diff --git src/gui/CMakeLists.txt src/gui/CMakeLists.txt index 794f44f..055775b 100644 --- src/gui/CMakeLists.txt +++ src/gui/CMakeLists.txt @@ -499,39 +499,6 @@ install(TARGETS nextcloud BUNDLE DESTINATION "." ) - -# FIXME: The following lines are dup in src/gui and src/cmd because it needs to be done after both are installed -#FIXME: find a nice solution to make the second if(BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE) unnecessary -# currently it needs to be done because the code right above needs to be executed no matter -# if building a bundle or not and the install_qt4_executable needs to be called afterwards -# -# OSX: Run macdeployqt for src/gui and for src/cmd using the -executable option -if(BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE AND NOT BUILD_LIBRARIES_ONLY) - get_target_property (QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE Qt5::qmake IMPORTED_LOCATION) - get_filename_component(QT_BIN_DIR "${QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE}" DIRECTORY) - find_program(MACDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE macdeployqt HINTS "${QT_BIN_DIR}") - - set(cmd_NAME ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE}cmd) - - if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Debug) - set(NO_STRIP "-no-strip") - else() - set(NO_STRIP "") - endif() - - add_custom_command(TARGET nextcloud POST_BUILD - COMMAND "${MACDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE}" - "$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:nextcloud>/../.." - -qmldir=${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/gui - -always-overwrite - -executable="$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:nextcloud>/${cmd_NAME}" - ${NO_STRIP} - COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" - -E rm -rf "${BIN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE}/Contents/PlugIns/bearer" - COMMENT "Running macdeployqt..." - ) -endif() - if(NOT BUILD_OWNCLOUD_OSX_BUNDLE AND NOT WIN32) configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/mirall.desktop.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${LINUX_APPLICATION_ID}.desktop)