist->extacl_entry) { cbdataUnlock(checklist->extacl_entry); checklist->extacl_entry = NULL; } /* During reconfigure or if authentication is used in aclCheckFast without * first being authenticated in http_access we can end up not finishing call * sequences into the auth code. In such case we must make sure to forget * the authentication state completely */ if (checklist->auth_user_request) { authenticateAuthUserRequestUnlock(checklist->auth_user_request); checklist->auth_user_request = NULL; if (checklist->request) { if (checklist->request->auth_user_request) { authenticateAuthUserRequestUnlock(checklist->request->auth_user_request); checklist->request->auth_user_request = NULL; } } /* it might have been connection based */ if (checklist->conn) { if (checklist->conn->auth_user_request) { authenticateAuthUserRequestUnlock(checklist->conn->auth_user_request); checklist->conn->auth_user_request = NULL; } assert(checklist->request); checklist->conn->auth_type = AUTH_BROKEN; } } checklist->current_acl = NULL; } int aclCheckFast(const acl_access * A, aclCheck_t * checklist) { allow_t allow = ACCESS_DENIED; int answer; debug(28, 5) ("aclCheckFast: list: %p\n", A); while (A) { allow = A->allow; answer = aclMatchAclList(A->acl_list, checklist); if (answer) { if (answer < 0) return ACCESS_DENIED; aclCheckCleanup(checklist); return allow == ACCESS_ALLOWED; } A = A->next; } debug(28, 5) ("aclCheckFast: no matches, returning: %d\n", allow == ACCESS_DENIED); aclCheckCleanup(checklist); return allow == ACCESS_DENIED; } static void aclCheck(aclCheck_t * checklist) { allow_t allow = ACCESS_DENIED; const acl_access *A; int match; ipcache_addrs *ia; while ((A = checklist->access_list) != NULL) { /* * If the _acl_access is no longer valid (i.e. its been * freed because of a reconfigure), then bail on this * access check. For now, return ACCESS_DENIED. */ if (!cbdataValid(A)) { cbdataUnlock(A); checklist->access_list = NULL; break; } debug(28, 3) ("aclCheck: checking '%s'\n", A->cfgline); allow = A->allow; match = aclMatchAclList(A->acl_list, checklist); if (match == -1) allow = ACCESS_DENIED; if (checklist->state[ACL_DST_IP] == ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED) { checklist->state[ACL_DST_IP] = ACL_LOOKUP_PENDING; ipcache_nbgethostbyname(checklist->request->host, aclLookupDstIPDone, checklist); return; } else if (checklist->state[ACL_DST_ASN] == ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED) { checklist->state[ACL_DST_ASN] = ACL_LOOKUP_PENDING; ipcache_nbgethostbyname(checklist->request->host, aclLookupDstIPforASNDone, checklist); return; } else if (checklist->state[ACL_SRC_DOMAIN] == ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED) { checklist->state[ACL_SRC_DOMAIN] = ACL_LOOKUP_PENDING; fqdncache_nbgethostbyaddr(checklist->src_addr, aclLookupSrcFQDNDone, checklist); return; } else if (checklist->state[ACL_DST_DOMAIN] == ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED) { ia = ipcacheCheckNumeric(checklist->request->host); if (ia == NULL) { checklist->state[ACL_DST_DOMAIN] = ACL_LOOKUP_DONE; return; } checklist->dst_addr = ia->in_addrs[0]; checklist->state[ACL_DST_DOMAIN] = ACL_LOOKUP_PENDING; fqdncache_nbgethostbyaddr(checklist->dst_addr, aclLookupDstFQDNDone, checklist); return; } else if (checklist->state[ACL_PROXY_AUTH] == ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED) { debug(28, 3) ("aclCheck: checking password via authenticator\n"); aclLookupProxyAuthStart(checklist); checklist->state[ACL_PROXY_AUTH] = ACL_LOOKUP_PENDING; return; } else if (checklist->state[ACL_PROXY_AUTH] == ACL_PROXY_AUTH_NEEDED) { /* Client is required to resend the request with correct authentication * credentials. (This may be part of a stateful auth protocol. * The request is denied. */ debug(28, 6) ("aclCheck: requiring Proxy Auth header.\n"); allow = ACCESS_REQ_PROXY_AUTH; match = -1; } #if USE_IDENT else if (checklist->state[ACL_IDENT] == ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED) { debug(28, 3) ("aclCheck: Doing ident lookup\n"); if (cbdataValid(checklist->conn)) { identStart(&checklist->conn->me, &checklist->conn->peer, aclLookupIdentDone, checklist); checklist->state[ACL_IDENT] = ACL_LOOKUP_PENDING; return; } else { debug(28, 1) ("aclCheck: Can't start ident lookup. No client connection\n"); cbdataUnlock(checklist->conn); checklist->conn = NULL; allow = ACCESS_DENIED; match = -1; } } #endif else if (checklist->state[ACL_EXTERNAL] == ACL_LOOKUP_NEEDED) { acl *acl = checklist->current_acl; assert(acl->type == ACL_EXTERNAL); externalAclLookup(checklist, acl->data, aclLookupExternalDone, checklist); return; } /* * We are done with this _acl_access entry. Either the request * is allowed, denied, requires authentication, or we move on to * the next entry. */ if (match) { debug(28, 3) ("aclCheck: match found, returning %d\n", allow); cbdataUnlock(A); checklist->access_list = NULL; aclCheckCallback(checklist, allow); return; } checklist->access_list = A->next; /* * Lock the next _acl_access entry */ if (A->next) cbdataLock(A->next); cbdataUnlock(A); } debug(28, 3) ("aclCheck: NO match