PortSystem 1.0 name lws version 0.6.1 revision 2 categories www license Permissive maintainers nomaintainer description The Lil' Web Server long_description \ LWS is a lightweight web server which uses pthreads(3) for \ multi-tasking and the PDEL library for HTTP, HTTPS, and \ configurable servlet support. The server can be configured \ via a buit-in admin web interface, or by manually editing \ the XML configuration file. LWS supports multiple HTTP and \ HTTPS servers, each containing multiple virtual hosts. \ Each virtual host has a configurable list of servlets. The \ supported servlets types are file, redirect, and cookieauth. \ The file servlet includes optional support for tmpl(3) HTML \ templates. LWS maintains a self-rotating logfile(3) error \ log, with optional support for logging via syslog as well. \ LWS is intended to demonstrate features of the PDEL library, \ and to be a lightweight web server for simple applications. homepage https://web.archive.org/web/20080723151931/http://www.dellroad.org/lws platforms darwin master_sites sourceforge:project/libpdel/libpdel-combined/${version} dist_subdir libpdel distname libpdel-${version} use_bzip2 yes checksums md5 13af4b8eb09602838e99c41a05712f56 \ sha1 dad96204f2d4f737326d8622f069bb74186c84f9 \ rmd160 5e99afa267fd20e6bfff2437b01065d85063f4a7 depends_lib port:libpdel port:expat path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl worksrcdir ${distname}/${name} patchfiles patch-GNUmakefile use_configure no build.args prefix=${prefix} \ mandir=${prefix}/share/man \ cc=${configure.cc} \ MP_CFLAGS="${configure.cflags} [get_canonical_archflags cc]" \ LDFLAGS="[get_canonical_archflags ld]" destroot.args {*}${build.args}