PortSystem		1.0

name			sword-devotional-daily
version			1.0
revision		2
categories		textproc
license			public-domain
platforms		any
supported_archs	noarch
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		Jonathan Bagster's Daily Light on the Daily Path
long_description	Daily Light on the Daily Path: A Devotional Textbook \
					for Every Day of the Year, In the Very Words of \
					Scripture.  Prepared by Jonathan Bagster (1813-1872) \
					and Other Members of His Family.
distname		Daily
homepage		http://www.crosswire.org/sword/modules/ModInfo.jsp?modName=${distname}
master_sites	http://www.crosswire.org/ftpmirror/pub/sword/packages/rawzip/
dist_subdir		sword/${distname}-${version}_2
use_zip			yes
checksums		rmd160 225c4e60c3ada9b81f85235898a089da4602a591 \
				sha256 1f2e878d046a5effe05b67e0192c43824bc2b4ccea92150eb69bf153785d5e89
depends_lib		lib:libsword:sword
use_configure	no
build			{}
destroot {
	xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/sword
	system "cp -R ${workpath}/mods.d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/sword"
	system "cp -R ${workpath}/modules ${destroot}${prefix}/share/sword"