found, returning %d\n", allow != ACCESS_DENIED ? ACCESS_DENIED : ACCESS_ALLOWED); aclCheckCallback(checklist, allow != ACCESS_DENIED ? ACCESS_DENIED : ACCESS_ALLOWED); } void aclChecklistFree(aclCheck_t * checklist) { if (checklist->request) requestUnlink(checklist->request); checklist->request = NULL; if (checklist->conn) { cbdataUnlock(checklist->conn); checklist->conn = NULL; } if (checklist->access_list) { cbdataUnlock(checklist->access_list); checklist->access_list = NULL; } if (checklist->callback_data) { cbdataUnlock(checklist->callback_data); checklist->callback_data = NULL; } aclCheckCleanup(checklist); cbdataFree(checklist); } static void aclCheckCallback(aclCheck_t * checklist, allow_t answer) { debug(28, 3) ("aclCheckCallback: answer=%d\n", answer); aclCheckCleanup(checklist); if (cbdataValid(checklist->callback_data)) checklist->callback(answer, checklist->callback_data); cbdataUnlock(checklist->callback_data); checklist->callback = NULL; checklist->callback_data = NULL; aclChecklistFree(checklist); } #if USE_IDENT static void aclLookupIdentDone(const char *ident, void *data) { aclCheck_t *checklist = data; if (ident) { xstrncpy(checklist->rfc931, ident, USER_IDENT_SZ); #if DONT xstrncpy(checklist->request->authuser, ident, USER_IDENT_SZ); #endif } else { xstrncpy(checklist->rfc931, dash_str, USER_IDENT_SZ); } /* * Cache the ident result in the connection, to avoid redoing ident lookup * over and over on persistent connections */ if (cbdataValid(checklist->conn) && !checklist->conn->rfc931[0]) xstrncpy(checklist->conn->rfc931, checklist->rfc931, USER_IDENT_SZ); aclCheck(checklist); } #endif static void aclLookupDstIPDone(const ipcache_addrs * ia, void *data) { aclCheck_t *checklist = data; checklist->state[ACL_DST_IP] = ACL_LOOKUP_DONE; aclCheck(checklist); } static void aclLookupDstIPforASNDone(const ipcache_addrs * ia, void *data) { aclCheck_t *checklist = data; checklist->state[ACL_DST_ASN] = ACL_LOOKUP_DONE; aclCheck(checklist); } static void aclLookupSrcFQDNDone(const char *fqdn, void *data) { aclCheck_t *checklist = data; checklist->state[ACL_SRC_DOMAIN] = ACL_LOOKUP_DONE; aclCheck(checklist); } static void aclLookupDstFQDNDone(const char *fqdn, void *data) { aclCheck_t *checklist = data; checklist->state[ACL_DST_DOMAIN] = ACL_LOOKUP_DONE; aclCheck(checklist); } static void aclLookupProxyAuthDone(void *data, char *result) { aclCheck_t *checklist = data; checklist->state[ACL_PROXY_AUTH] = ACL_LOOKUP_DONE; if (result != NULL) fatal("AclLookupProxyAuthDone: Old code floating around somewhere.\nMake clean and if that doesn't work, report a bug to the squid developers.\n"); if (!authenticateValidateUser(checklist->auth_user_request) || checklist->conn == NULL) { /* credentials could not be checked either way * restart the whole process */ /* OR the connection was closed, there's no way to continue */ authenticateAuthUserRequestUnlock(checklist->auth_user_request); checklist->auth_user_request = NULL; if (checklist->conn) { if (checklist->conn->auth_user_request) { authenticateAuthUserRequestUnlock(checklist->conn->auth_user_request); checklist->conn->auth_user_request = NULL; } checklist->conn->auth_type = AUTH_BROKEN; } } aclCheck(checklist); } static void aclLookupExternalDone(void *data, void *result) { aclCheck_t *checklist = data; checklist->state[ACL_EXTERNAL] = ACL_LOOKUP_DONE; checklist->extacl_entry = result; cbdataLock(checklist->extacl_entry); aclCheck(checklist); } aclCheck_t * aclChecklistCreate(const acl_access * A, request_t * request, const char *ident) { int i; aclCheck_t *checklist; checklist = cbdataAlloc(aclCheck_t); checklist->access_list = A; /* * aclCheck() makes sure checklist->access_list is a valid * pointer, so lock it. */ cbdataLock(A); if (request != NULL) { checklist->request = requestLink(request); #if FOLLOW_X_FORWARDED_FOR if (Config.onoff.acl_uses_indirect_client) { checklist->src_addr = request->indirect_client_addr; } else #endif /* FOLLOW_X_FORWARDED_FOR */ checklist->src_addr = request->client_addr; checklist->my_addr = request->my_addr; checklist->my_port = request->my_port; } for (i = 0; i < ACL_ENUM_MAX; i++) checklist->state[i] = ACL_LOOKUP_NONE; #if USE_IDENT if (ident) xstrncpy(checklist->rfc931, ident, USER_IDENT_SZ); #endif checklist->auth_user_request = NULL; return checklist; } void aclNBCheck(aclCheck_t * checklist, PF * callback, void *callback_data) { checklist->callback = callback; checklist->callback_data = callback_data; cbdataLock(callback_data); aclCheck(checklist); } /*********************/ /* Destroy functions */ /*********************/ static void aclDestroyTimeList(acl_time_data * data) { acl_time_data *next = NULL; for (; data; data = next) { next = data->next; memFree(data, MEM_ACL_TIME_DATA); } } void aclDestroyRegexList(relist * data) { relist *next = NULL; for (; data; data = next) { next = data->next; regfree(&data->regex); safe_free(data->pattern); memFree(data, MEM_RELIST); } } static void aclFreeIpData(void *p) { memFree(p, MEM_ACL_IP_DATA); } static void aclFreeUserData(void *data) { acl_user_data *d = data; if (d->names) splay_destroy(d->names, xfree); memFree(d, MEM_ACL_USER_DATA); } static void aclDestroyType(acl_request_type * type) { memFree(type, MEM_ACL_REQUEST_TYPE); } void aclDestroyAcls(acl ** head) { acl *a = NULL; acl *next = NULL; for (a = *head; a; a = next) { next = a->next; debug(28, 3) ("aclDestroyAcls: '%s'\n", a->cfgline); switch (a->type) { case ACL_SRC_IP: case ACL_DST_IP: case ACL_MY_IP: splay_destroy(a->data, aclFreeIpData); break; #if USE_ARP_ACL case ACL_SRC_ARP: #endif case ACL_DST_DOMAIN: case ACL_SRC_DOMAIN: splay_destroy(a->data, xfree); break; #if SQUID_SNMP case ACL_SNMP_COMMUNITY: wordlistDestroy((wordlist **) (void *) &a->data); break; #endif #if USE_IDENT case ACL_IDENT: aclFreeUserData(a->data); break; #endif case ACL_PROXY_AUTH: case ACL_EXTUSER: aclFreeUserData(a->data); break; case ACL_TIME: aclDestroyTimeList(a->data); break; #if USE_IDENT case ACL_IDENT_REGEX: #endif case ACL_PROXY_AUTH_REGEX: case ACL_URL_REGEX: case ACL_URLLOGIN: case ACL_URLPATH_REGEX: case ACL_BROWSER: case ACL_REFERER_REGEX: case ACL_SRC_DOM_REGEX: case ACL_DST_DOM_REGEX: case ACL_REP_MIME_TYPE: case ACL_REQ_MIME_TYPE: case ACL_EXTUSER_REGEX: aclDestroyRegexList(a->data); break; case ACL_TYPE: aclDestroyType(a->data); break; case ACL_REP_HEADER: case ACL_REQ_HEADER: aclDestroyHeader(a->data); break; case ACL_PROTO: case ACL_METHOD: case ACL_SRC_ASN: case ACL_DST_ASN: #if SRC_RTT_NOT_YET_FINISHED case ACL_NETDB_SRC_RTT: #endif case ACL_MAXCONN: intlistDestroy((intlist **) (void *) &a->data); break; case ACL_MAX_USER_IP: aclDestroyUserMaxIP(&a->data); break; case ACL_URL_PORT: case ACL_MY_PORT: aclDestroyIntRange(a->data); break; case ACL_EXTERNAL: aclDestroyExternal(&a->data); break; case ACL_URLGROUP: wordlistDestroy((wordlist **) (void *) &a->data); break; #if USE_SSL case ACL_USER_CERT: case ACL_CA_CERT: aclDestroyCertList(&a->data); break; #endif case ACL_NONE: case ACL_ENUM_MAX: debug(28, 1) ("aclDestroyAcls: no case for ACL type %d\n", a->type); break; } safe_free(a->cfgline); memFree(a, MEM_ACL); } *head = NULL; } void aclDestroyAclList(acl_list ** head) { acl_list *l; for (l = *head; l; l = *head) { *head = l->next; memFree(l, MEM_ACL_LIST); } } void aclDestroyAccessList(acl_access ** list) { acl_access *l = NULL; acl_access *next = NULL; for (l = *list; l; l = next) { debug(28, 3) ("aclDestroyAccessList: '%s'\n", l->cfgline); next = l->next; aclDestroyAclList(&l->acl_list); safe_free(l->cfgline); cbdataFree(l); } *list = NULL; } /* maex@space.net (06.09.1996) * destroy an _acl_deny_info_list */ void aclDestroyDenyInfoList(acl_deny_info_list ** list) { acl_deny_info_list *a = NULL; acl_deny_info_list *a_next = NULL; acl_name_list *l = NULL; acl_name_list *l_next = NULL; for (a = *list; a; a = a_next) { for (l = a->acl_list; l; l = l_next) { l_next = l->next; safe_free(l); } a_next = a->next; xfree(a->err_page_name); memFree(a, MEM_ACL_DENY_INFO_LIST); } *list = NULL; } static void aclDestroyIntRange(intrange * list) { intrange *w = NULL; intrange *n = NULL; for (w = list; w; w = n) { n = w->next; safe_free(w); } } /* general compare functions, these are used for tree search algorithms * so they return <0, 0 or >0 */ /* compare two domains */ static int aclDomainCompare(const void *a, const void *b) { const char *d1; const char *d2; int ret; d1 = b; d2 = a; ret = aclHostDomainCompare(d1, d2); if (ret != 0) { d1 = a; d2 = b; ret = aclHostDomainCompare(d1, d2); } if (ret == 0) { debug(28, 0) ("WARNING: '%s' is a subdomain of '%s'\n", d1, d2); debug(28, 0) ("WARNING: because of this '%s' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable\n", (char *) a); debug(28, 0) ("WARNING: You should probably remove '%s' from the ACL named '%s'\n", d1, AclMatchedName); } return ret; } /* compare a host and a domain */ static int aclHostDomainCompare(const void *a, const void *b) { const char *h = a; const char *d = b; return matchDomainName(h, d); } /* * aclIpDataToStr - print/format an acl_ip_data structure for * debugging output. */ static void aclIpDataToStr(const acl_ip_data * ip, char *buf, int len) { char b1[20]; char b2[20]; char b3[20]; snprintf(b1, 20, "%s", inet_ntoa(ip->addr1)); if (ip->addr2.s_addr != any_addr.s_addr) snprintf(b2, 20, "-%s", inet_ntoa(ip->addr2)); else b2[0] = '\0'; if (ip->mask.s_addr != no_addr.s_addr) snprintf(b3, 20, "/%s", inet_ntoa(ip->mask)); else b3[0] = '\0'; snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s%s", b1, b2, b3); } /* * aclIpNetworkCompare2 - The guts of the comparison for IP ACLs. * The first argument (a) is a "host" address, i.e. the IP address * of a cache client. The second argument (b) is a "network" address * that might have a subnet and/or range. We mask the host address * bits with the network subnet mask. */ static int aclIpNetworkCompare2(const acl_ip_data * p, const acl_ip_data * q) { struct in_addr A = p->addr1; const struct in_addr B = q->addr1; const struct in_addr C = q->addr2; int rc = 0; A.s_addr &= q->mask.s_addr; /* apply netmask */ if (C.s_addr == 0) { /* single address check */ if (ntohl(A.s_addr) > ntohl(B.s_addr)) rc = 1; else if (ntohl(A.s_addr) < ntohl(B.s_addr)) rc = -1; else rc = 0; } else { /* range address check */ if (ntohl(A.s_addr) > ntohl(C.s_addr)) rc = 1; else if (ntohl(A.s_addr) < ntohl(B.s_addr)) rc = -1; else rc = 0; } return rc; } /* * aclIpNetworkCompare - Compare two acl_ip_data entries. Strictly * used by the splay insertion routine. It emits a warning if it * detects a "collision" or overlap that would confuse the splay * sorting algorithm. Much like aclDomainCompare. */ static int aclIpNetworkCompare(const void *a, const void *b) { const acl_ip_data *n1; const acl_ip_data *n2; int ret; n1 = b; n2 = a; ret = aclIpNetworkCompare2(n1, n2); if (ret != 0) { n1 = a; n2 = b; ret = aclIpNetworkCompare2(n1, n2); } if (ret == 0) { char buf_n1[60]; char buf_n2[60]; char buf_a[60]; aclIpDataToStr(n1, buf_n1, 60); aclIpDataToStr(n2, buf_n2, 60); aclIpDataToStr((acl_ip_data *) a, buf_a, 60); debug(28, 0) ("WARNING: '%s' is a subnetwork of " "'%s'\n", buf_n1, buf_n2); debug(28, 0) ("WARNING: because of this '%s' is ignored " "to keep splay tree searching predictable\n", buf_a); debug(28, 0) ("WARNING: You should probably remove '%s' " "from the ACL named '%s'\n", buf_n1, AclMatchedName); } return ret; } /* * aclIpAddrNetworkCompare - The comparison function used for ACL * matching checks. The first argument (a) is a "host" address, * i.e. the IP address of a cache client. The second argument (b) * is an entry in some address-based access control element. This * function is called via aclMatchIp() and the splay library. */ static int aclIpAddrNetworkCompare(const void *a, const void *b) { return aclIpNetworkCompare2(a, b); } static void aclDumpUserListWalkee(void *node_data, void *outlist) { /* outlist is really a wordlist ** */ wordlistAdd(outlist, node_data); } static wordlist * aclDumpUserList(acl_user_data * data) { wordlist *wl = NULL; if (data->flags.case_insensitive) wordlistAdd(&wl, "-i"); /* damn this is VERY inefficient for long ACL lists... filling * a wordlist this way costs Sum(1,N) iterations. For instance * a 1000-elements list will be filled in 499500 iterations. */ if (data->flags.required) wordlistAdd(&wl, "REQUIRED"); else if (data->names) splay_walk(data->names, aclDumpUserListWalkee, &wl); return wl; } static void aclDumpIpListWalkee(void *node, void *state) { acl_ip_data *ip = node; MemBuf mb; wordlist **W = state; memBufDefInit(&mb); memBufPrintf(&mb, "%s", inet_ntoa(ip->addr1)); if (ip->addr2.s_addr != any_addr.s_addr) memBufPrintf(&mb, "-%s", inet_ntoa(ip->addr2)); if (ip->mask.s_addr != no_addr.s_addr) memBufPrintf(&mb, "/%s", inet_ntoa(ip->mask)); wordlistAdd(W, mb.buf); memBufClean(&mb); } static wordlist * aclDumpIpList(void *data) { wordlist *w = NULL; splay_walk(data, aclDumpIpListWalkee, &w); return w; } static void aclDumpDomainListWalkee(void *node, void *state) { char *domain = node; wordlistAdd(state, domain); } static wordlist * aclDumpDomainList(void *data) { wordlist *w = NULL; splay_walk(data, aclDumpDomainListWalkee, &w); return w; } static wordlist * aclDumpTimeSpecList(acl_time_data * t) { wordlist *W = NULL; char buf[128]; while (t != NULL) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c %02d:%02d-%02d:%02d", t->weekbits & ACL_SUNDAY ? 'S' : '-', t->weekbits & ACL_MONDAY ? 'M' : '-', t->weekbits & ACL_TUESDAY ? 'T' : '-', t->weekbits & ACL_WEDNESDAY ? 'W' : '-', t->weekbits & ACL_THURSDAY ? 'H' : '-', t->weekbits & ACL_FRIDAY ? 'F' : '-', t->weekbits & ACL_SATURDAY ? 'A' : '-', t->start / 60, t->start % 60, t->stop / 60, t->stop % 60); wordlistAdd(&W, buf); t = t->next; } return W; } static wordlist * aclDumpRegexList(relist * data) { wordlist *W = NULL; while (data != NULL) { wordlistAdd(&W, data->pattern); data = data->next; } return W; } static wordlist * aclDumpIntlistList(intlist * data) { wordlist *W = NULL; char buf[32]; while (data != NULL) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", data->i); wordlistAdd(&W, buf); data = data->next; } return W; } static wordlist * aclDumpIntRangeList(intrange * data) { wordlist *W = NULL; char buf[32]; while (data != NULL) { if (data->i == data->j) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", data->i); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d-%d", data->i, data->j); wordlistAdd(&W, buf); data = data->next; } return W; } static wordlist * aclDumpProtoList(intlist * data) { wordlist *W = NULL; while (data != NULL) { wordlistAdd(&W, ProtocolStr[data->i]); data = data->next; } return W; } static wordlist * aclDumpMethodList(intlist * data) { wordlist *W = NULL; while (data != NULL) { wordlistAdd(&W, RequestMethodStr[data->i]); data = data->next; } return W; } static wordlist * aclDumpType(acl_request_type * type) { wordlist *W = NULL; if (type->accelerated) wordlistAdd(&W, "accelerated"); if (type->internal) wordlistAdd(&W, "internal"); if (type->transparent) wordlistAdd(&W, "transparent"); return W; } wordlist * aclDumpGeneric(const acl * a) { debug(28, 3) ("aclDumpGeneric: %s type %d\n", a->name, a->type); switch (a->type) { case ACL_SRC_IP: case ACL_DST_IP: case ACL_MY_IP: return aclDumpIpList(a->data); case ACL_SRC_DOMAIN: case ACL_DST_DOMAIN: return aclDumpDomainList(a->data); #if SQUID_SNMP case ACL_SNMP_COMMUNITY: return wordlistDup(a->data); #endif #if USE_IDENT case ACL_IDENT: return aclDumpUserList(a->data); case ACL_IDENT_REGEX: return aclDumpRegexList(a->data); #endif case ACL_PROXY_AUTH: return aclDumpUserList(a->data); case ACL_TIME: return aclDumpTimeSpecList(a->data); case ACL_PROXY_AUTH_REGEX: case ACL_URL_REGEX: case ACL_URLLOGIN: case ACL_URLPATH_REGEX: case ACL_BROWSER: case ACL_REFERER_REGEX: case ACL_SRC_DOM_REGEX: case ACL_DST_DOM_REGEX: case ACL_REQ_MIME_TYPE: case ACL_REP_MIME_TYPE: return aclDumpRegexList(a->data); case ACL_REQ_HEADER: case ACL_REP_HEADER: return aclDumpHeader(a->data); case ACL_SRC_ASN: case ACL_MAXCONN: case ACL_DST_ASN: return aclDumpIntlistList(a->data); case ACL_MAX_USER_IP: return aclDumpUserMaxIP(a->data); case ACL_URL_PORT: case ACL_MY_PORT: return aclDumpIntRangeList(a->data); case ACL_TYPE: return aclDumpType(a->data); case ACL_PROTO: return aclDumpProtoList(a->data); case ACL_METHOD: return aclDumpMethodList(a->data); #if USE_ARP_ACL case ACL_SRC_ARP: return aclDumpArpList(a->data); #endif case ACL_EXTERNAL: return aclDumpExternal(a->data); case ACL_URLGROUP: return wordlistDup(a->data); #if USE_SSL case ACL_USER_CERT: case ACL_CA_CERT: return aclDumpCertList(a->data); #endif case ACL_EXTUSER: return aclDumpUserList(a->data); case ACL_EXTUSER_REGEX: return aclDumpRegexList(a->data); case ACL_NONE: case ACL_ENUM_MAX: break; } debug(28, 1) ("aclDumpGeneric: no case for ACL type %d\n", a->type); return NULL; } /* * This function traverses all ACL elements referenced * by an access list (presumably 'http_access'). If * it finds a PURGE method ACL, then it returns TRUE, * otherwise FALSE. */ int aclPurgeMethodInUse(acl_access * a) { acl_list *b; for (; a; a = a->next) { for (b = a->acl_list; b; b = b->next) { if (ACL_METHOD != b->acl->type) continue; if (aclMatchInteger(b->acl->data, METHOD_PURGE)) return 1; } } return 0; } #if USE_ARP_ACL /* ==== BEGIN ARP ACL SUPPORT ============================================= */ /* * From: dale@server.ctam.bitmcnit.bryansk.su (Dale) * To: wessels@nlanr.net * Subject: Another Squid patch... :) * Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 19:55:01 +0300 * ============================================================================ * * Working on setting up a proper firewall for a network containing some * Win'95 computers at our Univ, I've discovered that some smart students * avoid the restrictions easily just changing their IP addresses in Win'95 * Contol Panel... It has been getting boring, so I took Squid-1.1.18 * sources and added a new acl type for hard-wired access control: * * acl arp ... * * For example, * * acl students arp 00:00:21:55:ed:22 00:00:21:ff:55:38 * * NOTE: Linux code by David Luyer . * Original (BSD-specific) code no longer works. * Solaris code by R. Gancarz */ #ifdef _SQUID_WIN32_ #ifdef _SQUID_CYGWIN_ #include #endif struct arpreq { struct sockaddr arp_pa; /* protocol address */ struct sockaddr arp_ha; /* hardware address */ int arp_flags; /* flags */ }; #include #else #ifdef _SQUID_SOLARIS_ #include #else /* SG - 25 Jul 2006 * Workaround needed to allow the build of ARP acl on OpenBSD. * * Some defines, like * #define free + * are used in squid.h to block misuse of standard malloc routines * where the Squid versions should be used. This pollutes the C/C++ * token namespace crashing any structures or classes having members * of the same names. */ #if defined(_SQUID_NETBSD_) || defined(_SQUID_OPENBSD_) #undef free #endif #include #endif #ifdef _SQUID_LINUX_ #include #include #else #include #include #endif #include #if defined(_SQUID_FREEBSD_) || defined(_SQUID_NETBSD_) || defined(_SQUID_OPENBSD_) #include #endif #if HAVE_NETINET_IF_ETHER_H #include #endif #endif /* * Decode an ascii representation (asc) of an ethernet adress, and place * it in eth[6]. */ static int decode_eth(const char *asc, char *eth) { int a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, a4 = 0, a5 = 0, a6 = 0; if (sscanf(asc, "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", &a1, &a2, &a3, &a4, &a5, &a6) != 6) { debug(28, 0) ("decode_eth: Invalid ethernet address '%s'\n", asc); return 0; /* This is not valid address */ } eth[0] = (u_char) a1; eth[1] = (u_char) a2; eth[2] = (u_char) a3; eth[3] = (u_char) a4; eth[4] = (u_char) a5; eth[5] = (u_char) a6; return 1; } static acl_arp_data * aclParseArpData(const char *t) { LOCAL_ARRAY(char, eth, 256); acl_arp_data *q = xcalloc(1, sizeof(acl_arp_data)); debug(28, 5) ("aclParseArpData: %s\n", t); if (sscanf(t, "%[0-9a-fA-F:]", eth) != 1) { debug(28, 0) ("aclParseArpData: Bad ethernet address: '%s'\n", t); safe_free(q); return NULL; } if (!decode_eth(eth, q->eth)) { debug(28, 0) ("%s line %d: %s\n", cfg_filename, config_lineno, config_input_line); debug(28, 0) ("aclParseArpData: Ignoring invalid ARP acl entry: can't parse '%s'\n", eth); safe_free(q); return NULL; } return q; } /*******************/ /* aclParseArpList */ /*******************/ static void aclParseArpList(void *curlist) { char *t = NULL; splayNode **Top = curlist; acl_arp_data *q = NULL; while ((t = strtokFile())) { if ((q = aclParseArpData(t)) == NULL) continue; *Top = splay_insert(q, *Top, aclArpCompare); if (splayLastResult == 0) safe_free(q); } } /***************/ /* aclMatchArp */ /***************/ static int aclMatchArp(void *dataptr, struct in_addr c) { #if defined(_SQUID_LINUX_) struct arpreq arpReq; struct sockaddr_in ipAddr; char ifbuffer[sizeof(struct ifreq) * 64]; struct ifconf ifc; struct ifreq *ifr; int offset; splayNode **Top = dataptr; /* * The linux kernel 2.2 maintains per interface ARP caches and * thus requires an interface name when doing ARP queries. * * The older 2.0 kernels appear to use a unified ARP cache, * and require an empty interface name * * To support both, we attempt the lookup with a blank interface * name first. If that does not succeed, the try each interface * in turn */ /* * Set up structures for ARP lookup with blank interface name */ ipAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; ipAddr.sin_port = 0; ipAddr.sin_addr = c; memset(&arpReq, '\0', sizeof(arpReq)); xmemcpy(&arpReq.arp_pa, &ipAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); /* Query ARP table */ if (ioctl(HttpSockets[0], SIOCGARP, &arpReq) != -1) { /* Skip non-ethernet interfaces */ if (arpReq.arp_ha.sa_family != ARPHRD_ETHER) { return 0; } debug(28, 4) ("Got address %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[0] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[1] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[2] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[3] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[4] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[5] & 0xff); /* Do lookup */ *Top = splay_splay(&arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data, *Top, aclArpCompare); debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchArp: '%s' %s\n", inet_ntoa(c), splayLastResult ? "NOT found" : "found"); return (0 == splayLastResult); } /* lookup list of interface names */ ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(ifbuffer); ifc.ifc_buf = ifbuffer; if (ioctl(HttpSockets[0], SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) { debug(28, 1) ("Attempt to retrieve interface list failed: %s\n", xstrerror()); return 0; } if (ifc.ifc_len > sizeof(ifbuffer)) { debug(28, 1) ("Interface list too long - %d\n", ifc.ifc_len); return 0; } /* Attempt ARP lookup on each interface */ offset = 0; while (offset < ifc.ifc_len) { ifr = (struct ifreq *) (ifbuffer + offset); offset += sizeof(*ifr); /* Skip loopback and aliased interfaces */ if (0 == strncmp(ifr->ifr_name, "lo", 2)) continue; if (NULL != strchr(ifr->ifr_name, ':')) continue; debug(28, 4) ("Looking up ARP address for %s on %s\n", inet_ntoa(c), ifr->ifr_name); /* Set up structures for ARP lookup */ ipAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; ipAddr.sin_port = 0; ipAddr.sin_addr = c; memset(&arpReq, '\0', sizeof(arpReq)); xmemcpy(&arpReq.arp_pa, &ipAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); strncpy(arpReq.arp_dev, ifr->ifr_name, sizeof(arpReq.arp_dev) - 1); arpReq.arp_dev[sizeof(arpReq.arp_dev) - 1] = '\0'; /* Query ARP table */ if (-1 == ioctl(HttpSockets[0], SIOCGARP, &arpReq)) { /* * Query failed. Do not log failed lookups or "device * not supported" */ if (ENXIO == errno) (void) 0; else if (ENODEV == errno) (void) 0; else debug(28, 1) ("ARP query failed: %s: %s\n", ifr->ifr_name, xstrerror()); continue; } /* Skip non-ethernet interfaces */ if (arpReq.arp_ha.sa_family != ARPHRD_ETHER) continue; debug(28, 4) ("Got address %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x on %s\n", arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[0] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[1] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[2] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[3] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[4] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[5] & 0xff, ifr->ifr_name); /* Do lookup */ *Top = splay_splay(&arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data, *Top, aclArpCompare); /* Return if match, otherwise continue to other interfaces */ if (0 == splayLastResult) { debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchArp: %s found on %s\n", inet_ntoa(c), ifr->ifr_name); return 1; } /* * Should we stop looking here? Can the same IP address * exist on multiple interfaces? */ } #elif defined(_SQUID_SOLARIS_) struct arpreq arpReq; struct sockaddr_in ipAddr; splayNode **Top = dataptr; /* * Set up structures for ARP lookup with blank interface name */ ipAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; ipAddr.sin_port = 0; ipAddr.sin_addr = c; memset(&arpReq, '\0', sizeof(arpReq)); xmemcpy(&arpReq.arp_pa, &ipAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); /* Query ARP table */ if (ioctl(HttpSockets[0], SIOCGARP, &arpReq) != -1) { /* * Solaris (at least 2.6/x86) does not use arp_ha.sa_family - * it returns 00:00:00:00:00:00 for non-ethernet media */ if (arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[0] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[1] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[2] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[3] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[4] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[5] == 0) return 0; debug(28, 4) ("Got address %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[0] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[1] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[2] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[3] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[4] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[5] & 0xff); /* Do lookup */ *Top = splay_splay(&arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data, *Top, aclArpCompare); debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchArp: '%s' %s\n", inet_ntoa(c), splayLastResult ? "NOT found" : "found"); return (0 == splayLastResult); } #elif defined(_SQUID_FREEBSD_) || defined(_SQUID_NETBSD_) || defined(_SQUID_OPENBSD_) struct arpreq arpReq; struct sockaddr_in ipAddr; splayNode **Top = dataptr; int mib[6]; size_t needed; char *lim, *buf, *next; struct rt_msghdr *rtm; struct sockaddr_inarp *sin; struct sockaddr_dl *sdl; /* * Set up structures for ARP lookup with blank interface name */ ipAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; ipAddr.sin_port = 0; ipAddr.sin_addr = c; memset(&arpReq, '\0', sizeof(arpReq)); xmemcpy(&arpReq.arp_pa, &ipAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); /* Query ARP table */ mib[0] = CTL_NET; mib[1] = PF_ROUTE; mib[2] = 0; mib[3] = AF_INET; mib[4] = NET_RT_FLAGS; mib[5] = RTF_LLINFO; if (sysctl(mib, 6, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0) { debug(28, 0) ("Can't estimate ARP table size!\n"); return 0; } if ((buf = xmalloc(needed)) == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("Can't allocate temporary ARP table!\n"); return 0; } if (sysctl(mib, 6, buf, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0) { debug(28, 0) ("Can't retrieve ARP table!\n"); xfree(buf); return 0; } lim = buf + needed; for (next = buf; next < lim; next += rtm->rtm_msglen) { rtm = (struct rt_msghdr *) next; sin = (struct sockaddr_inarp *) (rtm + 1); #define ROUNDUP(a) \ ((a) > 0 ? (1 + (((a) - 1) | (sizeof(long) - 1))) : sizeof(long)) sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *) ((char *) sin + ROUNDUP(sin->sin_len)); if (c.s_addr == sin->sin_addr.s_addr) { if (sdl->sdl_alen) { arpReq.arp_ha.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr); arpReq.arp_ha.sa_family = AF_UNSPEC; memcpy(arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data, LLADDR(sdl), sdl->sdl_alen); } } } xfree(buf); if (arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[0] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[1] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[2] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[3] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[4] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[5] == 0) return 0; debug(28, 4) ("Got address %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[0] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[1] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[2] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[3] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[4] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[5] & 0xff); /* Do lookup */ *Top = splay_splay(&arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data, *Top, aclArpCompare); debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchArp: '%s' %s\n", inet_ntoa(c), splayLastResult ? "NOT found" : "found"); return (0 == splayLastResult); #elif defined(_SQUID_WIN32_) DWORD dwNetTable = 0; DWORD ipNetTableLen = 0; PMIB_IPNETTABLE NetTable = NULL; DWORD i; splayNode **Top = dataptr; struct arpreq arpReq; memset(&arpReq, '\0', sizeof(arpReq)); /* Get size of Windows ARP table */ if (GetIpNetTable(NetTable, &ipNetTableLen, FALSE) != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { debug(28, 0) ("Can't estimate ARP table size!\n"); return 0; } /* Allocate space for ARP table and assign pointers */ if ((NetTable = (PMIB_IPNETTABLE) xmalloc(ipNetTableLen)) == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("Can't allocate temporary ARP table!\n"); return 0; } /* Get actual ARP table */ if ((dwNetTable = GetIpNetTable(NetTable, &ipNetTableLen, FALSE)) != NO_ERROR) { debug(28, 0) ("Can't retrieve ARP table!\n"); xfree(NetTable); return 0; } /* Find MAC address from net table */ for (i = 0; i < NetTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { if ((c.s_addr == NetTable->table[i].dwAddr) && (NetTable->table[i].dwType > 2)) { arpReq.arp_ha.sa_family = AF_UNSPEC; memcpy(arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data, NetTable->table[i].bPhysAddr, NetTable->table[i].dwPhysAddrLen); } } xfree(NetTable); if (arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[0] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[1] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[2] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[3] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[4] == 0 && arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[5] == 0) return 0; debug(28, 4) ("Got address %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[0] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[1] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[2] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[3] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[4] & 0xff, arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data[5] & 0xff); /* Do lookup */ *Top = splay_splay(&arpReq.arp_ha.sa_data, *Top, aclArpCompare); debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchArp: '%s' %s\n", inet_ntoa(c), splayLastResult ? "NOT found" : "found"); return (0 == splayLastResult); #else WRITE ME; #endif /* * Address was not found on any interface */ debug(28, 3) ("aclMatchArp: %s NOT found\n", inet_ntoa(c)); return 0; } static int aclArpCompare(const void *a, const void *b) { #if defined(_SQUID_LINUX_) const unsigned short *d1 = a; const unsigned short *d2 = b; if (d1[0] != d2[0]) return (d1[0] > d2[0]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[1] != d2[1]) return (d1[1] > d2[1]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[2] != d2[2]) return (d1[2] > d2[2]) ? 1 : -1; #elif defined(_SQUID_SOLARIS_) const unsigned char *d1 = a; const unsigned char *d2 = b; if (d1[0] != d2[0]) return (d1[0] > d2[0]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[1] != d2[1]) return (d1[1] > d2[1]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[2] != d2[2]) return (d1[2] > d2[2]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[3] != d2[3]) return (d1[3] > d2[3]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[4] != d2[4]) return (d1[4] > d2[4]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[5] != d2[5]) return (d1[5] > d2[5]) ? 1 : -1; #elif defined(_SQUID_FREEBSD_) || defined(_SQUID_OPENBSD_) || defined(_SQUID_NETBSD_) const unsigned char *d1 = a; const unsigned char *d2 = b; if (d1[0] != d2[0]) return (d1[0] > d2[0]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[1] != d2[1]) return (d1[1] > d2[1]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[2] != d2[2]) return (d1[2] > d2[2]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[3] != d2[3]) return (d1[3] > d2[3]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[4] != d2[4]) return (d1[4] > d2[4]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[5] != d2[5]) return (d1[5] > d2[5]) ? 1 : -1; #elif defined(_SQUID_WIN32_) const unsigned char *d1 = a; const unsigned char *d2 = b; if (d1[0] != d2[0]) return (d1[0] > d2[0]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[1] != d2[1]) return (d1[1] > d2[1]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[2] != d2[2]) return (d1[2] > d2[2]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[3] != d2[3]) return (d1[3] > d2[3]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[4] != d2[4]) return (d1[4] > d2[4]) ? 1 : -1; if (d1[5] != d2[5]) return (d1[5] > d2[5]) ? 1 : -1; #else WRITE ME; #endif return 0; } #if UNUSED_CODE /********************************************************************** * This is from the pre-splay-tree code for BSD * I suspect the Linux approach will work on most O/S and be much * better - *********************************************************************** static int checkARP(u_long ip, char *eth) { int mib[6] = {CTL_NET, PF_ROUTE, 0, AF_INET, NET_RT_FLAGS, RTF_LLINFO}; size_t needed; char *buf, *next, *lim; struct rt_msghdr *rtm; struct sockaddr_inarp *sin; struct sockaddr_dl *sdl; if (sysctl(mib, 6, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0) { debug(28, 0) ("Can't estimate ARP table size!\n"); return 0; } if ((buf = xmalloc(needed)) == NULL) { debug(28, 0) ("Can't allocate temporary ARP table!\n"); return 0; } if (sysctl(mib, 6, buf, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0) { debug(28, 0) ("Can't retrieve ARP table!\n"); xfree(buf); return 0; } lim = buf + needed; for (next = buf; next < lim; next += rtm->rtm_msglen) { rtm = (struct rt_msghdr *) next; sin = (struct sockaddr_inarp *) (rtm + 1); sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *) (sin + 1); if (sin->sin_addr.s_addr == ip) { if (sdl->sdl_alen) if (!memcmp(LLADDR(sdl), eth, 6)) { xfree(buf); return 1; } break; } } xfree(buf); return 0; } **********************************************************************/ #endif static void aclDumpArpListWalkee(void *node, void *state) { acl_arp_data *arp = node; wordlist **W = state; static char buf[24]; while (*W != NULL) W = &(*W)->next; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", arp->eth[0] & 0xff, arp->eth[1] & 0xff, arp->eth[2] & 0xff, arp->eth[3] & 0xff, arp->eth[4] & 0xff, arp->eth[5] & 0xff); wordlistAdd(state, buf); } static wordlist * aclDumpArpList(void *data) { wordlist *w = NULL; splay_walk(data, aclDumpArpListWalkee, &w); return w; } /* ==== END ARP ACL SUPPORT =============================================== */ #endif /* USE_ARP_ACL */